Exemple #1
bool GWriteBitmapToFile(const GBitmap& bitmap, const char path[]) {
    FILE* f = ::fopen(path, "wb");
    if (!f) {
        return false;

    GAutoFClose afc(f);

    png_structp png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,
                                                  NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (!png_ptr) {
        return false;
    png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
    if (!info_ptr) {
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr,  NULL);
        return false;
    if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
        png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
        return false;

    png_init_io(png_ptr, f);
    if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
        return false;
    const int bitDepth = 8;
    png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, bitmap.fWidth, bitmap.fHeight, bitDepth,
    png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    char* scanline = (char*)malloc(bitmap.fWidth * 4);
    GAutoFree gaf(scanline);

    const GPixel* srcRow = bitmap.fPixels;
    for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.fHeight; y++) {
        convertToPNG(srcRow, bitmap.fWidth, scanline);
        png_bytep row_ptr = (png_bytep)scanline;
        png_write_rows(png_ptr, &row_ptr, 1);
        srcRow = (const GPixel*)((const char*)srcRow + bitmap.fRowBytes);

    png_write_end(png_ptr, NULL);
    png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
    return true;
Exemple #2
//     rhyper(NR, NB, n) -- NR 'red', NB 'blue', n drawn, how many are 'red'
double rhyper(double nn1in, double nn2in, double kkin)
    /* extern double afc(int); */

    int nn1, nn2, kk;
    int ix; // return value (coerced to double at the very end)
    Rboolean setup1, setup2;

    /* These should become 'thread_local globals' : */
    static int ks = -1, n1s = -1, n2s = -1;
    static int m, minjx, maxjx;
    static int k, n1, n2; // <- not allowing larger integer par
    static double tn;

    // II :
    static double w;
    // III:
    static double a, d, s, xl, xr, kl, kr, lamdl, lamdr, p1, p2, p3;

    /* check parameter validity */

    if(!R_FINITE(nn1in) || !R_FINITE(nn2in) || !R_FINITE(kkin))

    nn1in = R_forceint(nn1in);
    nn2in = R_forceint(nn2in);
    kkin  = R_forceint(kkin);

    if (nn1in < 0 || nn2in < 0 || kkin < 0 || kkin > nn1in + nn2in)
    if (nn1in >= INT_MAX || nn2in >= INT_MAX || kkin >= INT_MAX) {
	/* large n -- evade integer overflow (and inappropriate algorithms)
	   -------- */
        // FIXME: Much faster to give rbinom() approx when appropriate; -> see Kuensch(1989)
	// Johnson, Kotz,.. p.258 (top) mention the *four* different binomial approximations
	if(kkin == 1.) { // Bernoulli
	    return rbinom(kkin, nn1in / (nn1in + nn2in));
	// Slow, but safe: return  F^{-1}(U)  where F(.) = phyper(.) and  U ~ U[0,1]
	return qhyper(unif_rand(), nn1in, nn2in, kkin, FALSE, FALSE);
    nn1 = (int)nn1in;
    nn2 = (int)nn2in;
    kk  = (int)kkin;

    /* if new parameter values, initialize */
    if (nn1 != n1s || nn2 != n2s) {
	setup1 = TRUE;	setup2 = TRUE;
    } else if (kk != ks) {
	setup1 = FALSE;	setup2 = TRUE;
    } else {
	setup1 = FALSE;	setup2 = FALSE;
    if (setup1) {
	n1s = nn1;
	n2s = nn2;
	tn = nn1 + nn2;
	if (nn1 <= nn2) {
	    n1 = nn1;
	    n2 = nn2;
	} else {
	    n1 = nn2;
	    n2 = nn1;
    if (setup2) {
	ks = kk;
	if (kk + kk >= tn) {
	    k = (int)(tn - kk);
	} else {
	    k = kk;
    if (setup1 || setup2) {
	m = (int) ((k + 1.) * (n1 + 1.) / (tn + 2.));
	minjx = imax2(0, k - n2);
	maxjx = imin2(n1, k);
#ifdef DEBUG_rhyper
	REprintf("rhyper(nn1=%d, nn2=%d, kk=%d), setup: floor(mean)= m=%d, jx in (%d..%d)\n",
		 nn1, nn2, kk, m, minjx, maxjx);
    /* generate random variate --- Three basic cases */

    if (minjx == maxjx) { /* I: degenerate distribution ---------------- */
#ifdef DEBUG_rhyper
	REprintf("rhyper(), branch I (degenerate)\n");
	ix = maxjx;
	goto L_finis; // return appropriate variate

    } else if (m - minjx < 10) { // II: (Scaled) algorithm HIN (inverse transformation) ----
	const static double scale = 1e25; // scaling factor against (early) underflow
	const static double con = 57.5646273248511421;
					  // 25*log(10) = log(scale) { <==> exp(con) == scale }
	if (setup1 || setup2) {
	    double lw; // log(w);  w = exp(lw) * scale = exp(lw + log(scale)) = exp(lw + con)
	    if (k < n2) {
		lw = afc(n2) + afc(n1 + n2 - k) - afc(n2 - k) - afc(n1 + n2);
	    } else {
		lw = afc(n1) + afc(     k     ) - afc(k - n2) - afc(n1 + n2);
	    w = exp(lw + con);
	double p, u;
#ifdef DEBUG_rhyper
	REprintf("rhyper(), branch II; w = %g > 0\n", w);
	p = w;
	ix = minjx;
	u = unif_rand() * scale;
#ifdef DEBUG_rhyper
	REprintf("  _new_ u = %g\n", u);
	while (u > p) {
	    u -= p;
	    p *= ((double) n1 - ix) * (k - ix);
	    p = p / ix / (n2 - k + ix);
#ifdef DEBUG_rhyper
	    REprintf("       ix=%3d, u=%11g, p=%20.14g (u-p=%g)\n", ix, u, p, u-p);
	    if (ix > maxjx)
		goto L10;
	    // FIXME  if(p == 0.)  we also "have lost"  => goto L10
    } else { /* III : H2PE Algorithm --------------------------------------- */

	double u,v;

	if (setup1 || setup2) {
	    s = sqrt((tn - k) * k * n1 * n2 / (tn - 1) / tn / tn);

	    /* remark: d is defined in reference without int. */
	    /* the truncation centers the cell boundaries at 0.5 */

	    d = (int) (1.5 * s) + .5;
	    xl = m - d + .5;
	    xr = m + d + .5;
	    a = afc(m) + afc(n1 - m) + afc(k - m) + afc(n2 - k + m);
	    kl = exp(a - afc((int) (xl)) - afc((int) (n1 - xl))
		     - afc((int) (k - xl))
		     - afc((int) (n2 - k + xl)));
	    kr = exp(a - afc((int) (xr - 1))
		     - afc((int) (n1 - xr + 1))
		     - afc((int) (k - xr + 1))
		     - afc((int) (n2 - k + xr - 1)));
	    lamdl = -log(xl * (n2 - k + xl) / (n1 - xl + 1) / (k - xl + 1));
	    lamdr = -log((n1 - xr + 1) * (k - xr + 1) / xr / (n2 - k + xr));
	    p1 = d + d;
	    p2 = p1 + kl / lamdl;
	    p3 = p2 + kr / lamdr;
#ifdef DEBUG_rhyper
	REprintf("rhyper(), branch III {accept/reject}: (xl,xr)= (%g,%g); (lamdl,lamdr)= (%g,%g)\n",
		 xl, xr, lamdl,lamdr);
	REprintf("-------- p123= c(%g,%g,%g)\n", p1,p2, p3);
	int n_uv = 0;
	u = unif_rand() * p3;
	v = unif_rand();
	if(n_uv >= 10000) {
	    REprintf("rhyper() branch III: giving up after %d rejections", n_uv);
#ifdef DEBUG_rhyper
	REprintf(" ... L30: new (u=%g, v ~ U[0,1])[%d]\n", u, n_uv);

	if (u < p1) {		/* rectangular region */
	    ix = (int) (xl + u);
	} else if (u <= p2) {	/* left tail */
	    ix = (int) (xl + log(v) / lamdl);
	    if (ix < minjx)
		goto L30;
	    v = v * (u - p1) * lamdl;
	} else {		/* right tail */
	    ix = (int) (xr - log(v) / lamdr);
	    if (ix > maxjx)
		goto L30;
	    v = v * (u - p2) * lamdr;

	/* acceptance/rejection test */
	Rboolean reject = TRUE;

	if (m < 100 || ix <= 50) {
	    /* explicit evaluation */
	    /* The original algorithm (and TOMS 668) have
		   f = f * i * (n2 - k + i) / (n1 - i) / (k - i);
	       in the (m > ix) case, but the definition of the
	       recurrence relation on p134 shows that the +1 is
	       needed. */
	    int i;
	    double f = 1.0;
	    if (m < ix) {
		for (i = m + 1; i <= ix; i++)
		    f = f * (n1 - i + 1) * (k - i + 1) / (n2 - k + i) / i;
	    } else if (m > ix) {
		for (i = ix + 1; i <= m; i++)
		    f = f * i * (n2 - k + i) / (n1 - i + 1) / (k - i + 1);
	    if (v <= f) {
		reject = FALSE;
	} else {

	    const static double deltal = 0.0078;
	    const static double deltau = 0.0034;

	    double e, g, r, t, y;
	    double de, dg, dr, ds, dt, gl, gu, nk, nm, ub;
	    double xk, xm, xn, y1, ym, yn, yk, alv;

#ifdef DEBUG_rhyper
	    REprintf(" ... accept/reject 'large' case v=%g\n", v);
	    /* squeeze using upper and lower bounds */
	    y = ix;
	    y1 = y + 1.0;
	    ym = y - m;
	    yn = n1 - y + 1.0;
	    yk = k - y + 1.0;
	    nk = n2 - k + y1;
	    r = -ym / y1;
	    s = ym / yn;
	    t = ym / yk;
	    e = -ym / nk;
	    g = yn * yk / (y1 * nk) - 1.0;
	    dg = 1.0;
	    if (g < 0.0)
		dg = 1.0 + g;
	    gu = g * (1.0 + g * (-0.5 + g / 3.0));
	    gl = gu - .25 * (g * g * g * g) / dg;
	    xm = m + 0.5;
	    xn = n1 - m + 0.5;
	    xk = k - m + 0.5;
	    nm = n2 - k + xm;
	    ub = y * gu - m * gl + deltau
		+ xm * r * (1. + r * (-0.5 + r / 3.0))
		+ xn * s * (1. + s * (-0.5 + s / 3.0))
		+ xk * t * (1. + t * (-0.5 + t / 3.0))
		+ nm * e * (1. + e * (-0.5 + e / 3.0));
	    /* test against upper bound */
	    alv = log(v);
	    if (alv > ub) {
		reject = TRUE;
	    } else {
				/* test against lower bound */
		dr = xm * (r * r * r * r);
		if (r < 0.0)
		    dr /= (1.0 + r);
		ds = xn * (s * s * s * s);
		if (s < 0.0)
		    ds /= (1.0 + s);
		dt = xk * (t * t * t * t);
		if (t < 0.0)
		    dt /= (1.0 + t);
		de = nm * (e * e * e * e);
		if (e < 0.0)
		    de /= (1.0 + e);
		if (alv < ub - 0.25 * (dr + ds + dt + de)
		    + (y + m) * (gl - gu) - deltal) {
		    reject = FALSE;
		else {
		    /* * Stirling's formula to machine accuracy
		    if (alv <= (a - afc(ix) - afc(n1 - ix)
				- afc(k - ix) - afc(n2 - k + ix))) {
			reject = FALSE;
		    } else {
			reject = TRUE;
	} // else
	if (reject)
	    goto L30;

    /* return appropriate variate */

    if (kk + kk >= tn) {
	if (nn1 > nn2) {
	    ix = kk - nn2 + ix;
	} else {
	    ix = nn1 - ix;
    } else {
	if (nn1 > nn2)
	    ix = kk - ix;
    return ix;
Exemple #3
double rhyper(double nn1in, double nn2in, double kkin)
    const static double con = 57.56462733;
    const static double deltal = 0.0078;
    const static double deltau = 0.0034;
    const static double scale = 1e25;

    /* extern double afc(int); */

    int nn1, nn2, kk;
    int i, ix;
    Rboolean reject, setup1, setup2;

    double e, f, g, p, r, t, u, v, y;
    double de, dg, dr, ds, dt, gl, gu, nk, nm, ub;
    double xk, xm, xn, y1, ym, yn, yk, alv;

    /* These should become `thread_local globals' : */
    static int ks = -1;
    static int n1s = -1, n2s = -1;

    static int k, m;
    static int minjx, maxjx, n1, n2;

    static double a, d, s, w;
    static double tn, xl, xr, kl, kr, lamdl, lamdr, p1, p2, p3;

    /* check parameter validity */

    if(!R_FINITE(nn1in) || !R_FINITE(nn2in) || !R_FINITE(kkin))

    nn1 = floor(nn1in+0.5);
    nn2 = floor(nn2in+0.5);
    kk	= floor(kkin +0.5);

    if (nn1 < 0 || nn2 < 0 || kk < 0 || kk > nn1 + nn2)

    /* if new parameter values, initialize */
    reject = TRUE;
    if (nn1 != n1s || nn2 != n2s) {
	setup1 = TRUE;	setup2 = TRUE;
    } else if (kk != ks) {
	setup1 = FALSE;	setup2 = TRUE;
    } else {
	setup1 = FALSE;	setup2 = FALSE;
    if (setup1) {
	n1s = nn1;
	n2s = nn2;
	tn = nn1 + nn2;
	if (nn1 <= nn2) {
	    n1 = nn1;
	    n2 = nn2;
	} else {
	    n1 = nn2;
	    n2 = nn1;
    if (setup2) {
	ks = kk;
	if (kk + kk >= tn) {
	    k = tn - kk;
	} else {
	    k = kk;
    if (setup1 || setup2) {
	m = (k + 1.0) * (n1 + 1.0) / (tn + 2.0);
	minjx = imax2(0, k - n2);
	maxjx = imin2(n1, k);
    /* generate random variate --- Three basic cases */

    if (minjx == maxjx) { /* I: degenerate distribution ---------------- */
	ix = maxjx;
	/* return ix;
	   No, need to unmangle <TSL>*/
	/* return appropriate variate */

	if (kk + kk >= tn) {
	  if (nn1 > nn2) {
	    ix = kk - nn2 + ix;
	  } else {
	    ix = nn1 - ix;
	} else {
	  if (nn1 > nn2)
	    ix = kk - ix;
	return ix;

    } else if (m - minjx < 10) { /* II: inverse transformation ---------- */
	if (setup1 || setup2) {
	    if (k < n2) {
		w = exp(con + afc(n2) + afc(n1 + n2 - k)
			- afc(n2 - k) - afc(n1 + n2));
	    } else {
		w = exp(con + afc(n1) + afc(k)
			- afc(k - n2) - afc(n1 + n2));
	p = w;
	ix = minjx;
	u = unif_rand() * scale;
	if (u > p) {
	    u -= p;
	    p *= (n1 - ix) * (k - ix);
	    p = p / ix / (n2 - k + ix);
	    if (ix > maxjx)
		goto L10;
	    goto L20;
    } else { /* III : h2pe --------------------------------------------- */

	if (setup1 || setup2) {
	    s = sqrt((tn - k) * k * n1 * n2 / (tn - 1) / tn / tn);

	    /* remark: d is defined in reference without int. */
	    /* the truncation centers the cell boundaries at 0.5 */

	    d = (int) (1.5 * s) + .5;
	    xl = m - d + .5;
	    xr = m + d + .5;
	    a = afc(m) + afc(n1 - m) + afc(k - m) + afc(n2 - k + m);
	    kl = exp(a - afc((int) (xl)) - afc((int) (n1 - xl))
		     - afc((int) (k - xl))
		     - afc((int) (n2 - k + xl)));
	    kr = exp(a - afc((int) (xr - 1))
		     - afc((int) (n1 - xr + 1))
		     - afc((int) (k - xr + 1))
		     - afc((int) (n2 - k + xr - 1)));
	    lamdl = -log(xl * (n2 - k + xl) / (n1 - xl + 1) / (k - xl + 1));
	    lamdr = -log((n1 - xr + 1) * (k - xr + 1) / xr / (n2 - k + xr));
	    p1 = d + d;
	    p2 = p1 + kl / lamdl;
	    p3 = p2 + kr / lamdr;
	u = unif_rand() * p3;
	v = unif_rand();
	if (u < p1) {		/* rectangular region */
	    ix = xl + u;
	} else if (u <= p2) {	/* left tail */
	    ix = xl + log(v) / lamdl;
	    if (ix < minjx)
		goto L30;
	    v = v * (u - p1) * lamdl;
	} else {		/* right tail */
	    ix = xr - log(v) / lamdr;
	    if (ix > maxjx)
		goto L30;
	    v = v * (u - p2) * lamdr;

	/* acceptance/rejection test */

	if (m < 100 || ix <= 50) {
	    /* explicit evaluation */
	    /* The original algorithm (and TOMS 668) have
		   f = f * i * (n2 - k + i) / (n1 - i) / (k - i);
	       in the (m > ix) case, but the definition of the
	       recurrence relation on p134 shows that the +1 is
	       needed. */
	    f = 1.0;
	    if (m < ix) {
		for (i = m + 1; i <= ix; i++)
		    f = f * (n1 - i + 1) * (k - i + 1) / (n2 - k + i) / i;
	    } else if (m > ix) {
		for (i = ix + 1; i <= m; i++)
		    f = f * i * (n2 - k + i) / (n1 - i + 1) / (k - i + 1);
	    if (v <= f) {
		reject = FALSE;
	} else {
	    /* squeeze using upper and lower bounds */
	    y = ix;
	    y1 = y + 1.0;
	    ym = y - m;
	    yn = n1 - y + 1.0;
	    yk = k - y + 1.0;
	    nk = n2 - k + y1;
	    r = -ym / y1;
	    s = ym / yn;
	    t = ym / yk;
	    e = -ym / nk;
	    g = yn * yk / (y1 * nk) - 1.0;
	    dg = 1.0;
	    if (g < 0.0)
		dg = 1.0 + g;
	    gu = g * (1.0 + g * (-0.5 + g / 3.0));
	    gl = gu - .25 * (g * g * g * g) / dg;
	    xm = m + 0.5;
	    xn = n1 - m + 0.5;
	    xk = k - m + 0.5;
	    nm = n2 - k + xm;
	    ub = y * gu - m * gl + deltau
		+ xm * r * (1. + r * (-0.5 + r / 3.0))
		+ xn * s * (1. + s * (-0.5 + s / 3.0))
		+ xk * t * (1. + t * (-0.5 + t / 3.0))
		+ nm * e * (1. + e * (-0.5 + e / 3.0));
	    /* test against upper bound */
	    alv = log(v);
	    if (alv > ub) {
		reject = TRUE;
	    } else {
				/* test against lower bound */
		dr = xm * (r * r * r * r);
		if (r < 0.0)
		    dr /= (1.0 + r);
		ds = xn * (s * s * s * s);
		if (s < 0.0)
		    ds /= (1.0 + s);
		dt = xk * (t * t * t * t);
		if (t < 0.0)
		    dt /= (1.0 + t);
		de = nm * (e * e * e * e);
		if (e < 0.0)
		    de /= (1.0 + e);
		if (alv < ub - 0.25 * (dr + ds + dt + de)
		    + (y + m) * (gl - gu) - deltal) {
		    reject = FALSE;
		else {
		    /* * Stirling's formula to machine accuracy
		    if (alv <= (a - afc(ix) - afc(n1 - ix)
				- afc(k - ix) - afc(n2 - k + ix))) {
			reject = FALSE;
		    } else {
			reject = TRUE;
	if (reject)
	    goto L30;

    /* return appropriate variate */

    if (kk + kk >= tn) {
	if (nn1 > nn2) {
	    ix = kk - nn2 + ix;
	} else {
	    ix = nn1 - ix;
    } else {
	if (nn1 > nn2)
	    ix = kk - ix;
    return ix;
Exemple #4
bool GReadBitmapFromFile(const char path[], GBitmap* bitmap) {
    FILE* file = fopen(path, "rb");
    if (NULL == file) {
        return always_false();
    GAutoFClose afc(file);

    uint8_t signature[SIGNATURE_BYTES];
    if (SIGNATURE_BYTES != fread(signature, 1, SIGNATURE_BYTES, file)) {
        return always_false();
    if (png_sig_cmp(signature, 0, SIGNATURE_BYTES)) {
        return always_false();
    png_structp png_ptr = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,
                                                 NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (NULL == png_ptr) {
        return always_false();
    png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
    if (NULL == info_ptr) {
        png_destroy_read_struct(&png_ptr, NULL, NULL);
        return always_false();
    GAutoPNGReader reader(png_ptr, info_ptr);
    if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
        return always_false();
    png_init_io(png_ptr, file);
    png_set_sig_bytes(png_ptr, SIGNATURE_BYTES);
    png_read_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    png_uint_32 width, height;
    int bitDepth, colorType;
    png_get_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, &width, &height, &bitDepth, &colorType,
                 NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if (8 != bitDepth) {
        return always_false();   // TODO: handle other formats
    if (png_set_interlace_handling(png_ptr) > 1) {
        return always_false();   // TODO: support interleave

    swizzle_row_proc row_proc = NULL;
    switch (colorType) {
        case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB:
            row_proc = swizzle_rgb_row;
            row_proc = swizzle_rgba_row;
            return always_false();

    png_read_update_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);

    GAutoFree rowStorage(malloc(png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr)));
    png_bytep srcRow = (png_bytep)rowStorage.get();
    if (!srcRow) {
        return always_false();

    GAutoFree pixelStorage(malloc(height * width * 4));
    GPixel* dstRow = (GPixel*)pixelStorage.get();
    if (NULL == dstRow) {
        return always_false();

    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        uint8_t* tmp = srcRow;
        png_read_rows(png_ptr, &tmp, NULL, 1);
        row_proc(dstRow, srcRow, width);
        dstRow += width;

    bitmap->fWidth = width;
    bitmap->fHeight = height;
    bitmap->fRowBytes = width * 4;
    bitmap->fPixels = (GPixel*)pixelStorage.detach();
    return true;