static void add_value (MatchState *ms, luaL_Buffer *b, const char *s, const char *e, int tr) { lua_State *L = ms->L; switch (tr) { case LUA_TFUNCTION: { int n; lua_pushvalue(L, 3); n = push_captures(ms, s, e); lua_call(L, n, 1); break; } case LUA_TTABLE: { push_onecapture(ms, 0, s, e); lua_gettable(L, 3); break; } default: { /* LUA_TNUMBER or LUA_TSTRING */ add_s(ms, b, s, e); return; } } if (!lua_toboolean(L, -1)) { /* nil or false? */ lua_pop(L, 1); lua_pushlstring(L, s, e - s); /* keep original text */ } else if (!lua_isstring(L, -1)) luaL_error(L, "invalid replacement value (a %s)", luaL_typename(L, -1)); luaL_addvalue(b); /* add result to accumulator */ }
static int str_gsub (lua_State *L) { size_t srcl; const char *src = luaL_check_lstr(L, 1, &srcl); const char *p = luaL_check_string(L, 2); int max_s = luaL_opt_int(L, 4, srcl+1); int anchor = (*p == '^') ? (p++, 1) : 0; int n = 0; struct Capture cap; luaL_Buffer b; luaL_arg_check(L, lua_gettop(L) >= 3 && (lua_isstring(L, 3) || lua_isfunction(L, 3)), 3, "string or function expected"); luaL_buffinit(L, &b); cap.src_end = src+srcl; while (n < max_s) { const char *e; cap.level = 0; e = match(L, src, p, &cap); if (e) { n++; add_s(L, &b, &cap); } if (e && e>src) /* non empty match? */ src = e; /* skip it */ else if (src < cap.src_end) luaL_putchar(&b, *src++); else break; if (anchor) break; } luaL_addlstring(&b, src, cap.src_end-src); luaL_pushresult(&b); lua_pushnumber(L, n); /* number of substitutions */ return 2; }
void dump_processor(struct s_hardware *hardware, ZZJSON_CONFIG *config, ZZJSON **item) { if (hardware->dmi.processor.filled == false) { CREATE_NEW_OBJECT; add_s("dmi.warning","no processor structure found"); FLUSH_OBJECT; return; } char voltage[16]={0}; snprintf(voltage,sizeof(voltage),"%d.%02d", hardware->dmi.processor.voltage_mv / 1000, hardware->dmi.processor.voltage_mv - ((hardware->dmi.processor.voltage_mv / 1000) * 1000)); CREATE_NEW_OBJECT; add_s("dmi.item","processor"); add_hs(dmi.processor.socket_designation); add_hs(dmi.processor.type); add_hs(; add_hs(dmi.processor.manufacturer); add_hs(dmi.processor.version); add_hi(dmi.processor.external_clock); add_hi(dmi.processor.max_speed); add_hi(dmi.processor.current_speed); add_hi(dmi.processor.signature.type); add_hi(; add_hi(dmi.processor.signature.model); add_hi(dmi.processor.signature.stepping); add_hi(dmi.processor.signature.minor_stepping); add_s("dmi.processor.voltage",voltage); add_hs(dmi.processor.status); add_hs(dmi.processor.upgrade); add_hs(dmi.processor.cache1); add_hs(dmi.processor.cache2); add_hs(dmi.processor.cache3); add_hs(dmi.processor.serial); add_hs(dmi.processor.part_number); add_hi(dmi.processor.core_count); add_hi(dmi.processor.core_enabled); add_hi(dmi.processor.thread_count); add_hs(; for (int i = 0; i < PROCESSOR_FLAGS_ELEMENTS; i++) { if (((bool *) (&hardware->dmi.processor.cpu_flags))[i] == true) { add_s("dmi.processor.flag",(char *)cpu_flags_strings[i]); } } FLUSH_OBJECT; }
clock::clock( int days, int hours, int minutes, int seconds, int milliseconds ) { m_time = 0; add_days( days ); add_hours( hours ); add_min( minutes ); add_s( seconds ); add_ms( milliseconds ); }
void dump_88(struct s_hardware *hardware, ZZJSON_CONFIG *config, ZZJSON **item) { (void) hardware; int mem_size = 0; CREATE_NEW_OBJECT; if (detect_memory_88(&mem_size)) { add_s("memory.error","8800h memory configuration is invalid"); FLUSH_OBJECT return; }
void dump_battery(struct s_hardware *hardware, ZZJSON_CONFIG *config, ZZJSON **item) { if (hardware->dmi.battery.filled == false) { CREATE_NEW_OBJECT; add_s("dmi.warning","no battery structure found"); FLUSH_OBJECT; return; } CREATE_NEW_OBJECT; add_s("dmi.item","battery"); add_hs(dmi.battery.manufacturer); add_hs(dmi.battery.manufacture_date); add_hs(dmi.battery.serial); add_hs(; add_hs(dmi.battery.chemistry); add_hs(dmi.battery.design_capacity); add_hs(dmi.battery.design_voltage); add_hs(dmi.battery.sbds); add_hs(dmi.battery.sbds_manufacture_date); add_hs(dmi.battery.sbds_chemistry); add_hs(dmi.battery.maximum_error); add_hs(dmi.battery.oem_info); FLUSH_OBJECT; }
void dump_hdt(struct s_hardware *hardware, ZZJSON_CONFIG *config, ZZJSON **item) { (void) hardware; CREATE_NEW_OBJECT; add_s("hdt.product_name",PRODUCT_NAME); add_s("hdt.version",VERSION); add_s("hdt.code_name",CODENAME); add_s("", AUTHOR); add_s("hdt.core_developer", CORE_DEVELOPER); char *contributors[NB_CONTRIBUTORS] = CONTRIBUTORS; for (int c = 0; c < NB_CONTRIBUTORS; c++) { add_s("hdt.contributor", contributors[c]); } add_s("",WEBSITE_URL); add_s("hdt.irc_channel",IRC_CHANNEL); FLUSH_OBJECT to_cpio("hdt"); }
void dump_bios(struct s_hardware *hardware, ZZJSON_CONFIG *config, ZZJSON **item) { if (hardware->dmi.bios.filled == false) { CREATE_NEW_OBJECT; add_s("dmi.warning","no bios structure found"); FLUSH_OBJECT; return; } char address[16]={0}; char runtime[16]={0}; char rom[16]={0}; snprintf(address,sizeof(address),"0x%04X0",hardware->dmi.bios.address); snprintf(runtime,sizeof(runtime),"%u %s",hardware->dmi.bios.runtime_size, hardware->dmi.bios.runtime_size_unit); snprintf(rom,sizeof(rom),"%u %s",hardware->dmi.bios.rom_size, hardware->dmi.bios.rom_size_unit); CREATE_NEW_OBJECT; add_s("dmi.item","bios"); add_hs(dmi.bios.vendor); add_hs(dmi.bios.version); add_hs(dmi.bios.release_date); add_hs(dmi.bios.bios_revision); add_hs(dmi.bios.firmware_revision); add_s("dmi.bios.address",address); add_s("dmi.bios.runtime_size",runtime); add_s("dmi.bios.rom_size",rom); for (int i = 0; i < BIOS_CHAR_NB_ELEMENTS; i++) { if (((bool *) (&hardware->dmi.bios.characteristics))[i] == true) { add_s("dmi.bios.characteristics",(char *)bios_charac_strings[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < BIOS_CHAR_X1_NB_ELEMENTS; i++) { if (((bool *) (&hardware->dmi.bios.characteristics_x1))[i] == true) { add_s("dmi.bios.characteristics",(char *)bios_charac_x1_strings[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < BIOS_CHAR_X2_NB_ELEMENTS; i++) { if (((bool *) (&hardware->dmi.bios.characteristics_x2))[i] == true) { add_s("dmi.bios.characteristics",(char *)bios_charac_x2_strings[i]); } } FLUSH_OBJECT; }
static int str_gsub (lua_State *L) { size_t srcl; const lua_WChar *src = luaL_checklwstring(L, 1, &srcl); const lua_WChar *p = luaL_checkwstring(L, 2); int max_s = luaL_optint(L, 4, srcl+1); int anchor = (*p == '^') ? (p++, 1) : 0; int n = 0; MatchState ms; luaL_Buffer b; luaL_argcheck(L, lua_gettop(L) >= 3 && (lua_iswstring(L, 3) || lua_isfunction(L, 3)), 3, "string or function expected"); luaL_wbuffinit(L, &b); ms.L = L; ms.src_init = src; ms.src_end = src+srcl; while (n < max_s) { const lua_WChar *e; ms.level = 0; e = match(&ms, src, p); if (e) { n++; add_s(&ms, &b, src, e); } if (e && e>src) /* non empty match? */ src = e; /* skip it */ else if (src < ms.src_end) luaL_putwchar(&b, *src++); else break; if (anchor) break; } luaL_addlwstring(&b, src, ms.src_end-src); luaL_pushresult(&b); lua_pushnumber(L, n); /* number of substitutions */ return 2; }
static void add_value (MatchState *ms, luaL_Buffer *b, const char *s, const char *e) { lua_State *L = ms->L; switch (lua_type(L, 3)) { case LUA_TNUMBER: case LUA_TSTRING: { add_s(ms, b, s, e); return; } case LUA_TFUNCTION: case LUA_TUSERDATA: // User data items are also callable in some circumstances (i.e. LuaInterface static methods) { int n; lua_pushvalue(L, 3); n = push_captures(ms, s, e); lua_call(L, n, 1); break; } case LUA_TTABLE: { push_onecapture(ms, 0, s, e); lua_gettable(L, 3); break; } default: { luaL_argerror(L, 3, "string/function/table expected"); return; } } if (!lua_toboolean(L, -1)) { /* nil or false? */ lua_pop(L, 1); lua_pushlstring(L, s, e - s); /* keep original text */ } else if (!lua_isstring(L, -1)) luaL_error(L, "invalid replacement value (a %s)", luaL_typename(L, -1)); luaL_addvalue(b); /* add result to accumulator */ }
int exe(FILE* program) //program指向存有待执行程序机器码的文件 { char* tmp_instru=(char*)malloc(33*sizeof(char)); //读机器码 programTail=programHead; while(fscanf(program,"%s",tmp_instru)!=EOF) { instru=0; int i=0; unsigned j=1; for(i=31;i>=0;i--) { if(tmp_instru[i]=='1') { instru+=j; j*=2; } else { j*=2; } }//将机器码转为unsi unsigned char* tmp_R=&instru; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { writeMymemory(programTail+i,tmp_R+i);//装载指令 } programTail+=4;//最后一条指令的下一条指令的地址,用来判断程序是否执行完 } pcShort=programHead; pc=pcShort; while(pcShort!=programTail) { instru=0; //指令寄存器清零 unsigned char* tmp_R=&instru; unsigned short addr=addrToMyAddr(pc); int i; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { readMymemory(addr+i,tmp_R+i);//取指令 } unsigned tmp=instru>>26;//得到指令op //printf("the op is : %u\n",tmp); unsigned numRs=0,numRt=0,numRd=0,numFs=0,numFt=0,numFd=0,tmp_fuc=0; switch(tmp) { case 0x00000023: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=lw(pc); break; case 0x0000002B: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=sw(pc); break; case 0x00000008: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=addi(pc); break; case 0x00000009: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=addiu(pc); break; case 0x0000000A: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=slti(pc); break; case 0x0000000B: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=sltiu(pc); break; case 0x0000000C: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=andi(pc); break; case 0x0000000D: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=ori(pc); break; case 0x0000000E: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=xori(pc); break; case 0x00000024: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=lbu(pc); break; case 0x00000020: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=lb(pc); break; case 0x00000028: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=sb(pc); break; case 0x0000000F: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=lui(pc); break; case 0x00000004: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=beq(pc); break; case 0x00000005: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; //printf("%u,%u,%u,%u\n",numRt,numRs,*RS1,*RS2); lig=instru<<16>>16; // printf("%u\n",lig); pc=bne(pc); break; case 0x00000006: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=blez(pc); break; case 0x00000007: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=bgtz(pc); break; case 0x00000001: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=bltz(pc); break; case 0x00000002: pc=j(pc); break; case 0x00000003: pc=jal(pc); break; case 0x00000000: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numRt=instru<<11>>27; numRd=instru<<16>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; RS2=myRegister+numRs; RD=myRegister+numRd; tmp_fuc=instru%64; switch(tmp_fuc) { case 32: pc=add(pc); break; case 33: pc=addu(pc); break; case 34: pc=sub(pc); break; case 35: pc=subu(pc); break; case 24: pc=mul(pc); break; case 25: pc=mulu(pc); break; case 26: pc=myDiv(pc); break; case 27: pc=divu(pc); break; case 42: pc=slt(pc); break; case 43: pc=sltu(pc); break; case 36: pc=myAnd(pc); break; case 37: pc=myOr(pc); break; case 39: pc=nor(pc); break; case 40: pc=myXor(pc); break; case 8: pc=jr(pc); break; case 9: pc=jalr(pc); break; case 0: pc=nop(pc); break; case 16: pc=mfhi(pc); break; case 18: pc=mflo(pc); break; default: break; } break; case 0x00000010: numRt=instru<<11>>27; numRd=instru<<16>>27; RS1=myRegister+numRt; if(numRd==14) { pc=mfepc(pc); } else if(numRd==13) { pc=mfco(pc); } else return -1; break; case 0x00000031: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numFt=instru<<11>>27; RS2=myRegister+numRs; FS1=myFloatReg+numFt; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=lwc1(pc); //printf("/********\nL.S %u %u\n****************/\n",numFt,numRs); break; case 0x0000001F: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numFt=instru<<11>>27; RS2=myRegister+numRs; FS1=myFloatReg+numFt; lig=instru<<16>>16; pc=S_D(pc); //printf("/********\nL.D %u %u\n****************/\n",numFt,numRs); break; case 0x0000001E: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numFt=instru<<11>>27; RS2=myRegister+numRs; FS1=myFloatReg+numFt; lig=instru<<16>>16; //printf("/********\nS.D %u %u\n****************/\n",numFt,numRs); pc=S_D(pc); break; case 0x00000039: numRs=instru<<6>>27; numFt=instru<<11>>27; RS2=myRegister+numRs; FS1=myFloatReg+numFt; lig=instru<<16>>16; //printf("/********\nS.S %u %u\n****************/\n",numFt,numRs); pc=swc1(pc); break; case 0x00000011: numFt=instru<<11>>27; numFs=instru<<16>>27; numFd=instru<<21>>27; FS1=myFloatReg+numFt; FS2=myFloatReg+numFs; FD=myFloatReg+numFd; numRs=instru<<6>>27; tmp_fuc=instru%64; //printf("%u %u\n",tmp_fuc,numRs); if(numRs==0) { switch(tmp_fuc) { case 0: pc=add_s(pc); break; case 1: pc=sub_s(pc); break; case 2: pc=mul_s(pc); case 3: pc=div_s(pc); default: break; } } else if(numRs==1) { switch(tmp_fuc) { case 0: pc=add_d(pc); //printf("/****************\nADD.D %u %u %u\n*****************/\n",numFd,numFt,numFs); break; case 1: pc=sub_d(pc); break; case 2: pc=mul_d(pc); case 3: pc=div_d(pc); default: break; } } default:break; } pcShort=pc%0x00010000; //printf("%u %u\n",pc,pcShort); //printf("%u %u\n",pcShort,programTail); } return 0; }
void dump_memory_banks(struct s_hardware *hardware, ZZJSON_CONFIG *config, ZZJSON **item) { if (hardware->dmi.memory_count == 0) { CREATE_NEW_OBJECT; add_s("dmi.warning","No memory bank structure found"); FLUSH_OBJECT; return; } for (int bank=0; bank<hardware->dmi.memory_count;bank++) { if (hardware->dmi.memory[bank].filled == false) { char msg[64]={0}; snprintf(msg,sizeof(msg),"Bank %d doesn't contain any information", bank); CREATE_NEW_OBJECT; add_s("dmi.warning",msg); FLUSH_OBJECT; continue; } CREATE_NEW_OBJECT; add_i("Memory Bank", bank); add_s("dmi.memory.form_factor", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].form_factor); add_s("dmi.memory.type", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].type); add_s("dmi.memory.type_detail", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].type_detail); add_s("dmi.memory.speed", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].speed); add_s("dmi.memory.size", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].size); add_s("dmi.memory.device_set", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].device_set); add_s("dmi.memory.device_locator", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].device_locator); add_s("dmi.memory.bank_locator", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].bank_locator); add_s("dmi.memory.total_width", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].total_width); add_s("dmi.memory.data_width", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].data_width); add_s("dmi.memory.error", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].error); add_s("dmi.memory.vendor", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].manufacturer); add_s("dmi.memory.serial", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].serial); add_s("dmi.memory.asset_tag", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].asset_tag); add_s("dmi.memory.part_number", hardware->dmi.memory[bank].part_number); FLUSH_OBJECT; } }
static int arx(char *fn) { if((arxfd=open(arxfn=fn,O_RDONLY))==-1) { (*er_printf)("error (%s): %s\n",arxfn,strerror(errno)); return 0; } else { errors=0; len_b=read(arxfd,buf,BUFSIZE); i_b=u_bom(buf,len_b); prevline=-1; line=1; col=0; rnc=0; cc=' '; getsym(); chk_get(SYM_GRMS); chk_get(SYM_LCUR); do { if(i_2==len_2) t2s=(int(*)[2])m_stretch(t2s,len_2=i_2*2,i_2,sizeof(int[2])); if(chksym(SYM_IDNT)) t2s[i_2][0]=add_s(value); getsym(); chk_get(SYM_ASGN); if(chksym(SYM_LTRL)) { if(path2abs) { int len=strlen(arxfn)+strlen(value)+1; if(len>len_v) {value=(char*)m_stretch(value,len,len_v,sizeof(char)); len_v=len;} s_abspath(value,arxfn); } t2s[i_2][1]=add_s(value); } getsym(); ++i_2; } while(sym==SYM_IDNT); chk_get(SYM_RCUR); for(;;) { if(i_r==len_r) rules=(int(*)[3])m_stretch(rules,len_r=i_r*2,i_r,sizeof(int[3])); switch(sym) { case SYM_MTCH: rules[i_r][0]=MATCH; goto REGEXP; case SYM_NMTC: rules[i_r][0]=NOMAT; goto REGEXP; REGEXP: getsym(); if(chksym(SYM_RGXP)) { if(!rx_check(value)) error(ARX_ER_REX); rules[i_r][1]=add_s(value); } getsym(); if(chksym(SYM_IDNT)) rules[i_r][2]=typ2str(); goto NEXT; case SYM_VALD: rules[i_r][0]=VALID; goto RNG; case SYM_NVAL: rules[i_r][0]=INVAL; goto RNG; RNG: getsym(); if(chksym(SYM_RENG)) { char *rncfn=(char*)m_alloc(strlen(arxfn)+strlen("#rnc[]")+12,sizeof(char)); sprintf(rncfn,"%s#rnc[%i]",arxfn,rnc++); if(!(rules[i_r][1]=rnl_s(rncfn,value,strlen(value)))) error(ARX_ER_RNG); m_free(rncfn); } getsym(); if(chksym(SYM_IDNT)) rules[i_r][2]=typ2str(); goto NEXT; default: goto LAST; } NEXT: ++i_r; getsym(); } LAST: chk_get(SYM_EOF); close(arxfd); return !errors; } }
static int typ2str(void) { int i=i_2,typ=add_s(value); t2s[0][0]=typ; for(;;) if(t2s[--i][0]==typ) break; if(i==0) error(ARX_ER_TYP,value); return t2s[i][1]; }
void ADD_S(void) { if (check_cop1_unusable()) return; add_s(reg_cop1_simple[cffs], reg_cop1_simple[cfft], reg_cop1_simple[cffd]); PC++; }
void location_production() { int where; int i, enclosed; int terr, encl_terr; int has_city; float pop_grow = 0.0; int pop_limit = 200, pop, dpop = 0; loop_loc(where) { terr = subkind(where); has_city = 0; for (i = 0; terr_prod[i].terr; i++) if (terr_prod[i].terr == terr) { replenish(where, terr_prod[i].item, terr_prod[i].qty, terr_prod[i].max); } /* * Mon Sep 16 11:42:22 1996 -- Scott Turner * * Now check for production from enclosed locations... * */ loop_here(where, enclosed) { encl_terr = subkind(enclosed); if (encl_terr == sub_city) has_city = 1; for (i = 0; terr_prod2[i].terr; i++) if (terr_prod2[i].terr == encl_terr) { replenish(where, terr_prod2[i].item, terr_prod2[i].qty, terr_prod2[i].max); }; } next_here; /* * First limit poppy fields to normal production level. * Then double opium if poppy field was specially tended. */ if (terr == sub_poppy_field) { int n; n = has_item(where, item_opium); if (n > POPPY_OPIUM) consume_item(where, item_opium, n - POPPY_OPIUM); if (rp_misc(where) && rp_misc(where)->opium_double) { rp_misc(where)->opium_double = FALSE; gen_item(where, item_opium, has_item(where, item_opium)); } } if (terr == sub_island || (loc_depth(where) == LOC_province && has_ocean_access(where))) replenish(where, item_flotsam, 30, 30); /* * Sun Dec 1 10:34:41 1996 -- Scott Turner * * Peasant production. Depends upon the location (and * whether it contains a city). * * Has_city is set up above... * * Tue Sep 22 13:20:18 1998 -- Scott Turner * * Faery ought not have peasants. It should have (I guess) * elf peasants, although what you can do with those is * open to conjecture :-) * */ if (pop = has_item(where, item_peasant)) { if (has_city) { pop_grow = 0.03; pop_limit = 10000; } else { switch (terr) { case sub_plain: case sub_forest: pop_grow = 0.01; pop_limit = 1000; break; case sub_mountain: case sub_swamp: pop_grow = 0.005; pop_limit = 1000; break; default: pop_grow = 0.000; pop_limit = 500; break; }; }; /* * Might be an effect here. * */ if (get_effect(where, ef_grow, 0, 0)) { wout(where, "The peasants seem particularly happy this month."); pop_grow += 0.02; }; dpop = pop * pop_grow; if (pop_grow > 0.0 && dpop < 1) dpop = 1; /* * Lose population at a reasonable rate. * */ if (pop > pop_limit) dpop = -(pop - pop_limit) / 10; if (p_subloc(province(where))->loot && dpop > 0) { wout(where, "Pillaging traumatizes the population and no growth occurs."); } else if (dpop > 0) { if (pop > 100) wout(where, "The population grows by %s peasant%s.", nice_num(dpop), add_s(dpop)); gen_item(where, item_peasant, dpop); } else { if (pop > 100) wout(where, "Overcrowding causes %s peasant death%s.", nice_num(-dpop), add_s(-dpop)); consume_item(where, item_peasant, -dpop); }; }; /* * Sat Apr 18 16:57:53 1998 -- Scott Turner * * Special case for gold production from peasants. * They generate 1 gold per 20 peasants (1/10 in cities) * which accumulates to be removed by various means. * * Only in civilized (> 100) provinces */ if ((pop = has_item(where, item_peasant)) > 100) { if (has_city) { dpop = pop * 0.10; } else { dpop = pop * 0.05; }; gen_item(where, item_gold, dpop); }; }