Exemple #1
 * Document-method: MessagePack::Unpacker#stream=
 * call-seq:
 *   unpacker.stream = stream
 * Resets the input stream. You can set nil not to use input stream.
static VALUE MessagePack_Unpacker_stream_set(VALUE self, VALUE val)
	UNPACKER(self, mp);
	mp->user.stream = val;
	mp->user.stream_append_method = append_method_of(val);
	return val;
Exemple #2
 * Document-method: MessagePack::Unpacker#initialize
 * call-seq:
 *   MessagePack::Unpacker.new(stream = nil)
 * Creates instance of MessagePack::Unpacker.
 * You can specify a _stream_ for input stream.
 * It is required to implement *sysread* or *readpartial* method.
 * With the input stream, buffers will be feeded into the deserializer automatically.
 * Without the input stream, use *feed* method manually. Or you can manage the buffer manually
 * with *execute*, *finished?*, *data* and *reset* methods.
static VALUE MessagePack_Unpacker_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
	VALUE stream;
	switch(argc) {
	case 0:
		stream = Qnil;
	case 1:
		stream = argv[0];
		rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 0)", argc);

	UNPACKER(self, mp);
	mp->user.finished = 0;
	mp->user.offset = 0;
	mp->user.buffer.size = 0;
	mp->user.buffer.free = 0;
	mp->user.buffer.ptr = NULL;
	mp->user.stream = stream;
	mp->user.streambuf = rb_str_buf_new(MSGPACK_UNPACKER_BUFFER_RESERVE_SIZE);
	mp->user.stream_append_method = append_method_of(stream);
	return self;