Exemple #1
static int
do_func(char **fields, int nfields, char **err)
	char *name;
	char *rtype;
	char *atype;
	char *hdrs;
	char *envs;
	struct sym_test *st;

	if (nfields != 5) {
		myasprintf(err, "number of fields (%d) != 5", nfields);
		return (-1);
	name = fields[0];
	rtype = fields[1];
	atype = fields[2];
	hdrs = fields[3];
	envs = fields[4];

	st = myzalloc(sizeof (*st));
	st->st_type = SYM_FUNC;
	st->st_name = mystrdup(name);
	st->st_rtype = mystrdup(rtype);

	if ((add_envs(st, envs, err) < 0) ||
	    (add_headers(st, hdrs, err) < 0) ||
	    (add_arg_types(st, atype, err) < 0)) {
		return (-1);

	return (0);
Exemple #2
static int
do_value(char **fields, int nfields, char **err)
	char *name;
	char *type;
	char *hdrs;
	char *envs;
	struct sym_test *st;

	if (nfields != 4) {
		myasprintf(err, "number of fields (%d) != 4", nfields);
		return (-1);
	name = fields[0];
	type = fields[1];
	hdrs = fields[2];
	envs = fields[3];

	st = myzalloc(sizeof (*st));
	st->st_type = SYM_VALUE;
	st->st_name = mystrdup(name);
	st->st_rtype = mystrdup(type);

	if ((add_envs(st, envs, err) < 0) ||
	    (add_headers(st, hdrs, err) < 0)) {
		return (-1);

	return (0);
Exemple #3
static int
do_type(char **fields, int nfields, char **err)
	char *decl;
	char *hdrs;
	char *envs;
	struct sym_test *st;

	if (nfields != 3) {
		myasprintf(err, "number of fields (%d) != 3", nfields);
		return (-1);
	decl = fields[0];
	hdrs = fields[1];
	envs = fields[2];

	st = myzalloc(sizeof (*st));
	st->st_type = SYM_TYPE;
	st->st_name = mystrdup(decl);
	st->st_rtype = mystrdup(decl);

	if ((add_envs(st, envs, err) < 0) ||
	    (add_headers(st, hdrs, err) < 0)) {
		return (-1);

	return (0);
message_complete_cb(http_parser* parser)
  struct request_info *r = parser->data;
  struct stat file_stat;
  int exists;
  char datestring[256];
  struct tm *tm;

  if (strstr(r->file, "..") != NULL) {
    send_error(r, 404);
    return 0;

  exists = stat(r->file, &file_stat);
  if (exists != 0){
    switch (errno){
    case EACCES:
      send_error(r, 403);
      send_error(r, 404);
    return 0;

  } else { /* The file exists */
    /* Test if it's a folder */
    if (S_ISDIR(file_stat.st_mode) > 0) {
      send_error(r, 404);
      return 0;

    tm = localtime(&file_stat.st_mtime);

    /* Get localized date string. */
    strftime(datestring, sizeof(datestring), DATE_FORMAT, tm);
    evbuffer_add_printf(r->buf, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n");
    evbuffer_add_printf(r->buf, "Content-Length: %9jd\r\n",
    evbuffer_add_printf(r->buf, "Last-Modified: %s\r\n", datestring);

  if (parser->method == HTTP_HEAD) {
    event_add(&r->wr_ev, NULL);
  } else {
    // Open the file for parsing to body
    if (read_from_file(r) == -1) {
      evbuffer_drain(r->buf, EVBUFFER_LENGTH(r->buf));
      send_error(r, 500);
      return 0;
    // Send reponse with body now :)
    event_add(&r->wr_ev, NULL);

  return 0;
Exemple #5
SRef<Sip_Request*> Sip_Request::create_sip_message_invite( const std::string &call_id, const Sip_Uri &to_uri, const Sip_Uri &from_uri,
                                              const Sip_Uri &contact, int seq_no, SRef<Sip_Stack*> stack )
    SRef<Sip_Request*> req = new Sip_Request("INVITE", to_uri);

    req->add_default_headers( from_uri, to_uri, seq_no, call_id );
    add_headers(req, contact, stack);

    return req;
Exemple #6
void _sal_op_add_custom_headers(SalOp *op, belle_sip_message_t *msg){
	if (op->base.sent_custom_headers){
		belle_sip_message_t *ch=(belle_sip_message_t*)op->base.sent_custom_headers;
		belle_sip_list_t *l=belle_sip_message_get_all_headers(ch);
		belle_sip_list_t *elem;
Exemple #7
void send_error(int32 fd, int32 status, const int8 *title, const int8 *extra_header, const int8 *text)
	int32 len = 0;
	int32 str_len = 0;
	int8 buf[BUFFSIZ];

	len += add_headers(buf, status, title, extra_header, "text/html");
	str_len = len;
	len += snprintf_s_isis(&buf[len], (BUFFSIZ - str_len), 
				"<HEAD><TITLE>%d %s</TITLE></HEAD>\n"
				"<BODY BGCOLOR=\"#cc9999\">"
				"<H4>%d %s</H4>\n",
				status, (char *)title, status, (char *)title);
	str_len = len;
	len += snprintf_s_s(&buf[len], (BUFFSIZ - str_len), "%s\n", (char *)text);
	str_len = len;
	len += snprintf(&buf[len], (BUFFSIZ - str_len), "</BODY></HTML>\n");

	http_write(fd, buf, len);
Exemple #8
static int
do_define(char **fields, int nfields, char **err)
	char *name, *value, *hdrs, *envs;
	struct sym_test *st;

	if (nfields != 4) {
		myasprintf(err, "number of fields (%d) != 4", nfields);
		return (-1);

	name = fields[0];
	value = fields[1];
	hdrs = fields[2];
	envs = fields[3];

	st = myzalloc(sizeof (*st));
	st->st_type = SYM_DEFINE;
	st->st_name = mystrdup(name);

	 * A value to compare against is optional. trim will leave it as a null
	 * pointer if there's nothing there.
	if (*value != '\0')
		st->st_defval = mystrdup(value);

	if ((add_envs(st, envs, err) < 0) ||
	    (add_headers(st, hdrs, err) < 0)) {
		return (-1);


	return (0);
Exemple #9
/* @name starts from "/", such as "/index.html" */
void send_file(int32 sockfd, const int8 *name)
	int32 fd;
	int32 r, len;
	int64 filesize;
	struct stat st;
	int8 path[1024], contentlen[128], buf[BUFFSIZ];

	snprintf_s_ss(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", HTTPD_WORK_DIR, (char *)name);

	if (stat(path, &st) < 0 || (fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
		send_error(sockfd, 404, "Not Found", NULL, "File not Found.");
		HTTPD_ERR("Not found file %s\n", path);

	filesize = st.st_size;
	snprintf_s_ll(contentlen, sizeof(contentlen), "Content-Length: %lld", filesize);

	len = add_headers(buf, 200, "OK", contentlen, file_mime_type(name));
	http_write(sockfd, buf, len);

	while (filesize > 0) {
		r = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
		if (r < 0 && (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN))

		if (r <= 0 || http_write(sockfd, buf, r) != r)

		filesize -= r;

int hpquads(startree_t* starkd,
			codefile_t* codes,
			quadfile_t* quads,
			int Nside,
			double scale_min_arcmin,
			double scale_max_arcmin,
			int dimquads,
			int passes,
			int Nreuses,
			int Nloosen,
			int id,
			anbool scanoccupied,

			void* sort_data,
			int (*sort_func)(const void*, const void*),
			int sort_size,
			char** args, int argc) {
	hpquads_t myhpquads;
	hpquads_t* me = &myhpquads;

	int i;
	int pass;
	anbool circle = TRUE;
	double radius2;
	il* hptotry;
	int Nhptotry = 0;
	int nquads;
	double hprad;
	double quadscale;

	int skhp, sknside;

	qfits_header* qhdr;
	qfits_header* chdr;

	int N;
	int dimcodes;
	int quadsize;
	int NHP;

	memset(me, 0, sizeof(hpquads_t));

	if (Nside > HP_MAX_INT_NSIDE) {
		ERROR("Error: maximum healpix Nside = %i", HP_MAX_INT_NSIDE);
		return -1;
	if (Nreuses > 255) {
		ERROR("Error, reuse (-r) must be less than 256");
		return -1;

	me->Nside = Nside;
	me->dimquads = dimquads;
	NHP = 12 * Nside * Nside;
	dimcodes = dimquad2dimcode(dimquads);
	quadsize = sizeof(unsigned int) * dimquads;

	logmsg("Nside=%i.  Nside^2=%i.  Number of healpixes=%i.  Healpix side length ~ %g arcmin.\n",
		   me->Nside, me->Nside*me->Nside, NHP, healpix_side_length_arcmin(me->Nside));

	me->sort_data = sort_data;
	me->sort_func = sort_func;
	me->sort_size = sort_size;

	me->starkd = starkd;
	N = startree_N(me->starkd);
	logmsg("Star tree contains %i objects.\n", N);

	// get the "HEALPIX" header from the skdt...
	skhp = qfits_header_getint(startree_header(me->starkd), "HEALPIX", -1);
	if (skhp == -1) {
		if (!qfits_header_getboolean(startree_header(me->starkd), "ALLSKY", FALSE)) {
			logmsg("Warning: skdt does not contain \"HEALPIX\" header.  Code and quad files will not contain this header either.\n");
    // likewise "HPNSIDE"
	sknside = qfits_header_getint(startree_header(me->starkd), "HPNSIDE", 1);

    if (sknside && Nside % sknside) {
        logerr("Error: Nside (-n) must be a multiple of the star kdtree healpixelisation: %i\n", sknside);
		return -1;

	if (!scanoccupied && (N*(skhp == -1 ? 1 : sknside*sknside*12) < NHP)) {
		logmsg("NOTE, your star kdtree is sparse (has only a fraction of the stars expected)\n");
		logmsg("  so you probably will get much faster results by setting the \"-E\" command-line\n");
		logmsg("  flag.\n");

	quads->dimquads = me->dimquads;
	codes->dimcodes = dimcodes;
	quads->healpix = skhp;
	codes->healpix = skhp;
	quads->hpnside = sknside;
	codes->hpnside = sknside;
	if (id) {
		quads->indexid = id;
		codes->indexid = id;

	qhdr = quadfile_get_header(quads);
	chdr = codefile_get_header(codes);

	add_headers(qhdr, args, argc, startree_header(me->starkd), circle, passes);
	add_headers(chdr, args, argc, startree_header(me->starkd), circle, passes);

    if (quadfile_write_header(quads)) {
        ERROR("Couldn't write headers to quad file");
		return -1;
    if (codefile_write_header(codes)) {
        ERROR("Couldn't write headers to code file");
		return -1;

    quads->numstars = codes->numstars = N;
	me->quad_dist2_upper = arcmin2distsq(scale_max_arcmin);
	me->quad_dist2_lower = arcmin2distsq(scale_min_arcmin);
    codes->index_scale_upper = quads->index_scale_upper = distsq2rad(me->quad_dist2_upper);
    codes->index_scale_lower = quads->index_scale_lower = distsq2rad(me->quad_dist2_lower);
	me->nuses = calloc(N, sizeof(unsigned char));

	// hprad = sqrt(2) * (healpix side length / 2.)
	hprad = arcmin2dist(healpix_side_length_arcmin(Nside)) * M_SQRT1_2;
	quadscale = 0.5 * sqrt(me->quad_dist2_upper);
	// 1.01 for a bit of safety.  we'll look at a few extra stars.
	radius2 = square(1.01 * (hprad + quadscale));
	me->radius2 = radius2;

	logmsg("Healpix radius %g arcsec, quad scale %g arcsec, total %g arcsec\n",

	hptotry = il_new(1024);

	if (scanoccupied) {
		logmsg("Scanning %i input stars...\n", N);
		for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
			double xyz[3];
			int j;
			if (startree_get(me->starkd, i, xyz)) {
				ERROR("Failed to get star %i", i);
				return -1;
			j = xyzarrtohealpix(xyz, Nside);
			il_insert_unique_ascending(hptotry, j);
			if (log_get_level() > LOG_VERB) {
				double ra,dec;
				if (startree_get_radec(me->starkd, i, &ra, &dec)) {
					ERROR("Failed to get RA,Dec for star %i\n", i);
					return -1;
				logdebug("star %i: RA,Dec %g,%g; xyz %g,%g,%g; hp %i\n",
						 i, ra, dec, xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2], j);
		logmsg("Will check %zu healpixes.\n", il_size(hptotry));
		if (log_get_level() > LOG_VERB) {
			logdebug("Checking healpixes: [ ");
			for (i=0; i<il_size(hptotry); i++)
				logdebug("%i ", il_get(hptotry, i));

	} else {
		if (skhp == -1) {
			// Try all healpixes.
			hptotry = NULL;
			Nhptotry = NHP;
		} else {
			// The star kdtree may itself be healpixed
			int starhp, starx, stary;
			// In that case, the healpixes we are interested in form a rectangle
			// within a big healpix.  These are the coords (in [0, Nside)) of
			// that rectangle.
			int x0, x1, y0, y1;
			int x, y;

			healpix_decompose_xy(skhp, &starhp, &starx, &stary, sknside);
			x0 =  starx    * (Nside / sknside);
			x1 = (starx+1) * (Nside / sknside);
			y0 =  stary    * (Nside / sknside);
			y1 = (stary+1) * (Nside / sknside);

			for (y=y0; y<y1; y++) {
				for (x=x0; x<x1; x++) {
					int j = healpix_compose_xy(starhp, x, y, Nside);
					il_append(hptotry, j);
			assert(il_size(hptotry) == (Nside/sknside) * (Nside/sknside));
	if (hptotry)
		Nhptotry = il_size(hptotry);

	me->quadlist = bl_new(65536, quadsize);

	if (Nloosen)
		me->retryhps = il_new(1024);

	for (pass=0; pass<passes; pass++) {
		char key[64];
		int nthispass;

		logmsg("Pass %i of %i.\n", pass+1, passes);
		logmsg("Trying %i healpixes.\n", Nhptotry);

		nthispass = build_quads(me, Nhptotry, hptotry, Nreuses);

		logmsg("Made %i quads (out of %i healpixes) this pass.\n", nthispass, Nhptotry);
		logmsg("Made %i quads so far.\n", (me->bigquadlist ? bt_size(me->bigquadlist) : 0) + (int)bl_size(me->quadlist));

		sprintf(key, "PASS%i", pass+1);
		fits_header_mod_int(chdr, key, nthispass, "quads created in this pass");
		fits_header_mod_int(qhdr, key, nthispass, "quads created in this pass");

		logmsg("Merging quads...\n");
		if (!me->bigquadlist)
			me->bigquadlist = bt_new(quadsize, 256);
		for (i=0; i<bl_size(me->quadlist); i++) {
			void* q = bl_access(me->quadlist, i);
			bt_insert2(me->bigquadlist, q, FALSE, compare_quads, &me->dimquads);

	hptotry = NULL;

	if (Nloosen) {
		int R;
		for (R=Nreuses+1; R<=Nloosen; R++) {
			il* trylist;
			int nthispass;

			logmsg("Loosening reuse maximum to %i...\n", R);
			logmsg("Trying %zu healpixes.\n", il_size(me->retryhps));
			if (!il_size(me->retryhps))

			trylist = me->retryhps;
			me->retryhps = il_new(1024);
			nthispass = build_quads(me, il_size(trylist), trylist, R);
			logmsg("Made %i quads (out of %zu healpixes) this pass.\n", nthispass, il_size(trylist));
			for (i=0; i<bl_size(me->quadlist); i++) {
				void* q = bl_access(me->quadlist, i);
				bt_insert2(me->bigquadlist, q, FALSE, compare_quads, &me->dimquads);
	if (me->retryhps)

	me->res = NULL;
	me->inds = NULL;
	me->stars = NULL;
	me->nuses = NULL;

	logmsg("Writing quads...\n");

	// add the quads from the big-quadlist
	nquads = bt_size(me->bigquadlist);
	for (i=0; i<nquads; i++) {
		unsigned int* q = bt_access(me->bigquadlist, i);
		quad_write(codes, quads, q, me->starkd, me->dimquads, dimcodes);
	// add the quads that were made during the final round.
	for (i=0; i<bl_size(me->quadlist); i++) {
		unsigned int* q = bl_access(me->quadlist, i);
		quad_write(codes, quads, q, me->starkd, me->dimquads, dimcodes);

	// fix output file headers.
	if (quadfile_fix_header(quads)) {
		ERROR("Failed to fix quadfile headers");
		return -1;
	if (codefile_fix_header(codes)) {
		ERROR("Failed to fix codefile headers");
		return -1;


	return 0;
	void http_seed_connection::write_request(peer_request const& r)

		boost::shared_ptr<torrent> t = associated_torrent().lock();

		// http_seeds don't support requesting more than one piece
		// at a time
		TORRENT_ASSERT(r.length <= t->torrent_file().piece_size(r.piece));

		std::string request;

		int size = r.length;
		const int block_size = t->block_size();
		const int piece_size = t->torrent_file().piece_length();
		peer_request pr;
		while (size > 0)
			int request_offset = r.start + r.length - size;
			pr.start = request_offset % piece_size;
			pr.length = (std::min)(block_size, size);
			pr.piece = r.piece + request_offset / piece_size;
			size -= pr.length;

		int proxy_type = m_settings.get_int(settings_pack::proxy_type);
		bool using_proxy = (proxy_type == settings_pack::http
			|| proxy_type == settings_pack::http_pw) && !m_ssl;

		request += "GET ";
		request += using_proxy ? m_url : m_path;
		request += "?info_hash=";
		request += escape_string(reinterpret_cast<char const*>(&t->torrent_file().info_hash()[0]), 20);
		request += "&piece=";
		request += to_string(r.piece).elems;

		// if we're requesting less than an entire piece we need to
		// add ranges
		if (r.start > 0 || r.length != t->torrent_file().piece_size(r.piece))
			request += "&ranges=";
			request += to_string(r.start).elems;
			request += "-";
			// ranges are inclusive, just like HTTP
			request += to_string(r.start + r.length - 1).elems;

		request += " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
		add_headers(request, m_settings, using_proxy);
		request += "\r\n\r\n";
		m_first_request = false;

		peer_log(peer_log_alert::outgoing_message, "REQUEST", "%s", request.c_str());

		send_buffer(request.c_str(), request.size(), message_type_request);
Exemple #12
int	main( int main_argc, char **main_argv)

	clock_t startClock = clock();
	/*	Non-function definitions. 									*/
	struct	command_line_object 	*command_line;
	struct	tec_object				*tec;
	struct	world_object			*world;
	struct	world_output_file_object	*output;
	struct	world_output_file_object	*growth_output;
	char	*prefix;
	/* Local Function declarations 									*/
	struct   command_line_object *construct_command_line(
		char **);
	struct   world_object *construct_world(
		struct command_line_object *);
	struct	world_output_file_object	*construct_output_files(
		char *,
		struct command_line_object	*);
	struct	tec_object	*construct_tec(
		struct command_line_object *,
		struct world_object * );
	void 	execute_tec(
		struct	tec_object	*,
		struct	command_line_object	*,
		struct	world_output_file_object *,
		struct	world_output_file_object *,
		struct	world_object *);
	void	destroy_tec(
		struct tec_object * );
	void	destroy_output_files(
		struct	command_line_object	*,
		struct	world_output_file_object	*);
	void	destroy_world(
		struct command_line_object *,
		struct world_object *);
	void	destroy_command_line(
		struct command_line_object * );

	void   add_headers(
		struct world_output_file_object *,
		struct command_line_object * );

	void   add_growth_headers(
		struct world_output_file_object *,
		struct command_line_object * );


	/*	Command line parsing.										*/
	command_line = construct_command_line(main_argc, main_argv);

	/* Check if print version flag was set. If so, just print out   */
	/* the version and return.                                      */
	if (command_line[0].version_flag > 0 ) {
		printf("RHESSys Version: %s\n", RHESSYS_VERSION);

	if (command_line[0].verbose_flag > 0 )
		fprintf(stderr,"FINISHED CON COMMAND LINE ***\n");
	/*	Construct the world object.									*/
	world = construct_world( command_line );
	if (command_line[0].verbose_flag > 0  )
		fprintf(stderr,"FINISHED CON WORLD ***\n");
	/*	Construct the output file objects.							*/
	/*      Make up the prefix for the output files.                */
	prefix = (char *)calloc(256, sizeof(char));
	if ( command_line[0].output_prefix != NULL ){
	output = construct_output_files( prefix, command_line );
	if (command_line[0].grow_flag > 0) {
		growth_output = construct_output_files(prefix, command_line );
	else growth_output = NULL;

	add_headers(output, command_line);
		if (command_line[0].grow_flag > 0)
			add_growth_headers(growth_output, command_line);

	if(command_line[0].verbose_flag > 0 )
		fprintf(stderr,"FINISHED CON OUTPUT\n");
	/*	Create the tec object (temporal event control)				*/
	/*																*/
	/*	This object specifies temporal events such as output.		*/
	tec = construct_tec( command_line, world);
	if (command_line[0].verbose_flag > 0 )
		fprintf(stderr,"FINISHED CON TEC\n");
	fprintf(stderr,"Beginning Simulation\n");
	execute_tec( tec, command_line, output, growth_output, world );
	if (command_line[0].verbose_flag > 0 )
		fprintf(stderr,"FINISHED EXE TEC\n");
	/*	Destroy the tec object.										*/
	destroy_tec( tec );
	if (command_line[0].verbose_flag > 0 )
		fprintf(stderr,"FINISHED DES TEC\n");
	/*	Destroy output file objects (close them)					*/
	destroy_output_files( command_line, output );
	if (command_line[0].grow_flag > 0)
		destroy_output_files( command_line, growth_output );
	if (command_line[0].verbose_flag > 0 )
		fprintf(stderr,"FINISHED DES OUTPUT FILES\n");
	/*	Destroy the world.											*/
	destroy_world(command_line, world );
	if (command_line[0].verbose_flag > 0 )
		fprintf(stderr,"FINISHED DES WORLD\n");
	/*	Destroy the command_line_object								*/
	destroy_command_line( command_line );
	if (command_line[0].verbose_flag > 0 )
		fprintf(stderr,"FINISHED DES COMMAND LINE\n");
	/*	The end.													*/
	clock_t endClock =clock();
	printf("\ntime cost = %ld seconds\n",(endClock - startClock)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

} /*end main*/