Exemple #1
void prepareClient(ClientsContainer * container, sf::TcpSocket ** acceptSocket)
    //create the new Client
    Client * newClient = new Client;
    if(newClient == NULL)
        printf("Failed to allocate Client\n");
    newClient->socket = *acceptSocket;
    int ClientId = container->list->add(newClient);
    //create and launch a protocol connect thread
    sf::Thread * newConnectThread = new sf::Thread(&connectProtocol,ConnectDataSet(container,ClientId));
    if(newConnectThread == NULL)
        printf("Failed to allocate thread\n");

    allocateNewSocket(acceptSocket); //reset for the next Client
 * Callback function registered to the ESP8266 environment that is
 * invoked when a new inbound connection has been formed.
static void esp8266_callback_connectCB_inbound(
    void *arg //!<
) {
    struct espconn *pEspconn = (struct espconn *)arg;
    assert(pEspconn != NULL);

    struct socketData *pClientSocketData = allocateNewSocket();
    if (pClientSocketData == NULL) {
        DBG("%s: out of sockets, dropping inbound connection\n", DBG_LIB);
    DBG("%s: accepted socket %d inbound to port %d from %d.%d.%d.%d:%d\n", DBG_LIB,
        pClientSocketData->socketId, pEspconn->proto.tcp->local_port,
        IP2STR(pEspconn->proto.tcp->remote_ip), pEspconn->proto.tcp->remote_port);

    // register callbacks on the new connection
    espconn_regist_disconcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_disconnectCB);
    espconn_regist_reconcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_reconnectCB);
    espconn_regist_sentcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_sentCB);
    espconn_regist_recvcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_recvCB);

    pClientSocketData->pEspconn          = pEspconn;
    pClientSocketData->pEspconn->reverse = pClientSocketData;
    pClientSocketData->creationType      = SOCKET_CREATED_INBOUND;
    pClientSocketData->state             = SOCKET_STATE_UNACCEPTED;
Exemple #3
void answerToClient(AnswerDataSet data) //AnswerDataSet = List<Client*> * list, sf::Mutex * listMutex, int port
    sf::TcpListener listener;
    setupListener(&listener, data.port);
    sf::TcpSocket * acceptSocket; // always keep one allocated

        bool isFull = (data.container->list->getSize() == data.maxClient);
                isFull = (data.container->list->getSize() == data.maxClient);
                if(isFull) // stops accepting if full

 * Callback function registered to the ESP8266 environment that is
 * invoked when a new inbound connection has been formed.
 * A new connection
 * can occur when the ESP8266 makes a call out to a partner (in that
 * case the ESP8266 is acting as a client) or a new connection can
 * occur when a partner calls into a listening ESP8266.  In that case
 * the ESP8266 is acting as a server.
static void esp8266_callback_connectCB_inbound(
		void *arg //!<
	) {
	os_printf(">> connectCB_inbound\n");
	struct espconn *pEspconn = (struct espconn *)arg;
	assert(pEspconn != NULL);

  espconn_regist_disconcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_disconnectCB);
  espconn_regist_reconcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_reconnectCB);
  espconn_regist_sentcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_sentCB);
  espconn_regist_recvcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_recvCB);
  espconn_regist_write_finish(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_writeFinishedCB);


	int inboundSocket = getServerSocketByLocalPort(pEspconn->proto.tcp->local_port);
	assert(inboundSocket != -1);
	struct socketData *pSocketData = getSocketData(inboundSocket);
	assert(pSocketData != NULL);


	os_printf("** new client has connected to us **\n");

	if ((pSocketData->acceptedSocketsHead + 1) % MAX_ACCEPTED_SOCKETS == pSocketData->acceptedSocketsTail) {
		os_printf("WARNING!! - Discarding inbound client because we have too many accepted clients.\n");
		os_printf("<< connectCB_inbound\n");

	struct socketData *pClientSocketData = allocateNewSocket();
	if (pClientSocketData == NULL) {
		os_printf("!!! Ran out of sockets !!!\n");
	assert(pClientSocketData != NULL);
	pClientSocketData->pEspconn          = pEspconn;
	pClientSocketData->pEspconn->reverse = pClientSocketData;
	pClientSocketData->creationType      = SOCKET_CREATED_INBOUND;
	pClientSocketData->isConnected       = true;
	pClientSocketData->state             = SOCKET_STATE_IDLE;

	pSocketData->acceptedSockets[pSocketData->acceptedSocketsHead] = pClientSocketData->socketId;
	pSocketData->acceptedSocketsHead = (pSocketData->acceptedSocketsHead + 1) % MAX_ACCEPTED_SOCKETS;

	os_printf("<< connectCB_inbound\n");
 * Create a new socket.
 * if `ipAddress == 0`, creates a server otherwise creates a client (and automatically connects).
 * Returns >=0 on success.
int net_ESP8266_BOARD_createSocket(
    JsNetwork *net,     //!< The Network we are going to use to create the socket.
    uint32_t ipAddress, //!< The address of the partner of the socket or 0 if we are to be a server.
    unsigned short port //!< The port number that the partner is listening upon.
) {
    // allocate a socket data structure
    struct socketData *pSocketData = allocateNewSocket();
    if (pSocketData == NULL) { // No free socket
        DBG("%s: No free sockets for outbound connection\n", DBG_LIB);
        return SOCKET_ERR_MAX_SOCK;

    // allocate espconn data structure and initialize it
    struct espconn *pEspconn = os_zalloc(sizeof(struct espconn));
    esp_tcp *tcp = os_zalloc(sizeof(esp_tcp));
    if (pEspconn == NULL || tcp == NULL) {
        DBG("%s: Out of memory for outbound connection\n", DBG_LIB);
        if (pEspconn != NULL) os_free(pEspconn);
        if (tcp != NULL) os_free(tcp);
        return SOCKET_ERR_MEM;

    pSocketData->pEspconn = pEspconn;
    pEspconn->type      = ESPCONN_TCP;
    pEspconn->state     = ESPCONN_NONE;
    pEspconn->proto.tcp = tcp;
    tcp->remote_port    = port;
    tcp->local_port     = espconn_port(); // using 0 doesn't work
    pEspconn->reverse   = pSocketData;
    espconn_set_opt(pEspconn, ESPCONN_NODELAY); // disable nagle, don't need the extra delay

    if (ipAddress == (uint32_t)-1) {
        // We need DNS resolution, kick it off
        int rc = espconn_gethostbyname(pEspconn, savedHostname,
                                       (void*)&pEspconn->proto.tcp->remote_ip, dnsFoundCallback);
        if (rc < 0) {
        DBG("%s: resolving %s\n", DBG_LIB, savedHostname);
        pSocketData->state = SOCKET_STATE_HOST_RESOLVING;
        return pSocketData->socketId;
    } else {
        // No DNS resolution needed, go right ahead
        *(uint32_t *)&pEspconn->proto.tcp->remote_ip = ipAddress;
        return connectSocket(pSocketData);
 * Create a new socket.
 * if `ipAddress == 0`, creates a server otherwise creates a client (and automatically connects). Returns >=0 on success.
int net_ESP8266_BOARD_createSocket(
		JsNetwork *net,     //!< The Network we are going to use to create the socket.
		uint32_t ipAddress, //!< The address of the partner of the socket or 0 if we are to be a server.
		unsigned short port //!< The port number that the partner is listening upon.
	) {
	os_printf("> net_ESP8266_BOARD_createSocket: host: %d.%d.%d.%d, port:%d \n", ((char *)(&ipAddress))[0], ((char *)(&ipAddress))[1], ((char *)(&ipAddress))[2], ((char *)(&ipAddress))[3], port);

	bool isServer = (ipAddress == 0);

	struct socketData *pSocketData = allocateNewSocket();
	if (pSocketData == NULL) { // No free socket
		os_printf("< net_ESP8266_BOARD_createSocket: No free sockets\n");
		return -1;

	int newSocket = pSocketData->socketId;
	pSocketData->pEspconn = (struct espconn *)os_malloc(sizeof(struct espconn));

	struct espconn *pEspconn = pSocketData->pEspconn;

	pEspconn->type      = ESPCONN_TCP;
	pEspconn->state     = ESPCONN_NONE;
	pEspconn->proto.tcp = (esp_tcp *)os_malloc(sizeof(esp_tcp));
	pEspconn->reverse   = pSocketData;
	assert(pEspconn->proto.tcp != NULL);
	os_memset(pEspconn->proto.tcp, 0, sizeof(esp_tcp));

	// NOTE: We must not call these functions until AFTER we have allocated storage
	// for the 'esp_tcp' structure.
  espconn_regist_disconcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_disconnectCB);
  espconn_regist_reconcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_reconnectCB);
  espconn_regist_sentcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_sentCB);
  espconn_regist_recvcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_recvCB);
  espconn_regist_write_finish(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_writeFinishedCB);

	struct ip_info ipconfig;
	wifi_get_ip_info(STATION_IF, &ipconfig); // Get the local IP address
	os_memcpy(pEspconn->proto.tcp->local_ip, &ipconfig.ip, 4);

	// If we are not a server ...
	if (isServer == false) {
		pSocketData->state = SOCKET_STATE_CONNECTING;
		pSocketData->creationType = SOCKET_CREATED_OUTBOUND;
		pEspconn->proto.tcp->remote_port = port;
		pEspconn->proto.tcp->local_port  = espconn_port();

		*(uint32 *)(pEspconn->proto.tcp->remote_ip) = ipAddress;

		// Ensure that we have flagged this socket as NOT connected
		pSocketData->isConnected = false;

		espconn_regist_connectcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_connectCB_outbound);

		// Make a call to espconn_connect.
		int rc = espconn_connect(pEspconn);
		if (rc != 0) {
			os_printf("Err: net_ESP8266_BOARD_createSocket -> espconn_connect returned: %d.  Using local port: %d\n", rc, pEspconn->proto.tcp->local_port);
			setSocketInError(newSocket, "espconn_connect", rc);
	// If the ipAddress IS 0 ... then we are a server.
    // We are going to set ourselves up as a server
		pSocketData->state        = SOCKET_STATE_IDLE;
		pSocketData->creationType = SOCKET_CREATED_SERVER;
		pEspconn->proto.tcp->local_port = port;

		espconn_regist_connectcb(pEspconn, esp8266_callback_connectCB_inbound);

		// Make a call to espconn_accept
		int rc = espconn_accept(pEspconn);
		if (rc != 0) {
			os_printf("Err: net_ESP8266_BOARD_createSocket -> espconn_accept returned: %d.  Using local port: %d\n", rc, pEspconn->proto.tcp->local_port);
			setSocketInError(newSocket, "espconn_accept", rc);

	os_printf("< net_ESP8266_BOARD_createSocket, socket=%d\n", newSocket);
	return newSocket;