static int draw()
	int offsetX = self->offsetX;
	int drawn = drawLoopingAnimationToMap();

	if (drawn == TRUE)
		if (game.status == IN_GAME && offsetX == 0 && self->offsetX != offsetX)
			shakeScreen(LIGHT, 5);


	return drawn;
Exemple #2
void Level::fixCoordsWithObj(LevelObj& obj, Actor* act)// f32& xx, f32& yy, f32& vx, f32& vy, f32& gx, f32& gy)
	obj.state = 1;
	f32 px = act->x+act->gvx*2;
	f32 py = act->y+act->gvy*2;
	int dists[4];
	dists[0] = distToLine(px, py, obj.x[0], obj.y[0], obj.x[1], obj.y[1]).toint();
	dists[1] = distToLine(px, py, obj.x[1], obj.y[1], obj.x[2], obj.y[2]).toint();
	dists[2] = distToLine(px, py, obj.x[2], obj.y[2], obj.x[3], obj.y[3]).toint();
	dists[3] = distToLine(px, py, obj.x[3], obj.y[3], obj.x[0], obj.y[0]).toint();

	int best1 = -1;
	int bestd;
	for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		if((dists[i] < bestd || best1 == -1)) bestd=dists[i], best1 = i;
	int best2 = -1;
	for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		if((dists[i] < bestd || best2 == -1) && i != best1) bestd=dists[i], best2 = i;
	bool invalid1 = obj.neighbors[best1] != -1;
	bool invalid2 = obj.neighbors[best2] != -1;
	if(invalid1 && invalid2) //Corner: Just collide with the neighbor
		fixCoordsWithObj(objs->objs[obj.neighbors[best1]], act);
			best1 = best2;
			invalid1 = invalid2;
		int n = best1;
		int n2 = (n+1)%4;

		f32 oldx = act->x;
		projectToLine(act->x, act->y, obj.x[n], obj.y[n], obj.x[n2], obj.y[n2]);

		f32 fx, fy;
		fx = act->vx;
		fy = act->vy;
		projectVecToLine(fx, fy, obj.y[n2], obj.x[n], obj.y[n], obj.x[n2]);

		bool bounce = obj.type == BEH_BOUNCY || (fabs(fx)+fabs(fy))>8;
			projectVecToLine(act->vx, act->vy, obj.x[n], obj.y[n], obj.x[n2], obj.y[n2]);
			fx = -(obj.y[n2]-obj.y[n]);
			fy = obj.x[n2]-obj.x[n];
			vecNormalize(fx, fy);
			act->gx = fx;
			act->gy = fy;
			if(fabs(act->gx) < 0.4) 
				act->gx = 0;
//				act->vx = 0;
				act->x = oldx;
			act->x += act->gx;
			act->y += act->gy;
			fx = act->vx;
			fy = act->vy;
			f32 nx = -(obj.y[n2]-obj.y[n]);
			f32 ny = obj.x[n2]-obj.x[n];
			vecNormalize(nx, ny);
			f32 dotp = -fx*nx-fy*ny;
			fx = fx+nx*dotp*2;
			fy = fy+ny*dotp*2;
			if(obj.type != BEH_BOUNCY)
				fx /= 2;
				fy /= 2;
				fx *= f32(1.7);
				fy *= f32(1.7);
			act->vx = fx + nx/2;
			act->vy = fy + ny/2;
			act->x += nx*3;
			act->y += ny*3;