Exemple #1
void RigidBody::sim_step(double dt)
	odeint::integrate(boost::ref(*this), internalState, 0.0, dt, dt);

	position(0) =  internalState[0]; 
	position(1) =  internalState[1]; 
	position(2) =  internalState[2]; 

	velocity(0) =  internalState[3]; 
	velocity(1) =  internalState[4]; 
	velocity(2) =  internalState[5]; 

	attitude.x() =  internalState[6]; 
	attitude.y() =  internalState[7]; 
	attitude.z() =  internalState[8]; 
	attitude.w() =  internalState[9]; 

	angularVelocity(0) =  internalState[10]; 
	angularVelocity(1) =  internalState[11]; 
	angularVelocity(2) =  internalState[12]; 
	ticks += 1;
   * aligns the body x axis with the velocity vector
  void alignVelocityXAxis(double vel_tol = .01)
    Eigen::Quaterniond wind_axes_to_body_axes = Eigen::Quaterniond::Identity(); //transforms vectors in wind frame to vectors in body frame
    if (velocity().norm() > vel_tol) {
      wind_axes_to_body_axes.setFromTwoVectors(Eigen::Vector3d::UnitX(), velocity());

    Eigen::Matrix3d body_axes_to_wind_axes = wind_axes_to_body_axes.toRotationMatrix().transpose();

    angularVelocity() = body_axes_to_wind_axes * angularVelocity();
    velocity() = body_axes_to_wind_axes * velocity();
    acceleration() = body_axes_to_wind_axes * acceleration();
    orientation() = orientation() * wind_axes_to_body_axes;
TYPED_TEST(EulerAnglesXyzDiffTest, testFiniteDifference)
  typedef typename TestFixture::Scalar Scalar;
  typedef typename TestFixture::Rotation Rotation;
  typedef typename TestFixture::RotationDiff RotationDiff;
  typedef  typename TestFixture::Vector3 Vector3;

  const  double dt = 1.0e-3;
  for (auto rotation : this->rotations) {
    for (auto angularVelocity2 : this->angularVelocities) {
      RotationDiff rotationDiff(angularVelocity2.toImplementation());
      rot::LocalAngularVelocity<Scalar> angularVelocity(rotation, rotationDiff);
      // Finite difference method for checking derivatives

      Rotation rotationNext = rotation.boxPlus(dt*rotation.rotate(angularVelocity.vector()));
      Vector3 dn = (rotationNext.toImplementation()-rotation.toImplementation())/dt;

      ASSERT_NEAR(rotationDiff.x(),dn(0),1e-3) << " angular velocity: " << angularVelocity << " rotation: " << rotation << " rotationNext: " << rotationNext  << " diff: " << rotationDiff  << " approxdiff: " << dn.transpose();
      ASSERT_NEAR(rotationDiff.y(),dn(1),1e-3)  << " angular velocity: " << angularVelocity  <<  "rotation: " << rotation << " rotationNext: " << rotationNext << " diff: " << rotationDiff << " approxdiff: " << dn.transpose();
      ASSERT_NEAR(rotationDiff.z(),dn(2),1e-3) << " angular velocity: " << angularVelocity << " rotation: " << rotation << " rotationNext: " << rotationNext  << " diff: " << rotationDiff << " approxdiff: " << dn.transpose();

bool MissionControlSpeedFilter::advance(double dt) {
  const double maxHeadingVel = maximumBaseTwistInHeadingFrame_.getTranslationalVelocity().x();
  double headingVel = filteredVelocities_[0].val();
//  boundToRange(&headingVel, -maxHeadingVel, maxHeadingVel);
  headingVel = mapInRange(headingVel, -1.0, 1.0, -maxHeadingVel, maxHeadingVel);

  const double maxLateralVel = maximumBaseTwistInHeadingFrame_.getTranslationalVelocity().y();

  double lateralVel = filteredVelocities_[1].val();
//  boundToRange(&lateralVel, -maxLateralVel, maxLateralVel);
  lateralVel = mapInRange(lateralVel, -1.0, 1.0, -maxLateralVel, maxLateralVel);

  LinearVelocity linearVelocity(headingVel, lateralVel, 0.0);

  const double maxTurningVel = maximumBaseTwistInHeadingFrame_.getRotationalVelocity().z();
  double turningVel = filteredVelocities_[2].val();
  //boundToRange(&turningVel, -maxTurningVel, maxTurningVel);
  turningVel = mapInRange(turningVel, -1.0, 1.0, -maxTurningVel, maxTurningVel);

  LocalAngularVelocity angularVelocity(0.0, 0.0, turningVel);

  baseTwistInHeadingFrame_ = Twist(linearVelocity, angularVelocity);

  /* -------- Position -------- */

//  desiredPositionOffsetInWorldFrame_.z() = 0.5*(maxHeight-minHeight)*(joyStick->getVertical()-minHeight) + maxHeight;
  boundToRange(&desiredPositionOffsetInWorldFrame_.x(), minimalDesiredPositionOffsetInWorldFrame_.x(), maximalDesiredPositionOffsetInWorldFrame_.x());
  boundToRange(&desiredPositionOffsetInWorldFrame_.y(), minimalDesiredPositionOffsetInWorldFrame_.y(), maximalDesiredPositionOffsetInWorldFrame_.y());
  boundToRange(&desiredPositionOffsetInWorldFrame_.z(), minimalDesiredPositionOffsetInWorldFrame_.z(), maximalDesiredPositionOffsetInWorldFrame_.z());

  /* -------- Orientation -------- */

  EulerAnglesZyx desEulerAnglesZyx(desiredOrientationHeadingToBase_);
  EulerAnglesZyx minEulerAnglesZyx(minimalOrientationHeadingToBase_);
  EulerAnglesZyx maxEulerAnglesZyx(maximalOrientationHeadingToBase_);
  double value = desEulerAnglesZyx.roll();
  boundToRange(&value, minEulerAnglesZyx.roll(), maxEulerAnglesZyx.roll());
  value = desEulerAnglesZyx.pitch();
  boundToRange(&value, minEulerAnglesZyx.pitch(), maxEulerAnglesZyx.pitch());
  value = desEulerAnglesZyx.yaw();
  boundToRange(&value, minEulerAnglesZyx.yaw(), maxEulerAnglesZyx.yaw());

  return true;
//http://klas-physics.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/general/Integrator.cpp (reference)
void CVX_Voxel::timeStep(float dt)
	previousDt = dt;
	if (dt == 0.0f) return;

	if (dofIsAllSet(dofFixed)){ //if this voxel is fixed, no need to change its location

	Vec3D<> curForce = force();
	linMom += curForce*dt;

	if (dofIsSet(dofFixed, X_TRANSLATE)){linMom.x=0;}
	if (dofIsSet(dofFixed, Y_TRANSLATE)){linMom.y=0;}
	if (dofIsSet(dofFixed, Z_TRANSLATE)){linMom.z=0;}

	Vec3D<double> translate(linMom*(dt*mat->_massInverse)); //movement of the voxel this timestep

	if (isFloorEnabled() && floorPenetration() > 0){ //we must catch a slowing voxel here since it all boils down to needing access to the dt of this timestep.
		vfloat work = curForce.x*translate.x + curForce.y*translate.y; //F dot disp
		if(kineticEnergy() + work < 0) setFloorStaticFriction(true); //this checks for a change of direction according to the work-energy principle

		if (isFloorStaticFriction()){ //if we're in a state of static friction, zero out all horizontal motion
			linMom.x = linMom.y = 0;
			translate.x = translate.y = 0;

	pos += translate;

	Vec3D<> curMoment = moment();
	angMom += curMoment*dt;

	if (dofIsSet(dofFixed, X_ROTATE)){angMom.x=0;}
	if (dofIsSet(dofFixed, Y_ROTATE)){angMom.y=0;}
	if (dofIsSet(dofFixed, Z_ROTATE)){angMom.z=0;}

	orient = CQuat<>(angularVelocity()*dt)*orient; //update the orientation

//	if(pSim->StatToCalc & CALCSTAT_KINE) KineticEnergy = 0.5*Mass*Vel.Length2() + 0.5*Inertia*AngVel.Length2(); //1/2 m v^2
//	if(pSim->StatToCalc & CALCSTAT_PRESSURE) {
////		vfloat VolumetricStrain = GetVoxelStrain(AXIS_X) + GetVoxelStrain(AXIS_Y) + GetVoxelStrain(AXIS_Z);
//		vfloat VolumetricStrain = strain(false).x+strain(false).y+strain(false).z;
//		Pressure = - _pMat->GetElasticMod()*VolumetricStrain/(3*(1-2*_pMat->GetPoissonsRatio())); //http://www.colorado.edu/engineering/CAS/courses.d/Structures.d/IAST.Lect05.d/IAST.Lect05.pdf
//	}
//	updatePoissonsstrain();

	void PhysicsSystem3D::OnUpdate(float elapsedTime)
		if (!m_world)


		for (const Ndk::EntityHandle& entity : m_dynamicObjects)
			NodeComponent& node = entity->GetComponent<NodeComponent>();
			PhysicsComponent3D& phys = entity->GetComponent<PhysicsComponent3D>();

			Nz::RigidBody3D* physObj = phys.GetRigidBody();
			node.SetRotation(physObj->GetRotation(), Nz::CoordSys_Global);
			node.SetPosition(physObj->GetPosition(), Nz::CoordSys_Global);

		float invElapsedTime = 1.f / elapsedTime;
		for (const Ndk::EntityHandle& entity : m_staticObjects)
			CollisionComponent3D& collision = entity->GetComponent<CollisionComponent3D>();
			NodeComponent& node = entity->GetComponent<NodeComponent>();

			Nz::RigidBody3D* physObj = collision.GetStaticBody();

			Nz::Quaternionf oldRotation = physObj->GetRotation();
			Nz::Vector3f oldPosition = physObj->GetPosition();
			Nz::Quaternionf newRotation = node.GetRotation(Nz::CoordSys_Global);
			Nz::Vector3f newPosition = node.GetPosition(Nz::CoordSys_Global);

			// To move static objects and ensure their collisions, we have to specify them a velocity
			// (/!\: the physical motor does not apply the speed on static objects)
			if (newPosition != oldPosition)
				physObj->SetLinearVelocity((newPosition - oldPosition) * invElapsedTime);

			if (newRotation != oldRotation)
				Nz::Quaternionf transition = newRotation * oldRotation.GetConjugate();
				Nz::EulerAnglesf angles = transition.ToEulerAngles();
				Nz::Vector3f angularVelocity(Nz::ToRadians(angles.pitch * invElapsedTime),
				                             Nz::ToRadians(angles.yaw * invElapsedTime),
				                             Nz::ToRadians(angles.roll * invElapsedTime));

Exemple #7
void Box2DBody::setAngularVelocity(float velocity)
    if (angularVelocity() == velocity)

    mBodyDef.angularVelocity = toRadians(velocity);
    if (mBody)

    emit angularVelocityChanged();
Exemple #8
void RigidBody::updateInternalState(void)
  internalState[0]  = position(0); 
  internalState[1]  = position(1); 
  internalState[2]  = position(2); 

  internalState[3]  = velocity(0); 
  internalState[4]  = velocity(1); 
  internalState[5]  = velocity(2); 

  //internalState[6]  = acceleration(0); 
  //internalState[7]  = acceleration(1); 
  //internalState[8]  = acceleration(2); 

  internalState[6]  = attitude.x(); 
  internalState[7]  = attitude.y(); 
  internalState[8]  = attitude.z(); 
  internalState[9]  = attitude.w(); 

  internalState[10] = angularVelocity(0); 
  internalState[11] = angularVelocity(1); 
  internalState[12] = angularVelocity(2); 
Vec3D<> CVX_Voxel::moment()
	//moments from internal bonds
	Vec3D<> totalMoment(0,0,0);
	for (int i=0; i<6; i++){ 
		if (links[i]) totalMoment += links[i]->moment(isNegative((linkDirection)i)); //total force in LCS
	totalMoment = orient.RotateVec3D(totalMoment);
	//other moments
	totalMoment += extMoment; //external moments
	totalMoment -= angularVelocity()*mat->globalDampingRotateC(); //global damping
	return totalMoment;
void Physics::update(int delta){
	float dt=delta/1000.0f;
//	float mindt = 0.005f;
//	float leftover=(dt>mindt)?dt-mindt:0;
	//calculate the amount of force being applied to object for a split second
	Vector appliedForce(impulseForce_+bodyForce_);
	//reduce the impulse force to 0

	// impulse moments
	Matrix R  = rotation();
	Matrix RT = R.transpose();
	Vector ml = moment_ * RT;
	Vector wl = angularVelocity() * RT;
	setAngularAcceleration((ml - cross(wl*momentInertia_ ,wl)) * invMomentInertia_ * R);
	moment_    = Vector();
	//calculate a new acceleration for the rest of the frame based soley on the body force
Exemple #11
void SixenseManager::update(float deltaTime) {
    Hand* hand = DependencyManager::get<AvatarManager>()->getMyAvatar()->getHand();
    if (_isInitialized && _isEnabled) {
#ifdef __APPLE__
        SixenseBaseFunction sixenseGetNumActiveControllers =
        (SixenseBaseFunction) _sixenseLibrary->resolve("sixenseGetNumActiveControllers");
        if (sixenseGetNumActiveControllers() == 0) {
            _hydrasConnected = false;
        PerformanceTimer perfTimer("sixense");
        if (!_hydrasConnected) {
            _hydrasConnected = true;
            UserActivityLogger::getInstance().connectedDevice("spatial_controller", "hydra");
#ifdef __APPLE__
        SixenseBaseFunction sixenseGetMaxControllers =
        (SixenseBaseFunction) _sixenseLibrary->resolve("sixenseGetMaxControllers");
        int maxControllers = sixenseGetMaxControllers();
        // we only support two controllers
        sixenseControllerData controllers[2];
#ifdef __APPLE__
        SixenseTakeIntFunction sixenseIsControllerEnabled =
        (SixenseTakeIntFunction) _sixenseLibrary->resolve("sixenseIsControllerEnabled");
        SixenseTakeIntAndSixenseControllerData sixenseGetNewestData =
        (SixenseTakeIntAndSixenseControllerData) _sixenseLibrary->resolve("sixenseGetNewestData");
        int numControllersAtBase = 0;
        int numActiveControllers = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < maxControllers && numActiveControllers < 2; i++) {
            if (!sixenseIsControllerEnabled(i)) {
            sixenseControllerData* data = controllers + numActiveControllers;
            sixenseGetNewestData(i, data);
            //  Set palm position and normal based on Hydra position/orientation
            // Either find a palm matching the sixense controller, or make a new one
            PalmData* palm;
            bool foundHand = false;
            for (size_t j = 0; j < hand->getNumPalms(); j++) {
                if (hand->getPalms()[j].getSixenseID() == data->controller_index) {
                    palm = &(hand->getPalms()[j]);
                    foundHand = true;
            if (!foundHand) {
                PalmData newPalm(hand);
                palm = &(hand->getPalms()[hand->getNumPalms() - 1]);
                qCDebug(interfaceapp, "Found new Sixense controller, ID %i", data->controller_index);
            // Disable the hands (and return to default pose) if both controllers are at base station
            if (foundHand) {
            } else {
                palm->setActive(false); // if this isn't a Sixsense ID palm, always make it inactive
            //  Read controller buttons and joystick into the hand
            palm->setJoystick(data->joystick_x, data->joystick_y);
            // Emulate the mouse so we can use scripts
            if (Menu::getInstance()->isOptionChecked(MenuOption::SixenseMouseInput) && !_controllersAtBase) {
                emulateMouse(palm, numActiveControllers - 1);
            // NOTE: Sixense API returns pos data in millimeters but we IMMEDIATELY convert to meters.
            glm::vec3 position(data->pos[0], data->pos[1], data->pos[2]);
            position *= METERS_PER_MILLIMETER;
            // Check to see if this hand/controller is on the base
            const float CONTROLLER_AT_BASE_DISTANCE = 0.075f;
            if (glm::length(position) < CONTROLLER_AT_BASE_DISTANCE) {
            // Transform the measured position into body frame.
            glm::vec3 neck = _neckBase;
            // Zeroing y component of the "neck" effectively raises the measured position a little bit.
            neck.y = 0.0f;
            position = _orbRotation * (position - neck);
            //  Rotation of Palm
            glm::quat rotation(data->rot_quat[3], -data->rot_quat[0], data->rot_quat[1], -data->rot_quat[2]);
            rotation = glm::angleAxis(PI, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)) * _orbRotation * rotation;
            //  Compute current velocity from position change
            glm::vec3 rawVelocity;
            if (deltaTime > 0.0f) {
                rawVelocity = (position - palm->getRawPosition()) / deltaTime;
            } else {
                rawVelocity = glm::vec3(0.0f);
            palm->setRawVelocity(rawVelocity);   //  meters/sec
            // adjustment for hydra controllers fit into hands
            float sign = (i == 0) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
            rotation *= glm::angleAxis(sign * PI/4.0f, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
            //  Angular Velocity of Palm
            glm::quat deltaRotation = rotation * glm::inverse(palm->getRawRotation());
            glm::vec3 angularVelocity(0.0f);
            float rotationAngle = glm::angle(deltaRotation);
            if ((rotationAngle > EPSILON) && (deltaTime > 0.0f)) {
                angularVelocity = glm::normalize(glm::axis(deltaRotation));
                angularVelocity *= (rotationAngle / deltaTime);
            } else {
            if (_lowVelocityFilter) {
                //  Use a velocity sensitive filter to damp small motions and preserve large ones with
                //  no latency.
                float velocityFilter = glm::clamp(1.0f - glm::length(rawVelocity), 0.0f, 1.0f);
                position = palm->getRawPosition() * velocityFilter + position * (1.0f - velocityFilter);
                rotation = safeMix(palm->getRawRotation(), rotation, 1.0f - velocityFilter);
            } else {
            // Store the one fingertip in the palm structure so we can track velocity
            const float FINGER_LENGTH = 0.3f;   //  meters
            const glm::vec3 FINGER_VECTOR(0.0f, 0.0f, FINGER_LENGTH);
            const glm::vec3 newTipPosition = position + rotation * FINGER_VECTOR;
            glm::vec3 oldTipPosition = palm->getTipRawPosition();
            if (deltaTime > 0.0f) {
                palm->setTipVelocity((newTipPosition - oldTipPosition) / deltaTime);
            } else {
        if (numActiveControllers == 2) {
        _controllersAtBase = (numControllersAtBase == 2);
#endif  // HAVE_SIXENSE
 void integrateForwardConstantVelocity(double time)
   Eigen::Affine3d trans = getTransTwist(angularVelocity(), velocity(), time);
   this->orientation() = this->orientation() * trans.rotation();
   this->position() = this->position() + this->orientation() * trans.translation();
Vector Physics::velocityAtPoint(const Vector& p)const{
	return velocity() + cross(angularVelocity(), p-worldCentreOfMass());
// tanVelocity returns the tangential velocity of the frame in world space.
Vector Physics::tanVelocity() const{
	return cross(angularVelocity(),position())-tanVelocityReference();