Exemple #1
/** @internal
 *  Function    oyOption_Copy__Members
 *  @memberof   oyOption_s
 *  @brief      Custom Option copy constructor
 *  This function makes a copy of all values from the input
 *  to the output object. The destination object and all of its
 *  members should already be allocated.
 *  @param[in]   src  the oyOption_s_ input object
 *  @param[out]  dst  the output oyOption_s_ object
 *  @version Oyranos: x.x.x
 *  @since   YYYY/MM/DD (Oyranos: x.x.x)
 *  @date    YYYY/MM/DD
int oyOption_Copy__Members( oyOption_s_ * dst, oyOption_s_ * src)
  oyAlloc_f allocateFunc_ = 0;
  oyDeAlloc_f deallocateFunc_ = 0;
  int error = 0;

  if(!dst || !src)
    return 1;

  allocateFunc_ = dst->oy_->allocateFunc_;
  deallocateFunc_ = dst->oy_->deallocateFunc_;

  /* Copy each value of src to dst here */

  if(dst->value_type == src->value_type &&
      oyValueEqual( dst->value, src->value, dst->value_type, -1 ))
     return -1;

   /* oyOption_Clear does normally signal emitting; block that. */
   oyStruct_DisableSignalSend( (oyStruct_s*)dst );
   error = oyOption_Clear( (oyOption_s*)dst );
   oyStruct_EnableSignalSend( (oyStruct_s*)dst );

   dst->registration = oyStringCopy_( src->registration, allocateFunc_ );
   dst->value_type = src->value_type;
   dst->value = allocateFunc_(sizeof(oyValue_u));
   memset(dst->value, 0, sizeof(oyValue_u));
   oyValueCopy( dst->value, src->value, dst->value_type,
                allocateFunc_, deallocateFunc_ );
   dst->source = src->source;
   dst->flags = src->flags;
   oyStruct_ObserverSignal( (oyStruct_s*)dst, oySIGNAL_DATA_CHANGED, 0 );

  return error;
Exemple #2
/** Function    oyNamedColor_Copy__Members
 *  @memberof   oyNamedColor_s
 *  @brief      Custom NamedColor copy constructor
 *  @internal
 *  This function makes a copy of all values from the input
 *  to the output object. The destination object and all of its
 *  members should already be allocated.
 *  @param[in]   src  the oyNamedColor_s_ input object
 *  @param[out]  dst  the output oyNamedColor_s_ object
 *  @version Oyranos: x.x.x
 *  @since   YYYY/MM/DD (Oyranos: x.x.x)
 *  @date    YYYY/MM/DD
int oyNamedColor_Copy__Members( oyNamedColor_s_ * dst, oyNamedColor_s_ * src)
  int error = 0;
  oyNamedColor_s_ * s = dst;
  oyAlloc_f allocateFunc_ = 0;
  const double    * chan;
  const char      * blob;
  int               blob_len;
  oyProfile_s     * ref;
  int n = 0;

  if(!dst || !src)
    return 1;

  allocateFunc_ = dst->oy_->allocateFunc_;

  chan = src->channels_;
  blob = src->blob_;
  blob_len = src->blob_len_;
  ref = src->profile_;

  /* Copy each value of src to dst here */
  if(error <= 0)
    s->profile_  = oyProfile_Copy( ref, 0 );

  n = oyProfile_GetChannelsCount( s->profile_ );
    s->channels_ = allocateFunc_( n * sizeof(double) );
  oyCopyColor( chan, &s->channels_[0], 1, ref, n );
  oyCopyColor( 0, &s->XYZ_[0], 1, 0, 0 );

  if(error <= 0 && blob && blob_len)
    s->blob_ = allocateFunc_( blob_len );
    if(!s->blob_) error = 1;

    if(error <= 0)
      error = !memcpy( s->blob_, blob, blob_len );

    if(error <= 0)
      s->blob_len_ = blob_len;

  return error;
/** Function    oyPixelAccess_Copy__Members
 *  @memberof   oyPixelAccess_s
 *  @brief      Custom PixelAccess copy constructor
 *  @internal
 *  This function makes a copy of all values from the input
 *  to the output object. The destination object and all of its
 *  members should already be allocated.
 *  @param[in]   src  the oyPixelAccess_s_ input object
 *  @param[out]  dst  the output oyPixelAccess_s_ object
 *  @version Oyranos: x.x.x
 *  @since   YYYY/MM/DD (Oyranos: x.x.x)
 *  @date    YYYY/MM/DD
int oyPixelAccess_Copy__Members( oyPixelAccess_s_ * dst, oyPixelAccess_s_ * src)
  int error = 0, len;
  oyAlloc_f allocateFunc_ = 0;
#if 0
  oyDeAlloc_f deallocateFunc_ = 0;

  if(!dst || !src)
    return 1;

  allocateFunc_ = dst->oy_->allocateFunc_;
#if 0
  deallocateFunc_ = dst->oy_->deallocateFunc_;

  /* Copy each value of src to dst here */
  dst->start_xy_old[0] = dst->start_xy[0] = src->start_xy[0];
  dst->start_xy_old[1] = dst->start_xy[1] = src->start_xy[1];
  dst->array_n = src->array_n;
  if(src->array_xy && src->array_n)
    len = sizeof(int32_t) * 2 * src->array_n;
    dst->array_xy = allocateFunc_(len);
    error = !dst->array_xy;
    if(error <= 0)
      error = !memcpy(dst->array_xy, src->array_xy, len);
  /* reset to properly initialise the new iterator */
  dst->index = 0;
  dst->pixels_n = src->pixels_n;
  dst->workspace_id = src->workspace_id;
  dst->output_array_roi = (oyRectangle_s_*)oyRectangle_Copy( (oyRectangle_s*)src->output_array_roi, dst->oy_ );
  dst->output_image = oyImage_Copy( src->output_image, 0 );
  dst->array = oyArray2d_Copy( src->array, 0 );
  if(src->user_data && src->user_data->copy)
    dst->user_data = src->user_data->copy( src->user_data, 0 );
    dst->user_data = src->user_data;
  dst->graph = (oyFilterGraph_s_*)oyFilterGraph_Copy( (oyFilterGraph_s*)src->graph, 0 );

  return error;
/** Function  oyFilterNode_GetSocket
 *  @memberof oyFilterNode_s
 *  @brief    Get a oyFilterSocket_s of type from a FilterNode
 *  @param         node                filter node
 *  @param         pos                 absolute position of connector
 *  @return                            the socket
 *  @version Oyranos: 0.1.8
 *  @since   2008/07/30 (Oyranos: 0.1.8)
 *  @date    2008/07/30
OYAPI oyFilterSocket_s * OYEXPORT
                 oyFilterNode_GetSocket (
                                       oyFilterNode_s    * node,
                                       int                 pos )
  oyFilterSocket_s_ * s = 0;
  oyFilterNode_s_ * node_ = (oyFilterNode_s_*)node;

  if(node_ && node_->type_ == oyOBJECT_FILTER_NODE_S &&
     /* do a range check */
     (0 <= pos && pos < oyFilterNode_EdgeCount( (oyFilterNode_s*)node_, 0, 0 )))
    oyAlloc_f allocateFunc_ = node_->oy_->allocateFunc_;

      int count = oyFilterNode_EdgeCount( (oyFilterNode_s*)node_, 0, 0 );
      size_t len;
      if(count < 0) count = 0;
      len = sizeof(oyFilterSocket_s*) * (count + 1);

      node_->sockets = allocateFunc_( len );
      memset( node_->sockets, 0, len );

      s = (oyFilterSocket_s_*)oyFilterSocket_New( node_->oy_ );
      s->pattern = oyFilterNode_ShowConnector( (oyFilterNode_s*)node_, pos, 0 );
      s->node = (oyFilterNode_s_*)oyFilterNode_Copy( (oyFilterNode_s*)node_,0 );
      oyFilterSocket_Copy((oyFilterSocket_s*)s, 0); /* ref for node */
      s->relatives_ = oyStringCopy_( node_->relatives_, allocateFunc_ );
      node_->sockets[pos] = s;
    s = (oyFilterSocket_s_*)oyFilterSocket_Copy((oyFilterSocket_s*)node_->sockets[pos], 0);

  return (oyFilterSocket_s*)s;
/** Function  oyFilterNode_GetPlug
 *  @memberof oyFilterNode_s
 *  @brief    Get a oyFilterPlug_s of type from a FilterNode
 *  @param         node                filter node
 *  @param         pos                 position of connector from filter
 *  @return                            the plug
 *  @version Oyranos: 0.1.8
 *  @since   2008/07/30 (Oyranos: 0.1.8)
 *  @date    2008/07/30
OYAPI oyFilterPlug_s * OYEXPORT oyFilterNode_GetPlug (
                                       oyFilterNode_s    * node,
                                       int                 pos )
  oyFilterNode_s_ * node_ = (oyFilterNode_s_*)node;
  oyFilterPlug_s_ * s = 0;

  if(node_ && node_->type_ == oyOBJECT_FILTER_NODE_S &&
     pos < oyFilterNode_EdgeCount( (oyFilterNode_s*)node_, 1, 0 ))
    oyAlloc_f allocateFunc_ = node_->oy_->allocateFunc_;

      int count = oyFilterNode_EdgeCount( (oyFilterNode_s*)node_, 1, 0 );
      size_t len;
      if(count < 0) count = 0;
      len = sizeof(oyFilterPlug_s*) * (count + 1);

      node_->plugs = allocateFunc_( len );
      memset( node_->plugs, 0, len );

      s = (oyFilterPlug_s_*)oyFilterPlug_New( node_->oy_ );
      s->pattern = oyFilterNode_ShowConnector( (oyFilterNode_s*)node_, pos, 1 );
      s->node = (oyFilterNode_s_*)oyFilterNode_Copy( (oyFilterNode_s*)node_, 0);
      oyFilterPlug_Copy((oyFilterPlug_s*)s,0); /* ref node */
      s->relatives_ = oyStringCopy_( node_->relatives_, allocateFunc_ );
      node_->plugs[pos] = s;

    s = node_->plugs[pos];

  return (oyFilterPlug_s*)s;
/** Function  oyFilterNode_Create
 *  @memberof oyFilterNode_s
 *  @brief    Initialise a new filter node object properly
 *  @param         registration        the processing filter @ref registration string
 *  @param         filter              the context filter
 *  @param         object              the optional object
 *  @version Oyranos: 0.9.6
 *  @date    2014/07/01
 *  @since   2008/07/30 (Oyranos: 0.1.8)
oyFilterNode_s *   oyFilterNode_Create(const char        * registration,
                                       oyFilterCore_s    * filter,
                                       oyObject_s          object )
  oyFilterNode_s_ * s = 0;
  int error = 0;
  oyAlloc_f allocateFunc_ = 0;

  oyFilterCore_s_ * filter_ = (oyFilterCore_s_*)filter;

    return (oyFilterNode_s*) s;

  s = (oyFilterNode_s_*) oyFilterNode_New( object );
  error = !s;

  if(error <= 0)
    allocateFunc_ = s->oy_->allocateFunc_;

    s->core = (oyFilterCore_s_*)oyFilterCore_Copy( filter, object );
      WARNc2_S("Could not copy filter: %s %s",
               filter_->registration_, filter_->category_)
      error = 1;

    if(error <= 0)
      s->api7_ = (oyCMMapi7_s_*) oyCMMsGetFilterApi_(
                                           registration, oyOBJECT_CMM_API7_S );
    if(error <= 0 && !s->api7_)
      WARNc2_S("Could not obtain filter api7 for: %s %s",
               filter_->registration_, filter_->category_)
      error = 1;

      s->plugs_n_ = s->api7_->plugs_n + s->api7_->plugs_last_add;
      s->sockets_n_ = s->api7_->sockets_n + s->api7_->sockets_last_add;

      int count = oyFilterNode_EdgeCount( (oyFilterNode_s*) s, 0, 0 );
      size_t len;
      if(count < 0) count = 0;
      len = sizeof(oyFilterSocket_s*) * (count + 1);

      s->sockets = allocateFunc_( len );
      memset( s->sockets, 0, len );

      len = sizeof(oyFilterSocket_s*) * (oyFilterNode_EdgeCount(
                                               (oyFilterNode_s*) s, 1, 0 ) + 1);
      len = len?len:sizeof(oyFilterSocket_s*);
      s->plugs = allocateFunc_( len );
      memset( s->plugs, 0, len );

      s->relatives_ = allocateFunc_( oyStrlen_(filter_->category_) + 24 );
      oySprintf_( s->relatives_, "%d: %s", oyObject_GetId(s->oy_), s->core->category_);

    oyFilterNode_Release( (oyFilterNode_s**) &s );

  return (oyFilterNode_s*) s;