Exemple #1
// The if statements impose a total order on the selection types, and call this function
// with arguments swapped if they are out of this order. This simplifies the above helper
// functions.
ADIOS_SELECTION * adios_selection_intersect_global(const ADIOS_SELECTION *s1, const ADIOS_SELECTION *s2) {
	if (!is_global_selection(s1) || !is_global_selection(s2)) {
    	adios_error_at_line(err_invalid_argument, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Internal error: adios_selection_intersect_global called on non-global selection(s)");
    	return NULL;

	switch (s1->type) {
        const ADIOS_SELECTION_BOUNDINGBOX_STRUCT *bb1 = &s1->u.bb;
        return adios_selection_intersect_bb(bb1, s2);
        const ADIOS_SELECTION_POINTS_STRUCT *pts1 = &s1->u.points;
        if (s1->type == ADIOS_SELECTION_BOUNDINGBOX) {
            return adios_selection_intersect_global(s2, s1);
        } else {
            return adios_selection_intersect_pts(pts1, s2);
        adios_error_at_line(err_invalid_argument, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Unknown selection type %d", s1->type);
        return NULL;
// Note: assumes one or more of datablock->bounds or output_sel is local
static uint64_t apply_datablock_to_buffer_nonlocal_selections(
		const ADIOS_VARINFO *raw_varinfo, const ADIOS_TRANSINFO *transinfo,
		adios_datablock *datablock,
        void **output_buffer, const ADIOS_SELECTION *output_sel,
        ADIOS_SELECTION **out_inter_sel, int want_out_inter_sel,
        enum ADIOS_FLAG swap_endianness)
	int may_have_intersection = 1;
	uint64_t used_count = 0;

	const ADIOS_SELECTION *global_output_buffer_sel = output_sel;
	const ADIOS_SELECTION *global_datablock_bounds = datablock->bounds;

	// Promote output buffer selection and/or datablock selection to global if needed
	if (!is_global_selection(global_output_buffer_sel))
		global_output_buffer_sel = create_writeblock_bounds(&global_output_buffer_sel->u.block, datablock->timestep, raw_varinfo, transinfo);
	if (!is_global_selection(global_datablock_bounds))
		global_datablock_bounds = create_writeblock_bounds(&global_datablock_bounds->u.block, datablock->timestep, raw_varinfo, transinfo);

    // Compute the intersection explicitly if it is requested, or
    // if we need to allocate a fitting output buffer
    if (want_out_inter_sel || !*output_buffer) {
    	*out_inter_sel = adios_selection_intersect_global(global_datablock_bounds, global_output_buffer_sel);
    	may_have_intersection = (*out_inter_sel ? 1 : 0);

    // We can stop immediately if it is known there is no intersection
    if (may_have_intersection) {
    	// Allocate the output buffer if needed (inter_sel is populated by previous if statement)
    	if (!*output_buffer) {
    		const uint64_t chunk_buffer_size = compute_selection_size_in_bytes(*out_inter_sel, datablock->elem_type, datablock->timestep, raw_varinfo, transinfo);
    		*output_buffer = malloc(chunk_buffer_size);

    		// Refitting the output selection to the intersection region, since we
    		// just allocated a buffer for that smaller region
    		if (global_output_buffer_sel != output_sel)
    			a2sel_free((ADIOS_SELECTION *)global_output_buffer_sel);
    		output_sel = *out_inter_sel;
    		global_output_buffer_sel = *out_inter_sel;

    	// Perform the actual data patching, now that everything is in the global space
    	used_count = adios_patch_data_to_global(
    			*output_buffer, (uint64_t)0, global_output_buffer_sel,
    			datablock->data, datablock->ragged_offset, global_datablock_bounds,
    			datablock->elem_type, swap_endianness);

	// Clean up
	if (global_output_buffer_sel != output_sel)
		a2sel_free((ADIOS_SELECTION *)global_output_buffer_sel);
	if (global_datablock_bounds != datablock->bounds)
		a2sel_free((ADIOS_SELECTION *)global_datablock_bounds);

	return used_count;
static int generate_read_request_for_pg(
		const ADIOS_VARINFO *raw_varinfo, const ADIOS_TRANSINFO *transinfo,
		const ADIOS_SELECTION *sel,
		int timestep, int timestep_blockidx, int blockidx,
		adios_transform_read_request *readreq)
    const ADIOS_SELECTION *pg_bounds_sel;
    ADIOS_SELECTION *pg_intersection_sel;
    ADIOS_SELECTION *pg_writeblock_sel;

    const ADIOS_VARBLOCK *raw_vb = &raw_varinfo->blockinfo[blockidx];
    const ADIOS_VARBLOCK *orig_vb = &transinfo->orig_blockinfo[blockidx];

    pg_bounds_sel = create_pg_bounds_from_varblock(transinfo->orig_ndim, orig_vb);
    pg_writeblock_sel = a2sel_writeblock(blockidx);
    pg_writeblock_sel->u.block.is_absolute_index = 1;

    // Find the intersection, if any
    if (is_global_selection(sel)) {
    	pg_intersection_sel = adios_selection_intersect_global(pg_bounds_sel, sel);
    } else if (sel->type == ADIOS_SELECTION_WRITEBLOCK) {
    	pg_intersection_sel = adios_selection_intersect_local(pg_writeblock_sel, sel, timestep, raw_varinfo, transinfo);
    } else {
    	abort(); // Should never be called with other types of selections

    // If there is an intersection, generate a corresponding PG read request
    if (pg_intersection_sel) {
        // Make a PG read request group, and fill it with some subrequests, and link it into the read reqgroup
        adios_transform_pg_read_request *new_pg_readreq;
        new_pg_readreq = adios_transform_pg_read_request_new(timestep, timestep_blockidx, blockidx,
                                                              transinfo->orig_ndim, raw_varinfo->ndim,
                                                              orig_vb, raw_vb,
                                                              pg_intersection_sel, pg_bounds_sel,

        adios_transform_generate_read_subrequests(readreq, new_pg_readreq);
        adios_transform_pg_read_request_append(readreq, new_pg_readreq);

        // Don't free pg_bounds_sel or pg_intersection_sel, since they are now
        // held by the adios_transform_pg_read_request struct
        return 1;
    } else {
        // Cleanup
        a2sel_free((ADIOS_SELECTION *)pg_bounds_sel); // OK to delete, because this function only frees the outer struct, not the arrays within
        return 0;
Exemple #4
ADIOS_PG_INTERSECTIONS * adios_find_intersecting_pgs(const ADIOS_FILE *fp, int varid, const ADIOS_SELECTION *sel, const int from_step, const int nsteps) {
    // Declares
    adios_transform_read_request *new_reqgroup;
    int blockidx, timestep, timestep_blockidx;
    int curblocks, start_blockidx, end_blockidx;
    int intersects;
    ADIOS_VARBLOCK *raw_vb, *vb;

    enum ADIOS_FLAG swap_endianness = (fp->endianness == get_system_endianness()) ? adios_flag_no : adios_flag_yes;
    int to_steps = from_step + nsteps;

    // As long as we don't free/destroy it, using the infocache from the file will have no effect on future
    // operations using the file (except possibly speeding them up, so "constness" is still respected
    adios_infocache *infocache = common_read_get_file_infocache((ADIOS_FILE*)fp);

    ADIOS_PG_INTERSECTIONS *resulting_intersections = (ADIOS_PG_INTERSECTIONS *)calloc(1, sizeof(ADIOS_PG_INTERSECTIONS));
    resulting_intersections->npg = 0;

    int intersection_capacity = INITIAL_INTERSECTION_CAPACITY;
    resulting_intersections->intersections = (ADIOS_PG_INTERSECTION *)calloc(intersection_capacity, sizeof(ADIOS_PG_INTERSECTION));

    // Precondition checking
    if (sel->type != ADIOS_SELECTION_BOUNDINGBOX &&
        sel->type != ADIOS_SELECTION_POINTS) {
        adios_error(err_operation_not_supported, "Only bounding box and point selections are currently supported during read on transformed variables.");

    // Still respecting constness, since we're going to undo this
    const data_view_t old_view = adios_read_set_data_view((ADIOS_FILE*)fp, LOGICAL_DATA_VIEW); // Temporarily go to logical data view

    const ADIOS_VARINFO *varinfo = adios_infocache_inq_varinfo(fp, infocache, varid);
    assert(from_step >= 0 && to_steps <= varinfo->nsteps);

    // Compute the blockidx range, given the timesteps
    compute_blockidx_range(varinfo, from_step, to_steps, &start_blockidx, &end_blockidx);

    // Retrieve blockinfos, if they haven't been done retrieved
    if (!varinfo->blockinfo)
    	common_read_inq_var_blockinfo(fp, (ADIOS_VARINFO *)varinfo);

    // Undoing view set (returning to const state)
    adios_read_set_data_view((ADIOS_FILE*)fp, old_view); // Reset the data view to whatever it was before

    // Assemble read requests for each varblock
    blockidx = start_blockidx;
    timestep = from_step;
    timestep_blockidx = 0;

    while (blockidx != end_blockidx) { //for (blockidx = startblock_idx; blockidx != endblock_idx; blockidx++) {
        ADIOS_SELECTION *pg_bounds_sel;
        ADIOS_SELECTION *pg_intersection_sel;

        vb = &varinfo->blockinfo[blockidx];
        pg_bounds_sel = create_pg_bounds(varinfo->ndim, vb);

        // Find the intersection, if any
        pg_intersection_sel = adios_selection_intersect_global(pg_bounds_sel, sel);
        if (pg_intersection_sel) {
        	// Expand the PG intersection array, if needed
        	if (resulting_intersections->npg == intersection_capacity) {
        		intersection_capacity *= 2;
        		resulting_intersections->intersections = (ADIOS_PG_INTERSECTION *)realloc(resulting_intersections->intersections, intersection_capacity * sizeof(ADIOS_PG_INTERSECTION));

        		if (!resulting_intersections->intersections) {
        			adios_error (err_no_memory, "Cannot allocate buffer for PG intersection results in adios_find_intersecting_pgs (required %llu bytes)\n", intersection_capacity * sizeof(ADIOS_PG_INTERSECTION));
        			return NULL;

        	ADIOS_PG_INTERSECTION *intersection = &resulting_intersections->intersections[resulting_intersections->npg];
        	intersection->timestep = timestep;
        	intersection->blockidx = blockidx;
        	intersection->blockidx_in_timestep = timestep_blockidx;
        	intersection->intersection_sel = pg_intersection_sel;
        	intersection->pg_bounds_sel = pg_bounds_sel;

        } else {
            // Cleanup
            common_read_selection_delete(pg_bounds_sel); // OK to delete, because this function only frees the outer struct, not the arrays within

        // Increment block indexes
        if (timestep_blockidx == varinfo->nblocks[timestep]) {
            timestep_blockidx = 0;

    return resulting_intersections;