static void flip_page(void) { /* do we have to put *our* (messages, progbar) osd to aa's txtbuf ? */ if (showosdmessage) { if (time(NULL)>=stoposd ) { showosdmessage=0; if(*osdmessagetext) { memset(c->textbuffer + osdy * aa_scrwidth(c) + osdx,' ',strlen(osdmessagetext)); memset(c->attrbuffer + osdy * aa_scrwidth(c) + osdx ,0,strlen(osdmessagetext)); osdmessagetext[0] = '\0'; } if(*posbar) { memset(c->textbuffer + (osdy+1) * aa_scrwidth(c),' ',strlen(posbar)); memset(c->attrbuffer + (osdy+1) * aa_scrwidth(c),0,strlen(posbar)); } } else { /* update osd */ aa_puts(c, osdx, osdy, AA_SPECIAL, osdmessagetext); /* posbar? */ if (posbar[0]!='\0') aa_puts(c, 0, osdy + 1, AA_SPECIAL, posbar); } } /* OSD time & playmode , subtitles */ printosdtext(); /* print out */ aa_flush(c); }
static void displaytext(int p) { int i; int x, x1, a = AA_NORMAL; char s[2] = {0, 0}; textclrscr(); displogo(1); for (i = 0; i < aa_scrwidth(context); i++) { context->textbuffer[aa_scrwidth(context) * (YSTART - 2) + i] = '_'; } for (i = p; i < p + aa_scrheight(context) - YSTART; i++) { if (i < textsize) { x = 0; x1 = 0; for (x1 = x = 0; x < strlen(line[i]); x++, x1++) { while (((unsigned char) line[i][x]) < 20) a = line[i][x] - 1, x++; if (x < strlen(line[i])) { s[0] = line[i][x]; aa_puts(context, x1, i - p + YSTART, a, s); } } } else { x = 0; aa_puts(context, x, i - p + YSTART, AA_NORMAL, "~"); } } if (dual) { int sh = aa_scrheight(context) - YSTART; for (i = p; i < p + (aa_scrheight(context) - YSTART); i++) { if (i + sh < textsize) { x = 0; x1 = 0; for (x1 = x = 0; x < strlen(line[i + sh]); x++, x1++) { while (((unsigned char) line[i + sh][x]) < 20) a = line[i + sh][x] - 1, x++; if (x < strlen(line[i + sh])) { s[0] = line[i + sh][x]; aa_puts(context, x1 + aa_scrwidth(context) / 2, i - p + YSTART, a, s); } } } else { x = 0; aa_puts(context, x + aa_scrwidth(context) / 2, i - p + YSTART, AA_NORMAL, "~"); } } } }
static void display8() { int i; for (i = 0; i < LOGOHEIGHT; i++) { aa_puts(context, aa_scrwidth(context) / 2 - 2, LOGOY + i, AA_NORMAL, "8 8"); } }
int aa_printf(aa_context *c, int x, int y, enum aa_attribute attr, __AA_CONST char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; char buf[1025]; int i; va_start(args,fmt); i=vsprintf(buf,fmt,args); va_end(args); aa_puts(c,x,y,attr,buf); return i; }
static void displogo(int y) { int x = aa_scrwidth(context) / 2 - 9; aa_puts(context, x, y + 0, AA_NORMAL, " dT8 8Tb"); aa_puts(context, x, y + 1, AA_NORMAL, " dT 8 8 Tb"); aa_puts(context, x, y + 2, AA_NORMAL, " dT 8 8 Tb"); aa_puts(context, x, y + 3, AA_NORMAL, "<PROJECT><PROJECT>"); aa_puts(context, x, y + 4, AA_NORMAL, " dT 8 8 Tb"); aa_puts(context, x, y + 5, AA_NORMAL, "dT 8 8 Tb"); }
int main() { context = aa_autoinit(&aa_defparams); if(context == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot initialize AA-lib. Sorry\n"); return 1; } while(true) { aa_puts(context, 0, 10, AA_BOLDFONT, "Azerty is cooler dan qwerty"); aa_putpixel(context,50,50, ); aa_render(context, 50, 50, 100, 100); aa_flush(context); } aa_close(context); return 0; }
static void aa_editdisplay(struct aa_edit *e) { char s[1000]; int i; if (e->cursor > strlen(e->data)) e->cursor = strlen(e->data); if (e->cursor < e->printpos) e->printpos = e->cursor; if (e->cursor >= e->printpos + e->size) e->printpos = e->cursor - e->size; if (e->printpos < 0) e->printpos = 0; strncpy(s, e->data + e->printpos, e->size); s[e->size] = 0; for (i = strlen(e->data) - e->printpos; i < e->size; i++) s[i] = ' '; aa_puts(e->c, e->x, e->y, e->clearafterpress ? AA_REVERSE : AA_SPECIAL, s); aa_gotoxy(e->c, e->x + e->cursor - e->printpos, e->y); }
static void displaya(int p) { int xpos = aa_scrwidth(context) / 2; int i; for (i = 0; i < LOGOHEIGHT; i++) { if (xpos - p - 5 - i >= 0) aa_puts(context, xpos - p - 5 - i, i + LOGOY, AA_NORMAL, " "); if (xpos - p - 4 - i >= 0) aa_puts(context, xpos - p - 4 - i, i + LOGOY, AA_NORMAL, "d"); if (xpos - p - 3 - i >= 0) aa_puts(context, xpos - p - 3 - i, i + LOGOY, AA_NORMAL, "T"); if (xpos + p + 4 + i < aa_scrwidth(context)) aa_puts(context, xpos + p + 4 + i, i + LOGOY, AA_NORMAL, " "); if (xpos + p + 3 + i < aa_scrwidth(context)) aa_puts(context, xpos + p + 3 + i, i + LOGOY, AA_NORMAL, "b"); if (xpos + p + 2 + i < aa_scrwidth(context)) aa_puts(context, xpos + p + 2 + i, i + LOGOY, AA_NORMAL, "T"); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { aa_context *c; int i, y; char s[256]; aa_renderparams *p; strcpy(s, "line editor."); if (!aa_parseoptions(NULL, NULL, &argc, argv) || argc != 1) { printf("%s\n", aa_help); exit(1); } c = aa_autoinit(&aa_defparams); if (c == NULL) { printf("Can not intialize aalib\n"); exit(2); } if (!aa_autoinitkbd(c, 0)) { printf("Can not intialize keyboard\n"); aa_close(c); exit(3); } for (i = 0; i < aa_imgwidth(c); i++) for (y = 0; y < aa_imgheight(c); y++) aa_putpixel(c, i, y, i + y < 80 ? i : ((i + y) < 100 ? (i + y == 89 ? 150 : 0) : y * 8)); aa_hidecursor(c); aa_fastrender(c, 0, 0, aa_scrwidth(c), aa_scrheight(c)); aa_printf(c, 0, 0, AA_SPECIAL, "Fast rendering routine %i",1); aa_flush(c); aa_getkey(c, 1); aa_edit(c, 0, 1, 20, s, 256); aa_puts(c, 0, 0, AA_SPECIAL, "Key lookup test "); aa_flush(c); int ch; while ((ch = aa_getevent(c, 1)) != ' ') { char s[80]; sprintf(s, "Key event test-space to exit. c:%i", ch); aa_puts(c, 0, 0, AA_SPECIAL, s); aa_flush(c); } if (aa_autoinitmouse(c, AA_MOUSEALLMASK)) { int co = 0; sprintf(s, "Mouse test-space to exit"); aa_puts(c, 0, 0, AA_SPECIAL, s); aa_flush(c); while (aa_getevent(c, 1) != ' ') { int x, y, b; char s[80]; co++; aa_getmouse(c, &x, &y, &b); sprintf(s, "Mouse test-space to exit. x:%i y:%i b:%i event #%i ", x, y, b, co); aa_puts(c, 0, 0, AA_SPECIAL, s); aa_flush(c); } aa_hidemouse(c); while (aa_getevent(c, 1) != ' ') { int x, y, b; char s[80]; co++; aa_getmouse(c, &x, &y, &b); sprintf(s, "Hidden mouse test-space to exit. x:%i y:%i b:%i event #%i ", x, y, b, co); aa_puts(c, 0, 0, AA_SPECIAL, s); aa_flush(c); } aa_uninitmouse(c); } p = aa_getrenderparams(); for (i = 0; i < AA_DITHERTYPES; i++) { p->dither = i; aa_render(c, p, 0, 0, aa_scrwidth(c), aa_scrheight(c)); aa_puts(c, 0, 0, AA_SPECIAL, aa_dithernames[i]); aa_flush(c); aa_getkey(c, 1); } for (i = 0; i < 255; i += 32) { p->bright = i; aa_render(c, p, 0, 0, aa_scrwidth(c), aa_scrheight(c)); aa_puts(c, 0, 0, AA_SPECIAL, "Normal rendering - bright changes"); aa_flush(c); aa_getkey(c, 1); } p->bright = 0; for (i = 0; i < 128; i += 16) { p->contrast = i; aa_render(c, p, 0, 0, aa_scrwidth(c), aa_scrheight(c)); aa_puts(c, 0, 0, AA_SPECIAL, "Normal rendering - contrast changes"); aa_flush(c); aa_getkey(c, 1); } p->contrast = 0; for (i = 0; i < 255; i += 32) { p->gamma = 1 + i / 32.0; aa_render(c, p, 0, 0, aa_scrwidth(c), aa_scrheight(c)); aa_puts(c, 0, 0, AA_SPECIAL, "Normal rendering - gamma changes"); aa_flush(c); aa_getkey(c, 1); } p->gamma = 1.0; for (i = 0; i < 255; i += 32) { p->randomval = i; aa_render(c, p, 0, 0, aa_scrwidth(c), aa_scrheight(c)); aa_puts(c, 0, 0, AA_SPECIAL, "Normal rendering - randomval changes"); aa_flush(c); aa_getkey(c, 1); } aa_close(c); return 0; }
void draw_juggler(int show_loadavg, aa_context *c, JMLib *j) { int color; int i; struct aajm_loadavg load; arm* ap = &(j->ap); ball* rhand = &(j->rhand); ball* lhand = &(j->lhand); hand* handp = &(j->handpoly); color = 64; // draw head aa_drawcircle(c,ap->hx, ap->hy, ap->hr, color, -1); // draw juggler for (i=0;i<5;i++) { aa_drawline(c, ap->rx[i], ap->ry[i], ap->rx[i+1], ap->ry[i+1], color); aa_drawline(c, ap->lx[i], ap->ly[i], ap->lx[i+1], ap->ly[i+1], color); } // hands for (i=0; i <= 8; i++) { aa_drawline(c, rhand->gx + handp->rx[i], rhand->gy + handp->ry[i], rhand->gx + handp->rx[i+1], rhand->gy + handp->ry[i+1], color); aa_drawline(c, lhand->gx + handp->lx[i], lhand->gy + handp->ly[i], lhand->gx + handp->lx[i+1], lhand->gy + handp->ly[i+1], color); } aa_drawline(c, rhand->gx + handp->rx[9], rhand->gy + handp->ry[9], rhand->gx + handp->rx[0], rhand->gy + handp->ry[0], color); aa_drawline(c, lhand->gx + handp->lx[9], lhand->gy + handp->ly[9], lhand->gx + handp->lx[0], lhand->gy + handp->ly[0], color); color = 255; // draw balls int diam = (11*j->dpm/DW); for(i=j->numBalls()-1;i>=0;i--) { aa_drawcircle(c, j->b[i].gx + diam, j->b[i].gy + diam, diam, color, color); } aa_render(c, params, 0, 0, aa_imgwidth(c), aa_imgheight(c)); aa_printf(c, 0, 0, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("Site: %s Style: %s Balls: %i"), j->getSite(), j->getStyle(), j->numBalls()); if(show_loadavg) { loadaverage(&load); aa_printf(c, 0, 1, AA_SPECIAL, "LoadAvg: %2.2f %2.2f %2.2f",, load.five, load.fifteen); } if(j->getStatus() == ST_PAUSE) { aa_puts(c, 1, 3, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("Paused")); } aa_flush(c); memset(c->imagebuffer,0,aa_imgwidth(c)*aa_imgheight(c)); }
void main_loop(int max_iterations, int delay, int loadavg_flag, int normal_load, int socket_fd, float randomizestyletime, float randomizesitetime) { struct timeval starttime, endtime, selecttime; struct timeval lastrandomizestyletime={0,0}; struct timeval lastrandomizesitetime ={0,0}; struct aajm_loadavg load; long speed = DEFSPEED; /* microseconds between frames */ long load_speed = 0; /* Speed adjustment, based on load */ int loop_forever = 0; char c; int i; int tmp; char newsite[JML_MAX_SITELEN]; char newstyle[2]; int accepted_sock = 0; /* FD for accept()ed socket */ int amount_read = 0; /* Amount read into buffer so far */ int r; /* Num bytes read in last read() */ char socket_buffer[MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER]; /* Buffer */ char command[MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER]; char data[MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER]; fd_set socket_set; /* Used for select() */ socklen_t sin_size; /* Used by accept() */ struct sockaddr their_addr; /* Used by accept() */ JML_CHAR **possible_styles; int newstyle_index; possible_styles = jmlib->getStyles(); = -1; load.five = -1; load.fifteen = -1; if(delay > 0) { speed = delay * 1000; } if(max_iterations <= 0) { loop_forever = 1; } memset((void *)socket_buffer,0,MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER); memset((void *)command,0,MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER); memset((void *)data,0,MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER); while (1) { gettimeofday(&starttime,NULL); if (randomizesitetime > 0 && (starttime.tv_sec -lastrandomizesitetime.tv_sec ) + (float)(starttime.tv_usec-lastrandomizesitetime.tv_usec)/1000000 >= randomizesitetime) { randompattern(); lastrandomizesitetime.tv_sec = starttime.tv_sec; lastrandomizesitetime.tv_usec = starttime.tv_usec; } if (randomizestyletime > 0 && (starttime.tv_sec -lastrandomizestyletime.tv_sec ) + (float)(starttime.tv_usec-lastrandomizestyletime.tv_usec)/1000000 >= randomizestyletime) { jmlib->setStyle("Random"); lastrandomizestyletime.tv_sec = starttime.tv_sec; lastrandomizestyletime.tv_usec = starttime.tv_usec; } jmlib->doJuggle(); draw_juggler(loadavg_flag, context, jmlib); if(loadavg_flag) { loadaverage(&load); if( != -1) { tmp = (int)(*100 - normal_load); load_speed = 5000 * tmp; } } c=aa_getkey(context,0); if(c=='s' || c=='S') { /* Change SiteSwap */ memset(newsite,0,JML_MAX_SITELEN); strncpy(newsite, jmlib->getSite(), JML_MAX_SITELEN); aa_puts(context, 1, 4, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("Enter New SiteSwap...")); aa_edit(context, 1, 5, 20, newsite, JML_MAX_SITELEN); if(newsite[0]!=0) { jmlib->setPattern(newsite,newsite, HR_DEF, DR_DEF); jmlib->setStyleDefault(); jmlib->startJuggle(); } } else if(c=='r' || c=='R') { randompattern(); } else if(c=='q' || c=='Q' || c==27) { /* Quit */ /* 27 == Escape Don't complain. This was a hack before it started */ return; } else if(c==' ' || c=='p' || c=='P') { /* Toggle Pause */ jmlib->togglePause(); } else if(c=='t' || c=='T') { /* Change Style */ aa_puts(context, 3, 4, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("Choose New Style...")); for (i=0;i<jmlib->numStyles();i++) { aa_printf(context, 3, 5+i, AA_SPECIAL, "%i: %s",i+1,possible_styles[i]); } aa_flush(context); memset(newstyle,0,JML_MAX_SITELEN); aa_edit(context, 3, 5+i, 2, newstyle, 2); if(newstyle[0]!=0) { newstyle_index=atoi(newstyle)-1; if(newstyle_index>=0 && newstyle_index<jmlib->numStyles()) { jmlib->setStyle(possible_styles[newstyle_index]); } } } else if(c=='h' || c=='H') { /* Help */ int curr_height = 4; aa_puts(context, 3, curr_height, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("Key Help")); ++curr_height; aa_puts(context, 3, ++curr_height, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("h - This screen")); aa_puts(context, 3, ++curr_height, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("s - Change Siteswap")); aa_puts(context, 3, ++curr_height, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("r - Random Pattern")); aa_puts(context, 3, ++curr_height, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("t - Change Style")); aa_puts(context, 3, ++curr_height, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("l - Toggle Load Monitoring")); #ifdef HAVE_AVCODEC_H aa_puts(context, 3, ++curr_height, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("m - Dump MPEG")); #endif aa_puts(context, 3, ++curr_height, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("q - Quit")); aa_puts(context, 3, ++curr_height, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("space - Pause")); aa_puts(context, 3, ++curr_height, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("+, -, enter - Speed up, down, reset")); ++curr_height; aa_puts(context, 3, ++curr_height, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("Press any key to remove this menu")); aa_flush(context); aa_getkey(context, 1); } else if(c=='+' || c=='=' || c=='k') { /* Speed Up */ speed -= 1500; if(speed < 0) { speed = 0; } } else if(c=='-' || c=='j') { /* Speed Down */ speed += 1500; #ifdef HAVE_AVCODEC_H } else if(c=='m') { /* Dump MPEG */ char mpegname[20]; memset(mpegname,0,20); aa_puts(context, 1, 4, AA_SPECIAL, gettext("Enter MPEG Name...")); aa_edit(context, 1, 5, 20, mpegname, JML_MAX_SITELEN); if(mpegname[0]!=0) { creatempeg(jmlib, mpegname); } #endif } else if(c=='l') { /* Toggle Load Monitoring */ if(loadavg_flag == 1) { loadavg_flag = 0; load_speed = 0; } else { loadavg_flag = 1; } } else if(c==13) { /* Speed Reset */ /* 13 == Enter */ speed = DEFSPEED; } gettimeofday(&endtime,NULL); selecttime.tv_sec = endtime.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec; if (selecttime.tv_sec != 0) { endtime.tv_usec += 1000000*selecttime.tv_sec; selecttime.tv_sec = 0; } selecttime.tv_usec = (speed + load_speed) - (endtime.tv_usec - starttime.tv_usec); if(selecttime.tv_usec < 0) { selecttime.tv_usec = 1; } /* IPC Code begins here */ if(socket_fd <= 0) { select(0,NULL,NULL,NULL,&selecttime); } else { FD_ZERO(&socket_set); FD_SET(socket_fd,&socket_set); /* accepted_sock is the fd we get from accept()ing the socket */ if(accepted_sock > 0) { /* read just one byte */ r = read(accepted_sock, (void *)&socket_buffer[amount_read],1); if(r == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) { /* EAGAIN means we need to try reading again, there wasn't an error, the descriptor just had nothing waiting in it Else, close the handle reset the other data stuff */ memset((void *)socket_buffer,0,MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER-amount_read-1); close(accepted_sock); amount_read = 0; accepted_sock = 0; memset((void *)data,0,MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER); memset((void *)command,0,MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER); } else if(r > 0) { /* transfer stuff: command=data; If we see an '=', everything before it was a command. If we see a ';', the stuff before it was data */ amount_read+=r; if(socket_buffer[amount_read-1] == '=') { memset((void *)command,0,MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER); memcpy((void *)command,(void *)socket_buffer, amount_read-1); memset((void *)socket_buffer,0,MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER); amount_read = 0; } else if(socket_buffer[amount_read-1] == ';') { memset((void *)data,0,MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER); memcpy((void *)data,(void *)socket_buffer, amount_read-1); memset((void *)socket_buffer,0,MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER); close(accepted_sock); amount_read = 0; accepted_sock = 0; } } if(amount_read >= MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER-1) { /* Too late, F**k 'em, they're trying to overflow us anyway */ write(accepted_sock,OVERFLOW_ERROR,strlen(OVERFLOW_ERROR)); memset((void *)socket_buffer,0,MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER); close(accepted_sock); amount_read = 0; accepted_sock = 0; } } if(command[0] != '\0' && data[0] != '\0') { if(!strcmp(command,"Style")) { jmlib->setStyle(data); } else if(!strcmp(command,"Site")) { jmlib->setPattern("Something",data, HR_DEF, DR_DEF); jmlib->setStyleDefault(); jmlib->startJuggle(); } else if(!strcmp(command,"Speed")) { if(!strcmp(data,"Up")) { speed -= 1500; if(speed < 0) speed = 0; } else if(!strcmp(data,"Down")) { speed += 1500; } else if(!strcmp(data,"Reset")) { speed = DEFSPEED; } } memset((void *)data,0,MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER); memset((void *)command,0,MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER); } if(!strcmp(command,"Quit")) { return; } if(select(socket_fd+1, &socket_set, NULL, NULL, &selecttime) > 0) { if(FD_ISSET(socket_fd,&socket_set) && accepted_sock) { /* Just close any subsequent conenctions until this one's done */ close(accept(socket_fd,&their_addr,&sin_size)); } else if(FD_ISSET(socket_fd,&socket_set) && !accepted_sock) { /* Else accept() the socket, and set it to not block */ sin_size = sizeof(sockaddr); accepted_sock = accept(socket_fd,&their_addr, &sin_size); fcntl(accepted_sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); } } } if(!loop_forever && max_iterations-- <= 0) { break; } } }
void credits2(void) { int i, ch; int p; int plast = -1; clrscr(); centerprint(aa_imgwidth(context) / 2, aa_imgheight(context) / 3, 3, 128, "The", 0); centerprint(aa_imgwidth(context) / 2, 2 * aa_imgheight(context) / 3, 3, 128, "END", 0); drawptr = decrand; params->randomval = 50; timestuff(0, NULL, draw, 5000000); drawptr = NULL; params->randomval = 0; drawptr = pryc; timestuff(0, NULL, draw, MAXTIME); drawptr = NULL; clrscr(); draw(); load_song("bb3.s3m"); bbupdate(); starttime = endtime = TIME; play(); bbwait(1); for (i = 0; i < LOGOHEIGHT; i++) { aa_puts(context, aa_scrwidth(context) / 2 - 2, LOGOY + i, AA_BOLD, "8 8"); if (i) aa_puts(context, aa_scrwidth(context) / 2 - 2, LOGOY + i - 1, AA_NORMAL, "8 8"); bbflushwait(100000); } aa_puts(context, aa_scrwidth(context) / 2 - 2, LOGOY + i - 1, AA_NORMAL, "8 8"); #define LWIDTH for (i = aa_scrwidth(context) / 2; i; i--) { display8(); displaya(i); bbflushwait(10000); } for (; i < 100; i++) { textclrscr(); displaya(10 * sin(i * M_PI / 100)); display8(); bbflushwait(10000); } aa_puts(context, aa_scrwidth(context) / 2 - 9, LOGOY + 3, AA_DIM, "<PROJECT><PROJECT>"); bbflushwait(100000); aa_puts(context, aa_scrwidth(context) / 2 - 9, LOGOY + 3, AA_NORMAL, "<PROJECT><PROJECT>"); bbflushwait(100000); aa_puts(context, aa_scrwidth(context) / 2 - 9, LOGOY + 3, AA_BOLD, "<PROJECT><PROJECT>"); bbflushwait(100000); aa_puts(context, aa_scrwidth(context) / 2 - 9, LOGOY + 3, AA_NORMAL, "<PROJECT><PROJECT>"); bbflushwait(100000); bbwait(1000000); for (i = LOGOY; i > 1; i--) { textclrscr(); displogo(i); bbflushwait(30000); } source = malloc(aa_imgwidth(context) * (aa_imgheight(context))); target = malloc(aa_imgwidth(context) * (aa_imgheight(context))); params->dither = AA_NONE; format(dual ? aa_scrwidth(context) / 2 : aa_scrwidth(context)); p = 0; while (1) { if (p != plast) { getsource(); displaytext(p); gettarget(); morph(); displaytext(p); aa_flush(context); emscripten_sleep(1); plast = p; } again: emscripten_sleep(100); #ifndef __DJGPP__ //ch = aa_getkey(context, 100); ch = AA_NONE; #else while ((ch = bbupdate()) == AA_NONE) ; #endif switch (ch) { case '1': load_song("bb.s3m"); bbupdate(); play(); break; case '2': load_song("bb2.s3m"); bbupdate(); play(); break; case '3': load_song("bb3.s3m"); bbupdate(); play(); break; case 'b': case 'k': case 'B': case 'K': case AA_BACKSPACE: case AA_UP: p -= (aa_scrheight(context) - YSTART) / 2 * (dual + 1); if (p < 0) p = 0; break; case AA_DOWN: case AA_LEFT: case 'f': case 'F': case ' ': case 'j': case 'J': p += (aa_scrheight(context) - YSTART) / 2 * (dual + 1); if (p > textsize) p = textsize; break; case 'q': case 'Q': case AA_ESC: finish_stuff = 0; backconvert(0, 0, aa_scrwidth(context), aa_scrheight(context)); bbupdate(); starttime = endtime = TIME; drawptr = decbright; timestuff(0, NULL, draw, 1000000); textclrscr(); drawptr = NULL; aa_flush(context); emscripten_sleep(1); free(source); free(target); return; default: goto again; } bbupdate(); starttime = endtime = TIME; } }