Exemple #1
void Projet::load(const QString &f)
    //qDebug()<<"debut load\n";
   QFile fin(f);
   // If we can't open it, let's show an error message.
   if (!fin.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) {
       throw CalendarException("Erreur ouverture fichier tâches");
   // QXmlStreamReader takes any QIODevice.
   QXmlStreamReader xml(&fin);
   //qDebug()<<"debut fichier\n";
   // We'll parse the XML until we reach end of it.
   while(!xml.atEnd() && !xml.hasError())
       // Read next element.
       QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = xml.readNext();
       // If token is just StartDocument, we'll go to next.
       if(token == QXmlStreamReader::StartDocument) continue;
       // If token is StartElement, we'll see if we can read it.
       if(token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement)
           // If it's named taches, we'll go to the next.
           if(xml.name() == "taches") continue;
           // If it's named tache, we'll dig the information from there.
           if(xml.name() == "tacheunitaire")
           }else if(xml.name() == "tachecomposite")
   // Error handling.
   if(xml.hasError()) {
       throw CalendarException("Erreur lecteur fichier taches, parser xml");
   // Removes any device() or data from the reader * and resets its internal state to the initial state.
   //qDebug()<<"fin load\n";

TacheUnitaire* TacheManager::ajouterTacheUnitaire(const QString& titre, QDate debut, QDate fin, Duree duree, bool preemp){
    TacheUnitaire* tu= new TacheUnitaire(titre, debut, fin, duree, preemp);
    return tu;
TacheComposite* TacheManager::ajouterTacheComposite(const QString &titre, QDate debut, QDate fin){
    TacheComposite* tc= new TacheComposite(titre, debut, fin);
    return tc;