Exemple #1
** This is the default collating function named "BINARY" which is always
** available.
** If the padFlag argument is not NULL then space padding at the end
** of strings is ignored.  This implements the RTRIM collation.
static int binCollFunc(
  void *padFlag,
  int nKey1, const void *pKey1,
  int nKey2, const void *pKey2
  int rc, n;
  n = nKey1<nKey2 ? nKey1 : nKey2;
  rc = memcmp(pKey1, pKey2, n);
  if( rc==0 ){
    if( padFlag
     && allSpaces(((char*)pKey1)+n, nKey1-n)
     && allSpaces(((char*)pKey2)+n, nKey2-n)
      /* Leave rc unchanged at 0 */
      rc = nKey1 - nKey2;
  return rc;
void readName( char* name, int f_or_l, int length )
	if( f_or_l == 0 )		// Wish passing strings in C was easier. f_or_l stands for first or last as in name. 0 for first and 1 for last name.
		printf( "Please enter your first name on the card.\n" ) ;
		printf( "Please enter your last name on the card.\n" ) ;
	printf( "Please note if your name may contain spaces, but cannot exceed %d characters including spaces.\n", length - 1 ) ;
    printf( "Please use only English characters, numbers or special characters cannot be accepted by the system.\n" ) ;
    getData( name, length ) ;
    while( !checkName( name ) || allSpaces( name ) )	// Keep checking till the user gets it right.
    	printf( "The system seems to get only spaces, numericals or special characters.\nPlease try again.\n" ) ;
    	getData( name, length ) ;