Exemple #1
/* Minc function that sets output sampling rate (p0), maximum number of
   output channels (p1), and (optionally) I/O buffer size (p2).

   On SGI, the optional p3 lets you specify the output port as a string
   (e.g., "LINE", "DIGITAL", etc.).

   Based on this information, rtsetparams allocates a mono output buffer
   for each of the output channels, and opens output devices.
RTcmix::mm_rtsetparams(float sr, int nchans, int vecsize, float *mm_inbuf, float *mm_outbuf, char *mm_errbuf)
   int         i, status;
   int         verbose = Option::print();
   int         play_audio = Option::play();
   int         record_audio = Option::record(true);
#ifdef SGI
   static char *out_port_str = NULL;
#endif /* SGI */

// BGG mm -- take this out to allow for resetting audio in maxmsp
   if (rtsetparams_called) {
      die("rtsetparams", "You can only call rtsetparams once!");
	  return -1;

// FIXME: Need better names for NCHANS and RTBUFSAMPS. -JGG

// BGG mm
   SR = sr;
   NCHANS = nchans;
   RTBUFSAMPS = vecsize;
	maxmsp_inbuf = mm_inbuf; // passed in from max/msp via maxmsp_rtsetparams()
	maxmsp_outbuf = mm_outbuf; // passed in from max/msp via maxmsp_rtsetparams()
	maxmsp_errbuf = mm_errbuf; // passed in from max/msp via maxmsp_rtsetparams()

   int numBuffers = Option::bufferCount();

// BGG mm
//   if (n_args > 3 && pp[3] != 0.0) {
#ifdef SGI
      /* Cast Minc double to char ptr to get string. */
      int iarg = (int) pp[3];
      out_port_str = (char *) iarg;
 	  rtcmix_advise("rtsetparams", "Playing through output port '%s'", out_port_str);
#endif /* SGI */
//   }
   if (SR <= 0.0) {
	   die("rtsetparams", "Sampling rate must be greater than 0.");
	   return -1;

   if (NCHANS > MAXBUS) {
      die("rtsetparams", "You can only have up to %d output channels.", MAXBUS - 1);
	  return -1;

   /* play_audio is true unless user has called set_option("audio_off") before
      rtsetparams. This would let user run multiple jobs, as long as only one
      needs the audio drivers.  -JGG

	  record_audio is false unless user has called set_option("full_duplex_on")
	  or has explicity turned record on by itself via set_option("record_on"),
	  or has already called rtinput("AUDIO").  -DS
   if (play_audio || record_audio) {
      int nframes = RTBUFSAMPS;
	  if (create_audio_devices(record_audio, play_audio, 
	  						   NCHANS, SR, &nframes, numBuffers) < 0)
	  	return -1;

      /* This may have been reset by driver. */
      RTBUFSAMPS = nframes;

   /* inTraverse waits for this. Set it even if play_audio is false! */
   audio_config = 1;

   if (verbose)
      post("rtcmix~: Audio set:  %g sampling rate, %d channels\n", SR, NCHANS);

   /* Allocate output buffers. Do this *after* opening audio devices,
      in case OSS changes our buffer size, for example.
   for (i = 0; i < NCHANS; i++) {
      allocate_out_buffer(i, RTBUFSAMPS);

   rtsetparams_called = 1;	/* Put this at end to allow re-call due to error */

   return 0;
Exemple #2
/* Minc function that sets output sampling rate (p0), maximum number of
   output channels (p1), and (optionally) I/O buffer size (p2).

   On SGI, the optional p3 lets you specify the output port as a string
   (e.g., "LINE", "DIGITAL", etc.).

   Based on this information, rtsetparams allocates a mono output buffer
   for each of the output channels, and opens output devices.
RTcmix::rtsetparams(float p[], int n_args, double pp[])
   int         i, status;
   int         verbose = Option::print();
   int         play_audio = Option::play();
   int         record_audio = Option::record();
#ifdef SGI
   static char *out_port_str = NULL;
#endif /* SGI */

   if (rtsetparams_was_called()) {
      die("rtsetparams", "You can only call rtsetparams once!");
	  return -1;

// FIXME: Need better names for NCHANS and RTBUFSAMPS. -JGG

   SR = p[0];
   NCHANS = (int) p[1];
   RTBUFSAMPS = n_args > 2 ? (int) p[2] : (int) Option::bufferFrames();
   int numBuffers = Option::bufferCount();

   if (n_args > 3 && pp[3] != 0.0) {
#ifdef SGI
      /* Cast Minc double to char ptr to get string. */
      int iarg = (int) pp[3];
      out_port_str = (char *) iarg;
 	  advise("rtsetparams", "Playing through output port '%s'", out_port_str);
#endif /* SGI */
   if (SR <= 0.0) {
	   die("rtsetparams", "Sampling rate must be greater than 0.");
	   return -1;

   if (NCHANS > MAXBUS) {
      die("rtsetparams", "You can only have up to %d output channels.", MAXBUS - 1);
	  return -1;

   /* play_audio is true unless user has called set_option("audio_off") before
      rtsetparams. This would let user run multiple jobs, as long as only one
      needs the audio drivers.  -JGG

	  record_audio is false unless user has called set_option("full_duplex_on")
	  or has explicity turned record on by itself via set_option("record_on"),
	  or has already called rtinput("AUDIO").  -DS
   if (play_audio || record_audio) {
      int nframes = RTBUFSAMPS;
	  if ((audioDevice = create_audio_devices(record_audio, play_audio, 
	  						   NCHANS, SR, &nframes, numBuffers)) == NULL)
	  	return -1;

      /* This may have been reset by driver. */
      RTBUFSAMPS = nframes;

   /* inTraverse waits for this. Set it even if play_audio is false! */
   audio_config = 1;

   if (verbose)
      printf("Audio set:  %g sampling rate, %d channels\n", SR, NCHANS);

   /* Allocate output buffers. Do this *after* opening audio devices,
      in case OSS changes our buffer size, for example.
   for (i = 0; i < NCHANS; i++) {
      allocate_out_buffer(i, RTBUFSAMPS);

   rtsetparams_called = 1;	/* Put this at end to allow re-call due to error */

   return 0;