bool AP_Compass_AK8963::read()
    if (!_initialised) {
        return false;

    if (_accum_count == 0) {
        /* We're not ready to publish*/
        return true;

    /* Update */
    _field[0].x = _mag_x_accum * magnetometer_ASA[0] / _accum_count;
    _field[0].y = _mag_y_accum * magnetometer_ASA[1] / _accum_count;
    _field[0].z = _mag_z_accum * magnetometer_ASA[2] / _accum_count;

    _mag_x_accum = _mag_y_accum = _mag_z_accum = 0;
    _accum_count = 0;

    // apply default board orientation for this compass type. This is
    // a noop on most boards

    // add user selectable orientation
    _field[0].rotate((enum Rotation)_orientation[0].get());

    if (!_external[0]) {
        // and add in AHRS_ORIENTATION setting if not an external compass


#if 0
    float x = _field[0].x;
    float y = _field[0].y;
    float z = _field[0].z;

    error("%f %f %f\n", x, y, z);

    last_update = hal.scheduler->micros(); // record time of update

    return true;
bool AP_Compass_PX4::read(void)
    // try to accumulate one more sample, so we have the latest data

    // consider the compass healthy if we got a reading in the last 0.2s
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<_num_instances; i++) {
        _healthy[i] = (hal.scheduler->micros64() - _last_timestamp[i] < 200000);

    for (uint8_t i=0; i<_num_instances; i++) {
        // avoid division by zero if we haven't received any mag reports
        if (_count[i] == 0) continue;

        _sum[i] /= _count[i];
        _sum[i] *= 1000;

        // apply default board orientation for this compass type. This is
        // a noop on most boards

        if (_external[i]) {
            // add user selectable orientation
            _sum[i].rotate((enum Rotation)_orientation[i].get());
        } else {
            // add in board orientation from AHRS
        _field[i] = _sum[i];
        _count[i] = 0;

    last_update = _last_timestamp[get_primary()];
    return _healthy[get_primary()];
  copy latest data to the frontend from a backend
void AP_Compass_Backend::publish_field(const Vector3f &mag, uint8_t instance) 
    Compass::mag_state &state = _compass._state[instance];

    state.field = mag;

    // apply default board orientation for this compass type. This is
    // a noop on most boards

    if (!state.external) {
        // and add in AHRS_ORIENTATION setting if not an external compass
    } else {
        // add user selectable orientation
        state.field.rotate((enum Rotation)state.orientation.get());

    apply_corrections(state.field, instance);

    state.last_update_ms = hal.scheduler->millis();
    _compass._last_update_usec = hal.scheduler->micros();
void test_sparse_apply_corrections() {
    Hyperloglog *hll = mock_sparse_hll(8);
    uint cardinality = hyperloglog_cardinality(hll, compute_alpha(hll->m));
    sassert(3 == apply_corrections(hll, cardinality));