Exemple #1
InputParameters validParams<MultiApp>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<MooseObject>();

  params.addParam<bool>("use_displaced_mesh", false, "Whether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation.  Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.");
  params.addParamNamesToGroup("use_displaced_mesh", "Advanced");

  std::ostringstream app_types_strings;

  registeredMooseAppIterator it = AppFactory::instance().registeredObjectsBegin();
  while (it != AppFactory::instance().registeredObjectsEnd())
    app_types_strings << it->first;
    if (it != AppFactory::instance().registeredObjectsEnd())
      app_types_strings<< ", ";

  MooseEnum app_types_options(app_types_strings.str());

  params.addRequiredParam<MooseEnum>("app_type", app_types_options, "The type of application to build.");
  params.addParam<std::vector<Point> >("positions", "The positions of the App locations.  Each set of 3 values will represent a Point.  Either this must be supplied or 'positions_file'");
  params.addParam<FileName>("positions_file", "A filename that should be looked in for positions. Each set of 3 values in that file will represent a Point.  Either this must be supplied or 'positions'");

  params.addRequiredParam<std::vector<std::string> >("input_files", "The input file for each App.  If this parameter only contains one input file it will be used for all of the Apps.");
  params.addParam<Real>("bounding_box_inflation", 0.01, "Relative amount to 'inflate' the bounding box of this MultiApp.");


  MultiMooseEnum execute_options(SetupInterface::getExecuteOptions());
  execute_options = "timestep_begin";  // set the default

  params.addParam<MultiMooseEnum>("execute_on", execute_options, "Set to (linear|nonlinear|timestep_end|timestep_begin|custom) to execute only at that moment");

  params.addParam<unsigned int>("max_procs_per_app", std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(), "Maximum number of processors to give to each App in this MultiApp.  Useful for restricting small solves to just a few procs so they don't get spread out");

  params.addParam<bool>("output_in_position", false, "If true this will cause the output from the MultiApp to be 'moved' by its position vector");

  params.addParam<Real>("reset_time", std::numeric_limits<Real>::max(), "The time at which to reset Apps given by the 'reset_apps' parameter.  Resetting an App means that it is destroyed and recreated, possibly modeling the insertion of 'new' material for that app.");

  params.addParam<std::vector<unsigned int> >("reset_apps", "The Apps that will be reset when 'reset_time' is hit.  These are the App 'numbers' starting with 0 corresponding to the order of the App positions.  Resetting an App means that it is destroyed and recreated, possibly modeling the insertion of 'new' material for that app.");

  params.addParam<Real>("move_time", std::numeric_limits<Real>::max(), "The time at which Apps designated by move_apps are moved to move_positions.");

  params.addParam<std::vector<unsigned int> >("move_apps", "Apps, designated by their 'numbers' starting with 0 corresponding to the order of the App positions, to be moved at move_time to move_positions");

  params.addParam<std::vector<Point> >("move_positions", "The positions corresponding to each move_app.");


  return params;
Exemple #2
InputParameters validParams<MultiApp>()
  InputParameters params = validParams<MooseObject>();
  params += validParams<SetupInterface>();

  params.addParam<bool>("use_displaced_mesh", false, "Whether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation.  Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.");
  params.addParamNamesToGroup("use_displaced_mesh", "Advanced");

  std::ostringstream app_types_strings;
  registeredMooseAppIterator it = AppFactory::instance().registeredObjectsBegin();
  for ( ; it != AppFactory::instance().registeredObjectsEnd(); ++it)
    app_types_strings << it->first << " ";
  MooseEnum app_types_options(app_types_strings.str(), "", true);

  params.addParam<MooseEnum>("app_type", app_types_options, "The type of application to build (applications not registered can be loaded with dynamic libraries. Master application type will be used if not provided.");
  params.addParam<std::string>("library_path", "", "Path to search for dynamic libraries (please avoid committing absolute paths in addition to MOOSE_LIBRARY_PATH)");
  params.addParam<std::vector<Point> >("positions", "The positions of the App locations.  Each set of 3 values will represent a Point.  This and 'positions_file' cannot be both supplied. If this and 'positions_file' are not supplied, a single position (0,0,0) will be used");
  params.addParam<std::vector<FileName> >("positions_file", "A filename that should be looked in for positions. Each set of 3 values in that file will represent a Point.  This and 'positions' cannot be both supplied");

  params.addRequiredParam<std::vector<FileName> >("input_files", "The input file for each App.  If this parameter only contains one input file it will be used for all of the Apps.  When using 'positions_from_file' it is also admissable to provide one input_file per file.");
  params.addParam<Real>("bounding_box_inflation", 0.01, "Relative amount to 'inflate' the bounding box of this MultiApp.");


  // Set the default execution time
  params.set<MultiMooseEnum>("execute_on") = "timestep_begin";

  params.addParam<unsigned int>("max_procs_per_app", std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(), "Maximum number of processors to give to each App in this MultiApp.  Useful for restricting small solves to just a few procs so they don't get spread out");

  params.addParam<bool>("output_in_position", false, "If true this will cause the output from the MultiApp to be 'moved' by its position vector");

  params.addParam<Real>("reset_time", std::numeric_limits<Real>::max(), "The time at which to reset Apps given by the 'reset_apps' parameter.  Resetting an App means that it is destroyed and recreated, possibly modeling the insertion of 'new' material for that app.");

  params.addParam<std::vector<unsigned int> >("reset_apps", "The Apps that will be reset when 'reset_time' is hit.  These are the App 'numbers' starting with 0 corresponding to the order of the App positions.  Resetting an App means that it is destroyed and recreated, possibly modeling the insertion of 'new' material for that app.");

  params.addParam<Real>("move_time", std::numeric_limits<Real>::max(), "The time at which Apps designated by move_apps are moved to move_positions.");

  params.addParam<std::vector<unsigned int> >("move_apps", "Apps, designated by their 'numbers' starting with 0 corresponding to the order of the App positions, to be moved at move_time to move_positions");

  params.addParam<std::vector<Point> >("move_positions", "The positions corresponding to each move_app.");


  return params;