 * check whether the provided string is a valid id_token and return its parsed contents
apr_byte_t oidc_proto_parse_idtoken(request_rec *r, oidc_cfg *cfg,
		oidc_provider_t *provider, const char *id_token, const char *nonce,
		char **user, apr_jwt_t **jwt, apr_byte_t is_code_flow) {

	oidc_debug(r, "enter");

	if (apr_jwt_parse(r->pool, id_token, jwt, cfg->private_keys,
			provider->client_secret) == FALSE) {
		if ((*jwt) && ((*jwt)->header.alg)
				&& (apr_jwe_algorithm_is_supported(r->pool, (*jwt)->header.alg)
						== FALSE)) {
					"JWE content key encryption algorithm is not supported: %s",
		if ((*jwt) && ((*jwt)->header.enc)
				&& (apr_jwe_encryption_is_supported(r->pool, (*jwt)->header.enc)
						== FALSE)) {
			oidc_error(r, "JWE encryption type is not supported: %s",
		oidc_error(r, "apr_jwt_parse failed for JWT with header: \"%s\"",
				apr_jwt_header_to_string(r->pool, id_token));
		return FALSE;

			"successfully parsed (and possibly decrypted) JWT with header: \"%s\"",
			apr_jwt_header_to_string(r->pool, id_token));

	// make signature validation exception for 'code' flow and the algorithm NONE
	if (is_code_flow == FALSE || strcmp((*jwt)->header.alg, "none") != 0) {

		apr_byte_t refresh = FALSE;
		if (oidc_proto_idtoken_verify_signature(r, cfg, provider, *jwt,
				&refresh) == FALSE) {
					"id_token signature could not be validated, aborting");
			return FALSE;

	/* this is where the meat is */
	if (oidc_proto_validate_idtoken(r, provider, *jwt, nonce) == FALSE) {
		oidc_error(r, "id_token payload could not be validated, aborting");
		return FALSE;

	if (oidc_proto_set_remote_user(r, cfg, provider, *jwt, user) == FALSE) {
		oidc_error(r, "remote user could not be set, aborting");
		return FALSE;

	/* log our results */
			"valid id_token for user \"%s\" (expires in %" APR_TIME_T_FMT " seconds)",
			*user, (*jwt)->payload.exp - apr_time_sec(apr_time_now()));

	/* since we've made it so far, we may as well say it is a valid id_token */
	return TRUE;
Exemple #2
 * check if the the JWT is encrypted
apr_byte_t apr_jwe_is_encrypted_jwt(apr_pool_t *pool, apr_jwt_header_t *hdr) {
	return (apr_jwe_algorithm_is_supported(pool, hdr->alg)
			&& (apr_jwe_encryption_is_supported(pool, hdr->enc)));