Exemple #1
int CAimProto::aim_chat_invite(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, char* chat_cookie, unsigned short exchange, unsigned short instance, char* sn, char* msg)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned short chat_cookie_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(chat_cookie);
    unsigned short sn_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(sn);
    unsigned short msg_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(msg);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + 64 + chat_cookie_len + sn_len + msg_len);
    aim_writesnac(0x04, 0x06, offset, buf);
    aim_writegeneric(8, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", offset, buf);		    // ICBM Cookie
    aim_writeshort(2, offset, buf);				                // ICBM Channel
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)sn_len, offset, buf);		    // Screen Name Length
    aim_writegeneric(sn_len, sn, offset, buf);					    // Screen Name

    aim_writeshort(0x05, offset, buf);						    // Rendezvous Message Data TLV
    aim_writeshort(49 + msg_len + chat_cookie_len, offset, buf);	    // TLV size

    aim_writeshort(0, offset, buf);							    // Message Type (0) - Request
    aim_writegeneric(8, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", offset, buf);		    // ICBM Cookie (same as above)
    aim_writegeneric(16, AIM_CAP_CHAT, offset, buf);			    // Capability

    aim_writetlvshort(0x0a, 1, offset, buf);				        // Sequence Number TLV
    aim_writetlv(0x0f, 0, NULL, offset, buf);					    // Request Host Caps Check TLV
    aim_writetlv(0x0c, msg_len, msg, offset, buf);				    // Invitation Message TLV

    aim_writeshort(0x2711, offset, buf);							// Capability TLV
    aim_writeshort(chat_cookie_len + 5, offset, buf);				// Length
    aim_writeshort(exchange, offset, buf);						// Value - Exchange
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)chat_cookie_len, offset, buf);	// Value - Cookie Length
    aim_writegeneric(chat_cookie_len, chat_cookie, offset, buf);	// Value - Cookie
    aim_writeshort(instance, offset, buf);						// Value - Instance

    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Exemple #2
int CAimProto::aim_request_avatar(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, const char* sn, unsigned short bart_type, const char* hash, unsigned short hash_size)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned char sn_length = (unsigned char)mir_strlen(sn);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + sn_length + hash_size + 12);
    aim_writesnac(0x10, 0x06, offset, buf);
    aim_writechar(sn_length, offset, buf);                            // screen name length
    aim_writegeneric(sn_length, sn, offset, buf);                      // screen name
    aim_writechar(1, offset, buf);                                    // number of BART ID
    aim_writebartid(bart_type, 0, hash_size, hash, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Exemple #3
int CAimProto::aim_chatnav_room_info(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, char* chat_cookie, unsigned short exchange, unsigned short instance)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned short chat_cookie_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(chat_cookie);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + 7 + chat_cookie_len);
    aim_writesnac(0x0d, 0x04, offset, buf);
    aim_writeshort(exchange, offset, buf);                            // Exchange
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)chat_cookie_len, offset, buf);       // Chat Cookie Length
    aim_writegeneric(chat_cookie_len, chat_cookie, offset, buf);       // Chat Cookie
    aim_writeshort(instance, offset, buf);                            // Last Instance
    aim_writechar(1, offset, buf);                                    // Detail
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Exemple #4
int CAimProto::aim_file_ad(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, char* sn, char* icbm_cookie, bool deny, unsigned short)
    unsigned short frag_offset = 0;
    char msg_frag[10 + AIM_CAPS_LENGTH + TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 2 + 6];
    aim_writeshort(deny ? 1 : 2, frag_offset, msg_frag);              // icbm accept / deny
    aim_writegeneric(8, icbm_cookie, frag_offset, msg_frag);           // icbm cookie
                     AIM_CAP_FILE_TRANSFER, frag_offset, msg_frag);                // uuid

//    if (max_ver > 1)
//        aim_writetlvshort(0x12,2,frag_offset,msg_frag);             // max protocol version

    unsigned short sn_length = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(sn);
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + TLV_HEADER_SIZE + 21 + frag_offset + sn_length);
    aim_writesnac(0x04, 0x06, offset, buf);                            // msg to host
    aim_writegeneric(8, icbm_cookie, offset, buf);                     // icbm cookie
    aim_writeshort(2, offset, buf);                                   // icbm channel
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)sn_length, offset, buf);             // screen name length
    aim_writegeneric(sn_length, sn, offset, buf);                      // screen name
    aim_writetlv(0x05, frag_offset, msg_frag, offset, buf);             // icbm tags

    debugLogA("%s a file transfer.", deny ? "Denying" : "Accepting");
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno) == 0;
Exemple #5
int CAimProto::aim_chatnav_create(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, char* room, unsigned short exchage)
    //* Join Pseudo Room (Get's the info we need for the real connection)
    unsigned short room_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(room);

    unsigned short offset = 0;
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + 10 + room_len + 26);
    aim_writesnac(0x0d, 0x08, offset, buf);
    aim_writeshort(exchage, offset, buf);           				    // Exchange
    aim_writechar(6, offset, buf);		        				    // Command Length
    aim_writegeneric(6, "create", offset, buf);					    // Command
    aim_writeshort(0xffff, offset, buf);      					    // Last Instance
    aim_writechar(1, offset, buf);        						    // Detail
    aim_writeshort(3, offset, buf);          				            // Number of TLVs
    aim_writetlv(0xd3, room_len, room, offset, buf);                    // Room Name
    aim_writetlv(0xd6, 8, "us-ascii", offset, buf);		                // Character Set
    aim_writetlv(0xd7, 2, "en", offset, buf);			                // Language Encoding

    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Exemple #6
int CAimProto::aim_query_profile(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, char* sn)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned short sn_length = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(sn);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + 5 + sn_length);
    aim_writesnac(0x02, 0x15, offset, buf);
    aim_writelong(0x01, offset, buf);
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)sn_length, offset, buf);
    aim_writegeneric(sn_length, sn, offset, buf);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno) == 0;
Exemple #7
int CAimProto::aim_typing_notification(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, char* sn, unsigned short type)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned short sn_length = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(sn);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + sn_length + 13);
    aim_writesnac(0x04, 0x14, offset, buf);
    aim_writegeneric(8, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", offset, buf);              // icbm cookie
    aim_writeshort(1, offset, buf);                                   // icbm channel
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)sn_length, offset, buf);             // screen name length
    aim_writegeneric(sn_length, sn, offset, buf);                      // screen name
    aim_writeshort(type, offset, buf);                                // typing event
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Exemple #8
int CAimProto::aim_chat_deny(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, char* sn, char* icbm_cookie)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned short sn_length = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(sn);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + 20 + sn_length);
    aim_writesnac(0x04, 0x0b, offset, buf);
    aim_writegeneric(8, icbm_cookie, offset, buf);             // ICBM Cookie
    aim_writeshort(2, offset, buf);                           // Channel
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)sn_length, offset, buf);     // Screen Name length
    aim_writegeneric(sn_length, sn, offset, buf);              // Screen Name
    aim_writeshort(3, offset, buf);                           // Error code
    aim_writeshort(2, offset, buf);                           // Error code
    aim_writeshort(1, offset, buf);                           // Error code
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno) == 0;
Exemple #9
int proxy_initialize_send(HANDLE connection, char* sn, char* cookie)
	const char sn_length = (char)strlen(sn);
	const int len = sn_length + 21 + TLV_HEADER_SIZE + AIM_CAPS_LENGTH;

	char* buf= (char*)_malloca(len);
	unsigned short offset=0;

	aim_writeshort(len-2, offset, buf);
	aim_writegeneric(10, "\x04\x4a\0\x02\0\0\0\0\0\0", offset, buf);
	aim_writechar((unsigned char)sn_length, offset, buf);               // screen name len
	aim_writegeneric(sn_length, sn, offset, buf);                       // screen name
	aim_writegeneric(8, cookie, offset, buf);                           // icbm cookie
	aim_writetlv(1, AIM_CAPS_LENGTH, AIM_CAP_FILE_TRANSFER, offset, buf);

	return Netlib_Send(connection, buf, offset, 0) >= 0 ? 0 : -1; 
Exemple #10
int CAimProto::aim_send_message(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, const char* sn, char* amsg, bool auto_response, bool blast)
    aimString str(amsg);

    const char* msg = str.getBuf();
    const unsigned short msg_len = str.getSize();

    unsigned short tlv_offset = 0;
    char* tlv_buf = (char*)alloca(5 + msg_len + 8);

    char icbm_cookie[8];
    Utils_GetRandom(icbm_cookie, sizeof(icbm_cookie));

    aim_writegeneric(5, "\x05\x01\x00\x01\x01", tlv_offset, tlv_buf);   // icbm im capabilities
    aim_writeshort(0x0101, tlv_offset, tlv_buf);                       // icbm im text tag
    aim_writeshort(msg_len + 4, tlv_offset, tlv_buf);                    // icbm im text tag length
    aim_writeshort(str.isUnicode() ? 2 : 0, tlv_offset, tlv_buf);          // character set
    aim_writeshort(0, tlv_offset, tlv_buf);                            // language

    aim_writegeneric(msg_len, msg, tlv_offset, tlv_buf);                // message text

    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned short sn_length = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(sn);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + 8 + 3 + sn_length + TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 3 + tlv_offset);

    aim_writesnac(0x04, 0x06, offset, buf, get_random());
    aim_writegeneric(8, icbm_cookie, offset, buf);                      // icbm cookie
    aim_writeshort(0x01, offset, buf);                                 // channel
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)sn_length, offset, buf);              // screen name len
    aim_writegeneric(sn_length, sn, offset, buf);                       // screen name

    aim_writetlv(0x02, tlv_offset, tlv_buf, offset, buf);

    if (!blast) {
        if (auto_response)
            aim_writetlv(0x04, 0, 0, offset, buf);                       // auto-response message
        else {
            aim_writetlv(0x03, 0, 0, offset, buf);                       // message ack request
            aim_writetlv(0x06, 0, 0, offset, buf);                       // offline message storage
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno) ? 0 : *(int*)icbm_cookie & 0x7fffffff;
Exemple #11
int CAimProto::aim_chat_join_room(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno, char* chat_cookie,
                                  unsigned short exchange, unsigned short instance, unsigned short id)
    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned short cookie_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(chat_cookie);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 2 + cookie_len + 8);
    aim_writesnac(0x01, 0x04, offset, buf, id);
    aim_writeshort(0x0e, offset, buf);	        			        // Service request for Chat

    aim_writeshort(0x01, offset, buf);						        // Tag
    aim_writeshort(cookie_len + 5, offset, buf);				        // Length
    aim_writeshort(exchange, offset, buf);					        // Value - Exchange
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)cookie_len, offset, buf);	        // Value - Cookie Length
    aim_writegeneric(cookie_len, chat_cookie, offset, buf);	        // Value - Cookie
    aim_writeshort(instance, offset, buf);					        // Value - Instance

    if (!getByte(AIM_KEY_DSSL, 0))
        aim_writetlv(0x8c, 0, NULL, offset, buf);                       // Request SSL connection

    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno);
Exemple #12
// used when requesting a regular file transfer
int CAimProto::aim_send_file(HANDLE hServerConn, unsigned short &seqno,
                             unsigned long ip, unsigned short port,
                             bool force_proxy, file_transfer *ft)
    char msg_frag[2048];
    unsigned short frag_offset = 0;

    aim_writeshort(0, frag_offset, msg_frag);                        // request type
    aim_writegeneric(8, ft->icbm_cookie, frag_offset, msg_frag);     // icbm cookie
                     frag_offset, msg_frag);                                       // uuid
    aim_writetlvshort(0x0a, ++ft->req_num, frag_offset, msg_frag);   // request number

    aim_writetlvlong(0x02, ip, frag_offset, msg_frag);               // ip
    aim_writetlvlong(0x16, ~ip, frag_offset, msg_frag);              // ip check

    aim_writetlvshort(0x05, port, frag_offset, msg_frag);            // port
    aim_writetlvshort(0x17, ~port, frag_offset, msg_frag);           // port ip check

    if (force_proxy)
        aim_writetlv(0x10, 0, 0, frag_offset, msg_frag);              // request proxy transfer
        aim_writetlvlong(0x03, m_internal_ip, frag_offset, msg_frag); // ip

    if (ft->req_num == 1) {
        if (ft->message) {
            aimString dscr(ft->message);

            const char* charset = dscr.isUnicode() ? "unicode-2-0" : "us-ascii";
            const unsigned short charset_len = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(charset);

            const char* desc_msg = dscr.getBuf();
            const unsigned short desc_len = dscr.getSize();

            aim_writetlv(0x0e, 2, "en", frag_offset, msg_frag);             // language used by the data
            aim_writetlv(0x0d, charset_len, charset, frag_offset, msg_frag);// charset used by the data
            aim_writetlv(0x0c, desc_len, desc_msg, frag_offset, msg_frag);  // invitaion text

        aim_writetlv(0x0f, 0, 0, frag_offset, msg_frag);                    // request host check

        const char* fname = get_fname(ft->file);
        const unsigned short fnlen = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(fname);

        char* fblock = (char*)alloca(9 + fnlen);
        *(unsigned short*)&fblock[0] = _htons(ft->pfts.totalFiles > 1 ? 2 : 1);     // single file transfer
        *(unsigned short*)&fblock[2] = _htons(ft->pfts.totalFiles);     // number of files
        *(unsigned long*)&fblock[4] = _htonl(ft->pfts.totalBytes);     // total bytes in files
        memcpy(&fblock[8], fname, fnlen + 1);

        const char* enc = is_utf(fname) ? "utf-8" : "us-ascii";
        aim_writetlv(0x2711, 9 + fnlen, fblock, frag_offset, msg_frag);               // extra data, file names, size
        aim_writetlv(0x2712, 8, enc, frag_offset, msg_frag);                        // character set used by data
//        aim_writetlvlong64(0x2713,ft->pfts.totalBytes,frag_offset,msg_frag);    // file length

        debugLogA("Attempting to Send a file to a buddy.");
    else {
        aim_writetlvshort(0x14, 0x0a, frag_offset, msg_frag);              // Counter proposal reason

    unsigned short offset = 0;
    unsigned short sn_length = (unsigned short)mir_strlen(ft->sn);
    char* buf = (char*)alloca(SNAC_SIZE + TLV_HEADER_SIZE * 2 + 12 + frag_offset + sn_length);
    aim_writesnac(0x04, 0x06, offset, buf);                                // msg to host
    aim_writegeneric(8, ft->icbm_cookie, offset, buf);                     // icbm cookie
    aim_writeshort(2, offset, buf);                                       // icbm channel
    aim_writechar((unsigned char)sn_length, offset, buf);                 // screen name length
    aim_writegeneric(sn_length, ft->sn, offset, buf);                      // screen name
    aim_writetlv(0x05, frag_offset, msg_frag, offset, buf);                 // icbm tags
    aim_writetlv(0x03, 0, 0, offset, buf);                                  // request ack

    char cip[20];
    long_ip_to_char_ip(ip, cip);
    debugLogA("IP for Buddy to connect to: %s:%u", cip, port);
    return aim_sendflap(hServerConn, 0x02, offset, buf, seqno) == 0;