Exemple #1
  void Map::init(const Dict& opts) {
    // Call the initialization method of the base class

    // Allocate sufficient memory for serial evaluation
Exemple #2
  void MapOmp::init(const Dict& opts) {
    // Call the initialization method of the base class

    // Allocate memory for holding memory object references
    alloc_iw(n_, true);

    // Allocate sufficient memory for parallel evaluation
    alloc_arg(f_.sz_arg() * n_);
    alloc_res(f_.sz_res() * n_);
    alloc_w(f_.sz_w() * n_);
    alloc_iw(f_.sz_iw() * n_);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // Load the dispatchlist
    // Add each process structure instance to the job dispatch list queue
    node_t *tmp_head = NULL;
    printf("Dispatch list: \n");
    load_dispatch("dispatchlist", &tmp_head);

    // Iterate through each item in the job dispatch list, add each process
    // to the appropriate queues
    node_t *test = NULL;
    while(tmp_head != NULL) {
        proc current = pop(&tmp_head);

        // get a segfault, so this is currently commented out
        push(&head_dispatch_queues[current.priority], current);

    // go through the queues from highest to lowest priority
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        // while this queue isn't empty
        // it will keep pushing resources to the end of the queue until this on is completely empty
        while(head_dispatch_queues[i] != NULL) {
            proc current = pop(head_dispatch_queues[i]);
            if(res_available(current, resources)) {
                // Allocate the resources for each process before it's executed
                int printer_start = alloc_res(&resources.printers,  current.required_printers);
                int scanner_start = alloc_res(&resources.scanners,  current.required_scanners);
                int modem_start   = alloc_res(&resources.modems,    current.required_modems);
                int cd_start      = alloc_res(&resources.cd_drives, current.required_cds);
                int memory_start  = alloc_res(&resources.memory,    current.required_memory);

                // Execute the process binary using fork and exec
                // Perform the appropriate signal handling
                // decrease the current.processor_time by the amount of time this process ran

                // Deallocate the resources
                free_res(&resources.printers,  printer_start, current.required_printers);
                free_res(&resources.scanners,  scanner_start, current.required_scanners);
                free_res(&resources.modems,    modem_start,   current.required_modems);
                free_res(&resources.cd_drives, cd_start,      current.required_cds);
                free_res(&resources.memory,    memory_start,  current.required_memory);

            // if the process needs more time to run, add it back to the queue
            if(current.processor_time > 0) {
                push(head_dispatch_queues[i], current);

    // make sure the queues are clear to avoid memory leaks
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        while(head_dispatch_queues[i] != NULL)

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;