Exemple #1
** Name: opu_compare	- compare two values with the same type
** Description:
**      This routine will compare two values of the same type.
** Inputs:
**      global                          ptr to global state variable
**      vp1                             ptr to first value
**      vp2                             ptr to second value
**      datatype                        ptr to datatype info on values
** Outputs:
**	Returns:
**	    -1 if vp1 < vp2
**          0  if vp1 = vp2
**          1  if vp1 > vp2
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**	21-jun-86 (seputis)
**          initial creation
	OPS_STATE          *global,
	PTR                vp1,
	PTR                vp2,
	DB_DATA_VALUE      *datatype)
    i4			adc_cmp_result;
    DB_DATA_VALUE	vpdv1;
    DB_DATA_VALUE	vpdv2;
    DB_STATUS		comparestatus;

    STRUCT_ASSIGN_MACRO(*datatype, vpdv1);
    STRUCT_ASSIGN_MACRO(vpdv1, vpdv2);
    vpdv2.db_data = vp2;
    vpdv1.db_data = vp1;
    comparestatus = adc_compare(global->ops_adfcb, &vpdv1, &vpdv2,
# ifdef E_OP078C_ADC_COMPARE
    if (comparestatus != E_DB_OK)
	opx_verror( comparestatus, E_OP078C_ADC_COMPARE, 
# endif
    return (adc_cmp_result);
Exemple #2
** Name: opu_dcompare	- compare two values with different types
** Description:
**      This routine will compare two values of different types.
** Inputs:
**      global                          ptr to global state variable
**      vp1                             ptr to first value
**      vp2                             ptr to second value
**      datatype                        ptr to datatype info on values
** Outputs:
**	Returns:
**	    -1 if vp1 < vp2
**          0  if vp1 = vp2
**          1  if vp1 > vp2
**	Exceptions:
**	    none
** Side Effects:
**	    none
** History:
**	21-jun-86 (seputis)
**          initial creation to fix constant compare problem in opvctrees.c
	OPS_STATE          *global,
	DB_DATA_VALUE	   *vp1,
	DB_DATA_VALUE	   *vp2)
    i4			adc_cmp_result;
    DB_STATUS		comparestatus;

    comparestatus = adc_compare(global->ops_adfcb, vp1, vp2,
# ifdef E_OP078C_ADC_COMPARE
    if (comparestatus != E_DB_OK)
	opx_verror( comparestatus, E_OP078C_ADC_COMPARE, 
# endif
    return (adc_cmp_result);
Exemple #3
** Name: adt_compare() - Compare 2 data values.
** Description:
**	This routine compares two data values.  This will tell the caller if the
**	supplied values are equal, or if not, which one is "greater than" the
**	other.
**	This routine exists as a performance boost for DMF.  DMF is not allowed
**	to know how to compare data values for the various datatypes.
**	Therefore, if this routine did not exist, DMF would have to make a
**	function call to "adc_compare()" for every attribute in the tuples
**	being compared.  Even though tuples are constructs that seem a level
**	above what ADF logically handles, the performance improvement in this
**	case justifies this routine.
**	To avoid the overhead of an adc_compare call,
**	this routine has built into it the semantics for
**	comparing several of the most common datatypes supported by INGRES.
**	If the routine does run across a datatype that is not in this list, it
**	will call the general routine "adc_compare()", thereby guaranteeing
**	that it will function (perhaps slower), for ALL datatypes, even future
**	user defined ADTs.
**	When NULL values are involved, this routine will use the same semantics
**	that "adc_compare()" uses:  a NULL value will be considered greater
**	than any other value, and equal to another NULL value.
**	PLEASE NOTE:  As with "adc_compare()", no pattern matching for
**	-----------   the string datatypes is done within this routine.
** Inputs:
**	adf_scb				Pointer to an ADF session control block.
**	    .adf_errcb			ADF_ERROR struct.
**		.ad_ebuflen		The length, in bytes, of the buffer
**					pointed to by ad_errmsgp.
**		.ad_errmsgp		Pointer to a buffer to put formatted
**					error message in, if necessary.
**      atr                             Pointer to DB_ATTR.
**      d1                        	Pointer to first value.
**      d2                              Pointer to second value.
** Outputs:
**	adf_scb				Pointer to an ADF session control block.
**	    .adf_errcb			ADF_ERROR struct.  If an
**					error occurs the following fields will
**					be set.  NOTE: if .ad_ebuflen = 0 or
**					.ad_errmsgp = NULL, no error message
**					will be formatted.
**		.ad_errcode		ADF error code for the error.
**		.ad_errclass		Signifies the ADF error class.
**		.ad_usererr		If .ad_errclass is ADF_USER_ERROR,
**					this field is set to the corresponding
**					user error which will either map to
**					an ADF error code or a user-error code.
**		.ad_emsglen		The length, in bytes, of the resulting
**					formatted error message.
**		.adf_errmsgp		Pointer to the formatted error message.
**      status                          Status returned from
**					adc_compare(), if called.
**	    The following DB_STATUS codes may be returned by adc_compare():
**	    If a DB_STATUS code other than E_DB_OK is returned, the caller
**	    can look in the field adf_scb.adf_errcb.ad_errcode to determine
**	    the ADF error code.  The following is a list of possible ADF error
**	    codes that can be returned by this routine:
**          E_AD0000_OK                 Operation succeeded.
**          E_AD2004_BAD_DTID           Datatype id unknown to ADF.
**          E_AD2005_BAD_DTLEN          Internal length is illegal for
**					the given datatype.
**		(Others not yet defined)
** Returns:
**      i4  < 0   if 1st < 2nd
**          = 0   if 1st = 2nd
**          > 0   if 1st > 2nd
** Exceptions:
**       none
** Side Effects:
**       none
** History:
**      10-Feb-86 (thurston)
**          Initial creation.
**	03-apr-86 (thurston)
**	    Initial coding.  Also, added two more return statuses (stati?):
**          E_AD2004_BAD_DTID and E_AD2005_BAD_DTLEN.
**      11-jun-86 (jennifer)
**          Fixed bug compare result asigned to adt_cmp_result instead
**          of indirect through this pointer, i.e. *adt_cmp_result.
**      11-jun-86 (jennifer)
**	    Fixed bug where the first entry of attribute array (0)
**          was being used.  This entry is always garbage since 
**          attributes are numbered from 1.
**      27-jul-86 (ericj)
**	    Converted for new ADF error handling.
**	19-nov-86 (thurston)
**	    Fixed the comparison for text.
**	22-sep-88 (thurston)
**	    Added bit representation check as a first pass on each attr.  Also,
**	    added code to deal with nullable types here ... this could be a big
**	    win, since all nullable types were going through adc_compare(), now
**	    they need not.  Also, added cases for CHAR and VARCHAR.
**	21-oct-88 (thurston)
**	    Got rid of all of the `#ifdef BYTE_ALIGN' stuff by using the
**	    appropriate [I2,I4,F4,F8]ASSIGN_MACROs.  This also avoids a bunch
**	    of MEcopy() calls on BYTE_ALIGN machines.
**	21-Apr-89 (anton)
**	    Added local collation support
**	17-Jun-89 (anton)
**	    Moved local collation routines to ADU from CL
**	25-jul-89 (jrb)
**	    Added support for decimal datatype.
**	02-jan-90 (jrb)
**	    Fix alignment problem.
**	08-aug-91 (seg)
**	    "d1" and "d2" are dereferenced too often with the assumption
**	    that (PTR) == (char *) to fix.  Made them (char *).
**	28-mar-2001 (abbjo03)
**	    Add support for DB_NCHR_TYPE and DB_NVCHR_TYPE.
**	16-dec-04 (inkdo01)
**	    Add collation ID parm to aduucmp() calls.
**	02-Feb-2005 (jenjo02)
**	    Consolidated from the nine adt functions which duplicated
**	    this "compare" code. Runs the most optimal compare
**	    based on datatype for a single attribute.
**	    Optimized CHA/VCH compares to use MEcmp rather than
**	    CMcmpcase loop when possible.
**	    Replace giant switch statement with if-then-else
**	    ordered most likely to least likely, more or less.
**	    The switch was consuming 27% of the CPU used by this
**	    function.
**	    Added DB_STATUS *status as a function parameter so
**	    if adc_compare returns an error, it will be returned
**	    to the caller rather than as a bogus compare "result".
**	27-Apr-2005 (jenjo02 for stial01)
**	    Replaced computing compare value using arithmetic
**	    (d1 - d2) with logical compares ( d1 < d2...) as
**	    the arithmetic may over/underflow and return the
**	    wrong result.
**	13-May-2005 (thaju02)
**	    For differing length vchar, return value based on 
**	    comparison of longer length vchar to blank. (B114514)
**	19-Jun-2006 (gupsh01)
**	    Added support for new date/time types.
**	3-may-2007 (dougi)
**	    Tweak slightly to allow MEcmp() on collation/double byte
**	    if they're bytewise equal.
**	10-may-2007 (dougi)
**	    Add logic to handle ordering of c/text/char/varchar in UTF8
**	    server.
**	25-jul-2007 (gupsh01)	
**	    Although UTF8 is multibyte it is meant to be processed through
**	    UTF8 comparison code utilizing unicode comparison.
**	17-Aug-2007 (gupsh01)
**	    Fix the UTF8 handling.
ADF_CB		    *adf_scb,
DB_ATTS		    *atr,		/* Attribute in question */
char		    *d1,		/* Ptr to 1st value */
char		    *d2,		/* Ptr to 2nd value */
DB_STATUS	    *status)		/* Status from adc_compare */

    i4			cur_cmp;	/* Result of latest attr cmp */
    i4			vi1, vi2;	/* Temp i4's used to cmp ints */
    i8			lli1, lli2;	/* Compare i8's */
    f8			vf1, vf2;	/* Temp f8's used to cmp flts */
    u_char	        *lc1, *lc2;
    u_char	        blank;
    i4			atr_bdt;	/* Base datatype of attr */
    i2			atr_len;	/* Length of cur attribute */
    i4			d1_isnull, d2_isnull;
    DB_DATA_VALUE	dv1, dv2;	/* Data value structs for call
					** to adc_compare(), if that is
					** necessary.
    u_char		*tc1, *tc2;	/* Temps used for string compare */
    u_char		*endtc1, *endtc2;
    UCS2		*tn1, *tn2;	/* Temps used for Nstring compare */
    UCS2		*endtn1, *endtn2;
	**  The following four lines provide temp storage to solve
	**  byte allignment problems on some archictectures.
    i2			i2_t1, i2_t2;
    i4			i4_t1, i4_t2;
    f4			f4_t1, f4_t2;
    f8			f8_t1, f8_t2;

#define	ADT_LT	(i4)-1
#define ADT_EQ	(i4)0
#define	ADT_GT	(i4)1

    *status = E_DB_OK;

    atr_len = atr->length;

    if ( (atr_bdt = atr->type) < 0 )
	/* Nullable datatype */

	d1_isnull = (*((char *)d1 + atr_len - 1) & ADF_NVL_BIT);
	d2_isnull = (*((char *)d2 + atr_len - 1) & ADF_NVL_BIT);

	if ( !d1_isnull && !d2_isnull )
	    /* Neither is the Null value, look at data */
	    atr_bdt = -atr_bdt;
	else if (d1_isnull && d2_isnull)
	    return(ADT_EQ);   /* both are Null values; 1st = 2nd */
	else if (d1_isnull)
	    return(ADT_GT);   /* 1st is Null value; 1st > 2nd */
	    return(ADT_LT);  /* 2nd is Null value; 1st < 2nd */

    /* "if then else" consumes ~27% less CPU than "switch" */

    if ( atr_bdt == DB_INT_TYPE )
	/* If both operands aligned... */
	/* Extra casts to shut up compilers -- only care about low bits */
	if ( (((i4)(SCALARP)d1 | (i4)(SCALARP)d2) & atr_len-1) == 0 )
	    if ( atr_len == 4 )
		if      (*(i4*)d1 < *(i4*)d2)	return(ADT_LT);
		else if (*(i4*)d1 > *(i4*)d2)	return(ADT_GT);
		else			  	return(ADT_EQ);
	    if ( atr_len == 8 )
		if      (*(i8*)d1 < *(i8*)d2)	return(ADT_LT);
		else if (*(i8*)d1 > *(i8*)d2)	return(ADT_GT);
		else			  	return(ADT_EQ);
	    if ( atr_len == 2 )
		if      (*(i2*)d1 < *(i2*)d2)	return(ADT_LT);
		else if (*(i2*)d1 > *(i2*)d2)	return(ADT_GT);
		else			  	return(ADT_EQ);
	    if      (*(i1*)d1 < *(i1*)d2)	return(ADT_LT);
	    else if (*(i1*)d1 > *(i1*)d2)	return(ADT_GT);
	    else			  	return(ADT_EQ);
	/* One or both not aligned... */
	if (atr_len == 4)
	    I4ASSIGN_MACRO(*d1, i4_t1);
	    I4ASSIGN_MACRO(*d2, i4_t2);
	    if      (i4_t1 < i4_t2)	return(ADT_LT);
	    else if (i4_t1 > i4_t2)	return(ADT_GT);
	    else			return(ADT_EQ);
	if (atr_len == 8)
	    I8ASSIGN_MACRO(*d1, lli1);
	    I8ASSIGN_MACRO(*d2, lli2);
	    if      (lli1 < lli2)	return(ADT_LT);
	    else if (lli1 > lli2)	return(ADT_GT);
	    else		  	return(ADT_EQ);
	if (atr_len == 2)
	    I2ASSIGN_MACRO(*d1, i2_t1);
	    I2ASSIGN_MACRO(*d2, i2_t2);
	    if      (i2_t1 < i2_t2)	return(ADT_LT);
	    else if (i2_t1 > i2_t2)	return(ADT_GT);
	    else			return(ADT_EQ);
	if      (*(i1*)d1 < *(i1*)d2)	return(ADT_LT);
	else if (*(i1*)d1 > *(i1*)d2)	return(ADT_GT);
	else			  	return(ADT_EQ);

    if ( atr_bdt == DB_FLT_TYPE || atr_bdt == DB_MNY_TYPE )
	/* If both operands aligned... */
	/* Extra casts to shut up compilers, only care about low bits */
	if ( (((i4)(SCALARP)d1 | (i4)(SCALARP)d2) & atr_len-1) == 0 )
	    if ( atr_len == 8 )
		if      (*(f8*)d1 < *(f8*)d2) return(ADT_LT);
		else if (*(f8*)d1 > *(f8*)d2) return(ADT_GT);
		else                  	  return(ADT_EQ);
	    if      (*(f4*)d1 < *(f4*)d2) return(ADT_LT);
	    else if (*(f4*)d1 > *(f4*)d2) return(ADT_GT);
	    else                  	  return(ADT_EQ);

	/* One or both not aligned... */
	if ( atr_len == 8 )
	    F8ASSIGN_MACRO(*d1, f8_t1);
	    F8ASSIGN_MACRO(*d2, f8_t2);
	    if      (f8_t1 < f8_t2) return(ADT_LT);
	    else if (f8_t1 > f8_t2) return(ADT_GT);
	    else   		    return(ADT_EQ);
	F4ASSIGN_MACRO(*d1, f4_t1);
	F4ASSIGN_MACRO(*d2, f4_t2);
	if      (f4_t1 < f4_t2) return(ADT_LT);
	else if (f4_t1 > f4_t2) return(ADT_GT);
	else   		        return(ADT_EQ);

    if ( atr_bdt == DB_BYTE_TYPE || atr_bdt == DB_TABKEY_TYPE ||
	      atr_bdt == DB_LOGKEY_TYPE )
	return(MEcmp(d1, d2, atr_len));

    if ( atr_bdt == DB_CHA_TYPE || atr_bdt == DB_VCH_TYPE )
	if ( atr_bdt == DB_CHA_TYPE )
	    /* Try the turbo compare. */
	    cur_cmp = MEcmp(d1, d2, atr_len);

	    /* If not equal and UTF8-enabled ... */
	    if (cur_cmp && (adf_scb->adf_utf8_flag & AD_UTF8_ENABLED))
		return(adt_utf8comp(adf_scb, atr, atr_bdt, atr_len, 
							d1, d2, status));

	    /* If neither collation nor doublebyte or if byte-wise equal ... */
	    if ( !(adf_scb->adf_collation || 
		   Adf_globs->Adi_status & ADI_DBLBYTE) || cur_cmp == 0)

	    tc1    = (u_char *) d1;
	    tc2    = (u_char *) d2;
	    endtc1 = tc1 + atr_len;
	    endtc2 = tc2 + atr_len;
	    I2ASSIGN_MACRO(((DB_TEXT_STRING *)d1)->db_t_count, i2_t1);
	    I2ASSIGN_MACRO(((DB_TEXT_STRING *)d2)->db_t_count, i2_t2);
	    tc1 = (u_char *)d1 + DB_CNTSIZE;
	    tc2 = (u_char *)d2 + DB_CNTSIZE;

	    /* Try the turbo compare on the prefix. */
	    cur_cmp = MEcmp((char *)tc1, (char *)tc2, min(i2_t1, i2_t2));

	    /* If neither collation nor doublebyte... */
	    if ( !(adf_scb->adf_collation || 
		   Adf_globs->Adi_status & ADI_DBLBYTE) || 
			(adf_scb->adf_utf8_flag & AD_UTF8_ENABLED))
		i2	diff = i2_t1 - i2_t2;
		/* If not equal or lengths differ and UTF8-enabled ... */
		if ((diff || cur_cmp) && 
			(adf_scb->adf_utf8_flag & AD_UTF8_ENABLED))
		    return(adt_utf8comp(adf_scb, atr, atr_bdt, atr_len, 
							d1, d2, status));

		/* If short compare produces inequality or lengths are
		** the same ... */
		if ( cur_cmp || diff == 0 )

		** Equal for shorter length.
		** If longer trails all blanks, they're equal
		if ( diff > 0 )
		    /* tc1 is longer */
		    tc1 += i2_t2;
		    while ( *(tc1++) == MIN_CHAR && --diff > 0 );

		    if (!diff)
			return( ADT_EQ );
			if (*tc1 > MIN_CHAR)
		    /* tc2 is longer */
		    tc2 += i2_t1;
		    while ( *(tc2++) == MIN_CHAR && ++diff < 0 );

		    if (!diff)
			return( ADT_EQ );
			if (MIN_CHAR > *tc2)

	    else if (i2_t1 == i2_t2 && cur_cmp == 0)
		return(cur_cmp);	/* byte wise compare returns "=" */

	    endtc1 = tc1 + i2_t1;
	    endtc2 = tc2 + i2_t2;

	if (adf_scb->adf_collation)
	    return(adugcmp((ADULTABLE *)adf_scb->adf_collation,
			 ADUL_BLANKPAD, tc1, endtc1, tc2, endtc2));

	/* Doublebyte is rather more tedious */
	blank = (u_char)MIN_CHAR;
	cur_cmp = ADT_EQ;
	while ( cur_cmp == ADT_EQ )
	    if (tc1 < endtc1)
		lc1 = tc1;
		lc1 = &blank;
	    if (tc2 < endtc2)
		lc2 = tc2;
		lc2 = &blank;
	    /* if both pointing to blank or we happen to be comparing
	    ** a string to itself then break
	    if (lc1 == lc2)
	    cur_cmp = CMcmpcase(lc1, lc2);

    if ( atr_bdt == DB_NCHR_TYPE || atr_bdt == DB_NVCHR_TYPE )
	if ( atr_bdt == DB_NCHR_TYPE )
	    tn1 = (UCS2 *)d1;
	    tn2 = (UCS2 *)d2;
	    endtn1 = tn1 + atr_len / sizeof(UCS2);
	    endtn2 = tn2 + atr_len / sizeof(UCS2);
	    tn1 = ((DB_NVCHR_STRING *)d1)->element_array;
	    tn2 = ((DB_NVCHR_STRING *)d2)->element_array;
	    I2ASSIGN_MACRO(((DB_NVCHR_STRING *)d1)->count, i2_t1);
	    I2ASSIGN_MACRO(((DB_NVCHR_STRING *)d2)->count, i2_t2);
	    endtn1 = tn1 + i2_t1;
	    endtn2 = tn2 + i2_t2;
	*status = aduucmp(adf_scb, ADUL_BLANKPAD,
	    tn1, endtn1, tn2, endtn2, &cur_cmp, atr->collID);
	return (cur_cmp);

    if ( atr_bdt == DB_CHR_TYPE )
	if (adf_scb->adf_utf8_flag & AD_UTF8_ENABLED)
	    return(adt_utf8comp(adf_scb, atr, atr_bdt, atr_len, 
							d1, d2, status));

	if (adf_scb->adf_collation)
	    return(adugcmp((ADULTABLE *)adf_scb->adf_collation,
			     ADUL_SKIPBLANK, (u_char *)d1,
			     atr_len + (u_char *)d1, (u_char *)d2,
			     atr_len + (u_char *)d2));
	return(STscompare((char *)d1, atr_len, (char *)d2, atr_len));

    if ( atr_bdt == DB_TXT_TYPE )
	if (adf_scb->adf_utf8_flag & AD_UTF8_ENABLED)
	    return(adt_utf8comp(adf_scb, atr, atr_bdt, atr_len, 
							d1, d2, status));

	I2ASSIGN_MACRO(((DB_TEXT_STRING *)d1)->db_t_count, i2_t1);
	I2ASSIGN_MACRO(((DB_TEXT_STRING *)d2)->db_t_count, i2_t2);
	tc1 = (u_char *)d1 + DB_CNTSIZE;
	tc2 = (u_char *)d2 + DB_CNTSIZE;
	endtc1 = tc1 + i2_t1;
	endtc2 = tc2 + i2_t2;

	if (adf_scb->adf_collation)
	    return(adugcmp((ADULTABLE *)adf_scb->adf_collation,
			     0, tc1, endtc1, tc2, endtc2));

	cur_cmp = ADT_EQ;
	while (cur_cmp == ADT_EQ && tc1 < endtc1  &&  tc2 < endtc2)
	    if ( (cur_cmp = CMcmpcase(tc1, tc2)) == ADT_EQ )
	/* If equal up to shorter, short strings < long */
	return( (cur_cmp) ? cur_cmp : (endtc1 - tc1) - (endtc2 - tc2) );

    if ( atr_bdt == DB_DEC_TYPE )
	/*  See if the bit representation is identical. */
	if ( MEcmp(d1, d2, atr_len) )
	    i4	    pr;
	    i4	    sc;

	    pr = DB_P_DECODE_MACRO(atr->precision);
	    sc = DB_S_DECODE_MACRO(atr->precision);
	    return(MHpkcmp((PTR)d1, pr, sc, (PTR)d2, pr, sc));

    /* Bit-equivalent dates we can handle here */
    if (( atr_bdt == DB_DTE_TYPE || 
	 atr_bdt == DB_ADTE_TYPE ||
	 atr_bdt == DB_TMWO_TYPE ||
	 atr_bdt == DB_TMW_TYPE ||
	 atr_bdt == DB_TME_TYPE ||
	 atr_bdt == DB_TSWO_TYPE ||
	 atr_bdt == DB_TSW_TYPE ||
	 atr_bdt == DB_TSTMP_TYPE ||
	 atr_bdt == DB_INYM_TYPE ||
	 atr_bdt == DB_INDS_TYPE ) &&
	MEcmp(d1, d2, (u_i2)atr_len) == 0 )

    /* Will have to do it the slow way */
    dv1.db_datatype = dv2.db_datatype = (DB_DT_ID)atr_bdt;
    dv1.db_prec = dv2.db_prec = atr->precision;
    dv1.db_length = dv2.db_length = atr_len;
    dv1.db_collID = dv2.db_collID = atr->collID;
    dv1.db_data = d1;
    dv2.db_data = d2;
    *status = adc_compare(adf_scb, &dv1, &dv2, &cur_cmp);
