Exemple #1
 * main entry
 * Input
 *      1:  the reference points to construct the kd-tree (d x n double matrix)
 *      2:  the query points (d x nq double matrix)
 *      3:  the option struct
 * Output
 *      1:  the nearest neighbor index matrix (k x nq int32 matrix)
 *      2:  the distance matrix (k x nq double matrix)
 * Here,
 *      d  - the point dimension
 *      n  - the number of reference points
 *      nq - the number of query points
 *      k  - the number of maximum neighbors for each point
 * Note,
 *      The responsibility of checking the validity of the input arguments
 *      is with the invoker. The annsearch.m does the checking.
 *      The mex-function in itself does not conduct the checking again.
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    // take inputs
    const mxArray *mxRefPts = prhs[0];
    const mxArray *mxQuery = prhs[1];
    const mxArray *mxOpts = prhs[2];
    // parse options    
    AnnBuildOptions opts_build;
    AnnSearchOptions opts_search;
    parse_tree_building_options(mxOpts, opts_build);
    parse_search_options(mxOpts, opts_search);
    // construct the tree
    int d = 0;
    int n = 0;
    ANNpointArray pts = createPointArray(mxRefPts, d, n);
    ANNkd_tree *kd_tree = createKdTree(d, n, pts, opts_build);
    // perform the search
    mxArray *mxInds = NULL;
    mxArray *mxDists = NULL;
    performAnnkSearch(kd_tree, mxQuery, opts_search, mxInds, mxDists);
    // release the kd-tree
    delete kd_tree;
    // set outputs
    plhs[0] = mxInds;
    plhs[1] = mxDists;
// the main entry for Matlab binary
// Input:
//  nrhs = 6
//      prhs[0]:  the points for building the KD Tree [d x n0 matrix]
//      prhs[1]:  the points whose neighbors are queried [d x n matrix]
//      prhs[2]:  the size of each neighborhood
//      prhs[3]:  the error bound
//      prhs[4]:  the index of the split rule to use (follow the ANN Library)
//          - 0: ANN_KD_STD (the optimized kd-splitting rule)
//          - 1: ANN_KD_MIDPT (midpoint split)
//          - 2: ANN_KD_FAIR (fair split)
//          - 3: ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT (sliding midpoint splitting)
//          - 4: ANN_KD_SL_FAIR (sliding fair splitting)
//          - 5: ANN_KD_SUGGEST (the authors' suggestion for best)
//      prhs[5]:  the index of search method
//          - 0: Normal approximate KNN search
//          - 1: Priority K near neighbor search
// Output:
//  nlhs <= 2
//      plhs[0]:  the array of indices for query points [k x n matrix]
//      plhs[1]:  the array of distance values [k x n matrix]
// Remarks:
//  No pre-condition checking is performed. If the condition is violated,
//  the behavior of the program is undefined. It is the responsible of the
//  invoker to guarantee that the pre-conditions are all satisfied.
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[])
    // name the input variables
    const mxArray *MP0         = prhs[0];     // the matrix of base points
    const mxArray *MP          = prhs[1];     // the matrix of query points
    const mxArray *MNNSize     = prhs[2];     // the scalar for K value
    const mxArray *MErrBound   = prhs[3];     // the scalar for error bound
    const mxArray *MISplitRule = prhs[4];     // the scalar for split rule
    const mxArray *MISearchWay = prhs[5];     // the scalar for search method
    // get basic information
    int d = mxGetM(MP0);        // point vector dimension
    int n0 = mxGetN(MP0);       // the number of base points
    int n = mxGetN(MP);         // the number of query points
    int k = (int)mxGetScalar(MNNSize);      // the K value (neighborhood size)
    double errbound = (double)mxGetScalar(MErrBound);   // the error bound
    int iSplitRule = (int)mxGetScalar(MISplitRule);     // the index of split rule
    int iSearchMethod = (int)mxGetScalar(MISearchWay);  // the index of search method
    // prepare the point arrays for ANN Library
    ANNpointArray pts0 = CreateANNPointArray(d, n0, MP0);
    ANNpointArray pts  = CreateANNPointArray(d, n, MP);
    // build the KD Tree (with bucket size using default value 1)
    ANNkd_tree *kdtr = new ANNkd_tree(pts0, n0, d, 1, (ANNsplitRule)iSplitRule);
    // prepare the ANN output
    ANNidxArray nn_idx = new ANNidx[k * n];
    ANNdistArray dists = new ANNdist[k * n];
    // conduct KNN search
    knnSearchFunc fs = SelectSearchFunc(iSearchMethod);
    fs(kdtr, pts, n, k, nn_idx, dists, errbound);
    // set Matlab outputs
    if (nlhs >= 1)  // output indices
        plhs[0] = GetMxArrayFromIntArray(k, n, nn_idx);
    if (nlhs >= 2) // output distances
        plhs[1] = GetMxArrayFromDoubleArray(k, n, dists);
    // release the KD Tree
    delete kdtr;
    // release ANN outputs
    delete[] nn_idx;
    delete[] dists;
    // release the point arrays
    // finalize the ANN library
//destruction d'une instance de annUse
  //destruction des ressources utilisées par l'ann
  delete [] nnIdx;
  delete [] dists;
  delete kdTree;
        delete _tree;
        _tree = NULL;
Exemple #5
void CANNObject::CleanUp()
    delete [] nnIdx;							
    delete [] dists;
    delete kdTree;

	// done with ANN
Exemple #6
// Function: distANN_XY
void distANN_XY( const ANNpointArray dataX, const ANNpointArray dataY,
		 double* distsXY,
		 unsigned int dimX, unsigned int dimY,
		 unsigned int xN, unsigned int yN,
		 unsigned int k, double eps )

  ANNkd_tree* kdTree;
  ANNdistArray nnDist;
  ANNidxArray nnIdx;

  // Allocate memory
  nnIdx = new ANNidx[ k+1 ];
  nnDist = new ANNdist[ k+1 ];
  kdTree = new ANNkd_tree( dataY, yN, dimY );

  // Get the distances to all the points
  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < xN ; i++ )
      kdTree->annkSearch( dataX[ i ], k+1, nnIdx, nnDist, eps );

      double my_dist = nnDist[ k ];

      // check to see if the dist is zero (query point same as the kNN)
      // if so find the next k that gives the next positive distance
      if( my_dist == 0.0 )
	  ANNdistArray nnDist_tmp = new ANNdist[ yN ];
	  ANNidxArray nnIdx_tmp = new ANNidx[ yN ];
	  kdTree->annkSearch( dataX[ i ], yN, nnIdx_tmp, nnDist_tmp, eps );

	  for( unsigned int my_k = k + 1; my_k < yN; ++my_k )
	    if( nnDist_tmp[ my_k ] > 0.0 )
		my_dist = nnDist_tmp[ my_k ];
	  delete [] nnIdx_tmp;
	  delete [] nnDist_tmp;

      distsXY[ i ] = my_dist;

  // Deallocate memory
  delete [] nnIdx;
  delete [] nnDist;
  delete kdTree;

Exemple #7
arlCore::ICP::~ICP( void )
#ifdef ANN
    if(m_ANNtree) delete m_ANNtree;
    if(m_modelPoints) annDeallocPts( m_modelPoints );
    if(m_cloudPoints) annDeallocPts( m_cloudPoints );
    if(m_Pk) annDeallocPts( m_Pk );
    if(m_Yk) annDeallocPts( m_Yk );
    if(m_Pi) annDeallocPts( m_Pi );
    if(m_nn_idx) delete[] m_nn_idx;
    if(m_squaredDists) delete[] m_squaredDists;
#endif // ANN
void ANNWrapper::Free()
        return ;

    delete [] m_nnidx ;                        // clean things up
    delete [] m_dists;
	delete m_kdtree;


	annClose();									// done with ANN

	m_anything_to_free = false;
	void CKNearestNeighbor::ResetTree()
		if (m_pDataPts)
			m_pDataPts = NULL;

		if (m_pTreeRoot)
			delete m_pTreeRoot;
			m_pTreeRoot = NULL;
			annClose();//delete global variable
Exemple #10
bool arlCore::Mesh::simplify( void )
#ifndef ANN
    return false;
#else // ANN
    unsigned int i, j;
    const unsigned int Size = m_pointList->visibleSize();
    const unsigned int Dimension = m_pointList->getDimension();
    ANNpointArray ANNPoints = annAllocPts( Size, Dimension );
    for( i=0 ; i<m_pointList->size() ; ++i )
        for( j=0 ; j<Dimension ; ++j )
    const int BucketSize = 1;
    ANNkd_tree* ANNtree = new ANNkd_tree( ANNPoints, Size, Dimension, BucketSize, ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT );
    const double Epsilon = 1e-8;// Error bound
    const double SquaredEpsilon = Epsilon*Epsilon;
    ANNpoint ANNPt = annAllocPt(Dimension); // Query point
    const unsigned int NbNeighbors = 20;
    ANNidxArray Nn_idx = new ANNidx[NbNeighbors]; // near neighbor indices
    ANNdistArray SquaredDists = new ANNdist[NbNeighbors]; // near neighbor distances
    for( i=0 ; i<m_pointList->size() ; ++i )
            std::vector<unsigned int> oldIndex;
            for( j=0 ; j<Dimension; ++j )
                ANNPt[j] = (*m_pointList)[i]->get(j);
            ANNtree->annkSearch( ANNPt, NbNeighbors, Nn_idx, SquaredDists, Epsilon );
            // Cherche points les plus proches
            for( j=0 ; j<NbNeighbors ; ++j )
            replacePointIndex(oldIndex, i);
    delete ANNtree;
    annDeallocPt( ANNPt );
    annDeallocPts( ANNPoints );
    delete[] Nn_idx;
    delete[] SquaredDists;
    return true;
#endif // ANN
Exemple #11
void SaveAndExit(int param)

		if(system("sudo iptables -F") == -1)
			LOG(WARNING, "Failed to flush iptables rules", "Command sudo iptables -F failed");
		if(system("sudo iptables -t nat -F") == -1)
			LOG(WARNING, "Failed to flush nat table rules", "Command sudo iptables -t nat -F failed");
		if(system("sudo iptables -t nat -X DOPP") == -1)
			LOG(WARNING, "Failed to delete chain DOPP in nat table", "Command sudo iptables -t nat -X DOPP failed");
		if(system(std::string("sudo route del " + Config::Inst()->GetDoppelIp()).c_str()) == -1)
			LOG(WARNING, "Failed to delete Doppelganger route", "Command sudo route del " + (string)Config::Inst()->GetDoppelIp() + " failed");

	if(engine != NULL)
			Lock lock(&shutdownClassificationMutex);
			shutdownClassification = true;


		delete engine;
	LOG(ALERT, "Novad is exiting cleanly.", "");
Exemple #12
// Driver program
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int					num_points = 0;			// Actual number of data points
	ANNpointArray		data_points;			// Data points
	ANNpoint			query_point;			// Query point
	ANNidxArray			near_neighbor_idx;		// Near neighbor indices
	ANNdistArray		near_neighbor_distances;// Near neighbor distances
	ANNkd_tree *		kd_tree_adt;			// ADT search structure

	UserInterface UI;

	// Read command-line arguments
	UI.getArgs(argc, argv);						

	// Allocate query point
	query_point = annAllocPt(UI.dimension);

	// Allocate data points
	data_points = annAllocPts(UI.max_points, UI.dimension);

	// Allocate near neighbor indices
	near_neighbor_idx = new ANNidx[UI.k];

	// Allocate near neighbor distances
	near_neighbor_distances = new ANNdist[UI.k];														

	// Echo data points
	cout << "Data Points: \n";

	if (UI.results_out != NULL)
		*(UI.results_out) << "Data points: \n";

	while (num_points < UI.max_points && UI.readPoint(*(UI.data_in), data_points[num_points])) 
		UI.printPoint(cout, data_points[num_points], num_points);

		if (UI.results_out != NULL)
			UI.printPoint(*(UI.results_out), data_points[num_points], num_points);


	// Construct k-d tree abstract data type search structure
	// Params: data points, number of points, dimension of space
	kd_tree_adt = new ANNkd_tree(data_points, num_points, UI.dimension);						

	// Echo query point(s)
	cout << "\n\nQuery points: \n";

	if (UI.results_out != NULL)
		*(UI.results_out) << "\n\nQuery points: \n";

	// Read query points
	while (UI.readPoint(*(UI.query_in), query_point)) 
		UI.printPoint(cout, query_point, UI.dimension);

		if (UI.results_out != NULL)
			UI.printPoint(*(UI.results_out), query_point, UI.dimension);

		// Perform the search
		// Params: query point, number of near neighbors, nearest neighbors (returned), distance (returned), error bound
		kd_tree_adt->annkSearch(query_point, UI.k, near_neighbor_idx, near_neighbor_distances, UI.eps);

		UI.printSummary(cout, &near_neighbor_idx, &near_neighbor_distances);

		if (UI.results_out != NULL)
			UI.printSummary(*(UI.results_out), &near_neighbor_idx, &near_neighbor_distances);

	// Perform house cleaning tasks
	delete kd_tree_adt;
    delete [] near_neighbor_idx;							
    delete [] near_neighbor_distances;



// cd L:\ann_mwrapper; Untitled2
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
	mwSize dims[3];
	char command[1024];
	int strlen = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
	strlen = strlen < mxGetM(prhs[0]) ? mxGetN(prhs[0]) : strlen;
	strlen += 1;
	mxGetString (prhs[0], command, strlen);

	// Initialize tree
	if (nrhs > 0 && !strcmp(command, "createKdTree")) {

		const mxArray *mxRefPts = prhs[1];
		const mxArray *mxOpts = prhs[2];
		// parse options    
		AnnBuildOptions opts_build;
		parse_tree_building_options(mxOpts, opts_build);
		// construct the tree
		int d = 0;
		int n = 0;
		ANNpointArray *pts = createPointArray(mxRefPts, d, n);
		ANNkd_tree *kd_tree = createKdTree(d, n, pts[0], opts_build);

		//mexPrintf("%lld\n", kd_tree);
		//mexPrintf("dim = %d\n", kd_tree->theDim());

		dims[0] = 2;
		dims[1] = 1;
		plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2,dims,mxUINT64_CLASS,mxREAL);
		((unsigned long long *)(mxGetData( plhs[0])))[0] = (unsigned long long)kd_tree;
		((unsigned long long *)(mxGetData( plhs[0])))[1] = (unsigned long long)pts;
//         mexPrintf("Creating:\n");
//         mexPrintf("Pts: ");
//         for (int i =0;i<MEX_DEBUG_WND;++i){
//             mexPrintf("%x",pts[i]);
//         }
//         mexPrintf("\n");
//         mexPrintf("kdTree: ");
//         for (int i =0;i<10;++i){
//             mexPrintf("%x",((char *)kd_tree)[i]);
//         }
//         mexPrintf("\n");

	// Search
	else if (nrhs > 0 && !strcmp(command, "performAnnkSearch")) {

		// take inputs
		const mxArray *mxQuery = prhs[2];
		const mxArray *mxOpts = prhs[3];
		// parse options    
		AnnSearchOptions opts_search;
		parse_search_options(mxOpts, opts_search);
		// get pointer to tree
		ANNkd_tree *kd_tree = (ANNkd_tree *)(((unsigned long long *)mxGetData( prhs[1]))[0]);

//		mexPrintf("%lld\n", kd_tree);
//		mexPrintf("dim = %d\n", kd_tree->theDim());
		// perform the search
		mxArray *mxInds = NULL;
		mxArray *mxDists = NULL;
//         mexPrintf("Pts: ");
//         for (int i =0;i<MEX_DEBUG_WND;++i){
//             mexPrintf("%x",pts[i]);
//         }
//         mexPrintf("\n");
//         mexPrintf("kdTree: ");
//         for (int i =0;i<10;++i){
//             mexPrintf("%x",((char *)kd_tree)[i]);
//         }
//         mexPrintf("\n");
        performAnnkSearch(kd_tree, mxQuery, opts_search, mxInds, mxDists);
		// set outputs
	    plhs[0] = mxInds;
		plhs[1] = mxDists;


	// Deinitialize tree
	else if (nrhs > 0 && !strcmp(command, "deleteKdTree")) {
		ANNkd_tree *kd_tree = (ANNkd_tree *)(((unsigned long long *)mxGetData( prhs[1]))[0]);
		ANNpointArray *pts  = (ANNpointArray *)(((unsigned long long *)mxGetData( prhs[1]))[1]);
//         mexPrintf("Deleting:\n");
//         mexPrintf("Pts: ");
//         for (int i =0;i<MEX_DEBUG_WND;++i){
//             mexPrintf("%x",pts[i]);
//         }
//         mexPrintf("\n");
//         mexPrintf("kdTree: ");
//         for (int i =0;i<10;++i){
//             mexPrintf("%x",((char *)kd_tree)[i]);
//         }
//         mexPrintf("\n");

		// release the kd-tree
	    delete kd_tree;
		delete pts;


	// Close
	else if (nrhs > 0 && !strcmp(command, "annClose")) {

	else {

		mexPrintf("INVALID COMMAND %s\n", command);

Exemple #14
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc < 2) {
        std::cout << "usage: knn <pts> [queries] [nn] [epsilon]" << std::endl;

    int pt_count, dim; 
    ANNpointArray pts = read_points(argv[1], pt_count, dim);
    ANNkd_tree kt(pts, pt_count, dim);
    if (argc < 3) return 1;

    //read queries
    int q_count;
    int q_dim;

    ANNpointArray queries = read_points(argv[2], q_count, q_dim);

    if (dim != q_dim) {
        std::cerr << "error: query dim: " << q_dim;
        std::cerr << " does not match point dim: " << dim << std::endl;

    //how many nearest neighbours to retrieve
    int nn = 5;
    if (argc >= 4) nn = atoi(argv[3]);

    //read query epsilon
    double epsilon = 0.0;
    if (argc == 5) epsilon = atof(argv[4]);

    //run queries
    ANNidx *nn_idx = new ANNidx[nn];
    ANNdist *dists = new ANNdist[nn];

    for (int i = 0; i < q_count; ++i) { 

        kt.annkSearch(queries[i], nn, nn_idx, dists, epsilon);

        std::cout << "query " << i << ": (";
        for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) { 
            std::cout << queries[i][d];
            if (d + 1 < dim) std::cout << ", ";
        std::cout << ")\n";

        for (int j = 0; j < nn; ++j) { 
            std::cout << "("; 
            for (int d = 0; d < dim; ++d) {
                std::cout << pts[nn_idx[j]][d];
                if (d + 1 < dim) std::cout << ", ";
            std::cout << ") " << dists[j] << "\n"; 

    std::cout << "done." << std::endl;

    delete[] nn_idx;
    delete[] dists;

    return 0;
Exemple #15
mitk::ContourElement::VertexType* mitk::ContourElement::OptimizedGetVertexAt(const mitk::Point3D &point, float eps)
  if( (eps > 0) && (this->m_Vertices->size()>0) )
      int k = 1;
      int dim = 3;
      int nPoints = this->m_Vertices->size();
      ANNpointArray pointsArray;
      ANNpoint queryPoint;
      ANNidxArray indexArray;
      ANNdistArray distanceArray;
      ANNkd_tree* kdTree;

      queryPoint = annAllocPt(dim);
      pointsArray = annAllocPts(nPoints, dim);
      indexArray = new ANNidx[k];
      distanceArray = new ANNdist[k];

       int i = 0;

      //fill points array with our control points
      for(VertexIterator it = this->m_Vertices->begin(); it != this->m_Vertices->end(); it++, i++)
        mitk::Point3D cur = (*it)->Coordinates;
        pointsArray[i][0]= cur[0];
        pointsArray[i][1]= cur[1];
        pointsArray[i][2]= cur[2];

      //create the kd tree
      kdTree = new ANNkd_tree(pointsArray,nPoints, dim);

      //fill mitk::Point3D into ANN query point
      queryPoint[0] = point[0];
      queryPoint[1] = point[1];
      queryPoint[2] = point[2];

      //k nearest neighbour search
      kdTree->annkSearch(queryPoint, k, indexArray, distanceArray, eps);

      VertexType* ret = NULL;

        ret = this->m_Vertices->at(indexArray[0]);
      catch(std::out_of_range ex)
        //ret stays NULL
        return ret;

      //clean up ANN
      delete [] indexArray;
      delete [] distanceArray;
      delete kdTree;

      return ret;
  return NULL;
Exemple #16
		delete kdTree;