isc_result_t isc_taskpool_create(isc_taskmgr_t *tmgr, isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int ntasks, unsigned int quantum, isc_taskpool_t **poolp) { unsigned int i; isc_taskpool_t *pool = NULL; isc_result_t result; INSIST(ntasks > 0); /* Allocate the pool structure */ result = alloc_pool(tmgr, mctx, ntasks, quantum, &pool); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); /* Create the tasks */ for (i = 0; i < ntasks; i++) { result = isc_task_create(tmgr, quantum, &pool->tasks[i]); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { isc_taskpool_destroy(&pool); return (result); } isc_task_setname(pool->tasks[i], "taskpool", NULL); } *poolp = pool; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); }
isc_result_t isc_pool_create(isc_mem_t *mctx, unsigned int count, isc_pooldeallocator_t free, isc_poolinitializer_t init, void *initarg, isc_pool_t **poolp) { isc_pool_t *pool = NULL; isc_result_t result; unsigned int i; INSIST(count > 0); /* Allocate the pool structure */ result = alloc_pool(mctx, count, &pool); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); pool->free = free; pool->init = init; pool->initarg = initarg; /* Populate the pool */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { result = init(&pool->pool[i], initarg); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { isc_pool_destroy(&pool); return (result); } } *poolp = pool; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); }
cell* alloc_mem(){ //cell * c=(cell *)malloc(sizeof(cell)); cell *c; trace(3,"mem \n"); if( alloc_pool(); c=&(mem_pool.mem[[]]); c->[];; mem_pool.cnt++; return c; }
isc_result_t isc_pool_expand(isc_pool_t **sourcep, unsigned int count, isc_pool_t **targetp) { isc_result_t result; isc_pool_t *pool; REQUIRE(sourcep != NULL && *sourcep != NULL); REQUIRE(targetp != NULL && *targetp == NULL); pool = *sourcep; if (count > pool->count) { isc_pool_t *newpool = NULL; unsigned int i; /* Allocate a new pool structure */ result = alloc_pool(pool->mctx, count, &newpool); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); newpool->free = pool->free; newpool->init = pool->init; newpool->initarg = pool->initarg; /* Copy over the objects from the old pool */ for (i = 0; i < pool->count; i++) { newpool->pool[i] = pool->pool[i]; pool->pool[i] = NULL; } /* Populate the new entries */ for (i = pool->count; i < count; i++) { result = pool->init(&newpool->pool[i], pool->initarg); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { isc_pool_destroy(&pool); return (result); } } isc_pool_destroy(&pool); pool = newpool; } *sourcep = NULL; *targetp = pool; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); }
isc_result_t isc_taskpool_expand(isc_taskpool_t **sourcep, unsigned int size, isc_taskpool_t **targetp) { isc_result_t result; isc_taskpool_t *pool; REQUIRE(sourcep != NULL && *sourcep != NULL); REQUIRE(targetp != NULL && *targetp == NULL); pool = *sourcep; if (size > pool->ntasks) { isc_taskpool_t *newpool = NULL; unsigned int i; /* Allocate a new pool structure */ result = alloc_pool(pool->tmgr, pool->mctx, size, pool->quantum, &newpool); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return (result); /* Copy over the tasks from the old pool */ for (i = 0; i < pool->ntasks; i++) { newpool->tasks[i] = pool->tasks[i]; pool->tasks[i] = NULL; } /* Create new tasks */ for (i = pool->ntasks; i < size; i++) { result = isc_task_create(pool->tmgr, pool->quantum, &newpool->tasks[i]); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { isc_taskpool_destroy(&newpool); return (result); } isc_task_setname(newpool->tasks[i], "taskpool", NULL); } isc_taskpool_destroy(&pool); pool = newpool; } *sourcep = NULL; *targetp = pool; return (ISC_R_SUCCESS); }
void *pallocsz(struct pool_rec *p, size_t sz) { return alloc_pool(p, sz, TRUE); }
void *palloc(struct pool_rec *p, size_t sz) { return alloc_pool(p, sz, FALSE); }
void *pallocsz(struct pool *p, int sz) { return alloc_pool(p, sz, TRUE); }
void *palloc(struct pool *p, int sz) { return alloc_pool(p, sz, FALSE); }