Exemple #1
void PathIndex::apply_translations(const vector<Translation>& translations) {
    // Convert from normal to partitioning translations
    // For each original node ID, we keep a vector of pairs of from mapping and
    // to mapping. We only keep pairs where the from mapping isn't empty.
    map<id_t, vector<pair<Mapping, Mapping>>> collated;
    for (auto& t : translations) {
        if (t.from().mapping_size() < 1 || t.to().mapping_size() != 1) {
            // Ensure the translations are the format we expect. They always have
            // at least one from mapping (but maybe an insert too) and exactly 1
            // to mapping.
            cerr << "error:[vg::PathIndex] Bad translation: " << pb2json(t) << endl;
            throw runtime_error("Translation not in VG::edit() format");
        if (mapping_from_length(t.from().mapping(0)) == 0) {
            // This is a novel node and can't be on our path
        if (t.from().mapping(0).position().is_reverse()) {
            // Wait for the forward-orientation version
        // Stick the from and to mappings in the list for the from node
        collated[t.from().mapping(0).position().node_id()].push_back(make_pair(t.from().mapping(0), t.to().mapping(0)));
    for (auto& kv : collated) {
        // For every original node and its replacement nodes
        // Sort the replacement mappings
        std::sort(kv.second.begin(), kv.second.end(), [](const pair<Mapping, Mapping>& a, const pair<Mapping, Mapping>& b) {
            // Return true if the a pair belongs before the b pair along the path through the original node
            return a.first.position().offset() <= b.first.position().offset();
        // Make a new translation to cover the original node
        Translation covering;
        for (auto mapping_pair : kv.second) {
            // Split across these parts of new nodes
            *(covering.mutable_to()->add_mapping()) = mapping_pair.second;
        // Just assume we take up the whole original node
        auto* from_mapping = covering.mutable_from()->add_mapping();
        // Give it a full length perfect match
        auto* from_edit = from_mapping->add_edit();
        // Apply this (single node) translation.
        // TODO: batch up a bit?
Exemple #2
// main function
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	// process input arguments
	if (argc != 5) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s dx dy in out\n", *argv);
		//                          0 1   2 3  4
		return 1;
	int dx = atoi(argv[1]);
	int dy = atoi(argv[2]);
	char *filename_in = argv[3];
	char *filename_out = argv[4];

	// read input image
	int w, h;
	float *in = iio_read_image_float(filename_in, &w, &h);

	// allocate space for output image
	float *out = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));

	// run the algorithm
	apply_translation(out, dx, dy, in, w, h);

	// save output image
	iio_save_image_float(filename_out, out, w, h);

	// cleanup and exit
	return 0;
Exemple #3
// register two images
// w: width
// h: height
// left: left image
// right: right image
// out: right image after registration
void cregistration(float *out, float *left, float *right, int w, int h, int pd)
	int d[2];
	find_displacement(d, left, right, w, h, pd, 10);
	apply_translation(out, d[0], d[1], right, w, h, pd);
Exemple #4
// main function
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	// process input arguments
	if (argc != 6) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s image der1 der2 der3 der4\n", *argv);
		//                          0 1     2     3    4    5
		return 1;
	char *filename_image = argv[1];
	char *filename_der1 = argv[2];
	char *filename_der2 = argv[3];
	char *filename_der3 = argv[4];
	char *filename_der4 = argv[5];

	// read input image
	int w, h;
	float *im = iio_read_image_float(filename_image, &w, &h);

	// allocate space for the output image
	float *out1 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *out2 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *out3 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *out4 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *dec1 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *dec2 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *dec3 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));
	float *dec4 = malloc(w*h*sizeof(float));

	// creer les images translatees
	apply_translation(dec1, 1, 0, im, w, h);
	apply_translation(dec2, 0, 1, im, w, h);
	apply_translation(dec3, -1, 1, im, w, h);
	apply_translation(dec4, -1, -1, im, w, h);

	// calculer les derivees
	for(int j = 0 ; j < h ; j++)
    for(int i = 0 ; i < w ; i++)
	    out1[j*w+i] = (dec1[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i])*(dec1[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i]);
        out2[j*w+i] = (dec2[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i])*(dec2[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i]);
        out3[j*w+i] = (dec3[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i])*(dec3[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i])/2;
        out4[j*w+i] = (dec4[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i])*(dec4[j*w+i] - im[j*w+i])/2;

	// save the output image
	iio_save_image_float(filename_der1, out1, w, h);
	iio_save_image_float(filename_der2, out2, w, h);
	iio_save_image_float(filename_der3, out3, w, h);
	iio_save_image_float(filename_der4, out4, w, h);

	// cleanup and exit
	return 0;