Exemple #1
 * Function:	write_progress
 * Description:	Write a progress message.
 *		NOTE:	A single message when formatted should not exceed
 *			1000 bytes or it will cause corruptions and core dumps.
 *			If a message needs to be longer than this, the
 *			FMTPARTIAL format flag should be used on consecutive
 *			message calls.
 * Scope:	public
 * Parameters:	dest	- [RO]
 *			  [LOG	  - write only to the log file
 *			   SCR	  - write only to the display
 *			   LOGSCR - write to both the file and display]
 *			  specify where to record the message
 *		format	- [RO]
 *			  [LEVEL0   - base level message
 *			   LEVEL1   - first level message
 *			   LEVEL2   - second level message
 *			   LEVEL3   - third level message
 *			   CONTINUE - msg continuation from preceding message
 *			   LISTITEM - item type message
 *			   FMTPARTIAL  - part of a message (more to come)]
 *			  format of the msg (used by the formatting routine).
 *		string	- [RO]
 *			  print format string
 *		...	- [RO]
 *			  optional printf arguments
 * Return:	none
write_progress(u_char dest, u_int format, char *string, ...)
	va_list		ap;
	char		buf[MAXPATHLEN + 1] = "";

	va_start(ap, string);
	(void) vsprintf(buf, string, ap);
	_write_message(dest, PROGMSG, format, buf);
Exemple #2
 * Function:	write_notice
 * Description:	Write text data to the log file and the display. The
 *		text should already be internationalized by the calling
 *		routine. If the application has registered a display routine,
 *		that routine should be used to present the text, otherwise
 *		the display will be assumed to be stderr.
 *		NOTE:	A single message when formatted should not exceed
 *			1000 bytes or it will cause corruptions and core dumps.
 *			If a msg needs to be longer than this, the FMTPARTIAL
 *			format flag should be used on consecutive message calls.
 * Scope:	public
 * Parameters:	type	- [RO]
 *			  [ERRMSG  - non-reconcilable problem
 *			   PROGMSG - progress
 *			   WARNMSG - advisory warning]
 *			  Notification type.
 *		string	- [RO]
 *			  print format string
 *		...	- [RO]
 *			  optional printf arguments
 * Return:	none
write_notice(u_int type, char *string, ...)
	va_list	ap;
	char	buf[MAXPATHLEN + 1] = "";

	va_start(ap, string);
	(void) vsprintf(buf, string, ap);
	_write_message(LOG|SCR, type, LEVEL0, buf);
void tcp_basesession::run()
		boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_mutex );
	if( m_isneedcat )
	if( m_close_time )
		if( (unsigned int)time( NULL ) >= m_close_time )
			m_close_time = 0;
			net_global::write_close_log( "IP:[%s] delay close", this->get_remote_address_string().c_str() );
	if( m_close_time_if_no_data )
		if( m_father && (unsigned int)time( NULL ) >= m_close_time_if_no_data )
			m_close_time_if_no_data = 0;
			if( m_recv_size < 12 )
					boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_father->m_proc_mutex );
					std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator it = m_father->m_idleip.find( this->get_remote_address_ui() );
					if( it != m_father->m_idleip.end() )
						if( ++it->second > 50 )
							m_father->m_idleip.erase( it );
							m_father->add_ban_ip( this->get_remote_address_ui(), 3600, net_global::BAN_REASON_TOO_MANY_IDLE_CONNECTION );
						m_father->m_idleip[this->get_remote_address_ui()] = 1;
				net_global::write_close_log( "IP:[%s] close if no data recv size = %d", this->get_remote_address_string().c_str(), m_recv_size );
Exemple #4
 * Function: write_debug
 * Description:
 *	Print a standardly formatted debug output line.
 *	There is a standard 'header' line format that can be generated
 *	that will look something like:
 *		Debug LIBSPMITTY -- "util.c", line 80
 *		Debug LIBSPMITTY -- "util.c", line 95
 *	And you can print just data lines like:
 *		x = 32
 * Scope:	PUBLIC
 * Parameters:
 *	dest	- [RO]
 *		 [LOG	  - write only to the log file
 *		 SCR	  - write only to the display
 *		 LOGSCR - write to both the file and display]
 *	debug_flag - Is debug actually turned on?  If not - nothing is
 *		printed.
 *	who_called - A caller can use this to identify where this
 *		debug output is coming from (e.g. each library and app
 *		can have its own tag to easily distinguish where output
 *		is coming from).
 *		If who_called is NULL, then the header line of
 *		output is not printed, and only the data line from the
 *		format/var args is printed.
 *	file_name - name of file the debug output request was called from.
 *		Use macro __FILE__.
 *	line_number - line number the debug output request was called from.
 *		Use macro __LINE__.
 *	 format	- [RO]
 *		 [LEVEL0   - base level message
 *		 LEVEL1   - first level message
 *		 LEVEL2   - second level message
 *		 LEVEL3   - third level message
 *		 CONTINUE - message continuation from preceding message
 *		 LISTITEM - item type message
 *		 FMTPARTIAL  - part of a message (more to come)]
 *		 format of the message (used by the formatting routine)
 *	fmtstr - format string to print any message you want.
 *		Used to pass to vfprintf.
 *	...	- var args to be used with format above to pass to vfprintf.
 * Return:	none
 * Globals:	none
 * Notes:
 *	The defines, DEBUG_LOC and DEBUG_LOC_NOHD may be useful
 *	to use as parameters when calling this routine.
write_debug(u_char dest, int debug_flag, char *who_called, char *file_name,
			int line_number, u_int format, char *fmtstr, ...)
	va_list ap;
	char		buf[MAXPATHLEN + 1] = "";
	int old_trace_level;

	if (!debug_flag)

	old_trace_level = get_trace_level();
	(void) set_trace_level(1);

	 * if they specified a 'who_called', then
	 * print first debug info line with who_called, function name,
	 * file name, line number, etc...
	 * if no 'who_called', then
	 * don't print first line with debug info.
	 * i.e. so we can end up with debug output like:
	 * Debug LIBSPMITTY -- "util.c", line 80: main()
	 * 	x = 32
	 * 	y = 32
	if (who_called) {
		(void) write_status(dest, LEVEL0,
			"Debug %s -- \"%s\", line %d",
			file_name ? file_name : "",

	if (fmtstr) {
		va_start(ap, fmtstr);
		(void) vsprintf(buf, fmtstr, ap);
		_write_message(dest, STATMSG, format, buf);
	(void) set_trace_level(old_trace_level);
void tcp_basesession::handle_write( const boost::system::error_code& error, int size, int block_idx )
	if( !is_valid() )

	if( !error )
			boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock( m_mutex );
			m_is_sending_data = false;
			m_not_sent_size -= size;

		m_send_size += size;
		_on_close( error );
Exemple #6
 * Function:	write_status_nofmt
 * Description:	Write a status message.
 *		The difference between this and write_status is that
 *		we DO NOT pass the string through vsprintf.
 *		Callers who want to pass strings directly through to be printed
 *		(e.g. from a child pkgadd) that may have "%" modifiers
 *		in them should use this routine.  If they use
 *		write_status directly and it has a "%" modifier in it
 *		then the app is bound to core dump because it will have
 *		no data to also feed to the vsprintf.
 *		(See bug 1267474 for an example of this happening).
 *		NOTE:	Since we are not vsprintf'ing into an internal
 *			buffer for these, the string passed in may be of
 *			any length.
 * Scope:	public
 * Parameters:	dest	- [RO]
 *			  [LOG	  - write only to the log file
 *			   SCR	  - write only to the display
 *			   LOGSCR - write to both the file and display]
 *			  specify where to record the message
 *		format	- [RO]
 *			  [LEVEL0   - base level message
 *			   LEVEL1   - first level message
 *			   LEVEL2   - second level message
 *			   LEVEL3   - third level message
 *			   CONTINUE - message continuation from preceding
 *				message
 *			   LISTITEM - item type message
 *			   FMTPARTIAL  - part of a message (more to come)]
 *				format of the message (used by the formatting
 *				routine).
 * Return:	none
write_status_nofmt(u_char dest, u_int format, char *string)
	_write_message(dest, STATMSG, format, string);
Exemple #7
 * Function:	write_notice_nofmt
 * Description:	Write text data to the log file and the display. The
 *		text should already be internationalized by the calling
 *		routine. If the application has registered a display routine,
 *		that routine should be used to present the text, otherwise
 *		the display will be assumed to be stderr.
 *		The difference between this and write_notice is that
 *		we DO NOT pass the string through vsprintf.
 *		Callers who want to pass strings directly through to be printed
 *		(e.g. from a child pkgadd) that may have "%" modifiers
 *		in them should use this routine.  If they use
 *		write_notice directly and it has a "%" modifier in it
 *		then the app is bound to core dump because it will have
 *		no data to also feed to the vsprintf.
 *		(See bug 1267474 for an example of this happening).
 *		NOTE:	Since we are not vsprintf'ing into an internal
 *			buffer for these, the string passed in may be of
 *			any length.
 * Scope:	public
 * Parameters:	type	- [RO]
 *			  [ERRMSG  - non-reconcilable problem
 *			   PROGMSG - progress
 *			   WARNMSG - advisory warning]
 *			  Notification type.
 *		string	- [RO]
 *			  string to print
 * Return:	none
write_notice_nofmt(u_int type, char *string)
	_write_message(LOG|SCR, type, LEVEL0, string);
Exemple #8
 * Function:	write_message_nofmt
 * Description:	Write text data to the log file and/or the display.
 *		The text should already be internationalized by the calling
 *		routine. If the application has registered a display routine,
 *		that routine should be used to present the text, otherwise
 *		the display will be assumed to be stdout.
 *		The difference between this and write_message is that
 *		we DO NOT pass the string through vsprintf.
 *		Callers who want to pass strings directly through to be printed
 *		(e.g. from a child pkgadd) that may have "%" modifiers
 *		in them should use this routine.  If they use
 *		write_message directly and it has a "%" modifier in it
 *		then the app is bound to core dump because it will have
 *		no data to also feed to the vsprintf.
 *		(See bug 1267474 for an example of this happening).
 *		NOTE:	Since we are not vsprintf'ing into an internal
 *			buffer for these, the string passed in may be of
 *			any length.
 * Scope:	public
 * Parameters:	dest	- [RO]
 *			  [LOG	  - write only to the log file
 *			   SCR	  - write only to the display
 *			   LOGSCR - write to both the file and display]
 *			  Specify where to record the message.
 *		type	- [RO]
 *			  [STATMSG  - status message
 *			   ERRMSG   - non-reconcilable problem
 *			   PROGMSG - progress
 *			   WARNMSG  - advisory warning]
 *			   Notification type.
 *		format	- [RO]
 *			  [LEVEL0   - base level message
 *			   LEVEL1   - first level message
 *			   LEVEL2   - second level message
 *			   LEVEL3   - third level message
 *			   CONTINUE - message continuation from preceding
 *				message
 *			   LISTITEM - item type message
 *			   FMTPARTIAL  - part of a message (more to come)]
 *				format of the message (used by the formatting
 *				routine).
 *		string	- [RO]
 *			  string to print
 * Return:		none
write_message_nofmt(u_char dest, u_int type, u_int format, char *string)
	_write_message(dest, type, format, string);