Exemple #1
 * \internal
 * \brief Setup Function: AC callback mode test.
 * This function initializes the AC to generate interrupt when the AC
 * output toggles.
 * \param test Current test case.
static void setup_ac_callback_mode_test(const struct test_case *test)
	enum status_code status = STATUS_ERR_IO;

	/* Structure for AC configuration */
	struct ac_config config;
	struct ac_chan_config channel_config;

	/* Set the flag to false */
	ac_init_success = false;

	/* Initialize the AC */
	status = ac_init(&ac_inst, AC, &config);
	/* Check for successful initialization */
	test_assert_true(test, status == STATUS_OK,
			"AC initialization failed");

	/* Configure the AC input pin */
	struct system_pinmux_config ac0_pin_conf;
	ac0_pin_conf.direction    = SYSTEM_PINMUX_PIN_DIR_INPUT;
	ac0_pin_conf.mux_position = MUX_PA04B_AC_AIN0;
	system_pinmux_pin_set_config(PIN_PA04B_AC_AIN0, &ac0_pin_conf);

	/* Channel configuration */
	status = STATUS_ERR_IO;
	channel_config.sample_mode       = AC_CHAN_MODE_CONTINUOUS;
	channel_config.positive_input    = AC_CHAN_POS_MUX_PIN0;
	channel_config.negative_input    = AC_CHAN_NEG_MUX_SCALED_VCC;
	channel_config.vcc_scale_factor  = AC_SCALER_0_50_VOLT;
		= ac_chan_set_config(&ac_inst, AC_CHAN_CHANNEL_0,
	/* Check for successful initialization */
	test_assert_true(test, status == STATUS_OK,
			"AC channel initialization failed");

	/* Callback configuration */
	status = ac_register_callback(&ac_inst, ac_user_callback,
	test_assert_true(test, status == STATUS_OK,
			"AC callback registration failed");

	/* Enable the AC channel & the module */
	ac_chan_enable(&ac_inst, AC_CHAN_CHANNEL_0);
	ac_enable_callback(&ac_inst, AC_CALLBACK_COMPARATOR_0);

	if (status == STATUS_OK) {
		ac_init_success = true;
Exemple #2
static void configure_ac(void) 
	static struct ac_module ac_instance;
	struct ac_config config_ac;
	config_ac.ana_source_generator = GCLK_GENERATOR_1;
	config_ac.dig_source_generator = GCLK_GENERATOR_1;
	/* Initialize and enable the Analog Comparator with the user settings */
	ac_init(&ac_instance, AC1, &config_ac);
	/* Create a new configuration structure for the Analog Comparator channel
	 * settings and fill with the default module channel settings. */
	struct ac_chan_config ac_chan_conf;
	/* Set the Analog Comparator channel configuration settings */
	ac_chan_conf.sample_mode      = AC_CHAN_MODE_CONTINUOUS;
	ac_chan_conf.filter           = AC_CHAN_FILTER_NONE;
	ac_chan_conf.positive_input   = AC_CHAN_POS_MUX_PIN3;
	ac_chan_conf.negative_input   = AC_CHAN_NEG_MUX_SCALED_VCC;
	ac_chan_conf.vcc_scale_factor = AC_SCALING_FACTOR;
	ac_chan_conf.output_mode      = AC_CHAN_OUTPUT_INTERNAL;	
	/* Initialize and enable the Analog Comparator channel with the user
	 * settings */
	ac_chan_set_config(&ac_instance, 0, &ac_chan_conf);

	/* Set up a pin as an AC channel input */
	struct system_pinmux_config ac0_pin_conf;
	ac0_pin_conf.direction    = SYSTEM_PINMUX_PIN_DIR_INPUT;
	ac0_pin_conf.mux_position = MUX_PB03B_AC1_AIN3;
	system_pinmux_pin_set_config(PIN_PB03B_AC1_AIN3, &ac0_pin_conf);
	/* Setup event output from AC */
	struct ac_events ac_event_conf;
	memset(&ac_event_conf, 0, sizeof(struct ac_events));
	ac_event_conf.generate_event_on_state[0] = true;
	ac_enable_events(&ac_instance, &ac_event_conf);
	/* enable AC channel */
	ac_chan_enable(&ac_instance, 0);
Exemple #3
 * \internal
 * \brief Test for AC initialization.
 * This test initializes the AC module and checks whether the
 * initialization is successful or not.
 * If this test fails no other tests will run.
 * \param test Current test case.
static void run_ac_init_test(const struct test_case *test)
	enum status_code status = STATUS_ERR_IO;

	/* Structure for AC configuration */
	struct ac_config config;
	struct ac_chan_config channel_config;

	/* Initialize the AC */
	status = ac_init(&ac_inst, AC, &config);
	/* Check for successful initialization */
	test_assert_true(test, status == STATUS_OK,
			"AC initialization failed");

	status = STATUS_ERR_IO;
	channel_config.sample_mode       = AC_CHAN_MODE_SINGLE_SHOT;
	channel_config.positive_input    = AC_CHAN_POS_MUX_PIN0;
	channel_config.negative_input    = AC_CHAN_NEG_MUX_SCALED_VCC;
	channel_config.vcc_scale_factor  = AC_SCALER_0_50_VOLT;

	struct system_pinmux_config ac0_pin_conf;
	ac0_pin_conf.direction    = SYSTEM_PINMUX_PIN_DIR_INPUT;
	ac0_pin_conf.mux_position = MUX_PA04B_AC_AIN0;
	system_pinmux_pin_set_config(PIN_PA04B_AC_AIN0, &ac0_pin_conf);

	/* Set the channel configuration */
		= ac_chan_set_config(&ac_inst, AC_CHAN_CHANNEL_0,
	/* Check for successful configuration */
	test_assert_true(test, status == STATUS_OK,
			"AC channel configuration failed");
	/* Enable the AC channel & AC module */
	ac_chan_enable(&ac_inst, AC_CHAN_CHANNEL_0);

	if (status == STATUS_OK) {
		ac_init_success = true;
Exemple #4
//! [setup_7]
void configure_ac_channel(void)
//! [setup_7]
	/* Create a new configuration structure for the Analog Comparator channel
	 * settings and fill with the default module channel settings. */
	//! [setup_8]
	struct ac_chan_config config_ac_chan;
	//! [setup_8]
	//! [setup_9]
	//! [setup_9]

	/* Set the Analog Comparator channel configuration settings */
	//! [setup_10]
	config_ac_chan.sample_mode         = AC_CHAN_MODE_SINGLE_SHOT;
	config_ac_chan.positive_input      = AC_CHAN_POS_MUX_PIN0;
	config_ac_chan.negative_input      = AC_CHAN_NEG_MUX_SCALED_VCC;
	config_ac_chan.vcc_scale_factor    = 32;
	config_ac_chan.interrupt_selection = AC_CHAN_INTERRUPT_SELECTION_END_OF_COMPARE;
	//! [setup_10]

	/* Set up a pin as an AC channel input */
	//! [setup_11]
	struct system_pinmux_config ac0_pin_conf;
	ac0_pin_conf.direction    = SYSTEM_PINMUX_PIN_DIR_INPUT;
	ac0_pin_conf.mux_position = MUX_PA04B_AC_AIN0;
	system_pinmux_pin_set_config(PIN_PA04B_AC_AIN0, &ac0_pin_conf);
	//! [setup_11]

	/* Initialize and enable the Analog Comparator channel with the user
	 * settings */
	//! [setup_12]
	ac_chan_set_config(&ac_instance, AC_COMPARATOR_CHANNEL, &config_ac_chan);
	//! [setup_12]
	//! [setup_13]
	ac_chan_enable(&ac_instance, AC_COMPARATOR_CHANNEL);
	//! [setup_13]
Exemple #5
 * \internal
 * \brief Setup Function: AC window mode test.
 * This function initializes the AC in window mode detection.
 * 0.25V and 0.75V from internal voltage scaler are used as lower
 * and upper limits of the window respectively.
 * \param test Current test case.
static void setup_ac_window_mode_test(const struct test_case *test)
	enum status_code status = STATUS_ERR_IO;

	/* Structure for AC configuration */
	struct ac_config config;
	struct ac_chan_config channel_config;
	struct ac_win_config window_config;

	/* Set the flag to false */
	ac_init_success = false;

	/* Initialize the AC */
	status = ac_init(&ac_inst, AC, &config);
	/* Check for successful initialization */
	test_assert_true(test, status == STATUS_OK,
			"AC initialization failed");

	/* Configure the AC input pin */
	struct system_pinmux_config ac0_pin_conf;
	ac0_pin_conf.direction    = SYSTEM_PINMUX_PIN_DIR_INPUT;
	ac0_pin_conf.mux_position = MUX_PA04B_AC_AIN0;
	system_pinmux_pin_set_config(PIN_PA04B_AC_AIN0, &ac0_pin_conf);

	/* Channel configuration */
	status = STATUS_ERR_IO;
	channel_config.sample_mode       = AC_CHAN_MODE_SINGLE_SHOT;
	channel_config.positive_input    = AC_CHAN_POS_MUX_PIN0;
	channel_config.negative_input    = AC_CHAN_NEG_MUX_SCALED_VCC;
	channel_config.vcc_scale_factor  = AC_SCALER_0_25_VOLT;

	/* Set the channel configuration for CHAN1 - Lower limit*/
		= ac_chan_set_config(&ac_inst, AC_CHAN_CHANNEL_1,
	/* Check for successful initialization */
	test_assert_true(test, status == STATUS_OK,
			"AC channel 1 initialization failed");
	/* Set the channel configuration for CHAN0 - Upper limit*/
	channel_config.vcc_scale_factor  = AC_SCALER_0_75_VOLT;
	status = ac_chan_set_config(&ac_inst, AC_CHAN_CHANNEL_0, &channel_config);
	/* Check for successful initialization */
	test_assert_true(test, status == STATUS_OK,
			"AC channel 0 initialization failed");

	/* Window mode configuration */
	status = STATUS_ERR_IO;
	status = ac_win_set_config(&ac_inst, AC_WIN_CHANNEL_0, &window_config);
	/* Check for successful initialization */
	test_assert_true(test, status == STATUS_OK,
			"AC window mode initialization failed");

	/* Enable the AC channels */
	ac_chan_enable(&ac_inst, AC_CHAN_CHANNEL_0);
	ac_chan_enable(&ac_inst, AC_CHAN_CHANNEL_1);
	/* Enable window mode */
	status = ac_win_enable(&ac_inst, AC_WIN_CHANNEL_0);
	/* Check for successful initialization */
	test_assert_true(test, status == STATUS_OK,
			"AC window mode enable failed");
	/* Enable AC module */

	if (status == STATUS_OK) {
		ac_init_success = true;