Exemple #1
void AIScannerInfo::Initialize()

	ScriptAllocatorScope alloc_scope(this->engine);

	/* Create the dummy AI */
	this->main_script = stredup("%_dummy");
	extern void Script_CreateDummyInfo(HSQUIRRELVM vm, const char *type, const char *dir);
	Script_CreateDummyInfo(this->engine->GetVM(), "AI", "ai");
Exemple #2
struct node *parse_main(struct compiler *compiler)
    struct block *block;

    struct node *result = alloc_scope(compiler, &block, S_MAIN);

    block->owner = block;

    result->right = parse_statements(compiler);

    lexer_match(compiler, T_EOF);

    return result;
Exemple #3
  static BuildProgress::Enum CheckInputSignature(BuildQueue* queue, ThreadState* thread_state, NodeState* node, Mutex* queue_lock)
    CHECK(AllDependenciesReady(queue, node));


    const BuildQueueConfig& config = queue->m_Config;
    StatCache* stat_cache = config.m_StatCache;
    DigestCache* digest_cache = config.m_DigestCache;

    const NodeData* node_data = node->m_MmapData;

    HashState sighash;
    FILE* debug_log = (FILE*) queue->m_Config.m_FileSigningLog;

    if (debug_log)
      fprintf(debug_log, "input_sig(\"%s\"):\n", node_data->m_Annotation.Get());
      HashInitDebug(&sighash, debug_log);

    // Start with command line action. If that changes, we'll definitely have to rebuild.
    HashAddString(&sighash, node_data->m_Action);

    if (const char* pre_action = node_data->m_PreAction)
      HashAddString(&sighash, pre_action);

    const ScannerData* scanner = node_data->m_Scanner;

    for (const FrozenFileAndHash& input : node_data->m_InputFiles)
      // Add path and timestamp of every direct input file.
      HashAddString(&sighash, input.m_Filename);
      ComputeFileSignature(&sighash, stat_cache, digest_cache, input.m_Filename, input.m_Hash, config.m_ShaDigestExtensions, config.m_ShaDigestExtensionCount);

      if (scanner)
        // Roll back scratch allocator between scans
        MemAllocLinearScope alloc_scope(&thread_state->m_ScratchAlloc);

        ScanInput scan_input;
        scan_input.m_ScannerConfig = scanner;
        scan_input.m_ScratchAlloc  = &thread_state->m_ScratchAlloc;
        scan_input.m_ScratchHeap   = &thread_state->m_LocalHeap;
        scan_input.m_FileName      = input.m_Filename;
        scan_input.m_ScanCache     = queue->m_Config.m_ScanCache;

        ScanOutput scan_output;

        if (ScanImplicitDeps(stat_cache, &scan_input, &scan_output))
          for (int i = 0, count = scan_output.m_IncludedFileCount; i < count; ++i)
            // Add path and timestamp of every indirect input file (#includes)
            const FileAndHash& path = scan_output.m_IncludedFiles[i];
            HashAddString(&sighash, path.m_Filename);
            ComputeFileSignature(&sighash, stat_cache, digest_cache, path.m_Filename, path.m_Hash, config.m_ShaDigestExtensions, config.m_ShaDigestExtensionCount);

    HashFinalize(&sighash, &node->m_InputSignature);

    if (debug_log)
      char sig[kDigestStringSize];
      DigestToString(sig, node->m_InputSignature);
      fprintf(debug_log, "  => %s\n", sig);

    // Figure out if we need to rebuild this node.
    const NodeStateData* prev_state = node->m_MmapState;

    BuildProgress::Enum next_state;

    if (!prev_state)
      // This is a new node - we must built it
      Log(kSpam, "T=%d: building %s - new node", thread_state->m_ThreadIndex, node_data->m_Annotation.Get());
      next_state = BuildProgress::kRunAction;
    else if (prev_state->m_InputSignature != node->m_InputSignature)
      // The input signature has changed (either direct inputs or includes)
      // We need to rebuild this node.
      Log(kSpam, "T=%d: building %s - input signature changed", thread_state->m_ThreadIndex, node_data->m_Annotation.Get());
      next_state = BuildProgress::kRunAction;
    else if (prev_state->m_BuildResult != 0)
      // The build progress failed the last time around - we need to retry it.
      Log(kSpam, "T=%d: building %s - previous build failed", thread_state->m_ThreadIndex, node_data->m_Annotation.Get());
      next_state = BuildProgress::kRunAction;
    else if (OutputFilesDiffer(node_data, prev_state))
      // The output files are different - need to rebuild.
      Log(kSpam, "T=%d: building %s - output files have changed", thread_state->m_ThreadIndex, node_data->m_Annotation.Get());
      next_state = BuildProgress::kRunAction;
    else if (OutputFilesMissing(stat_cache, node_data))
      // One or more output files are missing - need to rebuild.
      Log(kSpam, "T=%d: building %s - output files are missing", thread_state->m_ThreadIndex, node_data->m_Annotation.Get());
      next_state = BuildProgress::kRunAction;
      // Everything is up to date
      Log(kSpam, "T=%d: %s - up to date", thread_state->m_ThreadIndex, node_data->m_Annotation.Get());
      next_state = BuildProgress::kUpToDate;


    return next_state;