Exemple #1
void our_bot::FindCenter(){

    vector <int> Area_base;
    int Area_frontl=0;
    int Area_frontr=0;	
    vector <RotatedRect> BaseCenter = all_contours( mask[0], Area_base,0 );

    Point frontl_center = Point( 0, 0 );
    Point frontr_center = Point( 0, 0 );
    RotatedRect front_left;

    RotatedRect front_right;
    back_center = Point( 0, 0 );
//	cout<<"BaseCenter size : "<<BaseCenter.size()<<"\n";
    for( int i = 0; i < BaseCenter.size(); i++ ){

//		cout<<"before contour if else\n";
        if(Area_base[i] > BASE_AREA_THRESH) {
            front_left = closest_contour( mask[1], BaseCenter[i].center, Area_frontl );
            front_right = closest_contour( mask[2], BaseCenter[i].center, Area_frontr );
//			cout<<front_left.center.x<<"  "<<front_right.center.x<<"\n";
            if( front_left.center.x != 0 && front_right.center.x !=0 ){

                float angle_check =angl(front_right.center,BaseCenter[i].center,front_left.center); 
                cout << "angle check " << angle_check << endl;
                if( //angle_check > 40 && angle_check < 80  &&
                        distanc(front_left.center,BaseCenter[i].center) < BOT_LENGTH && 
                        distanc(front_right.center,BaseCenter[i].center) < BOT_LENGTH )
//                	cout<<"finding centers\n";
                    back_center = BaseCenter[i].center;
                    frontl_center = front_left.center;
                    frontr_center = front_right.center;


    front_center = Point( ( frontl_center.x + frontr_center.x ) / 2, ( frontl_center.y + frontr_center.y ) / 2 );
Exemple #2
double our_bot::orientation(){

    angle = angl( Point( dst_point.x,dst_point.y ), back_center, front_center );

    cout << "angle = " << angle << endl;
//    if( angle < 0 )
//        angle = -1 * angle;
//    else if( angle == 1000)		//case where the bot is not found in the bounding box.
//        angle = 0;
//    else if( angle > 0 )
//        angle = 360 - angle;

	bot_angle = angle;
//	cout<<"Distance: "<<sqrt(pow(back_center.x-dst_point.x,2)+pow(back_center.y-dst_point.y,2))<<"\t";
	distance = sqrt(pow(back_center.x-dst_point.x,2)+pow(back_center.y-dst_point.y,2));

//    printf("angle%f\t",angle);

Exemple #3
HOGFeatureExtractor::operator()(const CByteImage& img_) const
	/******** BEGIN TODO ********/
	// Compute the Histogram of Oriented Gradients feature
	// Steps are:
	// 1) Compute gradients in x and y directions. We provide the 
	//    derivative kernel proposed in the paper in _kernelDx and
	//    _kernelDy.
	// 2) Compute gradient magnitude and orientation
	// 3) Add contribution each pixel to HOG cells whose
	//    support overlaps with pixel. Each cell has a support of size
	//    _cellSize and each histogram has _nAngularBins.
	// 4) Normalize HOG for each cell. One simple strategy that is
	//    is also used in the SIFT descriptor is to first threshold
	//    the bin values so that no bin value is larger than some
	//    threshold (we leave it up to you do find this value) and
	//    then re-normalize the histogram so that it has norm 1. A more 
	//    elaborate normalization scheme is proposed in Dalal & Triggs
	//    paper but we leave that as extra credit.
	// Useful functions:
	// convertRGB2GrayImage, TypeConvert, WarpGlobal, Convolve

	int xCells = ceil(1.*img_.Shape().width  / _cellSize);
	int yCells = ceil(1.*img_.Shape().height / _cellSize);

	CFloatImage HOGHist(xCells, yCells, _nAngularBins);

	CByteImage gray(img_.Shape());
	CFloatImage grayF(img_.Shape().width, img_.Shape().height, 1);

	convertRGB2GrayImage(img_, gray);
	TypeConvert(gray, grayF);

	CFloatImage diffX( img_.Shape()), diffY( img_.Shape());

	Convolve(grayF, diffX, _kernelDx);
	Convolve(grayF, diffY, _kernelDy);
	CFloatImage grad(grayF.Shape()), grad2(grayF.Shape());
	CFloatImage angl(grayF.Shape()), angl2(grayF.Shape());
	for (int y = 0; y <grayF.Shape().height; y++){
		for (int x = 0; x<grayF.Shape().width; x++) {
			grad2.Pixel(x,y,0) = (diffX.Pixel(x,y,0) * diffX.Pixel(x,y,0) +
							     diffY.Pixel(x,y,0) * diffY.Pixel(x,y,0));
			angl2.Pixel(x,y,0) = atan(diffY.Pixel(x,y,0) / abs(diffY.Pixel(x,y,0)));

	// Bilinear Filter
	ConvolveSeparable(grad2, grad, ConvolveKernel_121,ConvolveKernel_121,1);
	ConvolveSeparable(angl2, angl, ConvolveKernel_121,ConvolveKernel_121,1);
	//WriteFile(diffX, "angle.tga");
	//WriteFile(diffY, "angleG.tga");

	for (int y = 0; y <grayF.Shape().height; y++){
		for (int x = 0; x<grayF.Shape().width; x++) {
			// Fit in the bins
			int a = angl.Pixel(x,y,0) / 3.14 * (_nAngularBins) + _nAngularBins/2;		
			// Histogram
			HOGHist.Pixel(floor(1.*x / _cellSize),
						  floor(1.*y / _cellSize),
						  a) += grad.Pixel(x,y,0);
	// Normalization 
	float threshold = 0.7;
	for (int y = 0; y < yCells; y++){
		for (int x = 0; x < xCells; x++){
			float total = 0;
			for (int a = 0; a < _nAngularBins; a++) {
				if (HOGHist.Pixel(x,y,a) > threshold)
					HOGHist.Pixel(x,y,a) = threshold;
				// Sum for normalization
				total += HOGHist.Pixel(x,y,a);
			for (int a = 0;a< _nAngularBins; a++) {
				HOGHist.Pixel(x,y,a) /= total;
	return HOGHist;
	/******** END TODO ********/
