// only tests single TCHAR characters (but of those, tests all of them) bool cEncoder::OnlyOneCatagoryPerChar() const { // TODO:BAM - man, is there a better way to do this? TCHAR ch = std::numeric_limits<TCHAR>::min(); TSTRING ach(1,ch); if( ch != std::numeric_limits<TCHAR>::max() ) { do { bool fFailedATest = false; ach[0] = ch; for( sack_type::const_iterator atE = m_encodings.begin(); atE != m_encodings.end(); atE++ ) { if( (*atE)->NeedsEncoding( ach.begin(), ach.end() ) ) { if( fFailedATest ) return false; // each char can only fail one test else fFailedATest = true; } } ch++; } while( ch != std::numeric_limits<TCHAR>::max() ); } return true; }
void EditMode::slotAddChannelClicked() { AddChannelsDialog ach(m_mode->fixtureDef()->channels(), m_mode->channels()); if (ach.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; QList <QLCChannel *> newChannelList = ach.getModeChannelsList(); // clear the previous list m_mode->removeAllChannels(); // Append the channels foreach(QLCChannel *ch, newChannelList) m_mode->insertChannel(ch, m_mode->channels().size()); // Easier to refresh the whole list refreshChannelList(); }