int main (int argc, char **argv) { #pragma region // --- my init --- float pitchnow = 1.0; alListener3f(AL_POSITION, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); #pragma endregion #pragma region // --- al init --- // alut の初期化 alutInit (&argc, argv); // Hello World としゃべる音声の作成 ALuint helloBuffer = alutCreateBufferHelloWorld(); ALuint MusicBuffer = alutCreateBufferFromFile(FILENAME); if(AL_NONE == helloBuffer) { std::cerr<<"error:nofile"<<std::endl; exit(1); } // ソースの作成 ALuint helloSource; alGenSources (1, &helloSource); ALuint MusicSource; alGenSources (1, &MusicSource); // ソースにバッファをバインド alSourcei (helloSource, AL_BUFFER, helloBuffer); alSourcei (MusicSource, AL_BUFFER, MusicBuffer); #pragma endregion #pragma region // --- effect init --- ALCdevice *pDevice = alcOpenDevice(NULL); if(!pDevice) { std::cerr<<"error : device not found"<<std::endl; exit(1); } LPALGENEFFECTS alGenEffects=(LPALGENEFFECTS)alGetProcAddress("alGenEffects"); #pragma region // --- set Reverb --- ALuint Effect = 0; alGenEffects(1, &Effect); alEffecti(Effect, AL_EFFECT_TYPE, AL_EFFECT_REVERB); #pragma endregion #pragma endregion cv::namedWindow("hoge"); alSourcePlay(MusicSource); alSource3f(MusicSource, AL_POSITION, 100.0, 0.0, 0.0); alSource3f(MusicSource, AL_VELOCITY, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0); while(1) { char key = cv::waitKey(1); if(key=='s') { alSourcePlay(helloSource); //alutSleep(1); } if(key == 'p') { int state; alGetSourcei(MusicSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if(state ==AL_PAUSED)alSourcePlay(MusicSource); else alSourcePause(MusicSource); } else if(key == 'q') { std::cout<<"good bye"<<std::endl; break; } else if(key == 'u') { pitchnow *= 2; alSourcef(MusicSource, AL_PITCH, pitchnow); } else if(key == 'd') { pitchnow /= 2; alSourcef(MusicSource, AL_PITCH, pitchnow); } // roop int state; alGetSourcei(MusicSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if(state != AL_PLAYING) alSourcePlay(MusicSource); } #pragma region --- release --- // リソースを開放 alSourceStop(helloSource); alDeleteSources( 1, &helloSource ); alDeleteBuffers( 1, &helloBuffer ); alSourceStop(MusicSource); alDeleteSources( 1, &MusicSource ); alDeleteBuffers( 1, &MusicBuffer ); alutExit (); #pragma endregion return 0; }
void SoundManager::stopMetronome() { alSourceStop(source_[0]); }
void opening() { if (opening_init == 0) { opening_init = 1; alSourcePlay(init_music->source); } glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); /* 投影変換行列の設定 */ glLoadIdentity(); /* 変換行列の初期化 */ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho( 0,//GLdouble left, 300,//GLdouble right, 0,//GLdouble bottom, 300,//GLdouble top, 1,//GLdouble zNear, -1//GLdouble zFar ); init_image->changeImage(); glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); glBegin(GL_QUADS); { glTexCoord2f(0.f, 0.f); glVertex2f(0, 300); glTexCoord2f(0.f, 1.f); glVertex2f(0, 0); glTexCoord2f(1.f, 1.f); glVertex2f(300, 0); glTexCoord2f(1.f, 0.f); glVertex2f(300, 300); } glEnd(); if (o_message != NULL) { o_message(); } else { glColor3f(0.7f, 0.5f, 0); max_font->ChangeSize(lkn::TYPE_MAX); max_font->DrawStringW(10, 160, L"はじめの出会い"); font->ChangeSize(lkn::TYPE_NORMAL); glColor3f(1, 0, 0); font->DrawStringW(100, 110, L"〜ファームを救え!〜"); } glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); font->ChangeSize(lkn::TYPE_NORMAL); if (lkn::InputManager::getInstance()->keyPless(0x0d)) { if (o_message == NULL) { o_message = hajimemasite; } else if(o_message == hajimemasite) { o_message = kyuudakedo; } else if (o_message == kyuudakedo) { o_message = sokode; } else if (o_message == sokode) { o_message = tasukete; } else if (o_message == tasukete) { o_message = yorosikune; } else if (o_message == yorosikune) { o_message = NULL; alSourceStop(init_music->source); func = farm; } } glColor3f(0, 0, 0); min_font->ChangeSize(lkn::TYPE_MIN); min_font->DrawStringW(10, 285, L" Enter:決定"); }
void Sound::stop() { alCheck(alSourceStop(m_source)); }
void Sound::Stop() { alSourceStop(Source); }
static void *Audio_Rx_loop() { int Rx_socket; struct sockaddr_in Rx_addr; /* Socket init */ if(Rx_socket_init(&Rx_socket, &Rx_addr, AUDIO_NET_PORT) ==0) { fprintf(stderr, "Rx Socket init \n"); return NULL; } printf("Audio Rx socket init finish\n"); ALCdevice *PlayDevice ; ALCcontext* PlayContext ; ALuint PlaySource; ALuint PlayBuffer[AUDIO_Rx_PLAY_BUFFER_COUNT]; PlayDevice = alcOpenDevice(NULL); PlayContext = alcCreateContext(PlayDevice, NULL); alcMakeContextCurrent(PlayContext); alGenSources(1, &PlaySource); alGenBuffers(AUDIO_Rx_PLAY_BUFFER_COUNT, PlayBuffer); /*----------------------------*/ /* fftw init */ double *FT_in; double *IFT_in; fftw_complex *FT_out; fftw_complex *FT_out_tmp; fftw_plan FT_plan; fftw_plan IFT_plan; const double FOURIER_NUMBER = (floor( (double)AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE*0.5 )+1); FT_in = (double*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * (int)AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE); IFT_in = (double*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) *(int) AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE); FT_out = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * (int)FOURIER_NUMBER); FT_plan = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE, FT_in, FT_out, (int)FFTW_ESTIMATE); IFT_plan = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d(AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE, FT_out,IFT_in, (int)FFTW_ESTIMATE); int Buf_counter =0; unsigned short play_Audio_buf[AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE]; int recv_len; int ID; int remain_size = AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE * sizeof(short); unsigned char Rx_Buffer[AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE]; int i; fd_set fds; struct timeval tv; int r; printf("Audio Tx Looping\n"); while(sys_get_status() != SYS_STATUS_RELEASE) { /* start Tx Audeo */ while(sys_get_status() == SYS_STATUS_WORK) { /* Timeout. */ FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(Rx_socket, &fds); tv.tv_sec = 2; tv.tv_usec = 0; r = select(Rx_socket + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (r == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "select"); goto AUDIO_RX_RELEASE; } if (r == 0) { //fprintf(stderr, "select timeout\n"); /* Timeout to clear FrameBuffer */ continue; } /*Receive Data */ recv_len = recv(Rx_socket, (char*)&Rx_Buffer, sizeof(Rx_Buffer) , 0) ; if(recv_len == -1) { fprintf(stderr ,"Stream data recv() error\n"); break ; } else { ID = *((int *)Rx_Buffer) ; memcpy((char *)play_Audio_buf + ID * 1024, &Rx_Buffer[4] , recv_len-4); remain_size -= (recv_len-4); /* receive finish */ if(remain_size <= 0) { for(i = 0; i < AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE; i++) { *(FT_in + i) = play_Audio_buf[i] * 128; } fftw_execute(FT_plan); for(i = 0 ; i < 300 ; i++) { FT_out[i][0] = 0; FT_out[i][1] = 0; } for(i = 7000 ; i < FOURIER_NUMBER ; i++) { FT_out[i][0] = 0; FT_out[i][1] = 0; } fftw_execute(IFT_plan); for(i = 0; i < AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE; i++) { play_Audio_buf[i] = (IFT_in[i] /AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE) * 10 + 15000; if(play_Audio_buf[i] > 32767) play_Audio_buf[i] =32767; } /* Play Audio */ alBufferData(PlayBuffer[Buf_counter], AL_FORMAT_MONO16, (ALvoid *)play_Audio_buf ,sizeof(short) * 44100, 44100); alSourceStop(PlaySource); alSourcei(PlaySource, AL_BUFFER, PlayBuffer[Buf_counter]); alSourcePlay(PlaySource); Buf_counter++; if(Buf_counter >= 10) Buf_counter = 0; remain_size = AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE * sizeof(short); } } } usleep(50000); } AUDIO_RX_RELEASE : /*------------------------------------------*/ alcCloseDevice(PlayDevice); alcDestroyContext(PlayContext); alDeleteSources(1, &PlaySource); alDeleteBuffers(AUDIO_Rx_PLAY_BUFFER_COUNT, PlayBuffer); /*------------------------------------------*/ printf("Audio Rx finish\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); }
void VoiceMessagesFader::onTimer() { bool hasFading = false, hasPlaying = false; QMutexLocker lock(&voicemsgsMutex); VoiceMessages *voice = audioVoice(); if (!voice) return; for (int32 i = 0; i < AudioVoiceMsgSimultaneously; ++i) { VoiceMessages::Msg &m(voice->_data[i]); if (m.state == VoiceMessageStopped || m.state == VoiceMessagePaused || !m.source) continue; bool playing = false, fading = false; ALint pos = 0; ALint state = AL_INITIAL; alGetSourcei(m.source, AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, &pos); alGetSourcei(m.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if (!_checkALError()) { m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; emit error(; } else { switch (m.state) { case VoiceMessageFinishing: case VoiceMessagePausing: case VoiceMessageStarting: case VoiceMessageResuming: fading = true; break; case VoiceMessagePlaying: playing = true; break; } if (fading && (state == AL_PLAYING || !m.loading)) { if (state != AL_PLAYING) { fading = false; if (m.source) { alSourcef(m.source, AL_GAIN, 1); alSourceStop(m.source); } m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; emit audioStopped(; } else if (1000 * (pos + m.skipStart - m.started) >= AudioFadeDuration * AudioVoiceMsgFrequency) { fading = false; alSourcef(m.source, AL_GAIN, 1); switch (m.state) { case VoiceMessageFinishing: alSourceStop(m.source); m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; break; case VoiceMessagePausing: alSourcePause(m.source); m.state = VoiceMessagePaused; break; case VoiceMessageStarting: case VoiceMessageResuming: m.state = VoiceMessagePlaying; playing = true; break; } } else { float64 newGain = 1000. * (pos + m.skipStart - m.started) / (AudioFadeDuration * AudioVoiceMsgFrequency); if (m.state == VoiceMessagePausing || m.state == VoiceMessageFinishing) { newGain = 1. - newGain; } if (newGain < 0) { int a = 0, b; b = a; } alSourcef(m.source, AL_GAIN, newGain); LOG(("Now volume is: %1").arg(newGain)); } } else if (playing && (state == AL_PLAYING || !m.loading)) { if (state != AL_PLAYING) { playing = false; if (m.source) { alSourceStop(m.source); alSourcef(m.source, AL_GAIN, 1); } m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; emit audioStopped(; } } if (pos + m.skipStart - m.position >= AudioCheckPositionDelta) { m.position = pos + m.skipStart; emit playPositionUpdated(; } if (!m.loading && m.skipEnd > 0 && m.position + AudioPreloadSamples + m.skipEnd > m.duration) { m.loading = true; emit needToPreload(; } if (playing) hasPlaying = true; if (fading) hasFading = true; } } if (hasFading) { _timer.start(AudioFadeTimeout); } else if (hasPlaying) { _timer.start(AudioCheckPositionTimeout); } }
void SoundEffectInstance::Stop() { #ifdef NXNA_AUDIOENGINE_OPENAL alSourceStop(m_source); #endif }
void SoundManager::Stop(int src_index) { AL_CHECK_ERR(alSourceStop(sources[src_index])); }
void GOSound::stop() { if (canPlay) alSourceStop(source); }
/// stops playing, play will start at the beginning of the sound void cSoundSourceOpenAl::Stop(){alSourceStop(miId);CheckOpenAl();}
void NzSound::Stop() { alSourceStop(m_source); }
void AudioObject::stopSource() { alSourceStop(source); }
void title() { if (title_init == 0) { title_init = 1; alSourcePlay(opening_music->source); target->y = 0; target->x = 0; target->z = 0; eye->y = 0; eye->x = 0; eye->z = 1000; frame = 0; opening_init = 0; player->nengetu = 12; wcscpy(suezo->waza[0]->name, L"つばはき"); wcscpy(suezo->waza[1]->name, L"しっぽアタック"); wcscpy(monorisu->waza[0]->name, L"ビーム"); wcscpy(monorisu->waza[1]->name, L"たおれこみ"); suezo->waza[0]->image = tuba_image; suezo->waza[1]->image = sippo_image; monorisu->waza[0]->image = biimu_image; monorisu->waza[1]->image = taore_image; wcscpy(suezo->name, L"すえぞー"); wcscpy(monorisu->name, L"ものりす"); monster = suezo; enemy = monorisu; monster->type = game::PLAYER; enemy->type = game::ENEMY; } glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); title_background_image->changeImage(); glBegin(GL_QUADS); { glTexCoord2f(0.f, 0.f); glVertex2f(-430.f, 430.f); glTexCoord2f(0.f, 1.f); glVertex2f(-430.f, -430.f); glTexCoord2f(1.f, 1.f); glVertex2f(430.f, -430.f); glTexCoord2f(1.f, 0.f); glVertex2f(430.f, 430.f); } glEnd(); title_image->changeImage(); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); glPushMatrix(); if (frame < 200) { if (lkn::InputManager::getInstance()->keyPless(0x0d)) { frame = 200; } title_movie = 200 + (400 - frame * 2); } glTranslatef(0, title_movie, 0); glBegin(GL_QUADS); { glTexCoord2f(0.f, 0.f); glVertex2f(-250.f, 250.f); glTexCoord2f(0.f, 1.f); glVertex2f(-250.f, -250.f); glTexCoord2f(1.f, 1.f); glVertex2f(250.f, -250.f); glTexCoord2f(1.f, 0.f); glVertex2f(250.f, 250.f); } glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); if (frame >= 200) { if (lkn::InputManager::getInstance()->keyPless('w')) { alSourcePlay(select_music->source); title_count++; } if (lkn::InputManager::getInstance()->keyPless('s')) { alSourcePlay(select_music->source); title_count++; } title_count = (TITLE_MAX + title_count) % TITLE_MAX; glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE ); float hajimekara = (1 - title_count)*0.3f + 0.1f; float owari = title_count * 0.3f + 0.1f; glDisable(GL_TEXTURE); glColor4f(hajimekara, hajimekara, hajimekara, 1); glBegin(GL_QUADS); { glVertex2f(-70.f, -140.f); glVertex2f(70.f, -140.f); glVertex2f(70.f, -210.f); glVertex2f(-70.f, -210.f); } glColor4f(owari, owari, owari, 1); { glVertex2f(-70.f, -212.f); glVertex2f(70.f, -212.f); glVertex2f(70.f, -282.f); glVertex2f(-70.f, -282.f); } glEnd(); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glColor3f(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f); font->ChangeSize(lkn::TYPE_NORMAL); font->DrawStringW(-67, -200, L" はじめから"); font->DrawStringW(-67, -270, L" EXIT"); if (lkn::InputManager::getInstance()->keyPless(0x0d)) { if (title_count == TITLE_START) { alSourcePlay(decision_music->source); alSourceStop(opening_music->source); title_init = 0; func = opening; } else if (title_count == TITLE_EXIT) { alSourcePlay(decision_music->source); exit(0); } } } glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); /* 投影変換行列の設定 */ glLoadIdentity(); /* 変換行列の初期化 */ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho( 0,//GLdouble left, 300,//GLdouble right, 0,//GLdouble bottom, 300,//GLdouble top, 1,//GLdouble zNear, -1//GLdouble zFar ); glColor3f(0, 0, 0); min_font->ChangeSize(lkn::TYPE_MIN); min_font->DrawStringW(10, 285, L"w:↑ s:↓ Enter:決定"); }
//***************************************************************************** // alSourceStop //***************************************************************************** // ALAPI ALvoid ALAPIENTRY alSourceStop(ALuint sourceName) { AL_VOID_FXN(alSourceStop(sourceName)); }
int main() { ALuint uiBuffers[NUMBUFFERS]; ALuint uiSource; ALuint uiBuffer; ALint iState; CWaves * pWaveLoader = NULL; WAVEID WaveID; ALint iLoop; ALint iBuffersProcessed, iTotalBuffersProcessed, iQueuedBuffers; WAVEFORMATEX wfex; unsigned long ulDataSize = 0; unsigned long ulFrequency = 0; unsigned long ulFormat = 0; unsigned long ulBufferSize; unsigned long ulBytesWritten; void * pData = NULL; // Initialize Framework ALFWInit(); ALFWprintf("PlayStream Test Application\n"); if (!ALFWInitOpenAL()) { ALFWprintf("Failed to initialize OpenAL\n"); ALFWShutdown(); return 0; } // Generate some AL Buffers for streaming alGenBuffers( NUMBUFFERS, uiBuffers ); // Generate a Source to playback the Buffers alGenSources( 1, &uiSource ); // Create instance of WaveLoader class pWaveLoader = new CWaves(); if ((pWaveLoader) && (SUCCEEDED(pWaveLoader->OpenWaveFile(ALFWaddMediaPath(TEST_WAVE_FILE), &WaveID)))) { pWaveLoader->GetWaveSize(WaveID, &ulDataSize); pWaveLoader->GetWaveFrequency(WaveID, &ulFrequency); pWaveLoader->GetWaveALBufferFormat(WaveID, &alGetEnumValue, &ulFormat); // Queue 250ms of audio data pWaveLoader->GetWaveFormatExHeader(WaveID, &wfex); ulBufferSize = wfex.nAvgBytesPerSec >> 2; // IMPORTANT : The Buffer Size must be an exact multiple of the BlockAlignment ... ulBufferSize -= (ulBufferSize % wfex.nBlockAlign); if (ulFormat != 0) { pData = malloc(ulBufferSize); if (pData) { // Set read position to start of audio data pWaveLoader->SetWaveDataOffset(WaveID, 0); // Fill all the Buffers with audio data from the wavefile for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < 4; iLoop++) { if (SUCCEEDED(pWaveLoader->ReadWaveData(WaveID, pData, ulBufferSize, &ulBytesWritten))) { alBufferData(uiBuffers[iLoop], ulFormat, pData, ulBytesWritten, ulFrequency); alSourceQueueBuffers(uiSource, 1, &uiBuffers[iLoop]); } } // Start playing source alSourcePlay(uiSource); iTotalBuffersProcessed = 0; while (!ALFWKeyPress()) { Sleep( SERVICE_UPDATE_PERIOD ); // Request the number of OpenAL Buffers have been processed (played) on the Source iBuffersProcessed = 0; alGetSourcei(uiSource, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &iBuffersProcessed); // Keep a running count of number of buffers processed (for logging purposes only) iTotalBuffersProcessed += iBuffersProcessed; ALFWprintf("Buffers Processed %d\r", iTotalBuffersProcessed); // For each processed buffer, remove it from the Source Queue, read next chunk of audio // data from disk, fill buffer with new data, and add it to the Source Queue while (iBuffersProcessed) { // Remove the Buffer from the Queue. (uiBuffer contains the Buffer ID for the unqueued Buffer) uiBuffer = 0; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(uiSource, 1, &uiBuffer); // Read more audio data (if there is any) pWaveLoader->ReadWaveData(WaveID, pData, ulBufferSize, &ulBytesWritten); if (ulBytesWritten) { // Copy audio data to Buffer alBufferData(uiBuffer, ulFormat, pData, ulBytesWritten, ulFrequency); // Queue Buffer on the Source alSourceQueueBuffers(uiSource, 1, &uiBuffer); } iBuffersProcessed--; } // Check the status of the Source. If it is not playing, then playback was completed, // or the Source was starved of audio data, and needs to be restarted. alGetSourcei(uiSource, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &iState); if (iState != AL_PLAYING) { // If there are Buffers in the Source Queue then the Source was starved of audio // data, so needs to be restarted (because there is more audio data to play) alGetSourcei(uiSource, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &iQueuedBuffers); if (iQueuedBuffers) { alSourcePlay(uiSource); } else { // Finished playing break; } } } // Stop the Source and clear the Queue alSourceStop(uiSource); alSourcei(uiSource, AL_BUFFER, 0); // Release temporary storage free(pData); pData = NULL; } else { ALFWprintf("Out of memory\n"); } } else { ALFWprintf("Unknown Audio Buffer format\n"); } // Close Wave Handle pWaveLoader->DeleteWaveFile(WaveID); }
void SoundStream::streamData() { // Create the buffers alCheck(alGenBuffers(BufferCount, m_buffers)); for (int i = 0; i < BufferCount; ++i) m_endBuffers[i] = false; // Fill the queue bool requestStop = fillQueue(); // Play the sound alCheck(alSourcePlay(m_source)); while (m_isStreaming) { // The stream has been interrupted! if (SoundSource::getStatus() == Stopped) { if (!requestStop) { // Just continue alCheck(alSourcePlay(m_source)); } else { // End streaming m_isStreaming = false; } } // Get the number of buffers that have been processed (ie. ready for reuse) ALint nbProcessed = 0; alCheck(alGetSourcei(m_source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &nbProcessed)); while (nbProcessed--) { // Pop the first unused buffer from the queue ALuint buffer; alCheck(alSourceUnqueueBuffers(m_source, 1, &buffer)); // Find its number unsigned int bufferNum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < BufferCount; ++i) if (m_buffers[i] == buffer) { bufferNum = i; break; } // Retrieve its size and add it to the samples count if (m_endBuffers[bufferNum]) { // This was the last buffer: reset the sample count m_samplesProcessed = 0; m_endBuffers[bufferNum] = false; } else { ALint size, bits; alCheck(alGetBufferi(buffer, AL_SIZE, &size)); alCheck(alGetBufferi(buffer, AL_BITS, &bits)); m_samplesProcessed += size / (bits / 8); } // Fill it and push it back into the playing queue if (!requestStop) { if (fillAndPushBuffer(bufferNum)) requestStop = true; } } // Leave some time for the other threads if the stream is still playing if (SoundSource::getStatus() != Stopped) sleep(milliseconds(10)); } // Stop the playback alCheck(alSourceStop(m_source)); // Unqueue any buffer left in the queue clearQueue(); // Delete the buffers alCheck(alSourcei(m_source, AL_BUFFER, 0)); alCheck(alDeleteBuffers(BufferCount, m_buffers)); }
UBOOL UOpenALAudioSubsystem::PlaySound ( AActor* Actor, INT Slot, USound* Sound, FVector Location, FLOAT Volume, FLOAT Radius, FLOAT Pitch, UBOOL Looping ) { guard(UOpenALAudioSubsystem::PlaySound); check(Radius); if( !Viewport || !Sound ) return 0; // Allocate a new slot if requested. // XXX: What's the logic here? if( (Slot&14)==2*SLOT_None ) Slot = 16 * --FreeSlot; // Compute our priority. FLOAT Priority = SoundPriority( Location, Volume, Radius ); INT Index = -1; FLOAT BestPriority = Priority; for( INT i=0; i<NumSources; i++ ) { FAudioSource& Source = Sources[i]; // Check if the slot is already in use. if( (Source.Slot&~1)==(Slot&~1) ) { // Stop processing if not told to override. if( Slot&1 ) return 0; // Override the existing sound. Index = i; break; } // Find the lowest priority sound below our own priority // and override it. (Unless the above applies.) if( Source.Priority<=BestPriority ) { Index = i; BestPriority = Source.Priority; } } // Didn't match an existing slot, or couldn't override a lower // priority sound. Give up. if( Index==-1 ) return 0; // Stop the old sound. FAudioSource& Source = Sources[Index]; alSourceStop( Source.Id ); // And start the new sound. if( Sound!=(USound*)-1 ) { const ALuint Id = Source.Id; alSourcei( Id, AL_BUFFER, GetBufferFromUSound(Sound)->Id ); alSourcef( Id, AL_GAIN, Volume ); alSourcef( Id, AL_MAX_DISTANCE, Radius ); alSourcef( Id, AL_PITCH, Pitch ); alSourcei( Id, AL_LOOPING, Looping ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE ); if( Actor == Viewport->Actor ) { // Don't attentuate or position viewport actor sounds at all. // (These are sounds like the announcer, menu clicks, etc.) alSource3f( Id, AL_POSITION, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f ); alSource3f( Id, AL_VELOCITY, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f ); alSourcef( Id, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.f ); alSourcei( Id, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_TRUE ); Actor = NULL; } else { // Negate the above alSourcef( Id, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 1.f ); alSourcei( Id, AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE, AL_FALSE ); // Update will override Location with Actor's Location anyways. // XXX: Should we use Location and not attach to Actor instead? if ( Actor ) { alSourcefv( Id, AL_POSITION, &Actor->Location.X ); alSourcefv( Id, AL_VELOCITY, &Actor->Velocity.X ); } else { ALfloat ZeroVelocity[3] = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f }; alSourcefv( Id, AL_POSITION, &Location.X ); alSourcefv( Id, AL_VELOCITY, ZeroVelocity ); } } alSourcePlay( Id ); Source.Fill( Actor, Sound, Slot, Location, Volume, Radius, Priority ); } return 1; unguard; }
void SimpleAudioEngine::stopEffect(unsigned int nSoundId) { alSourceStop(nSoundId); checkALError("stopEffect"); }
void Audio::stopLoop() { QMutexLocker locker(&audioLock); alSourcei(alMainSource, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE); alSourceStop(alMainSource); }
void VoiceMessagesLoader::onLoad(AudioData *audio) { bool started = false; int32 audioindex = -1; Loader *l = 0; Loaders::iterator j = _loaders.end(); { QMutexLocker lock(&voicemsgsMutex); VoiceMessages *voice = audioVoice(); if (!voice) return; for (int32 i = 0; i < AudioVoiceMsgSimultaneously; ++i) { VoiceMessages::Msg &m(voice->_data[i]); if ( != audio || !m.loading) continue; audioindex = i; j = _loaders.find(audio); if (j != _loaders.end() && (j.value()->fname != m.fname || j.value()->data.size() != { delete j.value(); _loaders.erase(j); j = _loaders.end(); } if (j == _loaders.end()) { l = (j = _loaders.insert(audio, new Loader())).value(); l->fname = m.fname; l->data =; int ret; if ( { l->file = op_open_file(m.fname.toUtf8().constData(), &ret); } else { l->file = op_open_memory((const unsigned char*),, &ret); } if (!l->file) { LOG(("Audio Error: op_open_file failed for '%1', data size '%2', error code %3").arg(m.fname).arg(; m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; return loadError(j); } ogg_int64_t duration = op_pcm_total(l->file, -1); if (duration < 0) { LOG(("Audio Error: op_pcm_total failed to get full duration for '%1', data size '%2', error code %3").arg(m.fname).arg(; m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; return loadError(j); } m.duration = duration; m.skipStart = 0; m.skipEnd = duration; m.position = 0; m.started = 0; started = true; } else { if (!m.skipEnd) continue; l = j.value(); } break; } } if (j == _loaders.end()) { LOG(("Audio Error: trying to load part of audio, that is not playing at the moment")); emit error(audio); return; } if (started) { l->pcm_offset = op_pcm_tell(l->file); l->pcm_print_offset = l->pcm_offset - AudioVoiceMsgFrequency; } bool finished = false; DEBUG_LOG(("Audio Info: reading buffer for file '%1', data size '%2', current pcm_offset %3").arg(l->fname).arg(l->data.size()).arg(l->pcm_offset)); QByteArray result; int64 samplesAdded = 0; while (result.size() < AudioVoiceMsgBufferSize) { opus_int16 pcm[AudioVoiceMsgFrequency * AudioVoiceMsgChannels]; int ret = op_read_stereo(l->file, pcm, sizeof(pcm) / sizeof(*pcm)); if (ret < 0) { { QMutexLocker lock(&voicemsgsMutex); VoiceMessages *voice = audioVoice(); if (voice) { VoiceMessages::Msg &m(voice->_data[audioindex]); if ( == audio) { m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; } } } LOG(("Audio Error: op_read_stereo failed, error code %1").arg(ret)); return loadError(j); } int li = op_current_link(l->file); if (li != l->prev_li) { const OpusHead *head = op_head(l->file, li); const OpusTags *tags = op_tags(l->file, li); for (int32 ci = 0; ci < tags->comments; ++ci) { const char *comment = tags->user_comments[ci]; if (opus_tagncompare("METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE", 22, comment) == 0) { OpusPictureTag pic; int err = opus_picture_tag_parse(&pic, comment); if (err >= 0) { opus_picture_tag_clear(&pic); } } } if (!op_seekable(l->file)) { l->pcm_offset = op_pcm_tell(l->file) - ret; } } if (li != l->prev_li || l->pcm_offset >= l->pcm_print_offset + AudioVoiceMsgFrequency) { l->pcm_print_offset = l->pcm_offset; } l->pcm_offset = op_pcm_tell(l->file); if (!ret) { DEBUG_LOG(("Audio Info: read completed")); finished = true; break; } result.append((const char*)pcm, sizeof(*pcm) * ret * AudioVoiceMsgChannels); l->prev_li = li; samplesAdded += ret; { QMutexLocker lock(&voicemsgsMutex); VoiceMessages *voice = audioVoice(); if (!voice) return; VoiceMessages::Msg &m(voice->_data[audioindex]); if ( != audio || !m.loading || m.fname != l->fname || != l->data.size()) { LOG(("Audio Error: playing changed while loading")); m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; return loadError(j); } } } QMutexLocker lock(&voicemsgsMutex); VoiceMessages *voice = audioVoice(); if (!voice) return; VoiceMessages::Msg &m(voice->_data[audioindex]); if ( != audio || !m.loading || m.fname != l->fname || != l->data.size()) { LOG(("Audio Error: playing changed while loading")); m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; return loadError(j); } if (started) { if (m.source) { alSourceStop(m.source); for (int32 i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (m.samplesCount[i]) { alSourceUnqueueBuffers(m.source, 1, m.buffers + i); m.samplesCount[i] = 0; } } m.nextBuffer = 0; } } if (samplesAdded) { if (!m.source) { alGenSources(1, &m.source); alSourcef(m.source, AL_PITCH, 1.f); alSourcef(m.source, AL_GAIN, 1.f); alSource3f(m.source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0); alSource3f(m.source, AL_VELOCITY, 0, 0, 0); alSourcei(m.source, AL_LOOPING, 0); } if (!m.buffers[m.nextBuffer]) alGenBuffers(3, m.buffers); if (!_checkALError()) { m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; return loadError(j); } if (m.samplesCount[m.nextBuffer]) { alSourceUnqueueBuffers(m.source, 1, m.buffers + m.nextBuffer); m.skipStart += m.samplesCount[m.nextBuffer]; } m.samplesCount[m.nextBuffer] = samplesAdded; alBufferData(m.buffers[m.nextBuffer], AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, result.constData(), result.size(), AudioVoiceMsgFrequency); alSourceQueueBuffers(m.source, 1, m.buffers + m.nextBuffer); m.skipEnd -= samplesAdded; m.nextBuffer = (m.nextBuffer + 1) % 3; if (!_checkALError()) { m.state = VoiceMessageStopped; return loadError(j); } } else { finished = true; } if (finished) { m.skipEnd = 0; m.duration = m.skipStart + m.samplesCount[0] + m.samplesCount[1] + m.samplesCount[2]; } m.loading = false; if (m.state == VoiceMessageResuming || m.state == VoiceMessagePlaying || m.state == VoiceMessageStarting) { ALint state = AL_INITIAL; alGetSourcei(m.source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if (_checkALError()) { if (state != AL_PLAYING) { alSourcePlay(m.source); emit needToCheck(); } } } }
static void* audio_start(void *aux) { audio_fifo_t *af = aux; audio_fifo_data_t *afd; unsigned int frame = 0; ALCdevice *device = NULL; ALCcontext *context = NULL; ALuint buffers[NUM_BUFFERS]; ALuint source; ALint processed; ALenum error; ALint rate; ALint channels; device = alcOpenDevice(NULL); /* Use the default device */ if (!device) error_exit("failed to open device"); context = alcCreateContext(device, NULL); alcMakeContextCurrent(context); alListenerf(AL_GAIN, 1.0f); alDistanceModel(AL_NONE); alGenBuffers((ALsizei)NUM_BUFFERS, buffers); alGenSources(1, &source); /* First prebuffer some audio */ queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[0]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[1]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[2]); for (;;) { alSourcePlay(source); for (;;) { /* Wait for some audio to play */ do { alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); usleep(100); } while (!processed); /* Remove old audio from the queue.. */ alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffers[frame % 3]); /* and queue some more audio */ afd = audio_get(af); alGetBufferi(buffers[frame % 3], AL_FREQUENCY, &rate); alGetBufferi(buffers[frame % 3], AL_CHANNELS, &channels); if (afd->rate != rate || afd->channels != channels) { printf("rate or channel count changed, resetting\n"); break; } alBufferData(buffers[frame % 3], afd->channels == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, afd->samples, afd->nsamples * afd->channels * sizeof(short), afd->rate); alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffers[frame % 3]); if ((error = alcGetError(device)) != AL_NO_ERROR) { printf("openal al error: %d\n", error); exit(1); } frame++; } /* Format or rate changed, so we need to reset all buffers */ alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, 0); alSourceStop(source); /* Make sure we don't lose the audio packet that caused the change */ alBufferData(buffers[0], afd->channels == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, afd->samples, afd->nsamples * afd->channels * sizeof(short), afd->rate); alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffers[0]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[1]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[2]); frame = 0; } }
void openAL_SourceStop (audio_Object srcobj) { alSourceStop ((ALuint) srcobj); }
static void* audio_start(void *aux) { audio_fifo_t *af = aux; audio_fifo_data_t *afd; ALCdevice *device = NULL; ALCcontext *context = NULL; ALuint buffers[NUM_BUFFERS]; ALint processed; ALenum error; ALint rate; ALint channels; device = alcOpenDevice(NULL); /* Use the default device */ if (!device) error_exit("failed to open device"); context = alcCreateContext(device, NULL); alcMakeContextCurrent(context); alListenerf(AL_GAIN, 1.0f); alDistanceModel(AL_NONE); alGenBuffers((ALsizei)NUM_BUFFERS, buffers); alGenSources(1, &source); /* First prebuffer some audio */ queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[0]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[1]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[2]); for (;;) { alSourcePlay(source); for (;;) { /* Wait for some audio to play */ alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); if (processed <= 0) { usleep(200); continue; } /* Remove old audio from the queue.. */ ALuint buffer; alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); /* and queue some more audio */ afd = audio_get(af); alGetBufferi(buffer, AL_FREQUENCY, &rate); alGetBufferi(buffer, AL_CHANNELS, &channels); if (afd->rate != rate || afd->channels != channels) { log_debug("openal","audio_start","rate or channel count changed, resetting"); break; } alBufferData(buffer, afd->channels == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, afd->samples, afd->nsamples * afd->channels * sizeof(int16_t), afd->rate); free(afd); ALenum error = alGetError(); if (error != AL_NO_ERROR) { log_error("openal","audio_start","Error buffering: %s", alGetString(error)); return NULL; } alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); error = alGetError(); if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) { log_error("openal","audio_start","Error queing buffering: %s", alGetString(error)); return NULL; } alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &processed); if (processed != AL_PLAYING) { // Resume playing alSourcePlay(source); } if ((error = alcGetError(device)) != AL_NO_ERROR) { log_error("openal","audio_start","Error queing buffering: %s", alGetString(error)); exit(1); } } /* Format or rate changed, so we need to reset all buffers */ alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, 0); alSourceStop(source); /* Make sure we don't lose the audio packet that caused the change */ alBufferData(buffers[0], afd->channels == 1 ? AL_FORMAT_MONO16 : AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, afd->samples, afd->nsamples * afd->channels * sizeof(short), afd->rate); free(afd); alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffers[0]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[1]); queue_buffer(source, af, buffers[2]); } }
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_openal_AL10_nalSourceStop(JNIEnv *__env, jclass clazz, jint source, jlong __functionAddress) { alSourceStopPROC alSourceStop = (alSourceStopPROC)(intptr_t)__functionAddress; UNUSED_PARAMS(__env, clazz) alSourceStop(source); }
bool SoundInstance::stop() { alGetError(); alSourceStop(mSource->getALSource()); return SoundGeneral::checkAlError("Stopping sound instance."); }
void SoundChannel::QueueBuffers() { // See that we do have waiting sounds and they're ready to play AudioAssetPtr pending = pending_sounds_.size() > 0 ? pending_sounds_.front() : AudioAssetPtr(); if (!pending) return; // Create source now if did not exist already if (!CreateSource()) { state_ = Stopped; pending_sounds_.clear(); return; } bool queued = false; // Buffer pending sounds, move them to playing vector while(pending_sounds_.size() > 0) { AudioAssetPtr sound = pending_sounds_.front(); if (!sound) { pending_sounds_.pop_front(); continue; } ALuint buffer = sound->GetHandle(); // If no valid handle yet, cannot play this one, break out if (!buffer) return; alGetError(); alSourceQueueBuffers(handle_, 1, &buffer); ALenum error = alGetError(); if (error != AL_NONE) { // If queuing fails, we may have changed sound format. Stop, flush queue & retry alSourceStop(handle_); alSourcei(handle_, AL_BUFFER, 0); alSourceQueueBuffers(handle_, 1, &buffer); ALenum error = alGetError(); if (error != AL_NONE) LogError("Could not queue OpenAL sound buffer: " + ToString<int>(error)); else { playing_sounds_.push_back(sound); queued = true; } } else { playing_sounds_.push_back(sound); queued = true; } pending_sounds_.pop_front(); } // If at least one sound queued, start playback if not already playing if (queued) { ALint playing; alGetSourcei(handle_, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &playing); if (playing != AL_PLAYING) alSourcePlay(handle_); state_ = Playing; } }
void AEAudioContextSourceDelete(AEAudioContext* self, ALuint source){ AEArrayRemoveBytes(& self->sources, &source); alSourceStop(source); alDeleteSources(1, &source); }