bool Snake::collision(Score& _hScore) { // Snake eats the bait if(Pixels[0]->getFrontDot() == food.getFrontDot()) { _hScore.addScore(); _hScore.levelControl(); addPixel(); feedRefresh(); } // If the snake hits the tail for(int i=1; i<numberOfPixel; i++) { if( Pixels[0]->getFrontDot() == Pixels[i]->getFrontDot() ) return true; } // If the snake hits the wall if( Pixels[0]->getFrontDot().getX() >= 0 && Pixels[0]->getFrontDot().getX() < 800 && Pixels[0]->getFrontDot().getY() >= 0 && Pixels[0]->getFrontDot().getY() < 540 ) { return false; } else return true; }
void thresholdingTracker(LPFImage magnitude, LPFImage output, float low, float high) { LPPIXELS lpCandidates = NULL; PIXEL current, newPixel; int ret; int y, x; zero(output); // printf("magnitude->height= %d, magnitude->width= %d\n", magnitude->height, magnitude->width); // fflush(stdout); for (y = 0; y < magnitude->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < magnitude->width; x++) { if (magnitude->pixels[y*magnitude->width+x] >= high && output->pixels[y*magnitude->width+x] != 1) { newPixel.x = x;newPixel.y = y; addPixel(&lpCandidates, &newPixel); // candidates.add(new Pixel(x, y)); while (!isEmptyPixelList(lpCandidates)) { ret = pollFirst(&lpCandidates, ¤t); if (ret == 0 || current.x < 0 || current.x > magnitude->width || current.y < 0 || current.y > magnitude->height) // if (current.x < 0 || current.x > magnitude.width || current.y < 0 || current.y > magnitude.height) continue; if (output->pixels[current.y*output->width+current.x] == 1) continue; if (magnitude->pixels[current.y*magnitude->width+current.x] < low) continue; output->pixels[current.y*output->width+current.x] = 1; newPixel.x = x - 1;newPixel.y = y - 1;addPixel(&lpCandidates, &newPixel); newPixel.x = x;newPixel.y = y - 1;addPixel(&lpCandidates, &newPixel); newPixel.x = x + 1;newPixel.y = y - 1;addPixel(&lpCandidates, &newPixel); newPixel.x = x - 1;newPixel.y = y;addPixel(&lpCandidates, &newPixel); newPixel.x = x + 1;newPixel.y = y;addPixel(&lpCandidates, &newPixel); newPixel.x = x - 1;newPixel.y = y + 1;addPixel(&lpCandidates, &newPixel); newPixel.x = x;newPixel.y = y + 1;addPixel(&lpCandidates, &newPixel); newPixel.x = x + 1;newPixel.y = y + 1;addPixel(&lpCandidates, &newPixel); // candidates.add(new Pixel(x - 1, y - 1)); // candidates.add(new Pixel(x, y - 1)); // candidates.add(new Pixel(x + 1, y - 1)); // candidates.add(new Pixel(x - 1, y)); // candidates.add(new Pixel(x + 1, y)); // candidates.add(new Pixel(x - 1, y + 1)); // candidates.add(new Pixel(x, y + 1)); // candidates.add(new Pixel(x + 1, y + 1)); } } } } // printf("isEmptyPixelList(lpCandidates)= %d",isEmptyPixelList(lpCandidates)); // freeCandidatesList(lpCandidates); }
void renderTexture::grapicalPrintf(char* str, void* fontData, int rasterposx, int rasterposy) { unsigned char c; int x = 0; int xx = 0; while ((c = (unsigned char) * str++)) { x = xx; unsigned char* fontPtr = (unsigned char*) fontData; char ch = c - 32; int sx = ch % 16; int sy = ch / 16; for (int i = sx * 16; i < (sx * 16 + 16); i++) { int y = 0; for (int j = sy * 16; j < (sy * 16 + 16); j++) { unsigned char packedColor = (fontPtr[i * 3 + 255 * 256 * 3 - (256 * j) * 3]); //float colorf = packedColor ? 0.f : 1.f; float colorf = packedColor / 255.f; // ? 0.f : 1.f; btVector4 rgba(colorf, colorf, colorf, 1.f); //if (colorf) { //setPixel(rasterposx+x,rasterposy+y,rgba); addPixel(rasterposx + x, rasterposy + y, rgba); } //bit >>=1; y++; } x++; } //xx+=16; xx += 10; } }
void MainWindow::setupConnections() { int i; /* Andrea修改 */ //connect( openButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT( launchBMPImport() ) ); 測試用 connect( openBMP, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(launchBMPImport()) ); // 按下open BMP 可以讀取圖檔 Andrea connect( openBMP_2, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(launchBMPImport()) ); // 按下open BMP 可以讀取圖檔 Andrea 2號用在measure connect( progress, SIGNAL(signalImage(int,QImage)), this, SLOT(displayImage(int,QImage)) ); // 輸出畫面到顯示視窗 connect( filedata, SIGNAL(svgChanged(QString)), pivDisplay_3, SLOT(displaySVG(QString)) ); // 丟svg的方式顯示圖片 (svg暫存在硬碟) 丟到視窗三去做顯示 connect( ScaleW, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), settings, SLOT(set_scale_w(int)) ); // 設定 Gauss filter scale w connect( ScaleL, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), settings, SLOT(set_scale_l(int)) ); // 設定 Gauss filter scale l connect( measureX, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), settings, SLOT(set_measure_X(int)) ); // 設定 Measure的座標X connect( measureY, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), settings, SLOT(set_measure_Y(int)) ); // 設定 Measure的座標Y connect( this, SIGNAL(doprocess()), process, SLOT(processBatch()) ); // 進行process的動作 connect( DoFilter, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(blob()) ); // 按下按鈕 開始執行blob detector (包含subblob watershed) connect( ChannelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(channel()) ); // 抽取指定顏色的通道 connect( FFTJunctionButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(FFTJunctionProcess()) ); // 按下按鈕 開始執行 FFT Junction Detector connect( SteerJunctionButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(SteerJunctionProcess()) ); // 按下按鈕 開始執行 Steer Junction Detector connect( EdgeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(EdgeProcess()) ); // 按下按鈕 開始執行 Subpixel Edge connect( CornerButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(CornerProcess()) ); // 按下Corner的按鈕 進行subpixel的Corner計算 //connect( process, SIGNAL(imageThrow(QImage)), pivDisplay, SLOT(displayBMP(QImage)) ); // 計算好 Gauss Filter 將資料丟給顯示 connect( process, SIGNAL(signalsGress(int)), filterProgress, SLOT(setValue(int)) ); // 設定進度條 connect( process, SIGNAL(signalsGress(int)), measureProgress, SLOT(setValue(int)) ); // 設定進度條 connect( process, SIGNAL(signalTabText(int,QString)), this, SLOT(setTabText(int,QString)) ); // 設定進度條 connect( blobCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setBlobmethod(int)) ); // 設定現在執行的是哪一個blob detector connect( waterCheck, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setHighlight(int)) ); // 設定是否要反白 connect( waterCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setWatershed(int)) ); // 設定哪個watershed方法 4.8 4.1 mser // 把訊息印到除錯訊息的地方 append or setText connect( filedata, SIGNAL(debugSignal(QString)), text_debug, SLOT(append(QString)) ); connect( process, SIGNAL(debugSignal(QString)), text_debug, SLOT(append(QString)) ); connect( progress, SIGNAL(debugSignal(QString)), text_debug, SLOT(append(QString)) ); // 這邊跟顯示畫面 pointlist有關 for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) connect( display[i], SIGNAL(mousePressed(PIXEL)), this, SLOT(addPixel(PIXEL)) ); // 點擊畫面 更新資料 connect( progress, SIGNAL(updateWidgeB()), pointList[1], SLOT(updatePointList()) ); // 將資料顯示到 point list (output) //connect( pointList[0], SIGNAL(cellClicked(int,int)), this, SLOT(removePointList(int,int)) ); // 點擊 point list (input) 刪除點資料 // 陰影檢測用 改成點擊到的時候顯示該區域到顯示區 connect( pointList[0], SIGNAL(cellClicked(int,int)), this, SLOT(view_square(int,int)) ); connect( removeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(remove_square()) ); // 移除某個square connect( clearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearData()) ); // 按下clear按鈕 清空資料 connect( inhenceCheck, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), settings, SLOT(setInhence(int)) ); // 設定inhencement 判斷是抓單點陰影 還是整段的陰影 (應付noise很強 跟noise不強的case) connect( saveCheck, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), settings, SLOT(setSaved(int)) ); // 設定是否要將結果輸出到檔案 (image部分) connect( batchCheck, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), settings, SLOT(setBatch(int)) ); // 設定是否為批次作業 // Importing // connect(importButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(launchImageImport())); // connect(filedata, SIGNAL(imagesImported()), this, SLOT(notifyFolderChange())); connect(vectorListWidget, SIGNAL(fileClicked(int)), this, SLOT(vectorClicked(int))); // The following should be moved into settings // connect(colourButtonFiltered, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(chooseFilteredColour())); connect(colourButtonUnfiltered, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(chooseUnfilteredColour())); connect(scaleSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), settings, SLOT(setVectorScale(double))); connect(subSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), settings, SLOT(setVectorSub(double))); // Process tab connect(hSizeCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), settings, SLOT(setIntLengthX(int))); connect(vSizeCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), settings, SLOT(setIntLengthY(int))); connect(hSpaceSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), settings, SLOT(setDeltaX(int))); connect(vSpaceSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), settings, SLOT(setDeltaY(int))); // DoingPIV connect(outputFolderEdit, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), this, SLOT(setOutput())); connect(outputFolderButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(chooseOutputFolder())); connect(outputFormatCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setOutput())); connect(batchButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), process, SLOT(launchBatchWindow())); connect(process, SIGNAL(batchProcessed()), this, SLOT(batchDone())); //for( i = 0; i < displaySize; i++ ) // connect(display[i], SIGNAL(mousePressed(PIXEL)), this, SLOT(updatePositionPixel(PIXEL))); // Andrea修改 點一下滑鼠,把RGB資訊輸入進去. /*connect(pivDisplay, SIGNAL(mousePressed(QPointF)), this, SLOT(uptdaePositionRGB(QPointF))); // Andrea修改 點一下滑鼠,把RGB資訊輸入進去. connect(pivDisplay_2, SIGNAL(mousePressed(QPointF)), this, SLOT(uptdaePositionRGB(QPointF))); // Andrea修改 點一下滑鼠,把RGB資訊輸入進去. 用在視窗2 connect(pivDisplay, SIGNAL(mousePressed(QPointF)), this, SLOT(updatePositionXY(QPointF))); // Andrea修改 點一下滑鼠,把座標輸入進去. connect(pivDisplay_2, SIGNAL(mousePressed(QPointF)), this, SLOT(updatePositionXY(QPointF))); // Andrea修改 點一下滑鼠,把座標輸入進去. 用在視窗2*/ //connect(pivDisplay, SIGNAL(mousePressed(QPointF)), pivDisplay, SLOT(mark_XY(QPointF))); // Andrea修改 點一下滑鼠, 在上面標記點 //connect(pivDisplay_2, SIGNAL(mousePressed(QPointF)), pivDisplay_2, SLOT(mark_XY(QPointF))); // Andrea修改 點一下滑鼠, 在上面標記點 用在視窗2 connect(this, SIGNAL(set_measure_X(int)), measureX, SLOT(setValue(int) ) ); // 設定 X 座標的spinbox connect(this, SIGNAL(set_measure_Y(int)), measureY, SLOT(setValue(int) ) ); // 設定 Y 座標的spinbox }