Exemple #1
inline std::map<std::string, typename boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor>
read_weighted_graph(Graph& g, NameMap nm, WeightMap wm, InputStream& is)
    typedef typename boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
    typedef typename boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor Edge;
    std::map<std::string, Vertex> verts;
    for(std::string line; std::getline(is, line); ) {
        if(line.empty()) continue;
        std::size_t i = line.find_first_of(',');
        std::size_t j = line.find_first_of(',', i + 1);
        std::string first(line, 0, i);
        std::string second(line, i + 1, j - i - 1);
        std::string prob(line, j + 1);

        // convert the probability to a float
        std::stringstream ss(prob);
        float p;
        ss >> p;

        // add the vertices to the graph
        Vertex u = add_named_vertex(g, nm, first, verts);
        Vertex v = add_named_vertex(g, nm, second, verts);

        // add the edge and set the weight
        Edge e = add_edge(u, v, g).first;
        put(wm, e, p);
    return verts;
Exemple #2
inline std::map<std::string, typename boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor>
read_graph(Graph& g, NameMap nm, InputStream& is)
    typedef typename boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
    std::map<std::string, Vertex> verts;
    for(std::string line; std::getline(is, line); ) {
        if(line.empty()) continue;
        std::size_t index = line.find_first_of(',');
        std::string first(line, 0, index);
        std::string second(line, index + 1);

        Vertex u = add_named_vertex(g, nm, first, verts);
        Vertex v = add_named_vertex(g, nm, second, verts);
        add_edge(u, v, g);
    return verts;
boost::adjacency_list< //!OCLINT Sure it is too long, but this is just a fun function
create_tutorial_subchapters_graph() noexcept
  auto g = create_empty_directed_named_vertices_graph();
  add_named_vertex("Creating an empty directed graph", g);
  add_named_vertex("Creating an empty undirected graph", g);
  add_named_vertex("Add a vertex with a property", g);
  add_named_vertex("Getting the vertices' properties", g);
  add_named_vertex("Creating a non-empty directed graph", g);
  add_named_vertex("Creating a non-empty undirected graph", g);
  add_named_vertex("Has a vertex with a certain property", g);
  add_named_vertex("Find a vertex by its property", g);
  add_named_vertex("Get a vertex its property", g);
  add_named_vertex("Set a vertex its property", g);
  add_named_vertex("Set all vertices' properties", g);
  add_named_vertex("Save the graph with those properties", g);
  add_named_vertex("Load a directed graph with those properties from file", g);
  add_named_vertex("Load an undirected graph with those properties from file", g);

    const std::string s = "Creating an empty directed graph";
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Creating an empty undirected graph"), g);
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Add a vertex with a property"), g);
    const std::string s = "Creating an empty undirected graph";
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Add a vertex with a property"), g);
    const std::string s = "Add a vertex with a property";
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Getting the vertices' properties"), g);
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Creating a non-empty directed graph"), g);
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Creating a non-empty undirected graph"), g);
    const std::string s = "Getting the vertices' properties";
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Creating a non-empty directed graph"), g);
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Creating a non-empty undirected graph"), g);
    const std::string s = "Creating a non-empty directed graph";
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Has a vertex with a certain property"), g);
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Find a vertex by its property"), g);
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Save the graph with those properties"), g);
    const std::string s = "Creating a non-empty undirected graph";
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Has a vertex with a certain property"), g);
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Find a vertex by its property"), g);
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Save the graph with those properties"), g);
    const std::string s = "Has a vertex with a certain property";
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Find a vertex by its property"), g);
    const std::string s = "Find a vertex by its property";
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Get a vertex its property"), g);
    const std::string s = "Get a vertex its property";
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Set a vertex its property"), g);
    const std::string s = "Set a vertex its property";
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Set all vertices' properties"), g);
    const std::string s = "Set all vertices' properties";
    add_edge_between_named_vertices(s, std::string("Save the graph with those properties"), g);
    const std::string s = "Save the graph with those properties";
      s, std::string("Load a directed graph with those properties from file"), g
      s, std::string("Load an undirected graph with those properties from file"), g
  return g;