Exemple #1
struct ifnet *
iface_make(struct ssconfig *ifc)
	register struct sana_softc *ssc = NULL;
	register struct IOSana2Req *req;
	struct Sana2DeviceQuery devicequery;

	/* Allocate the request for opening the device */
	if ((req = CreateIOSana2Req(NULL)) == NULL) 
		__log(LOG_ERR, "iface_find(): CreateIOSana2Req failed\n");
		req->ios2_BufferManagement = buffermanagement;

		DSANA(__log(LOG_DEBUG,"Opening device %s unit %ld", ifc->args->a_dev, *ifc->args->a_unit);)
		if (OpenDevice(ifc->args->a_dev, *ifc->args->a_unit, 
			(struct IORequest *)req, 0L))
			sana2perror("OpenDevice", req);
			/* Allocate the interface structure */
			ssc = (struct sana_softc *)
			bsd_malloc(sizeof(*ssc) + strlen(ifc->args->a_dev) + 1,
							M_IFNET, M_WAITOK);
			if (!ssc)
				__log(LOG_ERR, "iface_find: out of memory\n");
				aligned_bzero_const(ssc, sizeof(*ssc));
				/* Save request pointers */
				ssc->ss_dev     = req->ios2_Req.io_Device;
				ssc->ss_unit    = req->ios2_Req.io_Unit;

				ssc->ss_if.if_type = IFT_OTHER;
				ssc->ss_if.if_flags &= ~(IFF_RUNNING|IFF_UP);

				/* Initialize */ 

D(bug("[AROSTCP] if_sana.c: iface_make: Current IP from config = %s\n", ifc->args[0].a_ip));
				ifc->args[0].a_ip = "";
D(bug("[AROSTCP] if_sana.c: iface_make: IP set to\n"));

				ssconfig(ssc, ifc);
				NewList((struct List*)&ssc->ss_freereq);

				if_attach((struct ifnet*)ssc);
				ssc->ss_next = ssq;
				ssq = ssc;
			/* Ask for our type, address length, MTU
			* Obl. bitch: nobody tells, WHO is supplying
			* DevQueryFormat and DeviceLevel
			req->ios2_Req.io_Command   = S2_DEVICEQUERY;
			req->ios2_StatData         = &devicequery;
			devicequery.SizeAvailable  = sizeof(devicequery);
			devicequery.DevQueryFormat = 0L;

			DoIO((struct IORequest *)req);
			if (req->ios2_Req.io_Error)
				sana2perror("S2_DEVICEQUERY", req);
				/* Get Our Station address */
				req->ios2_StatData = NULL;
				req->ios2_Req.io_Command = S2_GETSTATIONADDRESS;
				DoIO((struct IORequest *)req);
				if (req->ios2_Req.io_Error)
					sana2perror("S2_GETSTATIONADDRESS", req);
					req->ios2_Req.io_Command = 0;
					/* Allocate the interface structure */
					ssc = (struct sana_softc *)
					bsd_malloc(sizeof(*ssc) + strlen(ifc->args->a_dev) + 1,
									M_IFNET, M_WAITOK);
					if (!ssc)
						__log(LOG_ERR, "iface_find: out of memory\n");
						aligned_bzero_const(ssc, sizeof(*ssc));
						/* Save request pointers */
						ssc->ss_dev     = req->ios2_Req.io_Device;
						ssc->ss_unit    = req->ios2_Req.io_Unit;
						ssc->ss_bufmgnt = req->ios2_BufferManagement;
						/* Address must be full bytes */
						ssc->ss_if.if_addrlen  = (devicequery.AddrFieldSize + 7) >> 3;
						bcopy(req->ios2_DstAddr, ssc->ss_hwaddr, ssc->ss_if.if_addrlen);
						ssc->ss_if.if_mtu      = devicequery.MTU;
						ssc->ss_maxmtu         = devicequery.MTU;
						ssc->ss_if.if_baudrate = devicequery.BPS;
						ssc->ss_hwtype         = devicequery.HardwareType;	
						/* These might be different on different hwtypes */
						ssc->ss_if.if_output = sana_output;
						ssc->ss_if.if_ioctl  = sana_ioctl;
						ssc->ss_if.if_query  = sana_query;

						/* Map SANA-II hardware types to RFC1573 standard */
						switch (ssc->ss_hwtype) 
						case S2WireType_Ethernet:
							ssc->ss_if.if_type = IFT_ETHER;
						case S2WireType_IEEE802:
							ssc->ss_if.if_type = IFT_IEEE80211;
						case S2WireType_Arcnet:
							ssc->ss_if.if_type = IFT_ARCNET;
						case S2WireType_LocalTalk:
							ssc->ss_if.if_type = IFT_LOCALTALK;
						case S2WireType_PPP:
							ssc->ss_if.if_type = IFT_PPP;
						case S2WireType_SLIP:
						case S2WireType_CSLIP:
							ssc->ss_if.if_type = IFT_SLIP;
						case S2WireType_PLIP:
							ssc->ss_if.if_type = IFT_PARA;
							ssc->ss_if.if_type = IFT_OTHER;

						/* Initialize */ 
						ssconfig(ssc, ifc);
						NewList((struct List*)&ssc->ss_freereq);

						if_attach((struct ifnet*)ssc);
						ssc->ss_next = ssq;
						ssq = ssc;
			if (!ssc)
				CloseDevice((struct IORequest *)req);
Exemple #2
res_send(struct SocketBase *	libPtr,
	 const char *		buf,
	 int			buflen,
	 char *			answer,
	 int 			anslen)
	register int n;
	int try, v_circuit, resplen, nscount;
	int gotsomewhere = 0, connected = 0;
	int connreset = 0;
	u_short id, len;
	char *cp;
	fd_set dsmask;
	struct timeval timeout;
	struct in_addr *ns;
	struct sockaddr_in host;
	HEADER *hp = (HEADER *) buf;
	HEADER *anhp = (HEADER *) answer;
	u_char terrno = ETIMEDOUT;
#define JUNK_SIZE 512
	char junk[JUNK_SIZE]; /* buffer for trash data */

#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send()\n"));
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: using socket %d\n", res_sock));

#ifdef RES_DEBUG
		__p_query(buf, libPtr);
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */

	v_circuit = (_res.options & RES_USEVC) || buflen > PACKETSZ;
	id = hp->id;
	 * Send request, RETRY times, or until successful
	for (try = 0; try < _res.retry; try++) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Attempt %d\n", try));
	  nscount = 0;
	  DRES(Printf("Retry #%ld\n",try);)
	  for (ns = _res.nsaddr_list; ns->s_addr; ns++) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Querying server #%ld address = %s\n", nscount,
			      __inet_ntoa(ns->s_addr, libPtr)));

#ifdef RES_DEBUG
			Printf("Querying server #%ld address = %s\n", nscount,
			      __Inet_NtoA(ns->s_addr, libPtr));
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
	    host.sin_len = sizeof(host);
	    host.sin_family = AF_INET;
	    host.sin_port = htons(NAMESERVER_PORT);
	    host.sin_addr.s_addr = ns->s_addr;
	    aligned_bzero_const(&host.sin_zero, sizeof(host.sin_zero));
		if (v_circuit) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Using v_circuit\n"));
			int truncated = 0;

			 * Use virtual circuit;
			 * at most one attempt per server.
			try = _res.retry;
			if (res_sock < 0) {
				res_sock = __socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, libPtr);
				if (res_sock < 0) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Failed to create socket!!\n"));
					terrno = readErrnoValue(libPtr);
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
					    Perror("socket (vc)");
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: created socket %d\n", res_sock));
				if (__connect(res_sock,
					    (struct sockaddr *)&host,
					    sizeof(struct sockaddr), libPtr) < 0) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Failed to connect\n"));
				        terrno = readErrnoValue(libPtr);
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
					    Perror("connect (vc)");
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
					(void) __CloseSocket(res_sock, libPtr);
					res_sock = -1;
			 * Send length & message
			len = htons((u_short)buflen);
			if ((__send(res_sock, (char *)&len, sizeof(len), 0, libPtr)
			     != sizeof(len)) ||
			   ((__send(res_sock, (char *)buf, buflen, 0, libPtr)
			     != buflen))) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Failed sending query\n"));
				terrno = readErrnoValue(libPtr);
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
				(void) __CloseSocket(res_sock, libPtr);
				res_sock = -1;
			 * Receive length & response
			cp = answer;
			len = sizeof(short);
			while (len != 0 &&
			    (n = __recv(res_sock,
				      (char *)cp, (int)len, 0, libPtr)) > 0) {
				cp += n;
				len -= n;
			if (n <= 0) {
				terrno = readErrnoValue(libPtr);
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Failed recieving response\n"));
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
					Perror("read (vc)");
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
				(void) __CloseSocket(res_sock, libPtr);
				res_sock = -1;
				 * A long running process might get its TCP
				 * connection reset if the remote server was
				 * restarted.  Requery the server instead of
				 * trying a new one.  When there is only one
				 * server, this means that a query might work
				 * instead of failing.  We only allow one reset
				 * per query to prevent looping.
				if (terrno == ECONNRESET && !connreset) {
					connreset = 1;
			cp = answer;
			if ((resplen = ntohs(*(u_short *)cp)) > anslen) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Truncated response\n"));
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
				       Printf("response truncated\n");
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
				len = anslen;
				truncated = 1;
			} else
				len = resplen;
			while (len != 0 &&
			   (n = __recv(res_sock,
				     (char *)cp, (int)len, 0, libPtr)) > 0) {
				cp += n;
				len -= n;
			if (n <= 0) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Error recieving response\n"));
				terrno = readErrnoValue(libPtr);
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
					Perror("read (vc)");
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
				(void) __CloseSocket(res_sock, libPtr);
				res_sock = -1;
			if (truncated) {
				 * Flush rest of answer
				 * so connection stays in synch.
				anhp->tc = 1;
				len = resplen - anslen;
				while (len != 0) {
					n = (len > JUNK_SIZE ? JUNK_SIZE : len);
					if ((n = __recv(res_sock,
						      junk, n, 0, libPtr)) > 0)
						len -= n;
		} else {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Using datagrams\n"));
			 * Use datagrams.
			if (res_sock < 0) {
				res_sock = __socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, libPtr);
				if (res_sock < 0) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Failed to create socket\n"));
					terrno = readErrnoValue(libPtr);
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
					    Perror("socket (dg)");
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
			 * I'm tired of answering this question, so:
			 * On a 4.3BSD+ machine (client and server,
			 * actually), sending to a nameserver datagram
			 * port with no nameserver will cause an
			 * ICMP port unreachable message to be returned.
			 * If our datagram socket is "connected" to the
			 * server, we get an ECONNREFUSED error on the next
			 * socket operation, and select returns if the
			 * error message is received.  We can thus detect
			 * the absence of a nameserver without timing out.
			 * If we have sent queries to at least two servers,
			 * however, we don't want to remain connected,
			 * as we wish to receive answers from the first
			 * server to respond.
#warning "TODO*: see comment here .."
			/* This piece of code still behaves slightly wrong in
			   case of ECONNREFUSED error. On next retry socket will
			   be in disconnected state and instead of getting
			   ECONNREFUSED again we'll timeout in WaitSelect() and
			   get ETIMEDOUT. However, this is not critical and is
			   queued for future - Pavel Fedin*/
			if (try == 0 && nscount == 1) {
				 * Don't use connect if we might
				 * still receive a response
				 * from another server.
				if (connected == 0) {
				  if (__connect(res_sock,
					      (struct sockaddr *)&host,
					      sizeof(struct sockaddr),
					      libPtr) < 0) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Error connecting\n"));
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
							Perror("connect (dg)");
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
					connected = 1;
				if (__send(res_sock,
					 buf, buflen, 0, libPtr) != buflen) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Error sending\n"));
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
						Perror("send (dg)");
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
			} else {
				 * Disconnect if we want to listen
				 * for responses from more than one server.
				if (connected) {
					(void) __connect(res_sock, &no_addr,
					    sizeof(no_addr), libPtr);
					connected = 0;
				if (__sendto(res_sock, buf, buflen, 0,
				    (struct sockaddr *)&host,
				    sizeof(struct sockaddr), libPtr) != buflen) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: [__sendto] Error\n"));
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
						Perror("sendto (dg)");
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */

			 * Wait for reply
			timeout.tv_sec = (_res.retrans << try);
			if (try > 0)
				timeout.tv_sec /= nscount;
			if (timeout.tv_sec <= 0)
				timeout.tv_sec = 1;
			timeout.tv_usec = 0;
			FD_SET(res_sock, &dsmask);
			n = __WaitSelect(res_sock+1, &dsmask, NULL,
				NULL, &timeout, NULL, libPtr);
			if (n < 0) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: [__WaitSelect] Error\n"));
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */

            terrno = readErrnoValue(libPtr);
				if (terrno == EINTR) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: closing socket\n"));
					__CloseSocket(res_sock, libPtr);
					res_sock = -1;
					return (-1);
			if (n == 0) {
				 * timeout
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Timeout!\n"));
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
#if 1 || BSD >= 43
				gotsomewhere = 1;
			if ((resplen = __recv(res_sock,
					    answer, anslen, 0, libPtr)) <= 0) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Error recieving\n"));
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
					Perror("recv (dg)");
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
			gotsomewhere = 1;
			if (id != anhp->id) {
				 * response from old query, ignore it
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
					Printf("old answer:\n");
					__p_query(answer, libPtr);
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
				goto wait;
			if (!(_res.options & RES_IGNTC) && anhp->tc) {
				 * get rest of answer;
				 * use TCP with same server.
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Response is truncated\n"));
#ifdef RES_DEBUG
					Printf("truncated answer\n");
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
				(void)__CloseSocket(res_sock, libPtr);
				res_sock = -1;
				v_circuit = 1;
				goto usevc;

#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Recieved answer\n"));

#ifdef RES_DEBUG
			Printf("got answer:\n");
			__p_query(answer, libPtr);
#endif /* RES_DEBUG */
		 * If using virtual circuits, we assume that the first server
		 * is preferred * over the rest (i.e. it is on the local
		 * machine) and only keep that one open.
		 * If we have temporarily opened a virtual circuit,
		 * or if we haven't been asked to keep a socket open,
		 * close the socket.
		if ((v_circuit &&
		    ((_res.options & RES_USEVC) == 0 || ns->s_addr != 0)) ||
		    (_res.options & RES_STAYOPEN) == 0) {
#if defined(__AROS__)
D(bug("[AROSTCP](res_send.c) res_send: Closing socket\n"));
			(void) __CloseSocket(res_sock, libPtr);
			res_sock = -1;
		return (resplen);