Exemple #1
int declare_group ()

    adios_set_max_buffer_size (10);

    adios_declare_group (&m_adios_group, "restart", "iter", adios_flag_yes);
    adios_select_method (m_adios_group, "MPI", "verbose=2", "");

    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "NX"
            ,"", adios_integer
            ,0, 0, 0);

    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "t1"
            ,"", adios_double
            ,"NX", "100", "0");

    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "NX"
            ,"", adios_integer
            ,0, 0, 0);

    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "t2"
            ,"", adios_double
            ,"NX", "100", "0");

    return 0;
Exemple #2
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
	MPI_Comm    comm = 0; // dummy mpi 

	/* ADIOS variables declarations for matching gwrite_temperature.ch */
	uint64_t  adios_groupsize, adios_totalsize;
	int64_t   g;
	int64_t   f;
	int64_t   Tid, Pid, Vid; // variable IDs
	char dimstr[32];

	sprintf (dimstr, "%d,%d", NX, NY);

	adios_init_noxml (comm);
	adios_set_max_buffer_size (1);

	adios_declare_group (&g, "vars", "", adios_flag_yes);
	adios_select_method (g, "POSIX", "", "");

	Tid = adios_define_var (g, "T" ,"", adios_double, dimstr, dimstr, "0,0");
	adios_set_transform (Tid, "none");
	Pid = adios_define_var (g, "P" ,"", adios_double, dimstr, dimstr, "0,0");
	adios_set_transform (Pid, "none");
	Vid = adios_define_var (g, "V" ,"", adios_double, dimstr, dimstr, "0,0");
	adios_set_transform (Vid, "none");

    if (adios_query_is_method_available (ADIOS_QUERY_METHOD_ALACRITY)) {
        adios_set_transform (Tid, "alacrity");
        adios_set_transform (Pid, "alacrity");
        adios_set_transform (Vid, "alacrity");
        printf ("Turned on ALACRITY transformation for array variables\n");

	adios_open (&f, "vars", "vars.bp", "w", comm);
	adios_groupsize = 3*NX*NY*sizeof(double);
	adios_group_size (f, adios_groupsize, &adios_totalsize);
	adios_write (f, "T", T);
	adios_write (f, "P", P);
	adios_write (f, "V", V);
	adios_close (f);

	adios_finalize (0);
	return 0;
Exemple #3
int output_init(MPI_Comm comm, int bufsizeMB)
    char * wmethodname, *wmethodparams;
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    adios_set_max_buffer_size (bufsizeMB);

    // Select output method
    wmethodname = getenv("ADIOSMETHOD");
    wmethodparams = getenv("ADIOSMETHOD_PARAMS");
    if (!wmethodname)
        wmethodname = DEFAULT_ADIOSMETHOD_NAME;
    if (!wmethodparams)
        wmethodparams = DEFAULT_ADIOSMETHOD_PARAMS;
    adios_select_method (gh, wmethodname, wmethodparams, "");

    groupsize = 0;

    if (!strcmp(wmethodname, "POSIX1")) 
        file_per_process = 1;
        iocomm = MPI_COMM_SELF;
        iocomm = comm;

    if (!strcmp(wmethodname, "DATASPACES") ||  
        !strcmp(wmethodname, "DIMES")      || 
        !strcmp(wmethodname, "FLEXPATH")    ) 
        streaming = 1;
    } else {
        streaming = 0;
    return 0;
Exemple #4
 * ADIOS init and create group etc.
 * Return: pointer to the ADIOS group structure
SEXP R_create(SEXP R_groupname,
              SEXP R_buffersize,
              SEXP R_comm)
    const char *groupname = CHARPT(R_groupname, 0);
    int buffer = asInteger(R_buffersize);
    MPI_Comm comm = MPI_Comm_f2c(INTEGER(R_comm)[0]);

    int64_t m_adios_group;
    adios_init_noxml (comm);
    adios_set_max_buffer_size (buffer); // Default buffer size for write is 20. User can change this value

    adios_declare_group (&m_adios_group, groupname, "", adios_flag_yes);
    adios_select_method (m_adios_group, "MPI", "", ""); // Default method is MPI. Let users choose different methods later.

    // Pass group pointer to R
    SEXP R_group = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
    REAL(R_group)[0] = (double)m_adios_group;

    return R_group;
Exemple #5
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    char        filename [256];
    int         rank, size, i, j;
    int         NX = 100, gb, offset;  //local/global/offset
    double      t[NX];
    int         nblocks = 3;
    MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    char g_str[100], o_str[100], l_str[100];
    // attributes (from C variables)
    int someints[5] = {5,4,3,2,1};
    double somedoubles[5] = {5.55555, 4.4444, 3.333, 2.22, 1.1};

    /* ADIOS variables declarations for matching gwrite_temperature.ch */
    uint64_t    adios_groupsize, adios_totalsize;

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &size);

    gb = nblocks * NX * size;
    sprintf (g_str, "%d", gb);
    sprintf (l_str, "%d", NX);

    strcpy (filename, "no_xml_write_byid.bp");

    adios_init_noxml (comm);
    adios_set_max_buffer_size (10);

    int64_t       m_adios_group;
    int64_t       m_adios_file;
    int64_t       var_ids[nblocks];

    adios_declare_group (&m_adios_group, "restart", "iter", adios_flag_yes);
    adios_select_method (m_adios_group, "MPI", "", "");

    for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++)
        offset = rank * nblocks * NX + i * NX;
        sprintf (o_str, "%d", offset);
        var_ids[i] = adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "temperature"
                                       ,"", adios_double
                                       ,l_str, g_str, o_str
        adios_set_transform (var_ids[i], "none");

        // This is here just for fun
        uint64_t varsize = adios_expected_var_size(var_ids[i]);
        // adios_expected_var_size() works here because the definition of the variable
        // does not depend on any dimension variable (but defined with numerical dimensions)
        fprintf (stderr, "Temperature block %d is %" PRIu64 " bytes\n", i, varsize);

    // add some attributes
    adios_define_attribute_byvalue (m_adios_group,
                                    "single_string","", adios_string,  1, "A single string attribute");
    char *strings[] = {"X","Yy","ZzZ"};
    adios_define_attribute_byvalue (m_adios_group,
                                    "three_strings","", adios_string_array,  3, strings);
    adios_define_attribute_byvalue (m_adios_group,
                                    "single_int",   "", adios_integer, 1, &someints);
    adios_define_attribute_byvalue (m_adios_group,
                                    "single_double","", adios_double,  1, &somedoubles);
    adios_define_attribute_byvalue (m_adios_group,
                                    "five_ints",    "", adios_integer, 5, &someints);
    adios_define_attribute_byvalue (m_adios_group,
                                    "five_double",  "", adios_double,  5, &somedoubles);

    adios_open (&m_adios_file, "restart", filename, "w", comm);

    adios_groupsize = nblocks * (4 + 4 + 4 + NX * 8);

    adios_group_size (m_adios_file, adios_groupsize, &adios_totalsize);
    /* now we will write the data for each sub block */
    for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++)
        offset = rank * nblocks * NX + i * NX;
        for (j = 0; j < NX; j++)
            t[j] = offset + j;

        adios_write_byid(m_adios_file, var_ids[i], t);

    adios_close (m_adios_file);

    MPI_Barrier (comm);

    adios_finalize (rank);

    MPI_Finalize ();
    return 0;
Exemple #6
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
    MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    int         rank;
    int         ndx, ndy;             // size of array per processor
    double      * data;

    double      *X;                   //X coordinate
    double      *Y;                   //Y coordinate

    // Offsets and sizes
    int         offs_x, offs_y;       //offset in x and y direction
    int         nx_local, ny_local;   //local address
    int         nx_global, ny_global; //global address
    int         posx, posy;           // position index in the array
    int         i,j;

    int64_t     m_adios_group;
    uint64_t    adios_groupsize, adios_totalsize;
    int64_t     adios_handle;

    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &nproc);

    if (processArgs(argc, argv)) {
        return 1;

    //will work with each core writing ndx = 65, ndy = 129, (65*4,129*3) global
    ndx = 65;
    ndy = 129;

    //2D array with block,block decomposition
    posx = rank%npx;           // 1st dim
    posy = rank/npx;           // 2nd dim
    offs_x = posx * ndx;
    offs_y = posy * ndy;
    nx_local = ndx;
    ny_local = ndy;
    nx_global = npx * ndx;
    ny_global = npy * ndy;

    data = malloc (ndx * ndy * sizeof(double));
    for( i = 0; i < ndx; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < ndy; j++)
            data[i*ndy + j] = 1.0*rank;

    X = malloc (ndx * ndy * sizeof(double));
    for( i = 0; i < ndx; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < ndy; j++)
            X[i*ndy + j] = offs_x + posy*ndx + i*ndx/ndx + (double)ndx*j/ndy;

    Y = malloc (ndx * ndy * sizeof(double));
    Y[0] = offs_y;
    for( i = 0; i < ndx; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < ndy; j++)
            Y[i*ndy + j] = offs_y + ndy*j/ndy;
    char * schema_version = "1.1";
    char * dimemsions = "nx_global,ny_global";
	adios_init_noxml (comm);
    adios_set_max_buffer_size (50);

    adios_declare_group (&m_adios_group, "structured2d", "", adios_flag_yes);
    adios_select_method (m_adios_group, "MPI", "", "");

    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "nx_global"
			,"", adios_integer
			,0, 0, 0);
    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "ny_global"
            ,"", adios_integer
            ,0, 0, 0);
    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "nproc"
                ,"", adios_integer                
                ,0, 0, 0);
    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "offs_x"
                ,"", adios_integer
                ,0, 0, 0);
    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "offs_y"
                ,"", adios_integer
                ,0, 0, 0);
    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "nx_local"
                ,"", adios_integer
                ,0, 0, 0);
    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "ny_local"
                ,"", adios_integer
                ,0, 0, 0);
    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "X"
                    ,"", adios_double
                    ,"nx_local,ny_local", "nx_global,ny_global", "offs_x,offs_y");
    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "Y"
                    ,"", adios_double
                    ,"nx_local,ny_local", "nx_global,ny_global", "offs_x,offs_y");
    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "data"
                    ,"", adios_double
                    ,"nx_local,ny_local", "nx_global,ny_global", "offs_x,offs_y");

    adios_define_schema_version (m_adios_group, schema_version);
    adios_define_mesh_structured (dimemsions, "X,Y", "2", m_adios_group, "structuredmesh");
    adios_define_mesh_timevarying ("no", m_adios_group, "structuredmesh");
    adios_define_var_mesh (m_adios_group, "data", "structuredmesh");
    adios_define_var_centering (m_adios_group, "data", "point");

    adios_open (&adios_handle, "structured2d", "structured2d_noxml.bp", "w", comm);

    adios_groupsize = 7*sizeof(int) \
    + 3*sizeof(double) * (nx_local*ny_local);

    adios_group_size (adios_handle, adios_groupsize, &adios_totalsize);
    adios_write (adios_handle, "nproc", &nproc);
    adios_write (adios_handle, "nx_global", &nx_global);
    adios_write (adios_handle, "ny_global", &ny_global);
    adios_write (adios_handle, "offs_x", &offs_x);
    adios_write (adios_handle, "offs_y", &offs_y);
    adios_write (adios_handle, "nx_local", &nx_local);
    adios_write (adios_handle, "ny_local", &ny_local);
    adios_write (adios_handle, "X", X);
    adios_write (adios_handle, "Y", Y);
    adios_write (adios_handle, "data", data);

    adios_close (adios_handle);

    MPI_Barrier (comm);

    free (data);
    free (X);
    free (Y);

	adios_finalize (rank);

	MPI_Finalize ();
	return 0;
Exemple #7
int write_blocks () 
    int         NX, G, O; 
    double      *t;
    /* ADIOS variables declarations for matching gwrite_temperature.ch */
    int         it, i, r;
    uint64_t    adios_groupsize, adios_totalsize;

    if (!rank) printf ("------- Write blocks -------\n");
    // We will have "3 steps * 2 blocks per process * number of processes" blocks
    nsteps = 3;
    nblocks_per_step = 2;
    block_offset = (uint64_t*) malloc (sizeof(uint64_t) * nsteps * nblocks_per_step * size);
    block_count  = (uint64_t*) malloc (sizeof(uint64_t) * nsteps * nblocks_per_step * size);
    gdims        = (uint64_t*) malloc (sizeof(uint64_t) * nsteps);

    adios_init_noxml (comm);
    adios_set_max_buffer_size (10);

    int64_t       m_adios_group;
    int64_t       m_adios_file;

    adios_declare_group (&m_adios_group, "restart", "", adios_flag_yes);
    adios_select_method (m_adios_group, "MPI", "", "");

    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "NX"
            ,"", adios_integer
            ,0, 0, 0);

    adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "G"
            ,"", adios_integer
            ,0, 0, 0);

    /* have to define O and temperature as many times as we 
       write them within one step (twice) */
    for (it=0; it < nblocks_per_step; it++) {
        adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "O"
                ,"", adios_integer
                ,0, 0, 0);

        adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "t"
                ,"", adios_double
                ,"NX", "G", "O");

    for (it =0; it < nsteps; it++) {
        if (!rank) printf ("Step %d:\n", it);
        NX = 10+it;
        G = nblocks_per_step * NX * size;

        t = (double *) malloc (NX*sizeof(double));

        for (i = 0; i < NX; i++)
            t[i] = rank + it*0.1 + 0.01;

        MPI_Barrier (comm);
        if (it==0) 
            adios_open (&m_adios_file, "restart", fname, "w", comm);
            adios_open (&m_adios_file, "restart", fname, "a", comm);
        adios_groupsize = 4 + 4 + 4 + NX * 8
            + 4 + 4 + 4 + NX * 8;
        adios_group_size (m_adios_file, adios_groupsize, &adios_totalsize);

        adios_write(m_adios_file, "NX", (void *) &NX);
        adios_write(m_adios_file, "G", (void *) &G);
        O = rank * nblocks_per_step * NX;
        adios_write(m_adios_file, "O", (void *) &O);
        adios_write(m_adios_file, "t", t);

        printf ("rank %d: block 1: size=%d, offset=%d\n", rank, NX, O);
        for (r = 0; r < size; r++) {
            block_count  [it*nblocks_per_step*size + nblocks_per_step*r] = NX; 
            block_offset [it*nblocks_per_step*size + nblocks_per_step*r] = r * nblocks_per_step * NX; 

        for (i = 0; i < NX; i++)
            t[i] += 0.01;

        O = rank * nblocks_per_step * NX + NX;
        adios_write(m_adios_file, "O", (void *) &O);
        adios_write(m_adios_file, "t", t);

        printf ("rank %d: block 2: size=%d, offset=%d\n", rank, NX, O);
        for (r = 0; r < size; r++) {
            block_count  [it*nblocks_per_step*size + nblocks_per_step*r + 1] = NX; 
            block_offset [it*nblocks_per_step*size + nblocks_per_step*r + 1] = r * nblocks_per_step * NX + NX; 
        gdims [it] = G;

        adios_close (m_adios_file);
        MPI_Barrier (comm);


    adios_finalize (rank);

    return 0;
Exemple #8
int main (int argc, char ** argv) 
	char        filename [256];
	int         rank, size, i, j, step, block;
        int         Offset; 

	int         NX = 2; // number of records written per step per process
        int         Width=20;
        int         sub_blocks = 2; // number of record-blocks written per process in one step
        int         steps = 3;

	char        t[NX][Width];
	MPI_Comm    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;

	/* ADIOS variables declarations for matching gwrite_temperature.ch */
	int         adios_err;
	uint64_t    adios_groupsize, adios_totalsize;
	int64_t     adios_handle;

	MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
	MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
	MPI_Comm_size (comm, &size);

        //Global_bounds = sub_blocks * NX * size;

	strcpy (filename, "steps.bp");

	adios_init_noxml (comm);
        adios_set_max_buffer_size (1);

        int64_t       m_adios_group;
        int64_t       m_adios_file;

        adios_declare_group (&m_adios_group, "steps", "", adios_flag_yes);
        adios_select_method (m_adios_group, "MPI", "", "");

        adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "NX" ,"", adios_integer ,0, 0, 0);
        adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "Width" ,"", adios_integer ,0, 0, 0);
        adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "nproc" ,"", adios_integer ,0, 0, 0);
        for (i=0;i<sub_blocks;i++) {
           adios_define_var (m_adios_group, "record" ,"", adios_byte ,"NX,Width", "", "");

        for (step=0; step<steps; step++) {

            adios_open (&m_adios_file, "steps", filename, "a", comm);

            adios_groupsize = sub_blocks * (4 + 4 + 4 + (uint64_t) NX * (uint64_t)Width);

            adios_group_size (m_adios_file, adios_groupsize, &adios_totalsize);
            adios_write(m_adios_file, "nproc", (void *) &size);
            adios_write(m_adios_file, "NX", (void *) &NX);
            adios_write(m_adios_file, "Width", (void *) &Width);
            /* now we will write the data for each sub block */
            for (block=0;block<sub_blocks;block++) {

                for (i = 0; i < NX; i++)
                    //print 19 chars here + '\0'
                    sprintf (t[i], "r%2d  b%2d  s%2d  i%2d ", rank, block, step, i); 

                adios_write(m_adios_file, "record", t);

            adios_close (m_adios_file);

        MPI_Barrier (comm);

	adios_finalize (rank);

	MPI_Finalize ();
	return 0;