int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { struct rx_service *tservice; afs_int32 code; struct afsconf_dir *tdir; int noAuth = 0; int i; char namebuf[AFSDIR_PATH_MAX]; int rxMaxMTU = -1; afs_uint32 host = htonl(INADDR_ANY); char *auditFileName = NULL; struct rx_securityClass **securityClasses; afs_int32 numClasses; int DoPeerRPCStats = 0; int DoProcessRPCStats = 0; #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV int nofork = 0; struct stat sb; #endif #ifdef AFS_AIX32_ENV struct sigaction nsa; /* for some reason, this permits user-mode RX to run a lot faster. * we do it here in the bosserver, so we don't have to do it * individually in each server. */ tweak_config(); /* * The following signal action for AIX is necessary so that in case of a * crash (i.e. core is generated) we can include the user's data section * in the core dump. Unfortunately, by default, only a partial core is * generated which, in many cases, isn't too useful. */ sigemptyset(&nsa.sa_mask); nsa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; nsa.sa_flags = SA_FULLDUMP; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &nsa, NULL); sigaction(SIGABRT, &nsa, NULL); #endif osi_audit_init(); signal(SIGFPE, bozo_insecureme); #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV /* Initialize winsock */ if (afs_winsockInit() < 0) { ReportErrorEventAlt(AFSEVT_SVR_WINSOCK_INIT_FAILED, 0, argv[0], 0); fprintf(stderr, "%s: Couldn't initialize winsock.\n", argv[0]); exit(2); } #endif /* Initialize dirpaths */ if (!(initAFSDirPath() & AFSDIR_SERVER_PATHS_OK)) { #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV ReportErrorEventAlt(AFSEVT_SVR_NO_INSTALL_DIR, 0, argv[0], 0); #endif fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to obtain AFS server directory.\n", argv[0]); exit(2); } /* some path inits */ bozo_fileName = AFSDIR_SERVER_BOZCONF_FILEPATH; DoCore = AFSDIR_SERVER_LOGS_DIRPATH; /* initialize the list of dirpaths that the bosserver has * an interest in monitoring */ initBosEntryStats(); #if defined(AFS_SGI_ENV) /* offer some protection if AFS isn't loaded */ if (syscall(AFS_SYSCALL, AFSOP_ENDLOG) < 0 && errno == ENOPKG) { printf("bosserver: AFS doesn't appear to be configured in O.S..\n"); exit(1); } #endif #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV /* save args for restart */ bozo_argc = argc; bozo_argv = malloc((argc+1) * sizeof(char*)); if (!bozo_argv) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to allocate argument list.\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } bozo_argv[0] = (char*)AFSDIR_SERVER_BOSVR_FILEPATH; /* expected path */ bozo_argv[bozo_argc] = NULL; /* null terminate list */ #endif /* AFS_NT40_ENV */ /* parse cmd line */ for (code = 1; code < argc; code++) { #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV bozo_argv[code] = argv[code]; #endif /* AFS_NT40_ENV */ if (strcmp(argv[code], "-noauth") == 0) { /* set noauth flag */ noAuth = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[code], "-log") == 0) { /* set extra logging flag */ DoLogging = 1; } #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV else if (strcmp(argv[code], "-syslog") == 0) { /* set syslog logging flag */ DoSyslog = 1; } else if (strncmp(argv[code], "-syslog=", 8) == 0) { DoSyslog = 1; DoSyslogFacility = atoi(argv[code] + 8); } else if (strncmp(argv[code], "-cores=", 7) == 0) { if (strcmp((argv[code]+7), "none") == 0) DoCore = 0; else DoCore = (argv[code]+7); } else if (strcmp(argv[code], "-nofork") == 0) { nofork = 1; } #endif else if (strcmp(argv[code], "-enable_peer_stats") == 0) { DoPeerRPCStats = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[code], "-enable_process_stats") == 0) { DoProcessRPCStats = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[code], "-restricted") == 0) { bozo_isrestricted = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[code], "-rxbind") == 0) { rxBind = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[code], "-allow-dotted-principals") == 0) { rxkadDisableDotCheck = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[code], "-rxmaxmtu")) { if ((code + 1) >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "missing argument for -rxmaxmtu\n"); exit(1); } rxMaxMTU = atoi(argv[++code]); } else if (strcmp(argv[code], "-auditlog") == 0) { auditFileName = argv[++code]; } else if (strcmp(argv[code], "-audit-interface") == 0) { char *interface = argv[++code]; if (osi_audit_interface(interface)) { printf("Invalid audit interface '%s'\n", interface); exit(1); } } else if (strncmp(argv[code], "-pidfiles=", 10) == 0) { DoPidFiles = (argv[code]+10); } else if (strncmp(argv[code], "-pidfiles", 9) == 0) { DoPidFiles = AFSDIR_BOSCONFIG_DIR; } else { /* hack to support help flag */ #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV printf("Usage: bosserver [-noauth] [-log] " "[-auditlog <log path>] " "[-audit-interface <file|sysvmq> (default is file)] " "[-rxmaxmtu <bytes>] [-rxbind] [-allow-dotted-principals] " "[-syslog[=FACILITY]] " "[-restricted] " "[-enable_peer_stats] [-enable_process_stats] " "[-cores=<none|path>] \n" "[-pidfiles[=path]] " "[-nofork] " "[-help]\n"); #else printf("Usage: bosserver [-noauth] [-log] " "[-auditlog <log path>] " "[-audit-interface <file|sysvmq> (default is file)] " "[-rxmaxmtu <bytes>] [-rxbind] [-allow-dotted-principals] " "[-restricted] " "[-enable_peer_stats] [-enable_process_stats] " "[-cores=<none|path>] \n" "[-pidfiles[=path]] " "[-help]\n"); #endif fflush(stdout); exit(0); } } if (auditFileName) { osi_audit_file(auditFileName); } #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV if (geteuid() != 0) { printf("bosserver: must be run as root.\n"); exit(1); } #endif if ((!DoSyslog) #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV && ((lstat(AFSDIR_BOZLOG_FILE, &sb) == 0) && !(S_ISFIFO(sb.st_mode))) #endif ) { strcpy(namebuf, AFSDIR_BOZLOG_FILE); strcat(namebuf, ".old"); rk_rename(AFSDIR_BOZLOG_FILE, namebuf); /* try rename first */ bozo_logFile = fopen(AFSDIR_BOZLOG_FILE, "a"); if (!bozo_logFile) { printf("bosserver: can't initialize log file (%s).\n", AFSDIR_SERVER_BOZLOG_FILEPATH); exit(1); } /* keep log closed normally, so can be removed */ fclose(bozo_logFile); } else { #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV openlog("bosserver", LOG_PID, DoSyslogFacility); #endif } /* * go into the background and remove our controlling tty, close open * file desriptors */ #ifndef AFS_NT40_ENV if (!nofork) daemon(1, 0); #endif /* ! AFS_NT40_ENV */ /* create useful dirs */ CreateDirs(DoCore); /* Write current state of directory permissions to log file */ DirAccessOK(); /* chdir to AFS log directory */ if (DoCore) chdir(DoCore); else chdir(AFSDIR_SERVER_LOGS_DIRPATH); /* try to read the key from the config file */ tdir = afsconf_Open(AFSDIR_SERVER_ETC_DIRPATH); if (!tdir) { /* try to create local cell config file */ struct afsconf_cell tcell; strcpy(, "localcell"); tcell.numServers = 1; code = gethostname(tcell.hostName[0], MAXHOSTCHARS); if (code) { bozo_Log("failed to get hostname, code %d\n", errno); exit(1); } if (tcell.hostName[0][0] == 0) { bozo_Log("host name not set, can't start\n"); bozo_Log("try the 'hostname' command\n"); exit(1); } memset(tcell.hostAddr, 0, sizeof(tcell.hostAddr)); /* not computed */ code = afsconf_SetCellInfo(NULL, AFSDIR_SERVER_ETC_DIRPATH, &tcell); if (code) { bozo_Log ("could not create cell database in '%s' (code %d), quitting\n", AFSDIR_SERVER_ETC_DIRPATH, code); exit(1); } tdir = afsconf_Open(AFSDIR_SERVER_ETC_DIRPATH); if (!tdir) { bozo_Log ("failed to open newly-created cell database, quitting\n"); exit(1); } } /* opened the cell databse */ bozo_confdir = tdir; code = bnode_Init(); if (code) { printf("bosserver: could not init bnode package, code %d\n", code); exit(1); } bnode_Register("fs", &fsbnode_ops, 3); bnode_Register("dafs", &dafsbnode_ops, 4); bnode_Register("simple", &ezbnode_ops, 1); bnode_Register("cron", &cronbnode_ops, 2); #if defined(RLIMIT_CORE) && defined(HAVE_GETRLIMIT) { struct rlimit rlp; getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlp); if (!DoCore) rlp.rlim_cur = 0; else rlp.rlim_max = rlp.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY; setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlp); getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlp); bozo_Log("Core limits now %d %d\n",(int)rlp.rlim_cur,(int)rlp.rlim_max); } #endif /* Read init file, starting up programs. Also starts watcher threads. */ if ((code = ReadBozoFile(0))) { bozo_Log ("bosserver: Something is wrong (%d) with the bos configuration file %s; aborting\n", code, AFSDIR_SERVER_BOZCONF_FILEPATH); exit(code); } if (rxBind) { afs_int32 ccode; if (AFSDIR_SERVER_NETRESTRICT_FILEPATH || AFSDIR_SERVER_NETINFO_FILEPATH) { char reason[1024]; ccode = afsconf_ParseNetFiles(SHostAddrs, NULL, NULL, ADDRSPERSITE, reason, AFSDIR_SERVER_NETINFO_FILEPATH, AFSDIR_SERVER_NETRESTRICT_FILEPATH); } else { ccode = rx_getAllAddr(SHostAddrs, ADDRSPERSITE); } if (ccode == 1) host = SHostAddrs[0]; } for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (rxBind) { code = rx_InitHost(host, htons(AFSCONF_NANNYPORT)); } else { code = rx_Init(htons(AFSCONF_NANNYPORT)); } if (code) { bozo_Log("can't initialize rx: code=%d\n", code); sleep(3); } else break; } if (i >= 10) { bozo_Log("Bos giving up, can't initialize rx\n"); exit(code); } /* Set some rx config */ if (DoPeerRPCStats) rx_enablePeerRPCStats(); if (DoProcessRPCStats) rx_enableProcessRPCStats(); /* Disable jumbograms */ rx_SetNoJumbo(); if (rxMaxMTU != -1) { if (rx_SetMaxMTU(rxMaxMTU) != 0) { bozo_Log("bosserver: rxMaxMTU %d is invalid\n", rxMaxMTU); exit(1); } } code = LWP_CreateProcess(BozoDaemon, BOZO_LWP_STACKSIZE, /* priority */ 1, /* param */ NULL , "bozo-the-clown", &bozo_pid); if (code) { bozo_Log("Failed to create daemon thread\n"); exit(1); } /* initialize audit user check */ osi_audit_set_user_check(bozo_confdir, bozo_IsLocalRealmMatch); bozo_CreateRxBindFile(host); /* for local scripts */ /* allow super users to manage RX statistics */ rx_SetRxStatUserOk(bozo_rxstat_userok); afsconf_SetNoAuthFlag(tdir, noAuth); afsconf_BuildServerSecurityObjects(tdir, &securityClasses, &numClasses); if (DoPidFiles) { bozo_CreatePidFile("bosserver", NULL, getpid()); } tservice = rx_NewServiceHost(host, 0, /* service id */ 1, "bozo", securityClasses, numClasses, BOZO_ExecuteRequest); rx_SetMinProcs(tservice, 2); rx_SetMaxProcs(tservice, 4); rx_SetStackSize(tservice, BOZO_LWP_STACKSIZE); /* so gethostbyname works (in cell stuff) */ if (rxkadDisableDotCheck) { rx_SetSecurityConfiguration(tservice, RXS_CONFIG_FLAGS, (void *)RXS_CONFIG_FLAGS_DISABLE_DOTCHECK); } tservice = rx_NewServiceHost(host, 0, RX_STATS_SERVICE_ID, "rpcstats", securityClasses, numClasses, RXSTATS_ExecuteRequest); rx_SetMinProcs(tservice, 2); rx_SetMaxProcs(tservice, 4); rx_StartServer(1); /* donate this process */ return 0; }
/* * cfg_HostSetCell() -- Define server cell membership for host. * * The cellDbHosts argument is a multistring containing the names of * the existing database servers already configured in the cell; this * multistring list can be obtained via cfg_CellServDbEnumerate(). * If configuring the first server in a new cell then the cellDbHosts * list contains only the name of that host. * * Note: The names in cellDbHosts MUST exactly match those in the * cell-wide server CellServDB; using cfg_CellServDbEnumerate() * is highly recommended. */ int ADMINAPI cfg_HostSetCell(void *hostHandle, /* host config handle */ const char *cellName, /* cell name */ const char *cellDbHosts, /* cell database hosts */ afs_status_p st) { /* completion status */ int rc = 1; afs_status_t tst2, tst = 0; cfg_host_p cfg_host = (cfg_host_p) hostHandle; /* validate parameters */ if (!cfgutil_HostHandleValidate(cfg_host, &tst2)) { tst = tst2; } else if (cellName == NULL || *cellName == '\0') { tst = ADMCFGCELLNAMENULL; } else if (strlen(cellName) > (MAXCELLCHARS - 1)) { tst = ADMCFGCELLNAMETOOLONG; } else if (!cfgutil_HostHandleCellNameCompatible(cfg_host, cellName)) { tst = ADMCFGCELLNAMECONFLICT; } else if (cellDbHosts == NULL || *cellDbHosts == '\0') { tst = ADMCFGCELLDBHOSTSNULL; } /* remote configuration not yet supported in this function */ if (tst == 0) { if (!cfg_host->is_local) { tst = ADMCFGNOTSUPPORTED; } } /* define server cell and cell database hosts */ if (tst == 0) { const char *dbHost = cellDbHosts; struct afsconf_cell hostCell; memset(&hostCell, 0, sizeof(hostCell)); strcpy(, cellName); hostCell.numServers = 0; while (*dbHost != '\0' && tst == 0) { /* fill in each database host */ size_t dbHostLen = strlen(dbHost); if (dbHostLen > (MAXHOSTCHARS - 1)) { tst = ADMCFGHOSTNAMETOOLONG; } else if (hostCell.numServers >= MAXHOSTSPERCELL) { tst = ADMCFGCELLDBHOSTCOUNTTOOLARGE; } else { strcpy(hostCell.hostName[hostCell.numServers++], dbHost); dbHost += dbHostLen + 1; } } if (tst == 0) { /* create server ThisCell/CellServDB dir if it does not exist */ #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV (void)mkdir(AFSDIR_USR_DIRPATH); (void)mkdir(AFSDIR_SERVER_AFS_DIRPATH); (void)mkdir(AFSDIR_SERVER_ETC_DIRPATH); #else (void)mkdir(AFSDIR_USR_DIRPATH, 0755); (void)mkdir(AFSDIR_SERVER_AFS_DIRPATH, 0755); (void)mkdir(AFSDIR_SERVER_ETC_DIRPATH, 0755); #endif if (afsconf_SetCellInfo (NULL, AFSDIR_SERVER_ETC_DIRPATH, &hostCell)) { /* failed; most likely cause is bad host name */ tst = ADMCFGSERVERSETCELLFAILED; } } } if (tst != 0) { rc = 0; } if (st != NULL) { *st = tst; } return rc; }