void GUIResizeToolBar( gui_window *wnd ) { WPI_RECT rect; GUI_RECTDIM left, top, right, bottom; GUI_RECTDIM height; GUI_RECTDIM t, h; toolbarinfo *tbar; tbar = wnd->tbinfo; if( tbar != NULL ) { rect = wnd->root_client_rect; if( wnd->root == NULLHANDLE ) { rect = wnd->hwnd_client_rect; } _wpi_rationalize_rect( &rect ); if( tbar->info.is_fixed ) { height = _wpi_getheightrect( tbar->fixedrect ); h = _wpi_getheightrect( rect ); _wpi_getrectvalues( rect, &left, &top, &right, &bottom ); t = _wpi_cvth_y_plus1( top, h ); bottom = _wpi_cvth_y_plus1( height, h ); _wpi_setwrectvalues( &tbar->fixedrect, left, t, right, bottom ); t = _wpi_cvth_y_size_plus1( top, h, height ); _wpi_movewindow( ToolBarWindow( tbar->hdl ), left, t, right - left, height, TRUE ); } } }
/* * IECopyImage - copy the current clipping rectangle to the clipboard * * 1) Copy the bitmap to the clipboard (so other apps can use it). * 2) Make a copy of the XOR bitmap and the AND bitmaps so that if * screen colors are involved, they will be preserved. * Later, we check the owner of the clipboard to see if we really * want to use the XOR/AND bitmaps or not. */ void IECopyImage( void ) { short width; short height; img_node *node; node = GetCurrentNode(); if( node == NULL ) { return; } if( !fEnableCutCopy ) { _wpi_setwrectvalues( &clipRect.rect, 0, 0, node->width, node->height ); width = node->width; height = node->height; } else { width = _wpi_getwidthrect( clipRect.rect ); height = _wpi_getheightrect( clipRect.rect ); } copyImageToClipboard( width, height, node ); if( !fEnableCutCopy ) { PrintHintTextByID( WIE_ENTIREIMAGECOPIED, NULL ); } else { PrintHintTextByID( WIE_AREACOPIED, NULL ); RedrawPrevClip( node->hwnd ); fEnableCutCopy = FALSE; } } /* IECopyImage */
/* * CutImage - cuts the current clipping rectangle to the clipboard */ void CutImage( void ) { WPI_PRES pres; WPI_PRES mempres; HDC memdc; HBITMAP oldbitmap; short width; short height; img_node *node; WPI_RECTDIM left; WPI_RECTDIM right; WPI_RECTDIM top; WPI_RECTDIM bottom; node = GetCurrentNode(); if( node == NULL ) { return; } if( !fEnableCutCopy ) { _wpi_setwrectvalues( &clipRect.rect, 0, 0, node->width, node->height ); width = node->width; height = node->height; } else { width = (short)_wpi_getwidthrect( clipRect.rect ); height = (short)_wpi_getheightrect( clipRect.rect ); } copyImageToClipboard( width, height, node ); pres = _wpi_getpres( node->viewhwnd ); mempres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &memdc ); _wpi_releasepres( node->viewhwnd, pres ); oldbitmap = _wpi_selectbitmap( mempres, node->hxorbitmap ); _wpi_getrectvalues( clipRect.rect, &left, &top, &right, &bottom ); _wpi_patblt( mempres, left, top, width, height, WHITENESS ); _wpi_getoldbitmap( mempres, oldbitmap ); oldbitmap = _wpi_selectbitmap( mempres, node->handbitmap ); _wpi_patblt( mempres, left, top, width, height, BLACKNESS ); _wpi_getoldbitmap( mempres, oldbitmap ); _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( mempres, memdc ); InvalidateRect( node->viewhwnd, NULL, FALSE ); RecordImage( node->hwnd ); if( !fEnableCutCopy ) { PrintHintTextByID( WIE_ENTIREIMAGECUT, NULL ); } else { PrintHintTextByID( WIE_AREACUT, NULL ); fEnableCutCopy = FALSE; } BlowupImage( node->hwnd, NULL ); } /* CutImage */
/* * ClearImage - clear the XOR and the AND bitmaps */ void ClearImage( void ) { WPI_PRES pres; WPI_PRES xorpres; WPI_PRES andpres; HDC xormemdc; HDC andmemdc; HBITMAP oldxor; HBITMAP oldand; img_node *node; WPI_RECT clear_area; IMGED_DIM left; IMGED_DIM top; IMGED_DIM right; IMGED_DIM bottom; int width; int height; node = GetCurrentNode(); if( node == NULL ) { return; } if( DoesRectExist( &clear_area ) ) { SetRectExists( FALSE ); } else { _wpi_setwrectvalues( &clear_area, 0, 0, node->width, node->height ); } pres = _wpi_getpres( HWND_DESKTOP ); xorpres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &xormemdc ); andpres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &andmemdc ); _wpi_releasepres( HWND_DESKTOP, pres ); oldxor = _wpi_selectobject( xorpres, node->hxorbitmap ); oldand = _wpi_selectobject( andpres, node->handbitmap ); _wpi_getwrectvalues( clear_area, &left, &top, &right, &bottom ); width = _wpi_getwidthrect( clear_area ); height = _wpi_getheightrect( clear_area ); _wpi_patblt( xorpres, left, top, width, height, WHITENESS ); _wpi_patblt( andpres, left, top, width, height, BLACKNESS ); _wpi_selectobject( xorpres, oldxor ); _wpi_selectobject( andpres, oldand ); _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( xorpres, xormemdc ); _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( andpres, andmemdc ); InvalidateRect( node->viewhwnd, NULL, TRUE ); RecordImage( node->hwnd ); BlowupImage( node->hwnd, NULL ); PrintHintTextByID( WIE_AREACLEARED, NULL ); } /* ClearImage */
static void SetStatusRect( HWND parent, WPI_RECT *status, int x, int height ) { WPI_RECT client; GUI_RECTDIM left, right, top, bottom; int y, h; _wpi_getclientrect( parent, &client ); _wpi_getrectvalues( client, &left, &top, &right, &bottom ); y = _wpi_cvth_y_plus1( bottom - height, bottom - top ); h = _wpi_cvth_y_plus1( bottom - top, bottom - top ); _wpi_setwrectvalues( status, x, y, right - left, h ); }
bool GUIXCreateToolBarWithTips( gui_window *wnd, bool fixed, gui_ord height, int num_toolbar_items, gui_toolbar_struct *toolinfo, bool excl, gui_colour_set *plain, gui_colour_set *standout, gui_rect *float_pos, bool use_tips ) { gui_coord size; gui_coord pos; HWND parent; HWND toolhwnd; toolbarinfo *tbar; int i; TOOLITEMINFO info; int fixed_height; int fixed_width; int adjust_amount; int width; int new_right; int bm_h; int bm_w; GUI_RECTDIM left, top, right, bottom; int h; excl = excl; plain = plain; standout = standout; fixed_height = 0; fixed_width = 0; if( ( wnd == NULL ) || ( num_toolbar_items < 1 ) || ( toolinfo == NULL ) || ( wnd->hwnd == NULLHANDLE ) || ( wnd->root == NULLHANDLE ) ) { return( false ); } if( wnd->tbinfo != NULL ) { GUICloseToolBar( wnd ); } tbar = wnd->tbinfo = (toolbarinfo *)GUIMemAlloc( sizeof( toolbarinfo ) ); if( tbar == NULL ) { return( false ); } memset( tbar, 0, sizeof( toolbarinfo ) ); parent = wnd->root; tbar->fixedrect = wnd->hwnd_client_rect; tbar->bitmaps = (HBITMAP *)GUIMemAlloc( num_toolbar_items * sizeof( HBITMAP ) ); if( tbar->bitmaps == NULL ) { GUIMemFree( tbar ); wnd->tbinfo = NULL; return( false ); } for( i = 0; i < num_toolbar_items; i++ ) { tbar->bitmaps[i] = _wpi_loadbitmap( GUIResHInst, _wpi_makeintresource( toolinfo[i].bitmap ) ); if( height == 0 ) { _wpi_getbitmapdim( tbar->bitmaps[i], &bm_w, &bm_h ); if( bm_h > fixed_height ) { fixed_height = bm_h; } if( bm_w > fixed_width ) { fixed_width = bm_w; } } } tbar->info.border_size.x = BORDER_AMOUNT; tbar->info.border_size.y = BORDER_AMOUNT; /* space for border and space before border */ adjust_amount = 2*(_wpi_getsystemmetrics( SM_CYBORDER )+BORDER_AMOUNT); if( height == 0 ) { /* maintian # of pixels in bitmap */ height = fixed_height + adjust_amount + OUTLINE_AMOUNT; width = fixed_width + OUTLINE_AMOUNT; } else { /* only height of windows given, make bitmaps square */ size.x = 0; size.y = height - 2; GUIScaleToScreenR( &size ); height = size.y; width = size.y; } _wpi_getrectvalues( tbar->fixedrect, &left, &top, &right, &bottom ); h = _wpi_getheightrect( tbar->fixedrect ); bottom = _wpi_cvth_y_plus1( height, h ); top = _wpi_cvth_y_plus1( top, h ); _wpi_setwrectvalues( &tbar->fixedrect, left, top, right, bottom ); height -= adjust_amount; /* leaving just button size */ tbar->info.button_size.x = width; tbar->info.button_size.y = height; bottom = height + BORDER_AMOUNT * 2 + _wpi_getsystemmetrics( SM_CYCAPTION ) + 2 * ( _wpi_getsystemmetrics( SM_CYFRAME ) - _wpi_getsystemmetrics( SM_CYBORDER ) ); bottom = _wpi_cvth_y_plus1( bottom, h ); #ifdef __OS2_PM__ bottom -= 2; #endif new_right = width * num_toolbar_items - (num_toolbar_items - 1) * tbar->info.border_size.x + left + 2 * _wpi_getsystemmetrics( SM_CXFRAME ) + BORDER_AMOUNT * 2; if( new_right < right ) { right = new_right; } _wpi_setwrectvalues( &tbar->floatrect, left, top, right, bottom ); _wpi_mapwindowpoints( parent, HWND_DESKTOP, (WPI_PPOINT)&tbar->floatrect, 2 ); if( fixed ) { tbar->info.area = tbar->fixedrect; tbar->info.style = TOOLBAR_FIXED_STYLE; } else { if( float_pos != NULL ) { GUICalcLocation( float_pos, &pos, &size, parent ); _wpi_setwrectvalues( &tbar->floatrect, pos.x, pos.y, pos.x + size.x, pos.y + size.y ); _wpi_mapwindowpoints( parent, HWND_DESKTOP, (WPI_PPOINT)&tbar->floatrect, 2 ); } tbar->info.area = tbar->floatrect; tbar->info.style = TOOLBAR_FLOAT_STYLE; } tbar->info.hook = guiToolBarProc; tbar->info.helphook = guiToolBarHelp; tbar->info.background = 0; tbar->info.foreground = 0; tbar->num = num_toolbar_items; tbar->info.is_fixed = fixed; tbar->info.use_tips = use_tips; tbar->hdl = ToolBarInit( parent ); ToolBarDisplay( tbar->hdl, &tbar->info ); GUIResizeBackground( wnd, true ); for( i = 0; i < num_toolbar_items; i++ ) { info.u.bmp = tbar->bitmaps[i]; info.id = toolinfo[i].id; info.flags = 0; if( use_tips && toolinfo[i].tip != NULL ) { strncpy( info.tip, toolinfo[i].tip, MAX_TIP ); } else { info.tip[0] = '\0'; } ToolBarAddItem( tbar->hdl, &info ); } toolhwnd = ToolBarWindow( tbar->hdl ); _wpi_showwindow( toolhwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); _wpi_updatewindow( toolhwnd ); return( true ); }
/* * ShiftImage - shift the image in the given direction */ void ShiftImage( WORD shiftdirection ) { HBITMAP dup_and; HBITMAP dup_xor; HBITMAP oldbitmap; HBITMAP oldsrcbitmap; WPI_PRES pres; HDC memdc; WPI_PRES mempres; HDC srcdc; WPI_PRES srcpres; short x_src; short y_src; short x_dest; short y_dest; short width; short height; short min_width; short min_height; short rgn_width; short rgn_height; img_node *node; WPI_RECT rect; IMGED_DIM left; IMGED_DIM right; IMGED_DIM top; IMGED_DIM bottom; DWORD message; node = GetCurrentNode(); if( node == NULL ) { return; } dup_and = DuplicateBitmap( node->handbitmap ); dup_xor = DuplicateBitmap( node->hxorbitmap ); pres = _wpi_getpres( HWND_DESKTOP ); mempres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &memdc ); srcpres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &srcdc ); _wpi_releasepres( HWND_DESKTOP, pres ); _wpi_torgbmode( mempres ); _wpi_torgbmode( srcpres ); if( DoesRectExist( &rect ) ) { width = (short)_wpi_getwidthrect( rect ); height = (short)_wpi_getheightrect( rect ); } else { _wpi_setwrectvalues( &rect, 0, 0, node->width, node->height ); width = node->width; height = node->height; } _wpi_getwrectvalues( rect, &left, &top, &right, &bottom ); oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, node->handbitmap ); _wpi_patblt( mempres, left, top, width, height, BLACKNESS ); _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap ); oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, node->hxorbitmap ); _wpi_patblt( mempres, left, top, width, height, WHITENESS ); oldsrcbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( srcpres, dup_xor ); x_src = (short)left; y_src = (short)top; x_dest =(short)left; y_dest = (short)top; min_width = (short)min( ImgedConfigInfo.shift, width ); min_height = (short)min( ImgedConfigInfo.shift, height ); rgn_width = width; rgn_height = height; switch( shiftdirection ) { case IMGED_LEFT: width -= min_width; x_src = x_src + min_width; message = WIE_IMAGESHIFTEDLEFT; break; case IMGED_RIGHT: width -= min_width; x_dest = x_dest + min_width; message = WIE_IMAGESHIFTEDRIGHT; break; case IMGED_UP: #ifndef __OS2_PM__ height -= min_height; y_src = y_src + min_height; #else height += min_height; y_src = y_src - min_height; #endif message = WIE_IMAGESHIFTEDUP; break; case IMGED_DOWN: #ifndef __OS2_PM__ height -= min_height; y_dest = y_dest + min_height; #else height += min_height; y_dest = y_dest - min_height; #endif message = WIE_IMAGESHIFTEDDOWN; break; default: break; } _wpi_bitblt( mempres, x_dest, y_dest, width, height, srcpres, x_src, y_src, SRCCOPY ); _wpi_selectobject( srcpres, oldsrcbitmap ); oldsrcbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( srcpres, dup_and ); _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap ); oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, node->handbitmap ); _wpi_bitblt( mempres, x_dest, y_dest, width, height, srcpres, x_src, y_src, SRCCOPY ); if( IsShiftWrap() ) { switch( shiftdirection ) { case IMGED_LEFT: width = min_width; x_src = (short)left; x_dest = (short)(right - width); break; case IMGED_RIGHT: width = min_width; x_dest = (short)left; x_src = (short)(right - width); break; case SHIFT_UP: height = min_height; y_src = (short)top; y_dest = (short)(bottom - height); break; case SHIFT_DOWN: height = min_height; y_dest = (short)top; y_src = (short)(bottom - height); break; default: break; } _wpi_bitblt( mempres, x_dest, y_dest, width, height, srcpres, x_src, y_src, SRCCOPY ); _wpi_selectobject( srcpres, oldsrcbitmap ); _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap ); oldsrcbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( srcpres, dup_xor ); oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, node->hxorbitmap ); _wpi_bitblt( mempres, x_dest, y_dest, width, height, srcpres, x_src, y_src, SRCCOPY ); } _wpi_selectobject( srcpres, oldsrcbitmap ); _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap ); _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( srcpres, srcdc ); _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( mempres, memdc ); _wpi_deleteobject( dup_xor ); _wpi_deleteobject( dup_and ); RecordImage( node->hwnd ); BlowupImage( node->hwnd, NULL ); InvalidateRect( node->viewhwnd, NULL, FALSE ); IEPrintAmtText( message, ImgedConfigInfo.shift ); } /* ShiftImage */
/* * RotateImage - rotate the image either clockwise or counterclockwise */ void RotateImage( WORD whichway ) { img_node *node; HBITMAP rotxorbmp; HBITMAP rotandbmp; HCURSOR prevcursor; int rotate_type; WPI_RECT rotate_rect; BOOL rectexists; short new_width; short new_height; WPI_PRES pres; node = GetCurrentNode(); if( node == NULL ) { return; } prevcursor = _wpi_setcursor( _wpi_getsyscursor( IDC_WAIT ) ); PrintHintTextByID( WIE_ROTATINGIMAGE, NULL ); if( DoesRectExist( &rotate_rect ) ) { rectexists = TRUE; new_width = (short)_wpi_getheightrect( rotate_rect ); new_height = (short)_wpi_getwidthrect( rotate_rect ); } else { rectexists = FALSE; _wpi_setwrectvalues( &rotate_rect, 0, 0, (IMGED_DIM)node->width, (IMGED_DIM)node->height ); new_width = node->height; new_height = node->width; } if( node->bitcount == 1 ) { rotxorbmp = _wpi_createbitmap( new_width, new_height, 1, 1, NULL ); } else { #if 1 pres = _wpi_getpres( HWND_DESKTOP ); rotxorbmp = _wpi_createcompatiblebitmap( pres, new_width, new_height ); _wpi_releasepres( HWND_DESKTOP, pres ); #else rotxorbmp = _wpi_createbitmap( new_width, new_height, ColorPlanes, BitsPerPixel, NULL ); #endif } rotandbmp = _wpi_createbitmap( new_width, new_height, 1, 1, NULL ); rotateTheImage( node, whichway, &rotate_rect, rotxorbmp, rotandbmp ); rotate_type = GetRotateType(); if( rotate_type == SIMPLE_ROTATE ) { simpleRotate( node, &rotate_rect, rotxorbmp, rotandbmp, rectexists ); } else if( rotate_type == CLIP_ROTATE ) { clipIntoArea( node, &rotate_rect, rotxorbmp, rotandbmp ); } else { stretchIntoArea( node, &rotate_rect, rotxorbmp, rotandbmp ); } _wpi_deleteobject( rotxorbmp ); _wpi_deleteobject( rotandbmp ); if( whichway == IMGED_ROTATECC ) { PrintHintTextByID( WIE_IMAGEROTATEDCCW, NULL ); } else { PrintHintTextByID( WIE_IMAGEROTATEDCW, NULL ); } _wpi_setcursor( prevcursor ); } /* RotateImage */
/* * FlipImage - flip the image along either the x-axis or the y-axis */ void FlipImage( WORD whichway ) { img_node *node; short width; short height; short destwidth; short destheight; short new_left; short new_top; WPI_RECT dims; HBITMAP xorflip; HBITMAP oldflip; HBITMAP oldbitmap; HBITMAP andflip; WPI_PRES pres; WPI_PRES mempres; HDC memdc; WPI_PRES flippres; HDC flipdc; HCURSOR prevcursor; IMGED_DIM bottom; IMGED_DIM left; IMGED_DIM right; IMGED_DIM top; node = GetCurrentNode(); if( node == NULL ) { return; } PrintHintTextByID( WIE_FLIPPINGIMAGE, NULL ); prevcursor = _wpi_setcursor( _wpi_getsyscursor( IDC_WAIT ) ); if( !DoesRectExist( &dims ) ) { _wpi_setwrectvalues( &dims, 0, 0, (IMGED_DIM)node->width, (IMGED_DIM)node->height ); } width = (short)_wpi_getwidthrect( dims ); height = (short)_wpi_getheightrect( dims ); pres = _wpi_getpres( HWND_DESKTOP ); if( node->bitcount == 1 ) { xorflip = _wpi_createbitmap( width, height, 1, 1, NULL ); } else { #if 1 xorflip = _wpi_createcompatiblebitmap( pres, width, height ); #else xorflip = _wpi_createbitmap( width, height, ColorPlanes, BitsPerPixel, NULL ); #endif } andflip = _wpi_createbitmap( width, height, 1, 1, NULL ); mempres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &memdc ); flippres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &flipdc ); _wpi_releasepres( HWND_DESKTOP, pres ); _wpi_getrectvalues( dims, &left, &top, &right, &bottom ); _wpi_preparemono( flippres, BLACK, WHITE ); oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, node->hxorbitmap ); oldflip = _wpi_selectobject( flippres, xorflip ); _wpi_bitblt( flippres, 0, 0, width, height, mempres, left, top, SRCCOPY ); _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap ); _wpi_selectobject( flippres, oldflip ); oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, node->handbitmap ); oldflip = _wpi_selectobject( flippres, andflip ); _wpi_bitblt( flippres, 0, 0, width, height, mempres, left, top, SRCCOPY ); if( whichway == IMGED_FLIPVERT ) { destwidth = -1 * width; new_left = right - 1; new_top = top; destheight = height; } else { destwidth = width; new_left = left; new_top = bottom - 1; destheight = -1 * height; } _wpi_stretchblt( mempres, new_left, new_top, destwidth, destheight, flippres, 0, 0, width, height, SRCCOPY ); _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap ); oldbitmap = _wpi_selectobject( mempres, node->hxorbitmap ); _wpi_selectobject( flippres, oldflip ); oldflip = _wpi_selectobject( flippres, xorflip ); _wpi_stretchblt( mempres, new_left, new_top, destwidth, destheight, flippres, 0, 0, width, height, SRCCOPY ); _wpi_selectobject( mempres, oldbitmap ); _wpi_selectobject( flippres, oldflip ); _wpi_deleteobject( xorflip ); _wpi_deleteobject( andflip ); _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( mempres, memdc ); _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( flippres, flipdc ); InvalidateRect( node->viewhwnd, NULL, TRUE ); if( !DoKeepRect() ) { SetRectExists( FALSE ); } RecordImage( node->hwnd ); BlowupImage( node->hwnd, NULL ); if( whichway == IMGED_FLIPHORZ ) { PrintHintTextByID( WIE_IMAGEREFLECTEDH, NULL ); } else { PrintHintTextByID( WIE_IMAGEREFLECTEDV, NULL ); } _wpi_setcursor( prevcursor ); } /* FlipImage */
/* * simpleRotate - simply rotate the image around the center of the given rectangle */ static void simpleRotate( img_node *node, WPI_RECT *rect, HBITMAP rotxorbmp, HBITMAP rotandbmp, BOOL rectexists ) { WPI_POINT topleft; WPI_POINT centre_pt; WPI_PRES pres; HDC xordc; WPI_PRES xorpres; HDC anddc; WPI_PRES andpres; HDC rotxordc; WPI_PRES rotxorpres; HDC rotanddc; WPI_PRES rotandpres; HBITMAP oldxor; HBITMAP oldand; HBITMAP oldxorrot; HBITMAP oldandrot; short width; short height; WPI_RECT new_rect; IMGED_DIM left; IMGED_DIM top; IMGED_DIM right; IMGED_DIM bottom; width = (short)_wpi_getwidthrect( *rect ); height = (short)_wpi_getheightrect( *rect ); /* * PM NOTE: The rectangle comes in with bottom = yTop and top = yBottom. * To use the same formula to calculate the center point and top left, we * use getwrectvalues. */ _wpi_getwrectvalues( *rect, &left, &top, &right, &bottom ); centre_pt.x = (width / 2) + left; centre_pt.y = (height / 2) + top; topleft.x = centre_pt.x - centre_pt.y + top; topleft.y = centre_pt.y - centre_pt.x + left; pres = _wpi_getpres( HWND_DESKTOP ); xorpres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &xordc ); andpres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &anddc ); rotxorpres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &rotxordc ); rotandpres = _wpi_createcompatiblepres( pres, Instance, &rotanddc ); _wpi_releasepres( HWND_DESKTOP, pres ); _wpi_torgbmode( xorpres ); _wpi_torgbmode( andpres ); _wpi_torgbmode( rotxorpres ); _wpi_torgbmode( rotandpres ); oldxor = _wpi_selectobject( xorpres, node->hxorbitmap ); oldand = _wpi_selectobject( andpres, node->handbitmap ); oldxorrot = _wpi_selectobject( rotxorpres, rotxorbmp ); oldandrot = _wpi_selectobject( rotandpres, rotandbmp ); _wpi_getwrectvalues( *rect, &left, &top, &right, &bottom ); _wpi_patblt( xorpres, left, top, width, height, WHITENESS ); _wpi_patblt( andpres, left, top, width, height, BLACKNESS ); _wpi_bitblt( xorpres, topleft.x, topleft.y, height, width, rotxorpres, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); _wpi_bitblt( andpres, topleft.x, topleft.y, height, width, rotandpres, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ); _wpi_selectobject( xorpres, oldxor ); _wpi_selectobject( andpres, oldand ); _wpi_selectobject( rotxorpres, oldxorrot ); _wpi_selectobject( rotandpres, oldandrot ); _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( xorpres, xordc ); _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( andpres, anddc ); _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( rotxorpres, rotxordc ); _wpi_deletecompatiblepres( rotandpres, rotanddc ); InvalidateRect( node->viewhwnd, NULL, TRUE ); RecordImage( node->hwnd ); if( DoKeepRect() ) { if( rectexists ) { _wpi_setwrectvalues( &new_rect, topleft.x, topleft.y, topleft.x+height, topleft.y + width ); SetDeviceClipRect( &new_rect ); } } else { rectexists = rectexists; new_rect = new_rect; SetRectExists( FALSE ); } BlowupImage( node->hwnd, NULL ); } /* simpleRotate */