rs2::frame pointcloud::process_depth_frame(const rs2::frame_source& source, const rs2::depth_frame& depth) { auto res = allocate_points(source, depth); auto pframe = (librealsense::points*)(res.get()); auto depth_data = (const uint16_t*)depth.get_data(); float2* tex_ptr = pframe->get_texture_coordinates(); const float3* points; points = depth_to_points(res, (uint8_t*)pframe->get_vertices(), *_depth_intrinsics, depth_data, *_depth_units); auto vid_frame =<rs2::video_frame>(); // Pixels calculated in the mapped texture. Used in post-processing filters float2* pixels_ptr =; rs2_intrinsics mapped_intr; rs2_extrinsics extr; bool map_texture = false; { if (_extrinsics && _other_intrinsics) { mapped_intr = *_other_intrinsics; extr = *_extrinsics; map_texture = true; } } if (map_texture) { auto height = vid_frame.get_height(); auto width = vid_frame.get_width(); get_texture_map(res, points, width, height, mapped_intr, extr, tex_ptr, pixels_ptr); if (_occlusion_filter->active()) { _occlusion_filter->process(pframe->get_vertices(), pframe->get_texture_coordinates(), _pixels_map); } } return res; }
IMPSTATISTICS_BEGIN_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE KMData::KMData(int d, int n) : dim_(d) { points_ = allocate_points(n, dim_); }
IMPSTATISTICS_BEGIN_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE KMCenters::KMCenters(int k, KMData *p) : data_points_(p) { centers_ = allocate_points(k,data_points_->get_dim()); }
void KMLProxy::run(Particles *initial_centers) { IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(is_init_,"The proxy was not initialized"); IMP_LOG(VERBOSE,"KMLProxy::run start \n"); //use the initial centers if provided KMPointArray *kmc=nullptr; if (initial_centers != nullptr) { IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(kcenters_ == initial_centers->size(), "the number of initial points differs from the number of required" <<" centers\n"); IMP_LOG(VERBOSE,"KMLProxy::run initial centers provided : \n"); kmc = allocate_points(kcenters_,atts_.size()); for (unsigned int i=0;i<kcenters_;i++){ Particle *cen=(*initial_centers)[i]; for(unsigned int j=0;j<atts_.size();j++) { (*(*kmc)[i])[j]=cen->get_value(atts_[j]); } } } IMP_LOG(VERBOSE,"KMLProxy::run load initial guess \n"); //load the initail guess KMFilterCenters ctrs(kcenters_, data_, kmc,damp_factor_); //apply lloyd search IMP_LOG(VERBOSE,"KMLProxy::run load lloyd \n"); lloyd_alg_ = new KMLocalSearchLloyd(&ctrs,&term_); log_header(); IMP_CHECK_CODE(clock_t start = clock()); IMP_LOG(VERBOSE,"KMLProxy::run excute lloyd \n"); lloyd_alg_->execute(); IMP_LOG(VERBOSE,"KMLProxy::run analyse \n"); KMFilterCentersResults best_clusters = lloyd_alg_->get_best(); IMP_CHECK_CODE(Float exec_time = elapsed_time(start)); // print summary IMP_LOG_WRITE(TERSE,log_summary(&best_clusters,exec_time)); IMP_LOG_WRITE(TERSE,; IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK(kcenters_ == (unsigned int) best_clusters.get_number_of_centers(), "The final number of centers does not match the requested one"); IMP_INTERNAL_CHECK (dim_ == (unsigned int) best_clusters.get_dim(), "The dimension of the final clusters is wrong"); //TODO clear the centroids list //set the centroids: Particle *p; IMP_LOG(VERBOSE,"KMLProxy::run load best results \n"); for (unsigned int ctr_ind = 0; ctr_ind < kcenters_; ctr_ind++) { KMPoint *kmp = best_clusters[ctr_ind]; //create a new particle p = new Particle(m_); centroids_.push_back(p); for (unsigned int att_ind = 0; att_ind < dim_; att_ind++) { p->add_attribute(atts_[att_ind],(*kmp)[att_ind],false); } } //set the assignment of particles to centers //array of number of all points //TODO - return this IMP_LOG(VERBOSE,"KMLProxy::run get assignments \n"); const Ints *close_center = best_clusters.get_assignments(); IMP_LOG(VERBOSE,"KMLProxy::run get assignments 2\n"); for (int i=0;i<data_->get_number_of_points();i++) { //std::cout<<"ps number i: " << i << " close center : " //<< (*close_center)[i] << std::endl; assignment_[ps_[i]]=(*close_center)[i]; } }