int main() { int rc, fd; char buffie[512] ; fd = smtp_open(NULL, WANTED_SMTP_PORT, NULL); if (fd < 0) goto kut; set_envelope(fd, "nngs@localhost", "nngs@localhost"); rc = set_data(fd); if (rc < 0) goto kut; add_header(fd, "Subject", "Kuttje (met twee thee)"); add_header(fd, "Reply-To", "nngs@localhost"); add_header(fd, NULL, 0); add_data(fd, "En een droge sherry, alstublieft!\n", 0); while(fgets(buffie, sizeof buffie, stdin)) { rc = add_data(fd, buffie, 0); /* sleep(1); */ if (rc < 0) break; } add_data(fd, NULL, 0); sleep(10); close(fd); kut: exit(0); }
/* Call a given function on each file name in a given directory. */ void map_dir(int (*cb)(const char*, const char*), const char *cb_data, const char *dir) { DIR *dfd = opendir(dir); struct dirent *dp; struct post *p = NULL; while ((dp = readdir(dfd))) { if (dp->d_type == DT_REG) { char *in = mkpath(dir, dp->d_name); char *out = create_path(dp->d_name, cb_data); convert_move_file(in, cb_data); hack_root_tags(out); add_header(out, "header.html"); (void)get_title_summery(&p, out); free(in); free(out); } } char *list_out = create_path("list", cb_data); create_list_page(p, list_out); add_header(list_out, "header.html"); free(list_out); //for (struct post *lst = p; lst->next ; lst = lst->next) { //printf("title = %s\nsummery = %s\n", lst->title, lst->summery); //} }
/* inlen and outlen will be written with the uncompressed and compressed sizes respectively */ int do_compress_stream_stream (http_headers *hdr, FILE *from, FILE *to, ZP_DATASIZE_TYPE *inlen, ZP_DATASIZE_TYPE *outlen){ int status; int de_chunk = 0; /* if http body is chunked, de-chunk it while compressing */ if (hdr->where_chunked > 0) { remove_header(hdr, hdr->where_chunked); de_chunk = 1; } /* previous content-length is invalid, discard it */ hdr->where_content_length = -1; remove_header_str(hdr, "Content-Length"); add_header(hdr, "Content-Encoding: gzip"); add_header(hdr, "Connection: close"); add_header(hdr, "Proxy-Connection: close"); debug_log_puts ("Gzip stream-to-stream. Out Headers:"); send_headers_to(to, hdr); fflush(to); status = gzip_stream_stream(from, to, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, inlen, outlen, de_chunk); fflush(to); debug_log_difftime ("Compression+streaming"); return (status); }
int do_compress_memory_stream (http_headers *hdr, const char *from, FILE *to, const ZP_DATASIZE_TYPE inlen, ZP_DATASIZE_TYPE *outlen){ int status; int de_chunk = 0; /* if http body is chunked, de-chunk it while compressing */ if (hdr->where_chunked > 0) { remove_header(hdr, hdr->where_chunked); de_chunk = 1; } add_header(hdr, "Content-Encoding: gzip"); add_header(hdr, "Connection: close"); add_header(hdr, "Proxy-Connection: close"); debug_log_puts ("Gzip memory-to-stream. Out Headers:"); remove_header(hdr, hdr->where_content_length); hdr->where_content_length=-1; send_headers_to(to, hdr); fflush(to); status = gzip_memory_stream(from, to, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, inlen, outlen); fflush(to); debug_log_difftime ("Compression+streaming"); return (status); }
/* similar to do_compress_stream_stream() but decompress instead */ int do_decompress_stream_stream (http_headers *hdr, FILE *from, FILE *to, ZP_DATASIZE_TYPE *inlen, ZP_DATASIZE_TYPE *outlen, int max_ratio, ZP_DATASIZE_TYPE min_eval){ int status; int de_chunk = 0; /* if http body is chunked, de-chunk it while decompressing */ if (hdr->where_chunked > 0) { remove_header(hdr, hdr->where_chunked); de_chunk = 1; } /* no longer gzipped, modify headers accordingly */ hdr->content_encoding_flags = PROP_ENCODED_NONE; hdr->content_encoding = NULL; hdr->where_content_encoding = -1; remove_header_str(hdr, "Content-Encoding"); /* previous content-length is invalid, discard it */ hdr->where_content_length = -1; remove_header_str(hdr, "Content-Length"); add_header(hdr, "Connection: close"); add_header(hdr, "Proxy-Connection: close"); debug_log_puts ("Gunzip stream-to-stream. Out Headers:"); send_headers_to(to, hdr); fflush(to); status = gunzip_stream_stream(from, to, inlen, outlen, de_chunk, max_ratio, min_eval); fflush(to); debug_log_difftime ("Decompression+streaming"); return (status); }
static int smtp_mail(FILE *fp, char *to, char *subj) { int rc, fd; char buffie[1024] ; fd = smtp_open(conffile.smtp_mta, conffile.smtp_portnum, conffile.smtp_helo); if (fd < 0) { return child_perror("Smtp_open"); } rc = set_envelope(fd, conffile.smtp_from, to); if (rc < 0) { return child_perror("Smtp_envelope"); } rc = set_data(fd); if (rc < 0) { return child_perror("Smtp_data"); } if (subj) add_header(fd, "Subject", subj); if (conffile.smtp_reply_to) add_header(fd, "Reply-To", conffile.smtp_reply_to); add_header(fd, "X-NNGS-SMTP", "Yes, Baby!" ); add_header(fd, NULL, 0); while(fgets(buffie, sizeof buffie, fp)) { rc = add_data(fd, buffie, 0); if (rc < 0) { return child_perror("Smtp_loop"); } } add_data(fd, NULL, 0); close(fd); return 0; }
void Sip_Request::add_default_headers(const Sip_Uri& from_uri, const Sip_Uri& to_uri, int seq_no, const std::string& call_id) { add_header(new Sip_Header(new Sip_Header_Value_From(from_uri))); add_header(new Sip_Header(new Sip_Header_Value_To(to_uri))); add_header(new Sip_Header(new Sip_Header_Value_Call_ID(call_id))); add_header(new Sip_Header(new Sip_Header_Value_CSeq(_method, seq_no))); add_header(new Sip_Header(new Sip_Header_Value_Max_Forwards(70))); }
/* Allocate _length number of bytes of free memory and returns the address of the allocated portion. Returns 0 when out of memory. */ extern Addr my_malloc(unsigned int _length) { // Round up to the size we need int needed_size = basic_logarithm(_length); // Check if there is already a free block of the needed size if (freelist[needed_size][0] != NULL) { // There is already a block free Header* available = freelist[needed_size][0]; remove_header(available); available->is_allocated = true; return (void*) get_free_space(available); } else { // There isn't a block free // We need to break up a bigger block // Find the smallest available int power = needed_size + 1; while (power < 32 && freelist[power][0] == NULL) { power++; } if (power == 32) { // No block big enough free //printf("None big enough\n"); return NULL; } assert(freelist[power][0] != NULL); Header* header, *split; while (freelist[needed_size][0] == NULL) { header = freelist[power][0]; remove_header(header); split = split_block(header); if (header == split) { // Block can't split further header->is_allocated = true; return get_free_space(header); } else if (split == NULL) { // Split failed return NULL; } else { header->size -= 1; split->size = header->size - 1; add_header(header); add_header(split); } power--; } // We have a block ready Header* ready = freelist[needed_size][0]; remove_header(ready); ready->is_allocated = true; return get_free_space(ready); } }
int cloudfs_connect(char *username, char *password, char *authurl, int use_snet) { static struct { char username[MAX_HEADER_SIZE], password[MAX_HEADER_SIZE], authurl[MAX_URL_SIZE], use_snet; } reconnect_args; long response = -1; static int initialized = 0; if (!initialized) { LIBXML_TEST_VERSION init_locks(); curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); strncpy(reconnect_args.username, username, sizeof(reconnect_args.username)); strncpy(reconnect_args.password, password, sizeof(reconnect_args.password)); strncpy(reconnect_args.authurl, authurl, sizeof(reconnect_args.authurl)); reconnect_args.use_snet = use_snet; initialized = 1; } else { username = reconnect_args.username; password = reconnect_args.password; authurl = reconnect_args.authurl; use_snet = reconnect_args.use_snet; } pthread_mutex_lock(&pool_mut); debugf("Authenticating..."); storage_token[0] = storage_url[0] = '\0'; curl_slist *headers = NULL; add_header(&headers, "X-Auth-User", username); add_header(&headers, "X-Auth-Key", password); CURL *curl = curl_easy_init(); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, debug); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, authurl); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, &header_dispatch); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, USER_AGENT); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response); curl_slist_free_all(headers); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); if (use_snet && storage_url[0]) rewrite_url_snet(storage_url); pthread_mutex_unlock(&pool_mut); return (response >= 200 && response < 300 && storage_token[0] && storage_url[0]); }
int cloudfs_copy_object(const char *src, const char *dst) { char *dst_encoded = curl_escape(dst, 0); curl_slist *headers = NULL; add_header(&headers, "X-Copy-From", src); add_header(&headers, "Content-Length", "0"); int response = send_request("PUT", dst_encoded, NULL, NULL, headers); curl_free(dst_encoded); curl_slist_free_all(headers); return (response >= 200 && response < 300); }
/* we are a mini-web server. We need to read the request from stdin */ static int setup_standalone(struct cgi_state *cgi) { char line[1024]; char *url=NULL; char *p; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, stdin)) { trim_tail(line, CRLF); if (line[0] == 0) break; if (strncasecmp(line,"GET ", 4)==0) { cgi->got_request = 1; url = strdup(&line[4]); } else if (strncasecmp(line,"POST ", 5)==0) { cgi->got_request = 1; cgi->request_post = 1; url = strdup(&line[5]); } else if (strncasecmp(line,"PUT ", 4)==0) { cgi->got_request = 1; cgi->http_error(cgi, "400 Bad Request", "", "This server does not accept PUT requests"); return -1; } else if (strncasecmp(line,"Content-Length: ", 16)==0) { add_header(cgi, line); cgi->content_length = atoi(&line[16]); } else if (strncasecmp(line,"Content-Type: ", 14)==0) { add_header(cgi, line); cgi->content_type = strdup(&line[14]); } else { add_header(cgi, line); } /* ignore all other requests! */ } if (!url) { cgi->http_error(cgi, "400 Bad Request", "", "You must specify a GET or POST request"); exit(1); } /* trim the URL */ if ((p = strchr(url,' ')) || (p=strchr(url,'\t'))) { *p = 0; } /* anything following a ? in the URL is part of the query string */ if ((p=strchr(url,'?'))) { cgi->query_string = p+1; *p = 0; } cgi->url = url; cgi->pathinfo = url; return 0; }
void curl(const std::string& uri, const std::string& method = "GET", const std::string& content="", bool auth=false) { set_url(uri); if (auth) { cout << __LINE__ << ":" << uri << endl; add_header("Accept: application/json"); add_header("Accept-Language: en_US"); /* string userpass = m_client_id + ":" + m_client_secret; curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, (long)CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, userpass.c_str()); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS, "/root/.ssh/known_hosts"); */ curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, auth_request_callback); //curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE, (curl_off_t)29); //curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 50L); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1L); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "AQHK3B-gB3sdb1ierWaMMap-6dKJtC-NGIRPeCa6GsZHVioiso-peMOyDgdCpThLv2rz39BTzqk6ajWy:EOiC6EF3aXo9X4whY5l51QPlQ9vzDsbcM2ihIyUqqNDUQ2NrMpvpjUZqeJ6AJ7bmzXXXyV4BOYsmq-Lo"); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "grant_type=client_credentials"); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE, (curl_off_t)29); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "curl/7.29.0"); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 50L); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS, "/root/.ssh/known_hosts"); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE, 1L); } else { cout << __LINE__ << ":" << uri << endl; add_header("Content-Type:application/json"); add_header("Authorization:"+m_token_type+" "+ m_access_token); } #ifdef DEBUG curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1); #endif /*curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE, 1L); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, content.c_str()); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, m_headerlist); curl_easy_setopt(m_curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, method.c_str());*/ on_request(); curl_slist_free_all(m_headerlist); m_headerlist = NULL; }
GList * add_optional_headers(GList *headers) { headers = add_header(headers, storage_header(stormfs.storage_class)); headers = add_header(headers, acl_header(stormfs.acl)); if(stormfs.encryption) headers = add_header(headers, encryption_header()); if(stormfs.expires != NULL) headers = add_header(headers, expires_header(stormfs.expires)); return headers; }
int add_vendor_avp (struct buffer *buf) { add_header(buf, 0x6 + strlen (VENDOR_NAME), 0x8); strcpy ((char *) (buf->start + buf->len + sizeof(struct avp_hdr)), VENDOR_NAME); buf->len += 0x6 + strlen (VENDOR_NAME); return 0; }
static int git_format_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb) { if (!strcmp(var, "format.headers")) { if (!value) die("format.headers without value"); add_header(value); return 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "format.suffix")) return git_config_string(&fmt_patch_suffix, var, value); if (!strcmp(var, "")) { if (!value) return config_error_nonbool(var); ALLOC_GROW(extra_cc, extra_cc_nr + 1, extra_cc_alloc); extra_cc[extra_cc_nr++] = xstrdup(value); return 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "diff.color") || !strcmp(var, "color.diff")) { return 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "format.numbered")) { if (value && !strcasecmp(value, "auto")) { auto_number = 1; return 0; } numbered = git_config_bool(var, value); auto_number = auto_number && numbered; return 0; } return git_log_config(var, value, cb); }
static int git_format_config(const char *var, const char *value, void *cb) { if (!strcmp(var, "format.headers")) { if (!value) die("format.headers without value"); add_header(value); return 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "format.suffix")) return git_config_string(&fmt_patch_suffix, var, value); if (!strcmp(var, "")) { if (!value) return config_error_nonbool(var); string_list_append(value, &extra_to); return 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "")) { if (!value) return config_error_nonbool(var); string_list_append(value, &extra_cc); return 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "diff.color") || !strcmp(var, "color.diff")) { return 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "format.numbered")) { if (value && !strcasecmp(value, "auto")) { auto_number = 1; return 0; } numbered = git_config_bool(var, value); auto_number = auto_number && numbered; return 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "format.attach")) { if (value && *value) default_attach = xstrdup(value); else default_attach = xstrdup(git_version_string); return 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "format.thread")) { if (value && !strcasecmp(value, "deep")) { thread = THREAD_DEEP; return 0; } if (value && !strcasecmp(value, "shallow")) { thread = THREAD_SHALLOW; return 0; } thread = git_config_bool(var, value) && THREAD_SHALLOW; return 0; } if (!strcmp(var, "format.signoff")) { do_signoff = git_config_bool(var, value); return 0; } return git_log_config(var, value, cb); }
/* Frees the section of physical memory previously allocated using ’my_malloc’. Returns 0 if everything ok. */ extern int my_free(Addr _a) { Header* header = (Header*) ((long) _a - sizeof(Header)); header->is_allocated = false; add_header(header); coalesce_headers(); return 0; }
ssize_t h2o_set_header_by_str(h2o_mem_pool_t *pool, h2o_headers_t *headers, const char *name, size_t name_len, int maybe_token, const char *value, size_t value_len, int overwrite_if_exists) { ssize_t cursor; if (maybe_token) { const h2o_token_t *token = h2o_lookup_token(name, name_len); if (token != NULL) { return h2o_set_header(pool, headers, token, value, value_len, overwrite_if_exists); } } cursor = h2o_find_header_by_str(headers, name, name_len, -1); if (cursor != -1) { if (overwrite_if_exists) { h2o_iovec_t *slot = &headers->entries[cursor].value; slot->base = (char *)value; slot->len = value_len; } return cursor; } else { h2o_iovec_t *name_buf = h2o_mem_alloc_pool(pool, *name_buf, 1); name_buf->base = (char *)name; name_buf->len = name_len; return add_header(pool, headers, name_buf, NULL, value, value_len, (h2o_header_flags_t){0}); } }
void h2o_add_header_by_str(h2o_mempool_t *pool, h2o_headers_t *headers, const char *name, size_t name_len, int maybe_token, const char *value, size_t value_len) { h2o_buf_t *name_buf; if (maybe_token) { const h2o_token_t *token = h2o_lookup_token(name, name_len); if (token != NULL) { add_header(pool, headers, (h2o_buf_t*)token, value, value_len); return; } } name_buf = h2o_mempool_alloc(pool, sizeof(h2o_buf_t)); name_buf->base = (char*)name; name_buf->len = name_len; add_header(pool, headers, name_buf, value, value_len); }
int main ( int argc, char** argv ) { add_header("jd-anthratice"); add_backgrounds("#282D33","#2F343F","#888"); // darker add_color("#282D33" ,"dark_anthracite=#282D33"); add_color("#353a3f" ,"anthracite=#353a3f"); // #2F343F add_color("#edd400" ,"yellow=#edd400"); add_color("#fd971f" ,"orange=#fd971f"); add_color("#85816f" ,"dark_beige=#85816f"); add_color("#979381" ,"beige=#979381"); add_color("#8eb33b" ,"green=#8eb33b"); // "#7af234" add_color("#086aa7" ,"dark_blue=#086aa7"); add_color("#729fcf" ,"blue=#729fcf"); // #729fcf add_color("#2597a6" ,"cyan=#2597a6"); // #00b8b8 add_color("#77dfd8" ,"light_cyan=#77dfd8"); // #66d9ef //~ add_color("#c75646" ,"dark_red=#c75646"); // unused add_color("#cf0912" ,"red=#cf0912"); add_color("#EAEAEA" ,"almost_white=#EAEAEA"); add_color("#d0d0d0" ,"grey=#d0d0d0"); add_color("#888" ,"mid_grey=#888"); add_color("#666666" ,"dark_grey=#666666"); // #3B4149 add_footer(); }
/* jz: Dialed Number 21 */ int add_number_avp (struct buffer *buf, char *no) { add_header(buf, (0x6 + strlen (no)), 0x15); strncpy ((char *) (buf->start + buf->len + sizeof(struct avp_hdr)), no, strlen (no)); buf->len += 0x6 + strlen (no); return 0; }
bool Compiler::process_file(const Path& path, const Flags& flags) { FlagsManager new_flags(*this, flags); cxx::Backend backend(*this); Path output_path = get_cxx_output_path(flags, path) + "cpp"; std::ofstream output(output_path.c_str()); add_header(output); const SourceFileAst* src = reader()->read_file(path, flags); FormatterContext ctx; for (auto ast : src->asts) { const Expression* expr = elaborate(ast).code(); if (auto imp = is<Import>(expr)) process_import(backend, output, *imp); else if (expr != nullptr) { if (auto tl = backend.translate_top_level(expr)) push_top_level(ctx, tl); } } for (auto x: get_specializations()) { auto decl = specs_to_decl(backend, x); if (auto fundef = dynamic_cast<const cxx::FunDef*>(decl)) ctx.fun_defs.push_back(fundef); else push_decl(ctx, decl); } format_cxx(ctx, output); if (not compile_cxx_file(output_path)) internal_error("intermediate C++ translation failed to compile"); return true; }
ssize_t h2o_add_header_by_str(h2o_mem_pool_t *pool, h2o_headers_t *headers, const char *name, size_t name_len, int maybe_token, const char *orig_name, const char *value, size_t value_len) { h2o_iovec_t *name_buf; if (maybe_token) { const h2o_token_t *token = h2o_lookup_token(name, name_len); if (token != NULL) { return add_header(pool, headers, (h2o_iovec_t *)token, orig_name, value, value_len, (h2o_header_flags_t){0}); } } name_buf = h2o_mem_alloc_pool(pool, *name_buf, 1); name_buf->base = (char *)name; name_buf->len = name_len; return add_header(pool, headers, name_buf, orig_name, value, value_len, (h2o_header_flags_t){0}); }
void h2o_set_header_by_str(h2o_mempool_t *pool, h2o_headers_t *headers, const char *name, size_t name_len, int maybe_token, const char *value, size_t value_len, int overwrite_if_exists) { ssize_t cursor; if (maybe_token) { const h2o_token_t *token = h2o_lookup_token(name, name_len); if (token != NULL) { h2o_set_header(pool, headers, token ,value, value_len, overwrite_if_exists); return; } } cursor = h2o_find_header_by_str(headers, name, name_len, -1); if (cursor != -1) { if (overwrite_if_exists) { h2o_buf_t *slot = &headers->entries[cursor].value; slot->base = (char*)value; slot->len = value_len; } } else { h2o_buf_t *name_buf = h2o_mempool_alloc(pool, sizeof(h2o_buf_t)); name_buf->base = (char*)name; name_buf->len = name_len; add_header(pool, headers, name_buf, value, value_len); } }
int add_randvect_avp (struct buffer *buf, unsigned char *c, int len) { add_header(buf, (0x6 + len), 0x24); memcpy((char *) (buf->start + buf->len + sizeof(struct avp_hdr)), c, len); buf->len += 0x6 + len; return 0; }
/* Create the iwb xml content file. */ static void create_xml_content (gchar *content_filename, gchar *img_dir_path, gchar *background_image) { int savepoint_number = -1; GDir *img_dir; fp = fopen (content_filename, "w"); add_header (); add_background (img_dir_path, background_image); if (!background_image) { savepoint_number = 0; } img_dir = g_dir_open (img_dir_path, 0, NULL); while (g_dir_read_name (img_dir)) { savepoint_number++; } g_dir_close (img_dir); add_savepoints (savepoint_number); add_background_reference (); add_savepoint_references (savepoint_number); close_iwb (); fclose (fp); }
void VariantHeaderMerger<fields_forward_LUT_ordering, fields_reverse_LUT_ordering, samples_forward_LUT_ordering, samples_reverse_LUT_ordering>:: add_headers(const vector<VariantHeader>& headers) { for(const auto& header : headers) add_header(header); }
static void _colon (char* ptr,Task_Data * IData) { IData->state = 1; word(IData); add_header (IData->forth_buffer,IData); compile((int*)(int)docol,IData); }
/** Constructs a zipper ostream decorator * * \param ostream_ ostream where the compressed output is written * \param is_gzip_ true if gzip header and footer have to be added * \param level_ level of compression 0, bad and fast, 9, good and slower, * \param strategy_ compression strategy * \param window_size_ see zlib doc * \param memory_level_ see zlib doc * \param buffer_size_ the buffer size used to zip data When is_gzip_ is true, a gzip header and footer is automatically added. */ basic_zip_ostream( ostream_reference ostream_, int open_mode = std::ios::out, bool is_gzip_ = false, size_t level_ = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, EStrategy strategy_ = DefaultStrategy, size_t window_size_ = 15, size_t memory_level_ = 8, size_t buffer_size_ = default_buffer_size ) : zip_ostreambase_type( ostream_, level_, strategy_, window_size_, memory_level_, buffer_size_ ), m_is_gzip(is_gzip_), ostream_type(rdbuf()) { if (m_is_gzip) add_header(); };
void response::set_header(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) { auto i=headers.find(name); if (i!=headers.end()) { headers.erase(name); } add_header(name, value); }