int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct clinklist* myLl = createlinklist(); struct data* myDta=NULL; myDta = createData(1.1,2.2); addFront(myLl,myDta); printList(myLl); printf("\n"); myDta = createData(3.3,4.4); addFront(myLl,myDta); printList(myLl); printf("\n"); myDta = createData(5.5,6.6); addFront(myLl,myDta); printList(myLl); printf("\n"); myDta = createData(0.0,0.0); addBack(myLl,myDta); printList(myLl); printf("\n"); return 0; }
int main(){ auto l = new Chyld::LL<int>(); l->addFront(3); std::cout << l << std::endl; l->addFront(5); std::cout << l << std::endl; return 0; }
int main() { int ch,data; do { printf("1.Add at rear\n2.Add at front\n3.Remove from rear\n4.remove from front\n5.Display\n0.exit\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1:printf("Enter data : "); scanf("%d",&data); addRear(data); break; case 2:printf("Enter data : "); scanf("%d",&data); addFront(data); break; case 3:removeRear(); break; case 4:removeFront(); break; case 5:display(); break; case 0:printf("\nExitting\n"); break; } }while(ch!=0); return 0; }
void parser(char * argv[], Node * head, Hash ** hashTable, int size) { char line[MAXLINELENGTH]; FILE * infile; char * returnValue; char * firstName; char * lastName; Node * tail; Node * node; char * phoneNumber; infile = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (infile == NULL) { printf("error opening file \n"); exit(0); } returnValue = fgets(line, MAXLINELENGTH, infile); while (returnValue != NULL) { firstName = strtok(line, ","); lastName = strtok(NULL, ","); phoneNumber = strtok(NULL, "\n"); node = addFront(head, phoneNumber, firstName, lastName); addToTable(node, hashTable, size); returnValue = fgets(line, MAXLINELENGTH, infile); } tail = getTail(head); //quickSort(head -> next, tail); fclose(infile); }
/** * Add at position i of the linkList * Note: index is not zero-based */ void addatPosition(dlinklist *ll,int position,float value) { int length = listSize(ll); if(position > length + 1) { printf("You entered the position out of the bound!\n"); return; } node *temp; int i = 1; data *newData = createData(value); if(position == 1) { //insert here - addFront and return; addFront(ll,newData); } else if(position == length + 1) { //insert here - addBack and return; addBack(ll,newData); } node *newNode = createNode(newData); for(temp= ll->head; temp != NULL; temp=temp->next) { if(i == position) { //insert here and return; temp->prev->next = newNode; newNode->next = temp; newNode->prev = temp->prev; temp->prev = newNode; #if DEBUG printf(">>==============Node added at position %d with value : %f================<<\n",position,value); #endif return; } i++; } }
void llist::addbeforeIth(int I, el_t New) { // case(exception) // --------------- if(I < 1 || I > Count + 1) throw OutOfRange(); // case(I is the front) // -------------------- else if(I == 1) addFront(New); // case(I is the rear) // ------------------- else if(I == Count + 1) addRear(New); // case(I will be squished between two nodes) // ------------------------------------------ else { Node *temp_P = Front; Node *temp_N; for(int j = 1; j < I - 1; j++) temp_P = temp_P->Next; temp_N = temp_P->Next; temp_P->Next = new Node; temp_P = temp_P->Next; temp_P->Elem = New; temp_P->Next = temp_N; Count++; } }
void llist::addRear(el_t New) { // case(first node in the list) // ---------------- // calls addFront to place a node in the list // then rear will be pointing to front if(isEmpty()) addFront(New); // case(regular case) // ------------------ else { // rear will point to a newly created Node // current rear will move to the new Node // strore the number into the node // increment count Rear->Next = new Node; Rear = Rear->Next; Rear->Elem = New; Rear->Next = NULL; Count++; } }
int main() { system("color 0a"); int ch,data; do { printf("Enter choice : \n1. Add at rear\n2.Add at front\n3.Remove from rear\n4.Remove from Front\n5.Display\ for an item\n0. to exit\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1:printf("Enter data :"); scanf("%d",&data); addRear(data); break; case 2: printf("Enter data :"); scanf("%d",&data); addFront(data); break; case 3:removeRear(); break; case 4:removeFront(); break; case 5:display(); break; case 6: printf("Enter data to search :"); scanf("%d",&data); search(data); break; } }while(ch!=0); return 0; }
void StringLinkedList::insert(int index, const std::string& e) { if (index < 0 || index > n){ throw OutOfBoundException("index is out of bounds"); } else { StringNode* node = head, *prev = new StringNode; StringNode* v = new StringNode; v->elem = e; int pos = 0; while (pos != index && node-> next != NULL){ prev = node; node = node->next; pos++; } if(index == 0) addFront(e); else if(index == n) addBack(e); else{ prev->next = v; v->next = node; n++; } } }
void LightCycle::initBike() { addFront(); addBack(); addBottomBar(); addBottomDetails(); addEngineBlock(); addInnerCircles(); addLayeredCircles(); }
void addAfter(struct List *list, struct Node *prevNode, struct Node *newNode) { if (prevNode == NULL) addFront(list, newNode); newNode->next = prevNode->next; prevNode->next = newNode; }
//hash_insert void tableInsert(HT hashTable, ElemType *words, int (*hashFun)(ElemType *word, int size)){ ElemType keyTemp[keySize]; strcpy(keyTemp, words); //re-order the words from dictionary sortWords(keyTemp); //calculate hash value int hValue = hashFun(keyTemp, hashTable->tableSize); /* if (strcmp(words, "ably") == 0 || strcmp(words, "boas") == 0) { */ /* printf("%s %d\n", words, hValue); */ /* } */ //add words to bucket addFront(hashTable, hValue, words); }// end of tableInsert
void MyInitThreads () { int i; int t; int s; if (MyInitThreadsCalled) { /* run only once */ Printf ("InitThreads: should be called only once\n"); Exit (); } for (i = 0; i < MAXTHREADS; i++) { /* initialize thread table */ thread[i].valid = 0; queue[i].valid = 0; queue[i].prev = -1; queue[i].next = -1; } thread[0].valid = 1; /* initialize thread 0 */ addFront(0); if(debug){ Printf("Front: %d Back: %d prev: %d next: %d size: %d \n",front,back,queue[0].prev,queue[0].next,queuesize ); } if ((s =setjmp(thread[0].env_clean)) == 0){ for (i = 1; i <= MAXTHREADS; i ++){ char s[i*STACKSIZE]; if (((int) &s[STACKSIZE-1]) - ((int) &s[0]) + 1 != STACKSIZE) Exit (); if ((t = setjmp(thread[i].env_clean)) != 0){ if(debug) Printf("longjmp %d\n",t); (*thread[t-1].func) (thread[t-1].param); MyExitThread(); } } } else{ (*thread[0].func) (thread[0].param); MyExitThread(); } MyInitThreadsCalled = 1; }
/*PROBABLY or MOST LIKELY DOESN"T WORK!!!!!!!*/ node * addBack (node * head, Sparse * num) { node * newNode = NULL; node * back = head; if(head == NULL) { newNode = addFront(head, num); } else { while(back->next != NULL) back = back->next; newNode = createNode(num); back->next = newNode; newNode->next = NULL; } return head; }
/** * \brief Constructeur de l'éditeur de document * \param d document ressource */ DocumentEditor::DocumentEditor(Document *d, QWidget *parent) : NoteEditor(d, parent), resource(d){ // add or create note QPushButton* addBtn = new QPushButton("Ajouter une note existante"); QObject::connect(addBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addFront())); QPushButton* createBtn = new QPushButton("Créer une note"); QObject::connect(createBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createFront())); QHBoxLayout* addLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); addLayout->addWidget(addBtn); addLayout->addWidget(createBtn); // scroll area QWidget* mainWidget = new QWidget(this); QVBoxLayout * vLayout = new QVBoxLayout(mainWidget); QScrollArea * scrollArea = new QScrollArea(mainWidget); scrollArea->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); scrollArea->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded); scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(false); scrollLayout = new QVBoxLayout; QWidget* scrollAreaWidgetContents = new QWidget; for (Document::iterator it = d->begin(); it != d->end(); ++it){ DocumentEditorRow* row = new DocumentEditorRow(*it, this); rows.push_back(row); scrollLayout->addWidget(rows.back()); QObject::connect(row, SIGNAL(onMoveUp(DocumentEditorRow*)), this, SLOT(moveUp(DocumentEditorRow*))); QObject::connect(row, SIGNAL(onMoveDown(DocumentEditorRow*)), this, SLOT(moveDown(DocumentEditorRow*))); QObject::connect(row, SIGNAL(onEdit(DocumentEditorRow*)), this, SLOT(edit(DocumentEditorRow*))); QObject::connect(row, SIGNAL(onSupress(DocumentEditorRow*)), this, SLOT(supress(DocumentEditorRow*))); QObject::connect(row, SIGNAL(onAdd(DocumentEditorRow*)), this, SLOT(add(DocumentEditorRow*))); QObject::connect(row, SIGNAL(onCreate(DocumentEditorRow*)), this, SLOT(create(DocumentEditorRow*))); } scrollAreaWidgetContents->setLayout(scrollLayout); scrollLayout->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize); scrollArea->setWidget(scrollAreaWidgetContents); vLayout->addWidget(scrollArea); // layout layout->addLayout(addLayout); layout->addWidget(mainWidget); }
void UINode::addBefore (UINode* reference, UINode* node) { UINodeListIter i = std::find(_nodes.begin(), _nodes.end(), reference); if (i == _nodes.end()) { add(node); return; } if (i == _nodes.begin()) { addFront(node); return; } _nodes.insert(i, node); if (_layout) _layout->addNode(node); node->setParent(this); node->onAdd(); }
linkList *readData(char *filename,int addDirection) { FILE* input_file = fopen(filename,"r"); if(input_file == NULL) { printf("Error opening input file %s\n",filename); exit(1); } int i; int value = 0.0; #if DEBUG printf(">>==============Creating Linklist=================<<\n"); #endif linkList *newlinkList = createlinkList(); while(fscanf(input_file, "%d", &value) != EOF) { addFront(newlinkList,value); } fclose(input_file); #if DEBUG printf(">>==============Linklist Created=================<<\n\n"); #endif return newlinkList; }
dlinklist *readData(char *filename,int addDirection) { FILE* input_file = fopen(filename,"r"); if(input_file == NULL) { printf("Error opening input file %s\n",filename); exit(1); } float value = 0.0; #if DEBUG printf(">>===============Creating dLinklist=================<<\n"); #endif dlinklist *newdlinklist = createlinklist(); while(fscanf(input_file, "%f", &value) != EOF) { data *newData = createData(value); addFront(newdlinklist,newData); } fclose(input_file); #if DEBUG printf(">>==============dLinklist Created=================<<\n\n"); #endif return newdlinklist; }
struct Node *addAfter(struct List *list, struct Node *prevNode, void *data){ if (prevNode == NULL) { return addFront(list, data); } //printf("%.1f", *(double *)data); struct Node *mynode = (struct Node*) malloc (sizeof (struct Node)); //node = addAfter(&list, node, a+i); if (mynode == NULL){ return NULL; } mynode->data = data; // assign the data to the new node struct Node *prevNodeNext = prevNode->next; //a node to hold the prevNodeNext prevNode->next = mynode; // now the next of the prevNode is the new node mynode->next = prevNodeNext; // in the test is always null return mynode; }
void push(Stack * stack, Element * element){ addFront(stack->top, element); }
void getPointsFromFileSquare ( FILE * filePtr, Node ** head, double centroidEasting, double centroidNorthing, int sideLength, float zThreshold, int * numZ, int * numAll ) { puts("extractPointsFromFile"); float s2 = sideLength / 2.0; double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; xmin = centroidEasting - s2; ymin = centroidNorthing - s2; xmax = centroidEasting + s2; ymax = centroidNorthing + s2; ScanHdr * shdr = readTerraScanHdr(filePtr); int pnt; for(pnt = 0; pnt < shdr->PntCnt; pnt++){ ScanPnt * spnt = getNextPnt(filePtr); double x = (double)((spnt->Pnt.x - shdr->OrgX) / (double)shdr->Units); double y = (double)((spnt->Pnt.y - shdr->OrgY) / (double)shdr->Units); double z = (double)((spnt->Pnt.z - shdr->OrgZ) / (double)shdr->Units); if(x > xmin && x < xmax && y > ymin && y < ymax) { (*numAll)++; if(z > zThreshold){ addFront(head, (float)z); (*numZ)++; } } if(shdr->Time)fseek(filePtr, 4, SEEK_CUR); if(shdr->Color)fseek(filePtr, 4, SEEK_CUR); free(spnt); } free(shdr); /* while(fscanf(filePtr, "%lf %lf %lf", &x, &y, &z) == 3) { if(x > xmin && x < xmax && y > ymin && y < ymax) { (*numAll)++; if(z > zThreshold) { addFront( head, (float) z ); (*numZ)++; } } } */ printf("\t%d %d \n", *numZ, *numAll); }
void push(std::string const& searchDir) { addFront(*pDirs, searchDir); // TODO: deque? }
int main () { int menu = 0; int input = 0; node * list; char c; list = createList(); while (menu != 6) { printf("\nWhat would you like to test?\n"); printf("\n[1] Add Front\n"); printf("[2] Get Front\n"); printf("[3] Remove Front\n"); printf("[4] My Tests\n"); printf("[5] Destroy List\n"); printf("[6] Exit\n"); scanf("%d", &menu); if (menu > 6 || menu < 1) while((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF); /*cleans input buffer, incase characters are input*/ if (menu == 1) { printf("\nPlease Enter an Integer:"); scanf("%d", &input); addFront(list, input); /*returns users input to function to add to the list*/ printf("Current List:"); printList(list); /*List printed everytime inorder for user to keep track*/ } if (menu == 2) { printf("Front Value: %d", getFront(list)); /*gets value from function and prints it to screen*/ printf("\nCurrent List:"); printList(list); } if (menu == 3) { removeFront(list); /*calls function and sends list to remove first*/ printf("Current List:"); printList(list); } if (menu == 4) { /*my tests, I have tested very large and very small numbers in this array*/ int testData[8] = {-456789123, 2, 0, 4, 1, 9, 9, 2096335345}; /*Given Data*/ int arrayLength; int i; int testAddFront; arrayLength = sizeof(testData) / sizeof(int); /*Determines arraylength*/ for (i=0; i<arrayLength; i++) { addFront(list, testData[i]); /*Sends data to the addFront function*/ } printf("\nAfter sending testData:\n"); printList(list); getFront(list); printf("\n\nAfter getFront:\n"); printf("%d", getFront(list)); removeFront(list); printf("\n\nAfter removeFront:\n"); printList(list); testAddFront = 999999; addFront(list, testAddFront); printf("\n\nAfter addFront:\n"); printList(list); } if (menu == 5) { destroy(list); /*destroys list and frees memory*/ } if (menu == 6) { break; /*breaks out and ends program*/ } } return 0; }
//push item onto the stack void pushStack(struct stack *s,struct leaf *dta) { addFront(s->stk,dta); }
void push(Stack * stack, int value) { addFront(stack -> top, value); }
void AssemFunc::finalise() { // Add the necessary commands to the top and bottom of the function, // depending on if the function is the main entry point, and whether the // local stack pointer needs to be moved or not // NB: Front intrsuctions are done in reverse if (_name == "main") { vector<string> args; args.push_back("r0"); args.push_back("#0"); addBack("mov", args); } if (_stackPointer > 0) { // Only do this if we actually need to move the pointer, avoid // sub sp sp #0 and the like. vector<string> spArgs(2, "sp"); spArgs.push_back("#" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(_stackPointer)); addFront("sub", spArgs); vector<string> fpArgs; fpArgs.push_back("fp"); fpArgs.push_back("sp"); fpArgs.push_back("#4"); addFront("add", fpArgs); fpArgs.clear(); fpArgs.push_back("sp"); fpArgs.push_back("fp"); fpArgs.push_back("#4"); addBack("sub", fpArgs); } else if (_pointerByReg != "") { if (_pointerByReg[0] == '.') { // size is in a label string tempReg = _freeRegs.front(); vector<string> spArgs(2, "sp"); spArgs.push_back(tempReg); addFront("sub", spArgs); spArgs.clear(); spArgs.push_back(tempReg); spArgs.push_back(_pointerByReg); addFront("ldr", spArgs); } else { vector<string> spArgs(2, "sp"); spArgs.push_back(_pointerByReg); addFront("sub", spArgs); } vector<string> fpArgs; fpArgs.push_back("fp"); fpArgs.push_back("sp"); fpArgs.push_back("#4"); addFront("add", fpArgs); fpArgs.clear(); fpArgs.push_back("sp"); fpArgs.push_back("fp"); fpArgs.push_back("#4"); addBack("sub", fpArgs); } if (_name == "main") { vector<string> args; args.push_back("sp!"); args.push_back("{fp, lr}"); addFront("stmfd", args); args.clear(); args.push_back("sp!"); args.push_back("{fp, pc}"); addBack("ldmfd", args); addFront("main:", vector<string>()); vector<string> globArgs(1, _name); addFront(".global", globArgs); } else { vector<string> args; args.push_back("sp!"); args.push_back("{r4-r10, fp, lr}"); addFront("stmfd", args); args.clear(); args.push_back("sp!"); args.push_back("{r4-r10, fp, pc}"); addBack("ldmfd", args); addFront(_name + ":", vector<string>()); } vector<string> alignArgs(1, "2"); addFront(".align", alignArgs); }