Exemple #1
// Calculates dot product of two AD<double> vectors and two TapeDouble vectors.
// Vectors are declared as independent.
void performanceTestWithTape()
    std::cout << std::endl << "Test performance for dot product calculation with tape recording" << std::endl;
    std::vector<CppAD::AD<double>> leftAD = vectorCast<CppAD::AD<double>>(leftVector);
    std::vector<CppAD::AD<double>> rightAD = vectorCast<CppAD::AD<double>>(rightVector);

    std::vector<cl::TapeDouble> leftTapeDouble = vectorCast<cl::TapeDouble>(leftVector);
    std::vector<cl::TapeDouble> rightTapeDouble = vectorCast<cl::TapeDouble>(rightVector);

    CppAD::AD<double> ADResult = 0;
    cl::TapeDouble TapeDoubleResult = 0;


    boost::timer timer;
    ADResult = dotProduct<CppAD::AD<double>>(leftAD, rightAD);
    CppAD::ADFun<double> adfun(leftAD, std::vector<CppAD::AD<double>>({ ADResult }));
    double ADtime = timer.elapsed();


    TapeDoubleResult = dotProduct<cl::TapeDouble >(leftTapeDouble, rightTapeDouble);
    cl::TapeFunction<double> fcl(leftTapeDouble, std::vector<cl::TapeDouble>({ TapeDoubleResult }));
    double CppTime = timer.elapsed();

    std::cout << "\tTime for AD<double> " << ADtime << " s" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\tTime for TapeDouble " << CppTime << " s" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "\tThe relative difference  " << 1.0 * std::abs(CppTime - ADtime) / std::max(CppTime, ADtime)
        << std::endl ;
// Calculates dot product of two AD<double> vectors and two tape_double vectors.
// Vectors are declared as independent.
void performanceTestWithTape()

    std::ofstream out("..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\output\\en-us\\Tape\\CppAD\\Tests\\DotProductTest\\Log.csv",
        std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);

    out << std::endl << "Test performance for dot product calculation with tape recording" << std::endl;
    out << "Dot product of two vectors (size " << dimension << " ) is being calculated" << std::endl;
    std::vector<CppAD::AD<double>> leftAD = vectorCast<CppAD::AD<double>>(leftVector);
    std::vector<CppAD::AD<double>> rightAD = vectorCast<CppAD::AD<double>>(rightVector);

    std::vector<cl::tape_double> lefttape_double = vectorCast<cl::tape_double>(leftVector);
    std::vector<cl::tape_double> righttape_double = vectorCast<cl::tape_double>(rightVector);

    CppAD::AD<double> ADResult = 0;
    cl::tape_double tape_doubleResult = 0;

    out << "Start of calculating: " << currentTime() << std::endl;
    boost::timer timer;
    ADResult = dotProduct<CppAD::AD<double>>(leftAD, rightAD);
    CppAD::ADFun<double> adfun(leftAD, std::vector<CppAD::AD<double>>({ ADResult }));
    double ADtime = timer.elapsed();


    tape_doubleResult = dotProduct<cl::tape_double >(lefttape_double, righttape_double);
    cl::tape_function<double> fcl(lefttape_double, std::vector<cl::tape_double>({ tape_doubleResult }));
    double CppTime = timer.elapsed();
    out << "End of calculating" << std::endl;
    out << "\tTime for AD<double> " << ADtime << " s" << std::endl;
    out << "\tTime for tape_double " << CppTime << " s" << std::endl;
    out << "\tThe relative difference  " << 1.0 * std::abs(CppTime - ADtime) / std::max(CppTime, ADtime)
        << std::endl ;