char * aui_strip(char * str, int maxw, byte isbig) { int clen = ag_txtwidth(str, isbig); if (clen < maxw) { return strdup(str); } int basepos = 0; int i = 0; char basestr[64]; char allstr[128]; memset(basestr, 0, 64); for (i = strlen(str) - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (str[i] == '/') { basepos = i - 2; snprintf(basestr, 63, "%s", &(str[i])); if (i > 0) snprintf(allstr, 127, "/%c%c..%s", str[1], str[2], basestr); else { snprintf(allstr, 127, "%s", basestr); } break; } } if (basepos > 50) { basepos = 50; } do { if (basepos <= 0) { break; } char dirstr[64]; memset(dirstr, 0, 64); memcpy(dirstr, str, basepos); snprintf(allstr, 127, "%s..%s", dirstr, basestr); clen = ag_txtwidth(allstr, isbig); basepos--; } while (clen >= maxw); return strdup(allstr); }
void aclabel_ondraw(void * x){ ACONTROLP ctl= (ACONTROLP) x; ACLABELDP d = (ACLABELDP) ctl->d; CANVAS * pc = &ctl->win->c; if (!d->drawed){ ag_draw_ex(&d->control,ctl->win->bg,0,0,ctl->x,ctl->y,ctl->w,ctl->h); int h = 0; int y = 0; int x = 0; if (d->vpos!=0){ if (d->sigleAligment==0) h=ag_txtheight(ctl->w,d->text,d->isbig); else{ h = ag_fontheight(d->isbig); int w = ag_txtwidth(d->text,d->isbig); if (d->sigleAligment==2){ //-- Center x = (ctl->w/2) - (w/2); } else if (d->sigleAligment==3){ //-- Right x = ctl->w - w; } } } if (d->vpos==1){ y = (ctl->h / 2) - (h / 2); } else if(d->vpos==2){ y = ctl->h - h; } if (d->sigleAligment==0) ag_text(&d->control,ctl->w,x,y,d->text,d->cl,d->isbig); else ag_texts(&d->control,ctl->w,x,y,d->text,d->cl,d->isbig); d->drawed=1; } ag_draw(pc, &d->control, ctl->x, ctl->y); }
void aw_textdialog(AWINDOWP parent,char * title,char * text,char * ok_text){ CANVAS * tmpc = aw_muteparent(parent); on_dialog_window = 1; ag_rectopa(agc(),0,0,agw(),agh(),0x0000,180); ag_sync(); int elmP = agdp()*4; int winP = agdp()*4; int winW = agw() - (winP*2); int winH = (agh() / 2) + (winP*4); int winX = winP; int winY = (agh() / 2) - (winH/2); int titW = ag_txtwidth(title,1); int capH = ag_fontheight(1) + (elmP*2); int btnH = agdp()*20; int txtH = winH - (btnH + capH + (elmP*3)); int txtY = winY + capH + elmP; int btnY = txtY + txtH + elmP; int btnW = (winW/2) - elmP; int btnX = winX + ((winW/2) - (btnW/2)); int txtX = winX + elmP; int txtW = winW - (elmP*2); CANVAS alertbg; ag_canvas(&alertbg,agw(),agh()); ag_draw(&alertbg,agc(),0,0); ag_roundgrad(&alertbg,winX,winY,winW,winH,acfg_var.border,acfg_var.border_g,acfg_var.roundsz*agdp()); ag_roundgrad(&alertbg,winX+1,winY+1,winW-2,winH-2,acfg_var.winbg,acfg_var.winbg_g,(acfg_var.roundsz*agdp())-1); ag_roundgrad_ex(&alertbg,winX+1,winY+1,winW-2,capH-1,acfg_var.titlebg,acfg_var.titlebg_g,(acfg_var.roundsz*agdp())-1,1,1,0,0); ag_textf(&alertbg,titW,((agw()/2)-(titW/2))+1,winY+elmP+1,title,acfg_var.titlebg_g,1); ag_text(&alertbg,titW,(agw()/2)-(titW/2),winY+elmP,title,acfg_var.titlefg,1); AWINDOWP hWin = aw(&alertbg); actext(hWin,txtX,txtY,txtW,txtH,text,0); acbutton(hWin,btnX,btnY,btnW,btnH,(ok_text==NULL?acfg_var.text_ok:ok_text),0,5); aw_show(hWin); byte ondispatch = 1; while(ondispatch){ dword msg=aw_dispatch(hWin); switch (aw_gm(msg)){ case 5: ondispatch = 0; break; } } aw_destroy(hWin); ag_ccanvas(&alertbg); on_dialog_window = 0; aw_unmuteparent(parent,tmpc); }
void acime2_drawbtn(ACONTROLP ctl, int keyID, int y) { ACIMEDP d = (ACIMEDP) ctl->d; if (((keyID < 27) && (keyID != 19)) || (keyID == 30) || (keyID == 31) || (keyID == 29) || (keyID == 34)) { char c[8]; char c2 = 0; c[1] = 0; if (keyID == 30) { c[0] = ' '; } else if (keyID == 34) { snprintf(c, 8, "ctrl"); if (d->onCTRL) { c2 = '*'; } } else if (keyID == 29) { c[0] = ','; } else if (keyID == 31) { c[0] = '.'; } else { int n = keyID; if (n > 19) { n--; } int np = 3; if (d->on123) { np = (d->onShift) ? 0 : 1; } else { if (d->onShift) { np = 2; } int np2 = (d->onShift) ? 0 : 1; c2 = acime2_charlist[np2][n]; } c[0] = acime2_charlist[np][n]; } color cl = (d->pushedId == keyID) ? acfg()->selectfg : acfg()->controlfg; int y1 = y; y += (d->btnH / 2) - (ag_fontheight(1) / 2); int x = (d->keyW[keyID] / 2) - (ag_txtwidth(c, 1) / 2); ag_textf( &d->control, d->keyW[keyID], d->keyX[keyID] + x, y, c, cl, 1 ); if (c2) { cl = (d->pushedId == keyID) ? acfg()->selectfg : acfg()->textfg_gray; char c2s[2]; c2s[0] = c2; c2s[1] = 0; ag_textf( &d->control, d->keyW[keyID], d->keyX[keyID] + d->keyW[keyID] - ag_txtwidth(c2s, 0) - agdp(), y1 + agdp(), c2s, cl, 0 ); } } else { int icoid = 0; if (keyID == 19) { icoid = (!d->onShift ? 27 : (d->onShift == 2 ? 29 : 28)); } else if (keyID == 28) { icoid = d->on123 ? 31 : 30; } else if (keyID == 27) { icoid = 32; // bkspace; } else if (keyID == 33) { icoid = 42; // tab; } else if (keyID == 35) { icoid = 34; // left; } else if (keyID == 36) { icoid = 43; // up; } else if (keyID == 37) { icoid = 44; // down; } else if (keyID == 38) { icoid = 35; // right; } else if (keyID == 32) { icoid = 41; // enter; } PNGCANVAS * ap = aui_icons(icoid); if (ap != NULL) { int isz = agdp() * 16; y += (d->btnH / 2) - (isz / 2); int x = (d->keyW[keyID] / 2) - (isz / 2); apng_stretch( &d->control, ap, d->keyX[keyID] + x, y, isz, isz, 0, 0, ap->w, ap->h); } } }
byte aw_confirm(AWINDOWP parent, char * titlev,char * textv,char * img,char * yes_text,char * no_text){ CANVAS * tmpc = aw_muteparent(parent); //-- Set Mask on_dialog_window = 1; ag_rectopa(agc(),0,0,agw(),agh(),0x0000,180); ag_sync(); char title[64]; char text[512]; snprintf(title,64,"%s",titlev); snprintf(text,512,"%s",textv); int pad = agdp()*4; int winW = agw()-(pad*2); int txtW = winW-(pad*2); int txtX = pad*2; int btnH = agdp()*20; int titW = ag_txtwidth(title,1); int titH = ag_fontheight(1) + (pad*2); PNGCANVASP winp = atheme("img.dialog"); PNGCANVASP titp = atheme("img.dialog.titlebar"); APNG9 winv; APNG9 titv; int vtitY = -1; int vpadB = -1; int vimgX = pad*2; if (titp!=NULL){ if (apng9_calc(titp,&titv,1)){ int tmptitH = titH - (pad*2); titH = tmptitH + (titv.t+titv.b); vtitY = titv.t; } } if (winp!=NULL){ if (apng9_calc(winp,&winv,1)){ txtW = winW - (winv.l+winv.r); txtX = pad + (winv.l); vimgX= pad + (winv.l); vpadB= winv.b; } } //-- Load Icon PNGCANVAS ap; byte imgE = 0; int imgW = 0; int imgH = 0; if (apng_load(&ap,img)){ imgE = 1; imgW = min(ap.w,agdp()*30); imgH = min(ap.h,agdp()*30); int imgA = pad + imgW; txtX += imgA; txtW -= imgA; } int txtH = ag_txtheight(txtW,text,0); int infH = ((imgE)&&(txtH<imgH))?imgH:txtH; //-- Calculate Window Size & Position int winH = titH + infH + btnH + (pad*3); if (vpadB!=-1){ winH = titH + infH + btnH + (pad*2) + vpadB; } int winX = pad; int winY = (agh()/2) - (winH/2); //-- Calculate Title Size & Position int titX = (agw()/2) - (titW/2); int titY = winY + pad; if (vtitY!=-1) titY = winY+vtitY; //-- Calculate Text Size & Position int infY = winY + titH + pad; int txtY = infY + ((infH - txtH) / 2); int imgY = infY; //-- Calculate Button Size & Position int btnW = (txtW / 2) - (pad/2); int btnY = infY+infH+pad; int btnX = txtX; int btnX2 = txtX+(txtW/2)+(pad/2); //-- Initializing Canvas CANVAS alertbg; ag_canvas(&alertbg,agw(),agh()); ag_draw(&alertbg,agc(),0,0); //-- Draw Window if (!atheme_draw("img.dialog", &alertbg, winX-1,winY-1,winW+2,winH+2)){ ag_roundgrad(&alertbg,winX-1,winY-1,winW+2,winH+2,acfg_var.border,acfg_var.border_g,(acfg_var.roundsz*agdp())+1); ag_roundgrad(&alertbg,winX,winY,winW,winH,acfg_var.dialogbg,acfg_var.dialogbg_g,acfg_var.roundsz*agdp()); } //-- Draw Title if (!atheme_draw("img.dialog.titlebar", &alertbg, winX,winY,winW,titH)){ ag_roundgrad_ex(&alertbg,winX,winY,winW,titH,acfg_var.dlgtitlebg,acfg_var.dlgtitlebg_g,acfg_var.roundsz*agdp(),1,1,0,0); } ag_textf(&alertbg,titW,titX+1,titY+1,title,acfg_var.dlgtitlebg_g,1); ag_text(&alertbg,titW,titX,titY,title,acfg_var.dlgtitlefg,1); //-- Draw Image if (imgE){ apng_draw_ex(&alertbg,&ap,vimgX,imgY,0,0,imgW,imgH); apng_close(&ap); } //-- Draw Text ag_textf(&alertbg,txtW,txtX+1,txtY+1,text,acfg_var.dialogbg,0); ag_text(&alertbg,txtW,txtX,txtY,text,acfg_var.dialogfg,0); AWINDOWP hWin = aw(&alertbg); acbutton(hWin,btnX,btnY,btnW,btnH,(yes_text==NULL?acfg_var.text_yes:yes_text),0,6); acbutton(hWin,btnX2,btnY,btnW,btnH,(no_text==NULL?acfg_var.text_no:no_text),0,5); aw_show(hWin); byte ondispatch = 1; byte res = 0; while(ondispatch){ dword msg=aw_dispatch(hWin); switch (aw_gm(msg)){ case 6: res=1; ondispatch = 0; break; case 5: ondispatch = 0; break; } } aw_destroy(hWin); ag_ccanvas(&alertbg); on_dialog_window = 0; aw_unmuteparent(parent,tmpc); return res; }
void aw_textdialog(AWINDOWP parent,char * titlev,char * text,char * ok_text){ // actext(hWin,txtX,txtY,txtW,txtH,text,0); CANVAS * tmpc = aw_muteparent(parent); //-- Set Mask on_dialog_window = 1; ag_rectopa(agc(),0,0,agw(),agh(),0x0000,180); ag_sync(); char title[64]; snprintf(title,64,"%s",titlev); int pad = agdp()*4; int winW = agw()-(pad*2); int txtW = winW-(pad*2); int txtX = pad*2; int btnH = agdp()*20; int titW = ag_txtwidth(title,1); int titH = ag_fontheight(1) + (pad*2); PNGCANVASP winp = atheme("img.dialog"); PNGCANVASP titp = atheme("img.dialog.titlebar"); APNG9 winv; APNG9 titv; int vtitY = -1; int vpadB = pad; int vimgX = pad*2; if (titp!=NULL){ if (apng9_calc(titp,&titv,1)){ int tmptitH = titH - (pad*2); titH = tmptitH + (titv.t+titv.b); vtitY = titv.t; } } if (winp!=NULL){ if (apng9_calc(winp,&winv,1)){ txtW = winW - (winv.l+winv.r); txtX = pad + (winv.l); vimgX= pad + (winv.l); vpadB= winv.b; } } byte imgE = 0; int imgW = 0; int imgH = 0; int txtH = agh()/2; int infH = txtH; //-- Calculate Window Size & Position int winH = titH + infH + btnH + (pad*2) + vpadB; int winX = pad; int winY = (agh()/2) - (winH/2); //-- Calculate Title Size & Position int titX = (agw()/2) - (titW/2); int titY = winY + pad; if (vtitY!=-1) titY = winY+vtitY; //-- Calculate Text Size & Position int infY = winY + titH + pad; int txtY = infY; //-- Calculate Button Size & Position int btnW = winW / 2; int btnY = infY+infH+pad; int btnX = (agw()/2) - (btnW/2); //-- Initializing Canvas CANVAS alertbg; ag_canvas(&alertbg,agw(),agh()); ag_draw(&alertbg,agc(),0,0); //-- Draw Window if (!atheme_draw("img.dialog", &alertbg, winX,winY,winW,winH)){ ag_roundgrad(&alertbg,winX-1,winY-1,winW+2,winH+2,acfg_var.border,acfg_var.border_g,(acfg_var.roundsz*agdp())+1); ag_roundgrad(&alertbg,winX,winY,winW,winH,acfg_var.dialogbg,acfg_var.dialogbg_g,acfg_var.roundsz*agdp()); } //-- Draw Title if (!atheme_draw("img.dialog.titlebar", &alertbg, winX,winY,winW,titH)){ ag_roundgrad_ex(&alertbg,winX,winY,winW,titH,acfg_var.dlgtitlebg,acfg_var.dlgtitlebg_g,acfg_var.roundsz*agdp(),1,1,0,0); } ag_textf(&alertbg,titW,titX+1,titY+1,title,acfg_var.dlgtitlebg_g,1); ag_text(&alertbg,titW,titX,titY,title,acfg_var.dlgtitlefg,1); AWINDOWP hWin = aw(&alertbg); actext(hWin,txtX,txtY,txtW,txtH,text,0); ACONTROLP okbtn=acbutton(hWin,btnX,btnY,btnW,btnH,(ok_text==NULL?acfg_var.text_ok:ok_text),0,5); aw_show(hWin); aw_setfocus(hWin,okbtn); byte ondispatch = 1; while(ondispatch){ dword msg=aw_dispatch(hWin); switch (aw_gm(msg)){ case 5: ondispatch = 0; break; } } aw_destroy(hWin); ag_ccanvas(&alertbg); on_dialog_window = 0; aw_unmuteparent(parent,tmpc); }
byte aw_calibdraw(CANVAS * c, int id,int * xpos,int * ypos,int * xtch,int * ytch){ ag_draw(agc(),c,0,0); usleep(500000); int sz = agdp()*10; if (id!=-1){ int x = xpos[id]; int y = ypos[id]; int rx = x-(sz/2); int ry = y-(sz/2); ag_roundgrad( agc(),rx,ry,sz,sz, 0xffff, ag_rgb(200,200,200), sz/2); } if (id!=-1){ char txt[128]; snprintf(txt,127,"Step %i: Tap The Circle To Calibrate",id+1); char * txt2 = "Press Back Key or Other Keys To Cancel"; int tw = ag_txtwidth(txt,0); int tw2 = ag_txtwidth(txt2,0); int tx = (agw()/2) - (tw/2); int tx2= (agw()/2) - (tw2/2); int ty = (agh()/2) + (sz*2); int ty2= (ty +ag_fontheight(0)+agdp()); ag_text(agc(),tw,tx+1,ty+1,txt,0x0000,0); ag_text(agc(),tw,tx,ty,txt,0xffff,0); ag_text(agc(),tw2,tx2+1,ty2+1,txt2,0x0000,0); ag_text(agc(),tw2,tx2,ty2,txt2,0xffff,0); } else{ char * txt = "Tap The Screen to Test Calibrated Data"; char * txt2 = "Press Back or Other Keys To Continue"; int tw = ag_txtwidth(txt,0); int tw2 = ag_txtwidth(txt2,0); int tx = (agw()/2) - (tw/2); int tx2= (agw()/2) - (tw2/2); int ty = (agh()/2) + (sz*2); int ty2= (ty +ag_fontheight(0)+agdp()); ag_text(agc(),tw,tx+1,ty+1,txt,0x0000,0); ag_text(agc(),tw,tx,ty,txt,0xffff,0); ag_text(agc(),tw2,tx2+1,ty2+1,txt2,0x0000,0); ag_text(agc(),tw2,tx2,ty2,txt2,0xffff,0); } CANVAS bg; ag_canvas(&bg,agw(),agh()); ag_draw(&bg,agc(),0,0); ag_sync(); byte res=1; byte ond=1; byte onp=0; ui_clear_key_queue(); while (ond){ ATEV atev; ui_clear_key_queue(); int action=atouch_wait_ex(&atev,1); switch (action){ case ATEV_MOUSEDN:{ onp=1; if (id==-1){ ag_draw(agc(),&bg,0,0); int vz = agdp()*40; int vx = atev.x-(vz/2); int vy = atev.y-(vz/2); ag_roundgrad(agc(),vx,vy,vz,vz,0xffff,ag_rgb(180,180,180),(vz/2)); ag_sync(); } } break; case ATEV_MOUSEMV:{ if (onp){ if (id!=-1){ xtch[id]=atev.x; ytch[id]=atev.y; } else{ ag_draw(agc(),&bg,0,0); int vz = agdp()*40; int vx = atev.x-(vz/2); int vy = atev.y-(vz/2); ag_roundgrad(agc(),vx,vy,vz,vz,0xffff,ag_rgb(180,180,180),(vz/2)); ag_sync(); } } } break; case ATEV_MOUSEUP:{ if (id!=-1){ if (onp){ if ((xtch[id]>0)&&(ytch[id]>0)){ ond=0; } onp=0; } } } break; case ATEV_SELECT: case ATEV_BACK: case ATEV_MENU:{ if (atev.d==0){ ond=0; res=0; } } break; } } ag_ccanvas(&bg); return res; }
byte aw_confirm(AWINDOWP parent, char * titlev,char * textv,char * img,char * yes_text,char * no_text){ CANVAS * tmpc = aw_muteparent(parent); //-- Set Mask on_dialog_window = 1; ag_rectopa(agc(),0,0,agw(),agh(),0x0000,180); ag_sync(); char title[32]; char text[513]; snprintf(title,31,"%s",titlev); snprintf(text,512,"%s",textv); int pad = agdp()*4; int winW = agw()-(pad*2); int txtW = winW-(pad*2); int txtX = pad*2; int btnH = agdp()*20; int titW = ag_txtwidth(title,1); int titH = ag_fontheight(1) + (pad*2); //-- Load Icon PNGCANVAS ap; byte imgE = 0; int imgW = 0; int imgH = 0; if (apng_load(&ap,img)){ imgE = 1; imgW = min(ap.w,agdp()*30); imgH = min(ap.h,agdp()*30); int imgA = pad + imgW; txtX += imgA; txtW -= imgA; } int txtH = ag_txtheight(txtW,text,0); int infH = ((imgE)&&(txtH<imgH))?imgH:txtH; //-- Calculate Window Size & Position int winH = titH + infH + btnH + (pad*3); int winX = pad; int winY = (agh()/2) - (winH/2); //-- Calculate Title Size & Position int titX = (agw()/2) - (titW/2); int titY = winY + pad; //-- Calculate Text Size & Position int infY = winY + titH + pad; int txtY = infY + ((infH - txtH) / 2); int imgY = infY; //-- Calculate Button Size & Position int btnW = (txtW / 2) - (pad/2); int btnY = infY+infH+pad; int btnX = txtX; int btnX2 = txtX+(txtW/2)+(pad/2); //-- Initializing Canvas CANVAS alertbg; ag_canvas(&alertbg,agw(),agh()); ag_draw(&alertbg,agc(),0,0); //-- Draw Window ag_roundgrad(&alertbg,winX-1,winY-1,winW+2,winH+2,acfg_var.border,acfg_var.border_g,(acfg_var.roundsz*agdp())+1); ag_roundgrad(&alertbg,winX,winY,winW,winH,acfg_var.winbg,acfg_var.winbg_g,acfg_var.roundsz*agdp()); //-- Draw Title ag_roundgrad_ex(&alertbg,winX,winY,winW,titH,acfg_var.titlebg,acfg_var.titlebg_g,acfg_var.roundsz*agdp(),1,1,0,0); ag_textf(&alertbg,titW,titX+1,titY+1,title,acfg_var.titlebg_g,1); ag_text(&alertbg,titW,titX,titY,title,acfg_var.titlefg,1); //-- Draw Image if (imgE){ apng_draw_ex(&alertbg,&ap,pad*2,imgY,0,0,imgW,imgH); apng_close(&ap); } //-- Draw Text ag_textf(&alertbg,txtW,txtX+1,txtY+1,text,acfg_var.textbg,0); ag_text(&alertbg,txtW,txtX,txtY,text,acfg_var.textfg,0); AWINDOWP hWin = aw(&alertbg); acbutton(hWin,btnX,btnY,btnW,btnH,(yes_text==NULL?"Yes":yes_text),0,6); acbutton(hWin,btnX2,btnY,btnW,btnH,(no_text==NULL?"No":no_text),0,5); aw_show(hWin); byte ondispatch = 1; byte res = 0; while(ondispatch){ dword msg=aw_dispatch(hWin); switch (aw_gm(msg)){ case 6: res=1; ondispatch = 0; break; case 5: ondispatch = 0; break; } } aw_destroy(hWin); ag_ccanvas(&alertbg); on_dialog_window = 0; aw_unmuteparent(parent,tmpc); return res; }
ACONTROLP imgbtn_reinit( AWINDOWP win, ACONTROLP ctl, int x, int y, int w, int h, PNGCANVAS * img, char * text, byte isflat, byte touchmsg ) { if ((ctl != NULL) && (x == 0) && (y == 0) && (h == 0) && (w == 0)) { x = ctl->x; y = ctl->y; w = ctl->w; h = ctl->h; } int txtw = 0; int txth = 0; int txtx = 0; int txty = 0; if (w < agdp() * 20) { w = agdp() * 20; } if (h < agdp() * 20) { h = agdp() * 20; } if (text != NULL) { //-- Initializing Text Metrics if ((isflat == 3) || (isflat == 4)) { txtw = ag_txtwidth(text, 0); txth = ag_fontheight(0); if (w < ((agdp() * 22) + txtw)) { w = ((agdp() * 22) + txtw); } txtx = round(w / 2) - round(((agdp() * 20) + txtw) / 2); txty = round(h / 2) - round(txth / 2); } else { txtw = ag_txtwidth(text, 0); txth = ag_fontheight(0); if (h < ((agdp() * 20) + txth)) { h = ((agdp() * 20) + txth); } txtx = round(w / 2) - round(txtw / 2); txty = (agdp() * 16); } } int imgS = agdp() * 16; int imgX = round(w / 2) - round(imgS / 2); int imgY = 0; // agdp()*2; int contentH = (agdp() * 16) + txth; int contentY = (h / 2) - (contentH / 2); if ((isflat == 3) || (isflat == 4)) { imgY = round(h / 2) - round(imgS / 2); imgX = txtx + (agdp() * 2); txtx += agdp() * 20; } else { imgY += contentY; txty += contentY; } if (isflat == 3) { isflat = 0; } //-- Initializing Button Data IMGBTNDP d = NULL; if (ctl != NULL) { d = ctl->d; win = ctl->win; } else { d = (IMGBTNDP) malloc(sizeof(IMGBTND)); memset(d, 0, sizeof(IMGBTND)); //-- Save Touch Message & Set Stats d->focused = 0; d->pushed = 0; //-- Initializing Canvas ag_canvas(&d->control, w, h); ag_canvas(&d->control_pushed, w, h); ag_canvas(&d->control_focused, w, h); } d->touchmsg = touchmsg; //-- Draw Rest Control dword hl1 = ag_calchighlight(acfg()->controlbg, acfg()->controlbg_g); ag_draw_ex(&d->control, win->bg, 0, 0, x, y, w, h); if (!isflat) { if (!atheme_draw("img.button", &d->control, 0, 0, w, h)) { ag_roundgrad(&d->control, 0, 0, w, h, acfg()->border, acfg()->border_g, (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz)); ag_roundgrad(&d->control, 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, ag_calculatealpha(acfg()->controlbg, acfg()->winbg, 180), ag_calculatealpha(acfg()->controlbg_g, acfg()->winbg, 160), (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz) - 1 ); ag_roundgrad(&d->control, 2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, acfg()->controlbg, acfg()->controlbg_g, (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz) - 2); ag_roundgrad_ex(&d->control, 2, 2, w - 4, (h - 4) / 2, LOWORD(hl1), HIWORD(hl1), (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz) - 2, 1, 1, 0, 0); } } ag_textf(&d->control, txtw, txtx + 1, txty + 1, text, acfg()->controlbg, 0); ag_text(&d->control, txtw, txtx, txty, text, acfg()->controlfg, 0); color pshad = ag_calpushad(acfg()->selectbg_g); ag_draw_ex(&d->control_pushed, win->bg, 0, 0, x, y, w, h); int wadd = (isflat == 2) ? 2 : 0; int wdel = wadd * 2; //-- Draw Pushed Control if (!isflat) { hl1 = ag_calcpushlight(acfg()->selectbg, pshad); if (!atheme_draw("img.button.push", &d->control_pushed, 0, 0, w, h)) { ag_roundgrad(&d->control_pushed, 0, 0, w, h, acfg()->border, acfg()->border_g, (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz)); //ag_roundgrad(&d->control_pushed,1,1,w-2,h-2,acfg()->controlbg,acfg()->controlbg_g,(agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz)-1); ag_roundgrad(&d->control_pushed, 1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, acfg()->selectbg, pshad, (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz) - 1); ag_roundgrad_ex(&d->control_pushed, 1, 1, w - 2, (h - 2) / 2, LOWORD(hl1), HIWORD(hl1), (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz) - 1, 1, 1, 0, 0); } ag_textf(&d->control_pushed, txtw, txtx + 1, txty + 1, text, acfg()->selectbg_g, 0); ag_text(&d->control_pushed, txtw, txtx, txty, text, acfg()->selectfg, 0); } else { hl1 = ag_calchighlight(acfg()->controlbg, acfg()->controlbg_g); if (!atheme_draw("img.button", &d->control_pushed, 0, 0, w, h)) { ag_roundgrad(&d->control_pushed, wadd, wadd, w - wdel, h - wdel, acfg()->border, acfg()->border_g, (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz)); /*ag_roundgrad(&d->control_pushed,wadd+1,wadd+1,w-(2+wdel),h-(2+wdel), ag_calculatealpha(acfg()->controlbg,acfg()->winbg,180), ag_calculatealpha(acfg()->controlbg_g,acfg()->winbg,160), (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz)-1 );*/ ag_roundgrad(&d->control_pushed, wadd + 1, wadd + 1, w - (2 + wdel), h - (2 + wdel), acfg()->controlbg, acfg()->controlbg_g, (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz) - 1); ag_roundgrad_ex(&d->control_pushed, wadd + 1, wadd + 1, w - (2 + wdel), (h - (1 + wdel)) / 2, LOWORD(hl1), HIWORD(hl1), (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz) - 1, 1, 1, 0, 0); } ag_textf(&d->control_pushed, txtw, txtx + 1, txty + 1, text, acfg()->controlbg, 0); ag_text(&d->control_pushed, txtw, txtx, txty, text, acfg()->controlfg, 0); } //-- Draw Focused Control hl1 = ag_calchighlight(acfg()->selectbg, acfg()->selectbg_g); ag_draw_ex(&d->control_focused, win->bg, 0, 0, x, y, w, h); if (!atheme_draw("img.button.focus", &d->control_focused, 0, 0, w, h)) { ag_roundgrad(&d->control_focused, wadd, wadd, w - wdel, h - wdel, acfg()->border, acfg()->border_g, (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz)); //ag_roundgrad(&d->control_focused,wadd+1,wadd+1,w-(wdel+2),h-(wdel+2),acfg()->controlbg,acfg()->controlbg_g,(agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz)-1); ag_roundgrad(&d->control_focused, wadd + 1, wadd + 1, w - (wdel + 2), h - (wdel + 2), acfg()->selectbg, acfg()->selectbg_g, (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz) - 1); ag_roundgrad_ex(&d->control_focused, wadd + 1, wadd + 1, w - (wdel + 2), (h - (wdel + 2)) / 2, LOWORD(hl1), HIWORD(hl1), (agdp()*acfg()->btnroundsz) - 1, 1, 1, 0, 0); } ag_textf(&d->control_focused, txtw, txtx + 1, txty + 1, text, acfg()->selectbg_g, 0); ag_text(&d->control_focused, txtw, txtx, txty, text, acfg()->selectfg, 0); if (img != NULL) { apng_stretch(&d->control, img, imgX, imgY, imgS, imgS, 0, 0, img->w, img->h); apng_stretch(&d->control_pushed, img, imgX, imgY, imgS, imgS, 0, 0, img->w, img->h); apng_stretch(&d->control_focused, img, imgX, imgY, imgS, imgS, 0, 0, img->w, img->h); } //-- Initializing Control if (ctl == NULL) { ctl = malloc(sizeof(ACONTROL)); ctl->ondestroy = &imgbtn_ondestroy; ctl->oninput = &imgbtn_oninput; ctl->ondraw = &imgbtn_ondraw; ctl->onblur = &imgbtn_onblur; ctl->onfocus = &imgbtn_onfocus; ctl->win = win; ctl->forceNS = 0; ctl->d = (void *) d; ctl->x = x; ctl->y = y; ctl->w = w; ctl->h = h; aw_add(win, ctl); } else { ctl->x = x; ctl->y = y; ctl->w = w; ctl->h = h; imgbtn_ondraw(ctl); } return ctl; }