Exemple #1
static void cylinder_intersect(cylinder * cyl, ray * ry) {
  vector rc, n, D, O;  
  flt t, s, tin, tout, ln, d; 

  rc.x = ry->o.x - cyl->ctr.x;
  rc.y = ry->o.y - cyl->ctr.y;
  rc.z = ry->o.z - cyl->ctr.z; 

  VCross(&ry->d, &cyl->axis, &n);

  VDOT(ln, n, n);
  ln=sqrt(ln);    /* finish length calculation */

  if (ln == 0.0) {  /* ray is parallel to the cylinder.. */
    VDOT(d, rc, cyl->axis);         
    D.x = rc.x - d * cyl->axis.x; 
    D.y = rc.y - d * cyl->axis.y;
    D.z = rc.z - d * cyl->axis.z;
    VDOT(d, D, D);
    d = sqrt(d);
    tin = -FHUGE;
    tout = FHUGE;
    /* if (d <= cyl->rad) then ray is inside cylinder.. else outside */

  VDOT(d, rc, n);
  d = fabs(d); 

  if (d <= cyl->rad) {  /* ray intersects cylinder.. */
    VCross(&rc, &cyl->axis, &O);
    VDOT(t, O, n);
    t = - t / ln;
    VCross(&n, &cyl->axis, &O); 
    VDOT(s, ry->d, O);
    s = fabs(sqrt(cyl->rad*cyl->rad - d*d) / s);
    tin = t - s;
    add_intersection(tin, (object *) cyl, ry); 
    tout = t + s;
    add_intersection(tout, (object *) cyl, ry);
static void plane_intersect(plane * pln, ray * ry) {
  flt t,td;
  t=-(pln->d + VDot(&pln->norm, &ry->o));
  td=VDot(&pln->norm, &ry->d); 
  if (td != 0.0) {
    t /= td;
    if (t > 0.0)
      add_intersection(t,(object *) pln, ry);
static void sphere_intersect(sphere * spr, ray * ry) {
  flt b, disc, t1, t2, temp;
  vector V;

  VSUB(spr->ctr, ry->o, V);
  VDOT(b, V, ry->d); 
  VDOT(temp, V, V);  

  disc=b*b + spr->rad*spr->rad - temp;

  if (disc<=0.0) return;

  if (t2 <= SPEPSILON) 
  add_intersection(t2, (object *) spr, ry);  

  if (t1 > SPEPSILON) 
    add_intersection(t1, (object *) spr, ry);  
Exemple #4
Fichier : scan.c Projet : dluco/ttf
static int intersect_line_segment(TTF_Segment *segment, TTF_Scan_Line *scanline) {
	if (!segment || !scanline) {
		return 0;
	float y = scanline->y;
	float x0 = segment->x[0], x1 = segment->x[1];
	float y0 = segment->y[0], y1 = segment->y[1];

	if ((fabsf(y - y0) + fabsf(y - y1) - fabsf(y1 - y0)) != 0) {
		/* The scan-line at y is not within the y-bounds of the line segment. */
		return 0;

	if (y0 == y1) {
		/* Intersecting with horizontal line (degenerate case). */
		if (y == y0) {
			 /* There are two intersections, x0 and x1. */
			add_intersection(scanline, x0);
			add_intersection(scanline, x1);
			return 2;
		} else {
			/* No intersections. */
			return 0;

	/* Calculate x-intersection of scan-line and line segment. */
	float x = ((x0*y1 - x1*y0) + y*(x1 - x0)) / (y1 - y0);

	if ((fabsf(x - x0) + fabsf(x - x1) - fabsf(x1 - x0)) != 0) {
		/* The x-intersection is not within the x-bounds of the line segment. */
		return 0;

	add_intersection(scanline, x);
	return 1;
Exemple #5
typename enable_if<is_concept_combinable<is_interval_map, is_interval_set, Type, KeySetT>, void>::type
add_intersection(Type& section, const Type& object, const KeySetT& key_set)
    typedef typename KeySetT::const_iterator const_iterator;


    const_iterator common_lwb, common_upb;
    if(!Set::common_range(common_lwb, common_upb, key_set, object))

    const_iterator it_ = common_lwb;
    while(it_ != common_upb)
        add_intersection(section, object, *it_++);
Exemple #6
	/* Returns the intersection points between the particle trajectory
	 * and the domain boundaries
	 * intersections are placed in increasing x position
	std::vector<bpoint> boundaries_intersections(Line line) {

		std::vector<bg::model::segment<bpoint> > segments = get_geometry_segments();
		//std::vector<bg::model::segment<bpoint> > segments = get_geometry_segments();

		//Compute intersections with all segments of detector boundary
		std::vector<bpoint> intersections;

		for (unsigned i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) {
			add_intersection(line, segments[i], intersections);

		intersections = Utils::unique_bpoints(intersections);
		//unique(intersections.begin(), intersections.end());
		//intersections.erase(unique(intersections.begin(), intersections.end()),
		//		intersections.end());
		return intersections;
Exemple #7
static void ring_intersect(ring * rng, ray * ry) {
  flt d;
  flt t,td;
  vector hit, pnt;
  d = -VDot(&(rng->ctr), &(rng->norm));
  t=-(d+VDot(&(rng->norm), &(ry->o)));
  if (td != 0.0) {
    t= t / td;
    if (t>=0.0) {
      hit=Raypnt(ry, t);
      VSUB(hit, rng->ctr, pnt);
      VDOT(td, pnt, pnt);
      if ((td > rng->inrad) && (td < rng->outrad)) 
        add_intersection(t,(object *) rng, ry);
Exemple #8
typename enable_if
    mpl::and_< mpl::not_<is_total<Type> >
             , is_concept_compatible<is_interval_map, Type, MapT> >
  , void
add_intersection(Type& section, const Type& object, const MapT& operand)
    typedef typename Type::segment_type   segment_type;
    typedef typename Type::interval_type  interval_type;
    typedef typename MapT::const_iterator const_iterator;

    const_iterator common_lwb, common_upb;
    if(!Set::common_range(common_lwb, common_upb, operand, object))
    const_iterator it_ = common_lwb;
    while(it_ != common_upb)
        add_intersection(section, object, *it_++);
Exemple #9
static void tri_intersect(tri * trn, ray * ry) {
  vector tvec, pvec, qvec;
  flt det, inv_det, t, u, v;

  /* begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter */
  CROSS(pvec, ry->d, trn->edge2);

  /* if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle */
  det = DOT(trn->edge1, pvec);

   if (det > -EPSILON && det < EPSILON)

   inv_det = 1.0 / det;

   /* calculate distance from vert0 to ray origin */
   SUB(tvec, ry->o, trn->v0);

   /* calculate U parameter and test bounds */
   u = DOT(tvec, pvec) * inv_det;
   if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0)

   /* prepare to test V parameter */
   CROSS(qvec, tvec, trn->edge1);

   /* calculate V parameter and test bounds */
   v = DOT(ry->d, qvec) * inv_det;
   if (v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0)

   /* calculate t, ray intersects triangle */
   t = DOT(trn->edge2, qvec) * inv_det;

  add_intersection(t,(object *) trn, ry);
Exemple #10
int main()
	std::scanf("%d", &n);
	rotate_sin = sinl(233.3);
	rotate_cos = cosl(233.3);
	for(int i = 0; i != n; ++i)
		for(int j = 0; j != 3; ++j)
			std::scanf("%Lf %Lf", &pt[i][j].x, &pt[i][j].y);
			pt[i][j] = rotate(pt[i][j]);
			coordinate[tot++] = pt[i][j].y;

		for(int j = 0; j != i; ++j)
			add_intersection(i, 0, 1, j, 0, 1);
			add_intersection(i, 0, 1, j, 0, 2);
			add_intersection(i, 0, 1, j, 1, 2);
			add_intersection(i, 0, 2, j, 0, 1);
			add_intersection(i, 0, 2, j, 0, 2);
			add_intersection(i, 0, 2, j, 1, 2);
			add_intersection(i, 1, 2, j, 0, 1);
			add_intersection(i, 1, 2, j, 0, 2);
			add_intersection(i, 1, 2, j, 1, 2);

	std::sort(coordinate, coordinate + tot);
	tot = std::unique(coordinate, coordinate + tot, cmp) - coordinate;
	long double area = 0.0, prev_len = 0.0;
	for(int i = 0; i != tot; ++i, num = 0)
		long double y = coordinate[i];
		for(int j = 0; j != n; ++j)
			if(add_horizontal(y, j, 0, 1)) continue;
			if(add_horizontal(y, j, 0, 2)) continue;
			if(add_horizontal(y, j, 1, 2)) continue;
			long double d1 = get_intersection(y, pt[j][0], pt[j][1]);
			long double d2 = get_intersection(y, pt[j][0], pt[j][2]);
			long double d3 = get_intersection(y, pt[j][1], pt[j][2]);
			add_segment(d2, d3);
			add_segment(d1, d3);
			add_segment(d1, d2);

		std::sort(data, data + num);
		int cnt = 0;
		long double prev = 0.0, len = 0.0;
		for(int j = 0; j != num; ++j)
			if(!cnt) prev = data[j].x;
			cnt += data[j].cnt;
			if(!cnt) len += data[j].x - prev;

		if(i) area += (len + prev_len) * (y - coordinate[i - 1]) * (long double)0.5;
		prev_len = len;

	std::printf("%.2Lf\n", area);
	return 0;
Exemple #11
Fichier : scan.c Projet : dluco/ttf
static int intersect_curve_segment(TTF_Segment *segment, TTF_Scan_Line *scanline) {
	if (!segment || !scanline) {
		return 0;
	float t;
	float y = scanline->y;
	float y0 = segment->y[0], y1 = segment->y[1], y2 = segment->y[2];
	float x0 = segment->x[0], x1 = segment->x[1], x2 = segment->x[2];

	float a = y0 - 2*y1 + y2;
	float b = 2*y1 - 2*y0;
	float c = y0 - y;

	/* Handle degenerate cases first. */
	if (a == 0) {
		/* Curve is a straight line. */
		if (b == 0) {
			/* Curve is a horizontal line. */
			if (c == 0) {
				/* There are two intersections, x0 and x2. */
				add_intersection(scanline, x0);
				add_intersection(scanline, x2);
				return 2;
			} else {
				/* No intersections. */
				return 0;
		} else {
			t = -c / b;
			if (IN(t, 0.0, 1.0)) {
				/* One intersection. */
				add_intersection(scanline, quad_bezier(t, x0, x1, x2));
				return 1;
			} else {
				/* No intersections. */
				return 0;

	/* Test discriminant for number of roots. */
	float D = b*b - 4*a*c;
	if (D < 0) {
		/* No roots. */
		return 0;
	} else if (D == 0) {
		/* One distinct root. */
		t = -b / (2*a);
		if (IN(t, 0.0, 1.0)) {
			/* One intersection. */
			add_intersection(scanline, quad_bezier(t, x0, x1, x2));
			return 1;
		} else {
			/* No intersections. */
			return 0;
	} else {
		/* Two distinct roots. */
		int num_intersections = 0;

		t = (-b + sqrt(D)) / (2*a);
		if (IN(t, 0.0, 1.0)) {
			/* Intersection point is within curve endpoints. */
			add_intersection(scanline, quad_bezier(t, x0, x1, x2));

		t = (-b - sqrt(D)) / (2*a);
		if (IN(t, 0.0, 1.0)) {
			/* Intersection point is within curve endpoints. */
			add_intersection(scanline, quad_bezier(t, x0, x1, x2));
		return num_intersections;