Exemple #1
void ANNbruteForce::annkSearch( // approx k near neighbor search
    ANNpoint q,                 // query point
    int k,                      // number of near neighbors to return
    ANNidxArray nn_idx,         // nearest neighbor indices (returned)
    ANNdistArray dd,            // dist to near neighbors (returned)
    double eps)                 // error bound (ignored)
    ANNmin_k mk(k); // construct a k-limited priority queue
    int i;

    if (k > n_pts) { // too many near neighbors?
        annError("Requesting more near neighbors than data points", ANNabort);
    // run every point through queue
    for (i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) {
        // compute distance to point
        ANNdist sqDist = annDist(dim, pts[i], q);
        if (ANN_ALLOW_SELF_MATCH || sqDist != 0)
            mk.insert(sqDist, i);
    for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { // extract the k closest points
        dd[i] = mk.ith_smallest_key(i);
        nn_idx[i] = mk.ith_smallest_info(i);
Exemple #2
ANNkd_tree::ANNkd_tree(					// construct from point array
	ANNpointArray		pa,				// point array (with at least n pts)
	int					n,				// number of points
	int					dd,				// dimension
	int					bs,				// bucket size
	ANNsplitRule		split)			// splitting method
	SkeletonTree(n, dd, bs);			// set up the basic stuff
	pts = pa;							// where the points are
    actual_num_points = n;
	if (n == 0) return;					// no points--no sweat

	ANNorthRect bnd_box(dd);			// bounding box for points
	annEnclRect(pa, pidx, n, dd, bnd_box);// construct bounding rectangle
										// copy to tree structure
	bnd_box_lo = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.lo);
	bnd_box_hi = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.hi);

	switch (split) {					// build by rule
	case ANN_KD_STD:					// standard kd-splitting rule
		root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split, &pointToLeafVec);
	case ANN_KD_MIDPT:					// midpoint split
		root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, midpt_split, &pointToLeafVec);
	case ANN_KD_FAIR:					// fair split
		root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, fair_split, &pointToLeafVec);
	case ANN_KD_SUGGEST:				// best (in our opinion)
	case ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT:				// sliding midpoint split
		root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, sl_midpt_split, &pointToLeafVec);
	case ANN_KD_SL_FAIR:				// sliding fair split
		root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, sl_fair_split, &pointToLeafVec);
    // for kd-trees with deletion
	//case ANN_KD_SUGGEST:				
    case ANN_KD_STD_WD:
		root = rkd_tree_wd(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split_wd);
    case ANN_KD_MIDPT_WD:
		root = rkd_tree_wd(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split_wd);
	case ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT_WD:				
		root = rkd_tree_wd(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split_wd);
		annError("Illegal splitting method", ANNabort);
Exemple #3
ANNbd_tree::ANNbd_tree(					// construct from point array
	ES_INFO*			es_info,
	ANNpointArray		pa,				// point array (with at least n pts)
	int					n,				// number of points
	int					dd,				// dimension
	int					bs,				// bucket size
	ANNsplitRule		split,			// splitting rule
	ANNshrinkRule		shrink)			// shrinking rule
	: ANNkd_tree(n, dd, bs)				// build skeleton base tree
	pts = pa;							// where the points are
	if (n == 0) return;					// no points--no sweat

	ANNorthRect bnd_box(dd);			// bounding box for points
										// construct bounding rectangle
	annEnclRect(es_info, pa, pidx, n, dd, bnd_box);
										// copy to tree structure
	bnd_box_lo = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.lo);
	bnd_box_hi = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.hi);

	switch (split) {					// build by rule
	case ANN_KD_STD:					// standard kd-splitting rule
		root = rbd_tree(es_info, pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split, shrink);
	case ANN_KD_MIDPT:					// midpoint split
		root = rbd_tree(es_info, pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, midpt_split, shrink);
	case ANN_KD_SUGGEST:				// best (in our opinion)
	case ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT:				// sliding midpoint split
		root = rbd_tree(es_info, pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, sl_midpt_split, shrink);
	case ANN_KD_FAIR:					// fair split
		root = rbd_tree(es_info, pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, fair_split, shrink);
	case ANN_KD_SL_FAIR:				// sliding fair split
		root = rbd_tree(es_info, pa, pidx, n, dd, bs,
						bnd_box, sl_fair_split, shrink);
		annError("Illegal splitting method", ANNabort);
Exemple #4
ANNdecomp selectDecomp(			// select decomposition method
	ES_INFO*			es_info,
	ANNpointArray		pa,				// point array
	ANNidxArray			pidx,			// point indices to store in subtree
	int					n,				// number of points
	int					dim,			// dimension of space
	const ANNorthRect	&bnd_box,		// current bounding box
	ANNkd_splitter		splitter,		// splitting procedure
	ANNshrinkRule		shrink,			// shrinking rule
	ANNorthRect			&inner_box)		// inner box if shrinking (returned)
	ANNdecomp decomp = SPLIT;			// decomposition

	switch (shrink) {					// check shrinking rule
	case ANN_BD_NONE:					// no shrinking allowed
		decomp = SPLIT;
	case ANN_BD_SUGGEST:				// author's suggestion
	case ANN_BD_SIMPLE:					// simple shrink
		decomp = trySimpleShrink(
				pa, pidx,				// points and indices
				n, dim,					// number of points and dimension
				bnd_box,				// current bounding box
				inner_box);				// inner box if shrinking (returned)
	case ANN_BD_CENTROID:				// centroid shrink
		decomp = tryCentroidShrink(
				pa, pidx,				// points and indices
				n, dim,					// number of points and dimension
				bnd_box,				// current bounding box
				splitter,				// splitting procedure
				inner_box);				// inner box if shrinking (returned)
		annError("Illegal shrinking rule", ANNabort);
	return decomp;
Exemple #5
ANNkd_tree::ANNkd_tree(			// construct from point array
    ANNpointArray	pa,		// point array (with at least n pts)
    int			n,		// number of points
    int			dd,		// dimension
    double     		*ss,		// scaling coefficient
    int			*tt,		// topology of space 
    int			bs,		// bucket size
    ANNsplitRule	split)		// splitting method
    SkeletonTree(n, dd, bs);		// set up the basic stuff
    pts = pa;				// where the points are
    if (n == 0) return;			// no points--no sweat

    Scale = new double [dim];
    Topology = new int [dim];
    TreeTopology = new int [dim];
    TreeP3Topology = new int [dim];
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
      Scale[i] = ss[i];
      Topology[i] = tt[i];
      TreeTopology[i] = tt[i];
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
      if (tt[i] != 3) TreeP3Topology[i] = 0;
      else {
	TreeP3Topology[i++] = 0;
	TreeP3Topology[i++] = 1;
	TreeP3Topology[i++] = 2;
	TreeP3Topology[i] = 3;

    ANNorthRect bnd_box(dd);		// bounding box for points
    annEnclRect(pa, pidx, n, dd, bnd_box);// construct bounding rectangle
					// copy to tree structure
    bnd_box_lo = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.lo);
    bnd_box_hi = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.hi);

    switch (split) {			// build by rule
    case ANN_KD_STD:			// standard kd-splitting rule
	root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split);
    case ANN_KD_MIDPT:			// midpoint split
	root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, midpt_split);
    case ANN_KD_FAIR:			// fair split
	root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, fair_split);
    case ANN_KD_SUGGEST:		// best (in our opinion)
    case ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT:		// sliding midpoint split
	root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, sl_midpt_split);
    case ANN_KD_SL_FAIR:		// sliding fair split
	root = rkd_tree(pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, sl_fair_split);
	annError("Illegal splitting method", ANNabort);
    delete [] TreeTopology;
    delete [] TreeP3Topology;
