Scene::Scene(GuiWidgets* _gw) : gw(*_gw), is_visible(true), // should be set to false when the window is iconified !!!! is_initialized(false), is_startCB_launched(false), net_delay(500), cycles(0), hud(NULL) { background = UBackground::black; addAttr(background); addAttr(usize(g.pref.width3D, g.pref.height3D)); hudbox.addAttr(upos(1, 1) // position relatively to the canvas : up left corner + UOrient::vertical + UHalign::left + UFont::small + UColor::yellow // size & color of the text ); hudbox.add(hud_line1 + hud_line2 + hud_line3 + hud_line4 + hud_line5); add(hudbox); // add the hudbox to the scene message.addAttr(UFont::bold + UFont::xx_large + UColor::orange + uhcenter() + uvcenter()); message.add("Please wait, VReng is coming up..."); add(uhflex() + uvflex() + message); // Paint and Resize functions: // - are callback functions (paintCB and resizeCB) if the Scene is a UBox // - are redefinitions of paintGL and resizeGL if the Scene is a UGlcanvas addAttr(UOn::paint / ucall(this, &Scene::paintCB) + UOn::resize / ucall(this, &Scene::resizeCB)); }
ItemAttributes::Attribute* ItemAttributes::getAttr(const itemAttrTypes& type) { Attribute* curAttr; if ((type & m_attributes) == 0) { //if that type was not present add it curAttr = new Attribute(type); addAttr(curAttr); return curAttr; } else { //was present, search and return it curAttr = m_firstAttr; while (curAttr) { if (curAttr->type == type) { return curAttr; } curAttr = curAttr->next; } } std::cout << "Warning: [ItemAttributes::getAttr] (type & m_attributes) != 0 but attribute not found" << std::endl; curAttr = new Attribute(type); addAttr(curAttr); return curAttr; }
ItemAttributes::Attribute* ItemAttributes::getAttr(itemAttrTypes type) { Attribute* curAttr; if ((type & m_attributes) == 0) { curAttr = new Attribute(type); addAttr(curAttr); return curAttr; } else { curAttr = m_firstAttr; while (curAttr) { if (curAttr->type == type) { return curAttr; } curAttr = curAttr->next; } } std::cout << "Warning: [ItemAttributes::getAttr] (type & m_attributes) != 0 but attribute not found" << std::endl; curAttr = new Attribute(type); addAttr(curAttr); return curAttr; }
Attr::Attr(string key, string value) { attrMap = map<string, string>(); keyList = vector<string>(); addAttr(key, value); }
static int callback_convert(void *pArg, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName){ Link array = (Link) pArg; Link record = object_create(record_type); int i; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++){ //printf("%s %s\n", azColName[i], argv[i]); addAttr(record, create_string(argv[i]) , create_string(azColName[i])); } array_push(array, record); return 0; /* okay */ }
/*function : send a request pkg to AC auth and wish to get response from that --tangsiqi 2010-1-18*/ int CgiInformAc(char * clientIp, char * serverIp, PKG_TYPE Type, STAuthProcess * pAuthProc,UINT32 pro) { int retErr=0; struct in_addr user_ip; struct in6_addr user_ipv6; pAuthProc->pSendPkg= createPortalPkg(Type); /*malloc STPortalPkg ready to rev data*/ fprintf(stderr,"CgiInformAc createPortalPkg suc Type is %d\n",Type ); pAuthProc->pRevPkg = (STPortalPkg * )malloc(sizeof(STPortalPkg)); memset(pAuthProc->pRevPkg, 0, sizeof(STPortalPkg)); fprintf(stderr,"CgiInformAc serverIp=%s\n",serverIp ); setAuthType(pAuthProc->pSendPkg, pro); memset(&user_ip, 0, sizeof(user_ip)); memset(&user_ipv6, 0, sizeof(user_ipv6)); if (1 == inet_pton(AF_INET, clientIp, &user_ip)) { fprintf(stderr,"CgiInformAc clientIp4=%s\n",clientIp ); setPkgUserIP( pAuthProc->pSendPkg, user_ip.s_addr ); } else if (1 == inet_pton(AF_INET6, clientIp, &user_ipv6)){ fprintf(stderr,"CgiInformAc clientIp6=%s\n",clientIp ); pAuthProc->pSendPkg->version = 0x02; setPkgUserIP( pAuthProc->pSendPkg, 0 ); addAttr( &(pAuthProc->pSendPkg), ATTR_USER_IPV6, &user_ipv6, sizeof(user_ipv6) ); } fprintf(stderr,"CgiInformAc version=%u\n",pAuthProc->pSendPkg->version ); if(sendPortalPkg(pAuthProc->fd, 3, 2000, serverIp, pAuthProc->pSendPkg) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"CgiInformAc sendPortalPkg failed\n" ); retErr = -1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"CgiInformAc sendPortalPkg suc\n" ); } if(getPortalPkg(pAuthProc->fd, 3, &(pAuthProc->pRevPkg))<0) { fprintf(stderr,"CgiInformAc getPortalPkg failed\n" ); retErr = -1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"CgiInformAc getPortalPkg suc\n" ); retErr = getErrCode(pAuthProc->pRevPkg); } fprintf(stderr,"CgiInformAc getErrCode(stAuth.pRevPkg)=%d\n", retErr ); return retErr; }
void UTreenode::constructs(const UArgs& _title, const UArgs& children) { static UPadding& offset = upadding(0, UIGNORE).setLeft(40); psubnodes = &uvbox(children); psubnodes->addAttr(offset); psubnodes->addAttr(UVspacing::none); addAttr(UVspacing::none); pexpander = new UBox (UOn::select / USymbol::down + UOn::deselect / USymbol::right + UOn::select / ushow(*psubnodes, true) + UOn::deselect / ushow(*psubnodes, false) ); pexpander->setSelected(false); psubnodes->show(false); plabel = new UItem(*pexpander + " " + _title); UBox::add(*plabel + *psubnodes); }
void NodeBlock::load(QDataStream &ds, QMap<quint64, NodeAttr*> &attrMap) { QPointF p; ds >> p; setPos(p); int count; ds >> count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { QString name; bool output; int flags; quint64 ptr; ds >> ptr; ds >> name; ds >> output; ds >> flags; attrMap[ptr] = addAttr(name, output, flags, ptr); } }
/* create a backtrace for the critical link */ static inline void addBacktrace(Link crit, Link codeblock_link, int linenum){ if (! crit) return; if (! is_critical(crit)) return; Module module = codeblock_link->value.codeblock->parent->value.module; Link message = NULL; if (linenum) message = create_string_str( string_new_formatted("[module:%s line:%i]", module->name->data, linenum)); else message = create_string_str( string_new_formatted("[module:%s]", module->name->data) ); Link backtrace = getAttr(crit, Global->backtrace_key); if ( ! backtrace ){ backtrace = array_new(0); //fprintf(stderr, "createing backtrace array %p\n", backtrace); addAttr(crit,backtrace,Global->backtrace_key); } array_push(backtrace, message); link_free(backtrace); }
static void global_init(){ /* locate the installation directory */ Global->blue_location = find_blue(); Global->blue_lib_location = find_blue_lib(); /* 0 = only main thread; >0 = multi-threaded */ Global->threads = 0; /* initialize basic object functionality */ object_init(); native_init(); Global->backtrace_key = create_string("__backtrace"); Global->constructor_key = create_string("_"); Global->destructor_key = create_string("__"); Link loc = create_string(Global->blue_location->data); Link loc_key = create_string("install_dir"); addAttr(Global->SYS_MODULE, loc , loc_key); link_free(loc); link_free(loc_key); }
Node::Node(string name, Node *nodeParent) { attrList = new Attr(); nodeName = name; children = map<string, Node *>(); childNames = vector<string>(); reqs = vector<Node *>(); reqParent = vector<string>(); reqConcept = vector<string>(); reqPtr = vector<Node *>(); parent = nodeParent; if(parent != NULL) { parentName = nodeParent->getName(); } else { parentName = ""; } addAttr("id", nodeName); func = (FMap::ExecFunc) NULL; //func = functionMap->getFunc(name); }
void parse_item(bool capture, std::string pinName, AttributeList *attr) { while (tokval != "}" && !eof) { std::string paramname = tokval; validate_token(isId(tokval[0]), "name"); if (paramname == "default_intrinsic_fall" || paramname == "default_intrinsic_rise") { validate_token(tokval == ":", ":(paramname)"); if (capture) addAttr(attr, pinName, paramname, tokval); validate_token(isdigit(tokval[0]), "number"); } else if (paramname == "bus_type") { validate_token(tokval == ":", ":(bus_type)"); if (capture) addAttr(attr, pinName, paramname, tokval); validate_token(isId(tokval[0]), "name"); } else if (tokval == "(") { while (tokval == "(") { std::string paramstr = parseparam(); bool cell = paramname == "cell" && paramstr == options.cell; int ind = paramstr.find("["); if (capture && (paramname == "pin" || paramname == "bus")) { if (ind > 0 && paramstr[paramstr.length()-1] == ']') { std::string sub = paramstr.substr(ind+1); sub = sub.substr(0, sub.length()-1); paramstr = paramstr.substr(0, ind); capturePins[paramstr].pins[atol(sub.c_str())] = 1; } parse_item(true, paramstr, &capturePins[paramstr].attr); } else if (paramname == "type") { parse_item(true, "", &busInfo[paramstr].attr); } else parse_item(capture || cell, pinName, attr); //if (paramname == "cell") //printf("[%s:%d] paramname %s paramstr %s \n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, paramname.c_str(), paramstr.c_str()); if (cell) { processCell(); return; } paramname = tokval; if (!isId(tokval[0])) break; parsenext(); } } else { validate_token(tokval == ":", ":(other)"); if (capture && paramname != "timing_type") addAttr(attr, pinName, paramname, tokval); if (isdigit(tokval[0]) || isId(tokval[0]) || tokval[0] == '"') parsenext(); else validate_token(false, "number or name or string"); if (tokval != "}") validate_token(tokval == ";", ";"); } } validate_token(tokval == "}", "}"); }
/*main--tangsiqi 2010-1-18*/ int cgiMain() { int retLogin=-1,retLogout=-1,ret_challege=0,fd=0;/*0--suc,100--timeout, 減方---fail*/ unsigned short reqID = 0; char opt[10]=""; FILE * fpOut = cgiOut; unsigned char chap_password[MD5LEN + 2] = {0}; unsigned char chap_challenge[MD5LEN] = {0}; MD5_CTX context; unsigned char chap_ident=0; STPkgAttr *tlvPkgAttr; UINT8 tmp[MD5LEN+1]; char acIp[32] = ""; char userIp[32] = ""; char ssid[64] = ""; STUserInfo userInfo; memset(&userInfo, 0 ,sizeof(STUserInfo)); cgiHeaderContentType("text/html"); /*rev user info from login.html*/ cgiFormStringNoNewlines("op_auth", opt, 10); fprintf(stderr,"opt=%s",opt); if( strlen(opt)>0 && (!strcmp(opt,"login")) ) { cgiFormStringNoNewlines("a_name", userInfo.usrName, MAX_EAG_LOGIN_NAME_LEN); cgiFormStringNoNewlines("a_pass", userInfo.usrPass, MAX_EAG_LOGIN_PASS_LEN); userInfo.usrOperation = 1; } else { userInfo.usrOperation = 2;/*logout*/ } //fprintf(stderr,"cgiQueryString=%s",cgiQueryString); //fprintf(stderr,"cgiReferrer=%s",cgiReferrer); //fprintf(stderr,"cgiServerName=%s",cgiServerName); memset(acIp, 0, sizeof(acIp)); if( cgiFormNotFound == cgiFormStringNoNewlines("wlanacip", acIp, sizeof(acIp)) ) { strncpy(acIp, cgiServerName, sizeof(acIp)-1); } if( cgiFormNotFound == cgiFormStringNoNewlines("wlanuserip", userIp, sizeof(userIp)) ) { strncpy(userIp, cgiRemoteAddr, sizeof(userIp)-1); } cgiFormStringNoNewlines("ssid", ssid, sizeof(ssid)); fprintf( fpOut, "<html xmlns=\"\"> \n" ); fprintf( fpOut, "<head> \n" ); fprintf( fpOut, "<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=gb2312> \n" ); fprintf( fpOut, "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"pragma\" CONTENT=\"no-cache\"> \n"); fprintf( fpOut, "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Cache-Control\" CONTENT=\"no-cache, must-revalidate\"> \n" ); fprintf( fpOut, "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"expires\" CONTENT=\"Wed, 26 Feb 1997 08:21:57 GMT\"> \n"); fprintf( fpOut, "<title>login_proc</title>\n"); fprintf( fpOut, "</head> \n" ); fprintf( fpOut, "<boby>\n"); /*process http req and require a auth request with AC*/ STAuthProcess stAuth; memset(&stAuth, 0, sizeof(STAuthProcess)); cgi_auth_init(&stAuth, 2000); STUserManagePkg * pstReq = NULL; STUserManagePkg * pstRsp = NULL; char urlPost[4096]={0}; char *urlNew = NULL; char *replace = NULL; char urlParam[128] = ""; char urlValue[256] = ""; struct in_addr user_ip; struct in6_addr user_ipv6; fprintf(stderr, "a_name=%s, a_pass=%s, op_auth=%s, userIp=%s, acIp=%s, cgiRemoteAddr=%s, cgiServerName=%s\n", userInfo.usrName, userInfo.usrPass, opt, userIp, acIp, cgiRemoteAddr, cgiServerName); #if 1 fprintf(stderr,"cgiReferrer=%s\n", cgiReferrer ); #endif strncpy(urlPost, cgiReferrer, strlen(cgiReferrer)); #if 0 fprintf(stderr,"before urlPost=%s\n" ,urlPost ); replace = strrchr(urlPost, '//'); fprintf(stderr,"before replace=%s\n" ,replace ); int partLen = strlen(replace); memset(replace, "\0", partLen); fprintf(stderr,"inner urlPost=%s\n" ,urlPost ); memcpy(replace, "/auth_suc.html", strlen("/auth_suc.html")+1); fprintf(stderr,"last urlPost=%s--partLen=%d\n" ,urlPost, partLen ); #endif fprintf(stderr,"userInfo.usrOperation=%d\n" ,userInfo.usrOperation ); switch(userInfo.usrOperation) { case 1:/*login*/ //stAuth.protocal = AUTH_CHAP; pstReq = createRequirePkg(REQ_GET_AUTH_TYPE,NULL,NULL); /*connect unix sock to get auth type*/ //fd = suc_connect_unix_sock(); //if(fd <= -1) //{ // fprintf(stderr,"suc_connect_unix_sock: error\n"); // break; //} //fprintf(stderr,"fd=%d",fd); stAuth.protocal = AUTH_CHAP;//get_authType_from_eag( pstReq, fd, 5, &(pstRsp)); //fprintf(stderr,"stAuth.protocal=%d",stAuth.protocal); //close( fd ); if( stAuth.protocal == AUTH_CHAP ) /*chap md5 simulation----------*/ { ret_challege = CgiInformAc(userIp, acIp, REQ_CHALLENGE, &stAuth, stAuth.protocal); fprintf(stderr,"ret_challege=%d", ret_challege); if( CHALLENGE_SUCCESS == ret_challege || CHALLENGE_CONNECTED == ret_challege )/*if ret is success ,then can get attr from rev pkg*/ { if((tlvPkgAttr = getAttrByAttrType(stAuth.pRevPkg, ATTR_CHALLENGE)) == NULL && CHALLENGE_CONNECTED == ret_challege) { retLogin = 0;/*容僕suc.html*/ break; } } else { retLogin = -1;/*容僕fail.html*/ break; } memcpy(chap_challenge, tlvPkgAttr->attr_value, tlvPkgAttr->attr_len); fprintf(stderr,"chap_challenge() value %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n", \ chap_challenge[0],chap_challenge[1],chap_challenge[2], chap_challenge[3],chap_challenge[4],chap_challenge[5],chap_challenge[6],chap_challenge[7],chap_challenge[8],chap_challenge[9], chap_challenge[10],chap_challenge[11],chap_challenge[12],chap_challenge[13],chap_challenge[14],chap_challenge[15] ); reqID = getRequireID(stAuth.pRevPkg); fprintf(stderr,"CHAP: reqID=%d\n",reqID); unsigned char chap_id = (unsigned char)reqID ; fprintf(stderr, "chap_id=%d\n",chap_id); /*simulate MD5 encoded at portal server add by tangsiqi 2010-1-5*/ MD5Init(&context); MD5Update(&context, (UINT8 *)&chap_id, 1); MD5Update(&context, (UINT8 *)userInfo.usrPass, strlen(userInfo.usrPass));/*now the password is get through by redir url */ MD5Update(&context, chap_challenge, MD5LEN); MD5Final(tmp, &context); tmp[MD5LEN] = 0;/*add 0 at end of char[]*/ fprintf(stderr,"CHAP: tmp=%s",tmp); memcpy(chap_password, tmp, MD5LEN ); chap_password[MD5LEN+1] = 0; fprintf(stderr,"...add attr CHAP_PASSWORD() value %02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x\n", \ chap_password[0],chap_password[1],chap_password[2], chap_password[3],chap_password[4],chap_password[5],chap_password[6],chap_password[7],chap_password[8],chap_password[9], chap_password[10],chap_password[11],chap_password[12],chap_password[13],chap_password[14],chap_password[15] ); destroyPortalPkg(stAuth.pSendPkg); destroyPortalPkg(stAuth.pRevPkg); } /*after challege exchange*/ stAuth.pSendPkg = createPortalPkg(REQ_AUTH); fprintf(stderr,"login createPortalPkg suc\n" ); /*malloc STPortalPkg ready to rev data*/ stAuth.pRevPkg = (STPortalPkg * )malloc(sizeof(STPortalPkg)); memset(stAuth.pRevPkg, 0, sizeof(STPortalPkg)); setAuthType(stAuth.pSendPkg, stAuth.protocal); setRequireID(stAuth.pSendPkg, reqID ); memset(&user_ip, 0, sizeof(user_ip)); memset(&user_ipv6, 0, sizeof(user_ipv6)); if (1 == inet_pton(AF_INET, userIp, &user_ip)) { fprintf(stderr,"userIp4=%s\n",userIp); setPkgUserIP( stAuth.pSendPkg, user_ip.s_addr ); } else if (1 == inet_pton(AF_INET6, userIp, &user_ipv6)){ fprintf(stderr,"userIp6=%s\n",userIp); stAuth.pSendPkg->version = 0x02; setPkgUserIP( stAuth.pSendPkg, 0 ); addAttr( &stAuth.pSendPkg, ATTR_USER_IPV6, &user_ipv6, sizeof(user_ipv6) ); } fprintf(stderr,"version=%u\n", stAuth.pSendPkg->version); addAttr( &stAuth.pSendPkg, ATTR_USERNAME, userInfo.usrName, strlen(userInfo.usrName) ); if( stAuth.protocal == AUTH_CHAP ) { /*challenge exchange*/ addAttr( &stAuth.pSendPkg, ATTR_CHAPPASSWORD, chap_password, MD5LEN ); } else/*PAP authentication*/ { fprintf(stderr,"userInfo.usrPass=%s",userInfo.usrPass); addAttr( &stAuth.pSendPkg, ATTR_PASSWORD, userInfo.usrPass, strlen(userInfo.usrPass) ); } if(sendPortalPkg(stAuth.fd, 6, 2000, acIp, stAuth.pSendPkg) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"login sendPortalPkg failed\n" ); retLogin = -1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"login sendPortalPkg suc\n" ); } if(getPortalPkg(stAuth.fd, 12, &(stAuth.pRevPkg))<0) { fprintf(stderr,"login getPortalPkg failed\n" ); retLogin = -1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"login getPortalPkg suc\n" ); } retLogin = getErrCode(stAuth.pRevPkg); fprintf(stderr,"login getErrCode(stAuth.pRevPkg)=%d\n", retLogin ); destroyPortalPkg(stAuth.pSendPkg); destroyPortalPkg(stAuth.pRevPkg); break; case 2:/*logout*/ retLogout = CgiInformAc(userIp, acIp, REQ_LOGOUT, &stAuth, stAuth.protocal); destroyPortalPkg(stAuth.pSendPkg); destroyPortalPkg(stAuth.pRevPkg); break; default: break; } fprintf(stderr,"retLogin=%d---retLogout=%d\n" ,retLogin,retLogout ); closePkgSock(&stAuth); if( retLogin==100 || retLogout==100 )/*time out will retry,reserve*/ { fprintf( fpOut, "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td colspan=2>time out!please retry or return</td></tr>\n"); fprintf( fpOut, "<tr><td><input type='submit' name='retry' value='retry'></td><td><input type='submit' name='return' value='return'></td></tr>\n"); fprintf( fpOut, "</table>\n"); goto html_end; } snprintf(urlParam, sizeof(urlParam)-1, "wlanacip=%s&wlanuserip=%s&ssid=%s", acIp, userIp, ssid); if( userInfo.usrOperation == 1 )/*login*/ { switch(retLogin) { case PORTAL_AUTH_SUCCESS: case PORTAL_AUTH_CONNECTED: /* urlNew = replaceStrPart(urlPost, "/auth_suc.html"); locate(fpOut, urlNew);break; */ snprintf(urlValue, sizeof(urlValue)-1, "/auth_suc.html?%s", urlParam); urlNew = replaceStrPart(urlPost, urlValue); locate(fpOut, urlNew); break; case PORTAL_AUTH_REJECT: /* urlNew = replaceStrPart(urlPost, "/auth_fail.html"); locate(fpOut, urlNew);break; */ case PORTAL_AUTH_ONAUTH: /* urlNew = replaceStrPart(urlPost, "/auth_fail.html"); locate(fpOut, urlNew);break; */ case PORTAL_AUTH_FAILED: /* urlNew = replaceStrPart(urlPost, "/auth_fail.html"); locate(fpOut, urlNew);break; */ snprintf(urlValue, sizeof(urlValue)-1, "/auth_fail.html?%s", urlParam); urlNew = replaceStrPart(urlPost, urlValue); locate(fpOut, urlNew); break; case -1: /* urlNew = replaceStrPart(urlPost, "/login.html"); locate(fpOut, urlNew);break; */ snprintf(urlValue, sizeof(urlValue)-1, "/login.html?%s", urlParam); urlNew = replaceStrPart(urlPost, urlValue); locate(fpOut, urlNew); break; default: break; } } else if( userInfo.usrOperation == 2 )/*logout*/ { switch(retLogout) { case EC_ACK_LOGOUT_SUCCESS: /* urlNew = replaceStrPart(urlPost, "/login.html"); locate(fpOut, urlNew);break; */ snprintf(urlValue, sizeof(urlValue)-1, "/login.html?%s", urlParam); urlNew = replaceStrPart(urlPost, urlValue); locate(fpOut, urlNew); break; case -1: case EC_ACK_LOGOUT_REJECT: /* urlNew = replaceStrPart(urlPost, "/auth_suc.html"); locate(fpOut, urlNew);break; */ case EC_ACK_LOGOUT_FAILED: /* urlNew = replaceStrPart(urlPost, "/auth_suc.html"); locate(fpOut, urlNew);break; */ snprintf(urlValue, sizeof(urlValue)-1, "/auth_suc.html?%s", urlParam); urlNew = replaceStrPart(urlPost, urlValue); locate(fpOut, urlNew); break; default: break; } } html_end: fprintf( fpOut, "</body>\n" ); fprintf( fpOut, "</html>\n" ); }
Link interpret(Link codeblock_link , Link This, Link Arg){ CallEnv env = callenv_new_root( codeblock_link, This, Arg); LinkStack stack = env->stack; Link b = NULL; Link link = NULL; Link parent = NULL; Link child_key = NULL; Link pusher = NULL; // Anything in this variable gets pushed onto the stack Link trapped = NULL; // This is the last critical caught by the trap operator int delta = 0; // jump delta /* Main interpreter loop */ while(1){ switch( *(env->current++) ){ case INTRO: env->current+=4; break; case ALLOC_MODULE: delta = read_offset(env); env->module->global_vars = linkarray_new(delta); break; case ALLOC_LOCAL: delta = read_offset(env); env->local = linkarray_new(delta); break; case NO_OP: break; case RETURN: // if there is something on the env->stack stack pop it off and return it, if not return null link if ( stack_length(stack) - env->stack_offset ){ pusher = stack_pop(stack); }else{ pusher = object_create(Global->null_type); } goto done; case RAISE: // if there is something on the stack stack pop it off and return it, if not return null link if ( stack_length(stack) - env->stack_offset ){ pusher = create_critical(stack_pop(stack)); }else{ pusher = create_critical(object_create(Global->null_type)); } goto done; case PUSH_LEX: delta = read_offset(env); //fprintf(stderr , "push lex [%i] %p\n", delta,env->function->value.codeblock->lexicals); pusher = link_dup(env->function->value.codeblock->lexicals->vars[delta]); break; case STORE_LEX: delta = read_offset(env); //fprintf(stderr , "storing lex [%i] %p\n", delta,env->function->value.codeblock->lexicals); b = env->function->value.codeblock->lexicals->vars[delta]; if (b){ if ( (b->type == Global->function_type) && (b->value.codeblock->lexicals == env->function->value.codeblock->lexicals) ) b->value.codeblock->lexical_cycles--; link_free(b); } b = link_dup(stack_peek(stack)); if ( (b->type == Global->function_type) && (b->value.codeblock->lexicals == env->function->value.codeblock->lexicals) ) b->value.codeblock->lexical_cycles++; env->function->value.codeblock->lexicals->vars[delta] = b; break; case DEF: if (env->Def) link_free(env->Def); env->Def = stack_pop(env->stack); pusher = link_dup(env->Def); break; case PUSH_DEF: if ( ! env->Def){ pusher = exception("NoDefObject",NULL, NULL); } pusher = link_dup(env->Def); break; case ALLOC_LEXICAL: delta = read_offset(env); lexicals_alloc( env->function, delta); //env->lexical_root = 1; break; case STORE_ARG: delta = read_offset(env); if (env->Arg->value.array->length > delta){ retry_store_arg: env->Arg->value.array->links[delta] = link_dup( stack_peek(stack) ); }else{ array_push(env->Arg, NULL); goto retry_store_arg; } break; case PUSH_ARG: delta = read_offset(env); if (env->Arg->value.array->length > delta){ pusher = link_dup( env->Arg->value.array->links[delta]); }else{ pusher = exception("ArgsIndexOutOfBounds", NULL, NULL); } break; case STORE_GVAR: delta = read_offset(env); if (env->module->global_vars->links[delta]){ link_free(env->module->global_vars->links[delta]); } env->module->global_vars->links[delta] = link_dup( stack_peek(stack) ); break; case STORE_VAR: delta = read_offset(env); if (env->local->links[delta]){ link_free(env->local->links[delta]); } env->local->links[delta] = link_dup( stack_peek(stack) ); break; case STORE_CHILD: link = stack_pop(stack); // value child_key = stack_pop(stack); // key to find the child parent = stack_pop(stack); // parent to look in pusher = object_addChild(parent, link, child_key); goto STORE_COMMON; case STORE_ATTR: link = stack_pop(stack); // value child_key = stack_pop(stack); // key to find the child parent = stack_pop(stack); // parent to look in pusher = addAttr(parent, link,child_key); goto STORE_COMMON; STORE_COMMON: if (! pusher){ pusher = exception("AssignError", NULL, NULL); link_free(link); } link_free(child_key); link_free(parent); break; case LT: delta = compare(env); pusher = create_numberi( (delta < 0) ? 1 : 0 ); break; case GT: delta = compare(env); pusher = create_numberi( (delta > 0) ? 1 : 0 ); break; case EQ: delta = compare(env); pusher = create_numberi( (delta == 0) ? 1 : 0 ); break; case NE: delta = compare(env); pusher = create_numberi( (delta == 0) ? 0 : 1 ); break; case LE: delta = compare(env); pusher = create_numberi( (delta <= 0) ? 1 : 0 ); break; case GE: delta = compare(env); pusher = create_numberi( (delta >= 0) ? 1 : 0 ); break; case CMP: delta = compare(env); pusher = create_numberi( delta ); break; case OR: case AND: break; case SUB: b = stack_pop(env->stack); link = stack_pop(env->stack); if ( (link->type == Global->number_type) && (link->type == b->type)){ pusher = create_number(link->value.number - b->value.number); link_free(link); link_free(b); break; } pusher = object_op_minus(link,b); link_free(link); link_free(b); break; case ADD: b = stack_pop(env->stack); link = stack_pop(env->stack); if ( (link->type == Global->number_type) && (link->type == b->type)){ pusher = create_number(link->value.number + b->value.number); link_free(link); link_free(b); break; } pusher = object_op_plus(link,b); link_free(link); link_free(b); break; case DIV: binary_op(env , object_op_divide); break; case MULT: binary_op(env , object_op_multiply); break; case MOD: binary_op(env , object_op_modulus); break; case POW: binary_op(env , object_op_power); break; case NEG: unary_op(env, object_op_neg); break; case NOT: link = stack_pop(stack); pusher = create_numberi( (object_is_true(link)) ? 0 : 1 ); link_free(link); break; case TEST: case ELSE: break; case DO: delta = read_offset(env); link = codeblock_literal2( env->function->value.codeblock->parent, delta ); if (env->function->value.codeblock->lexicals) { lexicals_attach( env->function->value.codeblock->lexicals, link); } env = callenv_new_doblock(env,link); break; case PUSH_ARRAY: delta = read_offset(env); pusher = array_new_subarray( stack , delta); break; case CALL: link = stack_pop(stack); // the arguments in an array b = stack_pop(stack); // the function that gets called parent = link_dup(env->This); // caller goto CALL_COMMON; case CALL_ATTR: link = stack_pop(stack); // arguments child_key = stack_pop(stack); // name of the function parent = stack_pop(stack); // caller b = getAttr(parent,child_key); // the function that gets called link_free(child_key); // no longer need the attributes key if (! b) { pusher = exception("AttrNotFound", NULL, NULL); break; } goto CALL_COMMON; case CALL_CHILD: link = stack_pop(stack); // ARG child_key = stack_pop(stack); parent = stack_pop(stack); // THIS b = object_getChild(parent,child_key); link_free(child_key); goto CALL_COMMON; CALL_COMMON: /* function type so we can call it inline */ if (b->type == Global->function_type){ env = callenv_new_function(env, b, parent, link); // ce , func,this, arg /* Not a CodeBlock so we have to use its virtual call function */ }else{ pusher = object_call(b, parent, link);// function, caller, args link_free(link); if (parent) link_free(parent); link_free(b); if (! pusher) pusher = object_create(Global->null_type); } break; case DEL_CHILD: child_key = stack_pop(stack); // key to find the child parent = stack_pop(stack); // parent to look in /* delete child from container */ pusher = object_delChild(parent,child_key); if (! pusher) pusher = exception("ChildNotFound", object_getString(child_key), NULL); link_free(child_key); link_free(parent); break; case DEL_ATTR: child_key = stack_pop(stack); // key to find the child parent = stack_pop(stack); // parent to look in /* delete attr from container */ pusher = delAttr(parent,child_key); if (! pusher) pusher = exception("AttrNotFound", object_getString(child_key), NULL); link_free(child_key); link_free(parent); break; case GET_CHILD: child_key = stack_pop(stack); // key to find the child parent = stack_pop(stack); // parent to look in pusher = object_getChild(parent, child_key); if (! pusher) pusher = exception("ChildNotFound", object_getString(child_key), NULL); link_free(parent); link_free(child_key); break; case GET_ATTR: child_key = stack_pop(stack); // key to find the child parent = stack_pop(stack); // parent to look in pusher = getAttr(parent, child_key); if (! pusher) pusher = exception("AttrNotFound", object_getString(child_key), NULL); link_free(parent); link_free(child_key); break; case TRAP: break; case CLEAR: for ( delta = stack_length( stack ) ; delta > env->stack_offset ; delta--){ link_free( stack_pop(stack) ); } break; case STOP: break; done: case END: for ( delta = stack_length( stack ) ; delta > env->stack_offset ; delta--){ link_free( stack_pop(stack) ); } addBacktrace(pusher, env->function, env->linenum); env = callenv_free(env); if (! env) goto end; if (! pusher) pusher = object_create(Global->null_type); break; /* JUMPS */ case JIT: /* Jump if true */ delta = read_offset(env); link = stack_peek(stack); if ( link->type->is_true(link) ) env->current = env->start+delta; break; case JIF: /* Jump if false */ delta = read_offset(env); link = stack_peek(stack); if ( ! link->type->is_true(link) ) env->current = env->start+delta; break; case JIF_POP: /* Pop value then jump if value is false, */ delta = read_offset(env); link = stack_pop(stack); if ( ! link->type->is_true(link) ) env->current = env->start+delta; link_free(link); break; case JUMP: /* Absolute jump */ delta = read_offset(env); env->current = env->start + delta; break; case JINC: /* Jump If Not Critical */ delta = read_offset(env); env->current = env->start+delta; break; jinc_critical: delta = read_offset(env); if (trapped) link_free(trapped); trapped = pusher->; pusher-> = NULL; link_free(pusher); pusher = NULL; break; case PUSH_NULL: pusher = create_null(); break; case PUSH_NUM: pusher = create_number( *((number_t *)env->current) ); env->current+= sizeof(number_t); break; case PUSH_STR: delta = read_offset(env); pusher = create_string_literal( env->start + delta ); break; case PUSH_GVAR: delta = read_offset(env); pusher = link_dup(env->module->global_vars->links[delta]); if (! pusher){ pusher = exception("GlobalVariableUsedBeforeSet",NULL,NULL); } break; case PUSH_VAR: delta = read_offset(env); pusher = link_dup(env->local->links[delta]); if (! pusher){ pusher = exception("VariableUsedBeforeSet",NULL,NULL);; } break; case PUSH_BLOCK: delta = read_offset(env); pusher = codeblock_literal2( env->function->value.codeblock->parent, delta ); if (env->function->value.codeblock->lexicals) { lexicals_attach( env->function->value.codeblock->lexicals, pusher); } break; case PUSH_SYS: pusher = link_dup(Global->SYS_MODULE); break; case PUSH_MODULE: pusher = link_dup( env->function->value.codeblock->parent); break; case TYPEOF: link = stack_pop(stack); pusher = link_dup( link->type->type_link); link_free(link); break; case PUSH_THIS: pusher = link_dup(env->This); break; case PUSH_SELF: pusher = link_dup(env->Self); break; case PUSH_ARGS: pusher = link_dup(env->Arg); break; case PUSH_TRAPPED: pusher = trapped ? link_dup(trapped) : object_create(Global->null_type); break; case POP: link_free( stack_pop(stack) ); break; case LINE: env->linenum = read_offset(env); break; default: fprintf(stderr," UNRECOGNIZED OPCODE ERROR %i\n", *(env->current)); fprintf(stderr," near line %i\n", (int)(env->linenum)); exit(1); break; } if (pusher) { if ( is_critical( pusher ) ){ if ( *(env->current) == JINC) goto jinc_critical; goto done; } stack_push(stack , pusher); pusher = NULL; } } end: if (trapped) link_free(trapped); return pusher; }
int cgiMain() { int retLogin=0,ResponseCode= 0; unsigned short reqID = 0; FILE * fpOut = cgiOut; char WISPrVersion[MAX_EAG_WISPR_VERSION_LEN+1] = {0}; STUserInfo userInfo; STAuthProcess stAuth; UINT32 userip = 0; char userip_str[32]=""; int ret; UINT32 timeout = DEFAULT_PORTAL_REQ_TIMEOUT; char timeout_str[32]; char *ReplyMessage = NULL; char *RedirectionURL = NULL; UINT32 MaxSessionTime = 0; memset(&stAuth, 0, sizeof(STAuthProcess)); cgi_auth_init(&stAuth, 2000); memset(&userInfo, 0 ,sizeof(STUserInfo)); ret = cgiFormStringNoNewlines("WISPrVersion", WISPrVersion, MAX_EAG_WISPR_VERSION_LEN); if (cgiFormNotFound == ret) { strcpy(WISPrVersion,"1"); } cgiFormStringNoNewlines("UserName", userInfo.usrName, MAX_EAG_LOGIN_NAME_LEN); cgiFormStringNoNewlines("Password", userInfo.usrPass, MAX_EAG_LOGIN_PASS_LEN); memset (userip_str, 0, sizeof(userip_str) ); ret = cgiFormStringNoNewlines("UserIP", userip_str, sizeof(userip_str)); if( cgiFormNotFound == ret ){ fprintf(stderr,"UserIP not find! use cgiRemoteAddr=%s\n",cgiRemoteAddr); strncpy (userip_str, cgiRemoteAddr, sizeof(userip_str)-1); } userip = htonl(inet_addr(userip_str)); if (0 == userip) { fprintf(stderr, "user ip is 0!!\n" ); } ret = cgiFormStringNoNewlines("TimeOut", timeout_str, sizeof(timeout_str)-1); if (cgiFormSuccess == ret) { timeout = atoi(timeout_str); if (timeout<MIN_PORTAL_REQ_TIMEOUT || timeout>MAX_PORTAL_REQ_TIMEOUT) { timeout = DEFAULT_PORTAL_REQ_TIMEOUT; } } fprintf(stderr,"login WISPrVersion:%s,UserName:%s,Password=%s.\n",WISPrVersion,userInfo.usrName,userInfo.usrPass); /*after challege exchange*/ stAuth.pSendPkg = createPortalPkg(REQ_AUTH); fprintf(stderr,"login createPortalPkg suc\n" ); /*malloc STPortalPkg ready to rev data*/ stAuth.pRevPkg = (STPortalPkg * )malloc(sizeof(STPortalPkg)); memset(stAuth.pRevPkg, 0, sizeof(STPortalPkg)); stAuth.protocal = AUTH_PAP; setAuthType(stAuth.pSendPkg, stAuth.protocal); setRequireID(stAuth.pSendPkg, reqID ); setPkgUserIP( stAuth.pSendPkg, userip ); addAttr( &stAuth.pSendPkg, ATTR_USERNAME, userInfo.usrName, strlen(userInfo.usrName) ); fprintf(stderr,"userInfo.usrPass=%s",userInfo.usrPass); addAttr( &stAuth.pSendPkg, ATTR_PASSWORD, userInfo.usrPass, strlen(userInfo.usrPass) ); if(sendPortalPkg(stAuth.fd, (timeout+1)/2, 2000, cgiServerName, stAuth.pSendPkg) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"login sendPortalPkg failed\n" ); retLogin = -1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"login sendPortalPkg suc\n" ); } if(getPortalPkg(stAuth.fd, timeout/2, &(stAuth.pRevPkg))<0) { fprintf(stderr,"login getPortalPkg failed\n" ); retLogin = -1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"login getPortalPkg suc\n" ); retLogin = getErrCode(stAuth.pRevPkg); } fprintf(stderr,"login getErrCode(stAuth.pRevPkg)=%d\n", retLogin ); // WISPr response // <MessageType>120</MessageType> //Required // <ResponseCode>{Response Code}</ResponseCode> //Required // <ReplyMessage>{Reply Message Text}</ReplyMessage> //Conditional Required // <LogoffURL>http[s]:/*{site specific logoffURL}*/</LogoffURL> //Conditional Required // <RedirectionURL>http[s]:/*{redirection URL}*/</RedirectionURL> //Optional // <StatusURL>http[s]:/*{status URL}*/</StatusURL> //Conditional Required // <MaxSessionTime>{Maximum Session Time}</MaxSessionTime> switch(retLogin){ case 0: ResponseCode=50; //Login succeeded (Access ACCEPT) break; case 1: ResponseCode=100; //Login failed (Access REJECT) break; #if 0 case: ResponseCode=102; //Authentication server error/timeout break; case: ResponseCode=105; //Network Administrator Error: No authentication server enabled break; case: ResponseCode=252; //Invalid state for WISPr request break; case: ResponseCode=253; //MTU of AAA message is too big break; case: ResponseCode=254; //Protocol error break; case: ResponseCode=255; //Access gateway internal error break; #endif default: ResponseCode=100; fprintf(stderr,"login err retcode(%d) not found!",retLogin); break; } /*html pre*/ cgiHeaderContentType("text/html"); fprintf( fpOut, "<html xmlns=\"\"> \n" ); fprintf( fpOut, "<head> \n" ); #if 0 fprintf( fpOut, "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;\" charset=\"gb2312\"> \n" ); fprintf( fpOut, "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"pragma\" CONTENT=\"no-cache\"> \n"); fprintf( fpOut, "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Cache-Control\" CONTENT=\"no-cache\"> \n" ); fprintf( fpOut, "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"expires\" CONTENT=\"0\">\n"); #endif fprintf( fpOut, "<title>login_proc</title> \n"); fprintf( fpOut, "</head> \n" ); fprintf( fpOut, "<body> \n"); /*xml */ fprintf( fpOut, "<!-- \n" ); fprintf( fpOut, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> \n" ); fprintf( fpOut, "<WISPAccessGatewayParam \n" "xmlns:xsi=\"\" \n" "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"\"> \n" ); fprintf( fpOut, " <AuthenticationReply> \n"); fprintf( fpOut, " <MessageType>120</MessageType> \n <ResponseCode>%d</ResponseCode> \n",ResponseCode); if (ReplyMessage && strlen(ReplyMessage)>0){ fprintf( fpOut, " <ReplyMessage>%s</ReplyMessage> \n",ReplyMessage); }else if (0 != retLogin) { fprintf( fpOut, " <ReplyMessage>Login Failed.Please check your username and password!</ReplyMessage> \n" ); } fprintf( fpOut, " <LogoffURL>%s://%s:%s/wispr/logout?UserIP=%s</LogoffURL> \n", urlprefix,cgiServerName, cgiServerPort, userip_str ); if (RedirectionURL && strlen(RedirectionURL)>0){ fprintf( fpOut, " <RedirectionURL>%s</RedirectionURL> \n",RedirectionURL); } #if 0 fprintf( fpOut, " <StatusURL>%s://%s:%s/wispr/status?UserIP=%s</StatusURL> \n", urlprefix,cgiServerName, cgiServerPort, userip_str ); #endif if (MaxSessionTime) { fprintf( fpOut, " <MaxSessionTime>%u</MaxSessionTime> \n",MaxSessionTime); } fprintf( fpOut, " </AuthenticationReply>\n</WISPAccessGatewayParam> \n" ); destroyPortalPkg(stAuth.pSendPkg); destroyPortalPkg(stAuth.pRevPkg); fprintf( fpOut, "--> \n" ); /*xml end*/ #if 0 if ( 0 == retLogin ){ fprintf( fpOut, "login successful!\n" ); } if (ReplyMessage && strlen(ReplyMessage)>0){ fprintf( fpOut, "ReplyMessage=%s\n",ReplyMessage ); } #endif /**/ fprintf( fpOut, "</body>\n" ); fprintf( fpOut, "</html>\n" ); /* adding aff_ack_auth package */ // err_code=0 means ack-auth normal succeed if (0 == retLogin ) { /*after auth exchange*/ stAuth.pSendPkg = createPortalPkg(AFF_ACK_AUTH); /*malloc STPortalPkg ready to rev data*/ stAuth.pRevPkg = (STPortalPkg * )malloc(sizeof(STPortalPkg)); memset(stAuth.pRevPkg, 0, sizeof(STPortalPkg)); setAuthType(stAuth.pSendPkg, stAuth.protocal); setRequireID(stAuth.pSendPkg, reqID ); setPkgUserIP( stAuth.pSendPkg, htonl(inet_addr(cgiRemoteAddr)) ); if(sendPortalPkg(stAuth.fd, 3, 2000, cgiServerName, stAuth.pSendPkg) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"auth sendPortalPkg failed\n" ); retLogin = -1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"auth sendPortalPkg suc\n" ); } destroyPortalPkg(stAuth.pSendPkg); destroyPortalPkg(stAuth.pRevPkg); } return 0; }
ATTR& obtainAttr() {ATTR* a; _attributes.findClass(a); if (!a) addAttr(a = new ATTR); return *a;}
UTreebox::UTreebox(const UArgs& a) : UListbox(a) { choice().setSelectionRule(is_selectable_by_tree); addAttr(UBorder::none); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { type_code attrType = B_STRING_TYPE; char *attrValue = NULL; size_t valueFileLength = 0; bool resolveLinks = true; int c; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hf:t:P", kLongOptions, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 0: break; case 'f': { // retrieve attribute value from file BFile file; off_t size; status_t status = file.SetTo(optarg, B_READ_ONLY); if (status < B_OK) { ERR("can't read attribute value from file %s: %s\n", optarg, strerror(status)); return 1; } status = file.GetSize(&size); if (status == B_OK) { if (size == 0) { ERR_0("attribute value is empty: 0 bytes\n"); return 1; } if (size > 4 * 1024 * 1024) { ERR("attribute value is too large: %" B_PRIdOFF " bytes\n", size); return 1; } attrValue = (char *)malloc(size); if (attrValue != NULL) status = file.Read(attrValue, size); else status = B_NO_MEMORY; } if (status < B_OK) { ERR("can't read attribute value: %s\n", strerror(status)); return 1; } valueFileLength = (size_t)size; break; } case 't': // Get the attribute type if (typeForString(optarg, &attrType) != B_OK) invalidAttrType(optarg); break; case 'P': resolveLinks = false; break; case 'h': usage(0); break; default: usage(1); break; } } if (argc - optind < 1) usage(1); const char *attrName = argv[optind++]; if (argc - optind < 1) usage(1); if (!valueFileLength) attrValue = argv[optind++]; if (argc - optind < 1) usage(1); // Now that we gathered all the information proceed // to add the attribute to the file(s) int result = 0; for (; optind < argc; optind++) { status_t status = addAttr(argv[optind], attrType, attrName, attrValue, valueFileLength, resolveLinks); // special case for bool types if (status == B_BAD_VALUE && attrType == B_BOOL_TYPE) invalidBoolValue(attrValue); if (status != B_OK) { ERR("can't add attribute to file %s: %s\n", argv[optind], strerror(status)); // proceed files, but return an error at the end result = 1; } } if (valueFileLength) free(attrValue); return result; }
void *JabberAdd::processEvent(Event *e) { if (e->type() == EventDiscoItem){ DiscoItem *item = (DiscoItem*)(e->param()); if (m_id_browse == item->id){ if (item->jid.empty()){ if (!item->node.empty()){ QString url; if (m_client->getUseVHost()) url = QString::fromUtf8(m_client->getVHost()); if (url.isEmpty()) url = QString::fromUtf8(m_client->getServer()); m_id_disco = m_client->discoItems(url.utf8(), ""); } m_id_browse = ""; checkDone(); return e->param(); } addSearch(item->jid.c_str(), "", item->features.c_str(), item->type.c_str()); return e->param(); } if (m_id_disco == item->id){ if (item->jid.empty()){ m_id_disco = ""; checkDone(); return e->param(); } ItemInfo info; info.jid = item->jid; info.node = item->node; = m_client->discoInfo(info.jid.c_str(), info.node.c_str()); m_disco_items.push_back(info); return e->param(); } list<ItemInfo>::iterator it; for (it = m_disco_items.begin(); it != m_disco_items.end(); ++it){ if ((*it).id == item->id){ addSearch((*it).jid.c_str(), (*it).node.c_str(), item->features.c_str(), item->type.c_str()); m_disco_items.erase(it); checkDone(); break; } } } if (e->type() == EventAgentInfo){ JabberAgentInfo *data = (JabberAgentInfo*)(e->param()); list<AgentSearch>::iterator it; for (it = m_agents.begin(); it != m_agents.end(); ++it) if ((*it).id_info == data->ReqID.ptr) break; if (it == m_agents.end()) return NULL; if (data->Type.ptr == NULL){ (*it).id_info = ""; if (m_first.isEmpty()) (*it).fill |= FILL_FIRST; if (m_last.isEmpty()) (*it).fill |= FILL_LAST; if (m_nick.isEmpty()) (*it).fill |= FILL_NICK; if (m_mail.isEmpty()) (*it).fill |= FILL_MAIL; if ((*it).fill != FILL_ALL){ m_agents.erase(it); checkDone(); return e->param();; } (*it).id_search = m_client->search((*it).jid.c_str(), (*it).node.c_str(), (*it).condition.utf8()); if ((*it).condition.left(6) != "x:data"){ addAttr("", i18n("JID")); addAttr("first", i18n("First name")); addAttr("last", i18n("Last name")); addAttr("nick", i18n("Nick")); addAttr("email", i18n("E-Mail")); addAttrs(); } return e->param(); } if (!strcmp(data->Type.ptr, "x")){ (*it).condition = "x:data"; (*it).fill = 0; return e->param(); } QString value; QString field; if (data->Field.ptr && (!strcmp(data->Type.ptr, "text-single") || !strcmp(data->Type.ptr, "text-private") || !strcmp(data->Type.ptr, "text-multi"))){ field = data->Field.ptr; if (!strcmp(data->Field.ptr, "first") && !m_first.isEmpty()){ value = m_first; (*it).fill |= FILL_FIRST; } if (!strcmp(data->Field.ptr, "last") && !m_last.isEmpty()){ value = m_last; (*it).fill |= FILL_LAST; } if ((!strcmp(data->Field.ptr, "nickname") || !strcmp(data->Field.ptr, "nick")) && !m_nick.isEmpty()){ value = m_nick; (*it).fill |= FILL_NICK; } if (!strcmp(data->Field.ptr, "email") && !m_mail.isEmpty()){ value = m_mail; (*it).fill |= FILL_MAIL; } } if (!strcmp(data->Type.ptr, "first") && !m_first.isEmpty()){ field = data->Type.ptr; value = m_first; (*it).fill |= FILL_FIRST; } if (!strcmp(data->Type.ptr, "last") && !m_last.isEmpty()){ field = data->Type.ptr; value = m_last; (*it).fill |= FILL_LAST; } if ((!strcmp(data->Type.ptr, "nickname") || !strcmp(data->Type.ptr, "nick")) && !m_nick.isEmpty()){ field = data->Type.ptr; value = m_nick; (*it).fill |= FILL_NICK; } if (!strcmp(data->Type.ptr, "email") && !m_mail.isEmpty()){ field = data->Type.ptr; value = m_mail; (*it).fill |= FILL_MAIL; } if (!value.isEmpty()){ if (!(*it).condition.isEmpty()) (*it).condition += ";"; (*it).condition += field; (*it).condition += "="; (*it).condition += quoteChars(value, ";"); } return e->param(); } if (e->type() == EventSearch){ JabberSearchData *data = (JabberSearchData*)(e->param()); list<AgentSearch>::iterator it; for (it = m_agents.begin(); it != m_agents.end(); ++it) if ((*it).id_search == data->ID.ptr) break; if (it == m_agents.end()) return NULL; if (data->JID.ptr == NULL){ addAttr("", i18n("JID")); for (unsigned i = 0; i < data->nFields.value; i++){ addAttr(get_str(data->Fields, i * 2), get_str(data->Fields, i * 2 + 1)); (*it).fields.push_back(get_str(data->Fields, i * 2)); } addAttrs(); return e->param(); } QString icon = "Jabber"; if ((*it).type == "icq"){ icon = "ICQ"; }else if ((*it).type == "aim"){ icon = "AIM"; }else if ((*it).type == "msn"){ icon = "MSN"; }else if ((*it).type == "yahoo"){ icon = "Yahoo!"; } if (data->Status.ptr){ if (!strcmp(data->Status.ptr, "online")){ icon += "_online"; }else{ icon += "_offline"; } } QStringList l; l.append(icon); l.append(QString::fromUtf8(data->JID.ptr)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_fields.size(); i++){ QString v; if (m_fields[i] == ""){ v = QString::fromUtf8(data->JID.ptr); }else if ((m_fields[i] == "first") && data->First.ptr){ v = QString::fromUtf8(data->First.ptr); }else if ((m_fields[i] == "last") && data->Last.ptr){ v = QString::fromUtf8(data->Last.ptr); }else if ((m_fields[i] == "nick") && data->Nick.ptr){ v = QString::fromUtf8(data->Nick.ptr); }else if ((m_fields[i] == "email") && data->EMail.ptr){ v = QString::fromUtf8(data->EMail.ptr); }else{ for (unsigned n = 0; n < (*it).fields.size(); n++){ if ((*it).fields[n] == m_fields[i]){ v = QString::fromUtf8(get_str(data->Fields, n)); break; } } } l.append(v); } emit addItem(l, this); } if (e->type() == EventSearchDone){ const char *id = (const char*)(e->param()); list<AgentSearch>::iterator it; for (it = m_agents.begin(); it != m_agents.end(); ++it) if ((*it).id_search == id) break; if (it == m_agents.end()) return NULL; m_agents.erase(it); checkDone(); return e->param(); } return NULL; }