// Test AC gain control
void autotest_agc_crcf_ac_gain_control()
    // set paramaters
    float gamma = 0.1f;             // nominal signal level
    float bt    = 0.1f;             // bandwidth-time product
    float tol   = 0.001f;           // error tolerance
    float dphi  = 0.1f;             // NCO frequency

    // create AGC object and initialize
    agc_crcf q = agc_crcf_create();
    agc_crcf_set_bandwidth(q, bt);

    unsigned int i;
    float complex x;
    float complex y;
    for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
        x = gamma * cexpf(_Complex_I*i*dphi);
        agc_crcf_execute(q, x, &y);

    if (liquid_autotest_verbose)
        printf("gamma : %12.8f, rssi : %12.8f\n", gamma, agc_crcf_get_signal_level(q));

    // Check results
    CONTEND_DELTA( agc_crcf_get_gain(q), 1.0f/gamma, tol);

    // destroy AGC object
void ofdmoqamframe64sync_execute_plcpshort(ofdmoqamframe64sync _q, float complex _x)
    // run AGC, clip output
    float complex y;
    agc_crcf_execute(_q->sigdet, _x, &y);
    //if (agc_crcf_get_signal_level(_q->sigdet) < -15.0f)
    //    return;
    if (cabsf(y) > 2.0f)
        y = 2.0f*liquid_cexpjf(cargf(y));

    // auto-correlators
    //autocorr_cccf_push(_q->autocorr, _x);
    autocorr_cccf_push(_q->autocorr, y);
    autocorr_cccf_execute(_q->autocorr, &_q->rxx);

    windowcf_push(_q->debug_rxx, _q->rxx);

    windowf_push(_q->debug_rssi, agc_crcf_get_signal_level(_q->sigdet));
    float rxx_mag = cabsf(_q->rxx);

    float threshold = (_q->rxx_thresh)*(_q->autocorr_length);

    if (rxx_mag > threshold) {
        // wait for auto-correlation to peak before changing state
        if (rxx_mag > _q->rxx_mag_max) {
            _q->rxx_mag_max = rxx_mag;

        // estimate CFO
        _q->nu_hat = cargf(_q->rxx);
        if (_q->nu_hat >  M_PI/2.0f) _q->nu_hat -= M_PI;
        if (_q->nu_hat < -M_PI/2.0f) _q->nu_hat += M_PI;
        _q->nu_hat *= 4.0f / (float)(_q->num_subcarriers);

        printf("rxx = |%12.8f| arg{%12.8f}\n", cabsf(_q->rxx),cargf(_q->rxx));
        printf("nu_hat =  %12.8f\n", _q->nu_hat);

        nco_crcf_set_frequency(_q->nco_rx, _q->nu_hat);

        _q->g = agc_crcf_get_gain(_q->sigdet);

        printf("gain : %f\n", _q->g);
// Test RSSI on sinusoidal input
void autotest_agc_crcf_rssi_sinusoid()
    // set paramaters
    float gamma = 0.3f;         // nominal signal level
    float bt    = 0.05f;        // agc bandwidth
    float tol   = 0.001f;       // error tolerance

    // signal properties
    float dphi = 0.1f;          // signal frequency

    // create AGC object and initialize
    agc_crcf q = agc_crcf_create();
    agc_crcf_set_bandwidth(q, bt);

    unsigned int i;
    float complex x, y;
    for (i=0; i<512; i++) {
        // generate sample (complex sinusoid)
        x = gamma * cexpf(_Complex_I*dphi*i);

        // execute agc
        agc_crcf_execute(q, x, &y);

    // get received signal strength indication
    float rssi = agc_crcf_get_signal_level(q);

    if (liquid_autotest_verbose)
        printf("gamma : %12.8f, rssi : %12.8f\n", gamma, rssi);

    // Check results
    CONTEND_DELTA( rssi, gamma, tol );

    // destroy agc object