Exemple #1
static void getResultQuat( ARMarkerInfo *marker_info )
    double      target_trans[3][4];
    double      cam_trans[3][4];
    double      quat[4], pos[3];
    char        string1[256];
    char        string2[256];

    if( arGetTransMat(marker_info, target_center, target_width, target_trans) < 0 ) return;
    if( arUtilMatInv(target_trans, cam_trans) < 0 ) return;
    if( arUtilMat2QuatPos(cam_trans, quat, pos) < 0 ) return;

    sprintf(string1," QUAT: Pos x: %3.1f  y: %3.1f  z: %3.1f\n",
            pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
    sprintf(string2, "      Quat qx: %3.2f qy: %3.2f qz: %3.2f qw: %3.2f ",
            quat[0], quat[1], quat[2], quat[3]);
    strcat( string1, string2 );

    if( disp_mode ) {
        draw( "target", target_trans, 0, 0 );
        draw_exview( a, b, r, target_trans, 1, 1 );
    else {
        draw( "target", target_trans, 1, 1 );
        draw_exview( a, b, r, target_trans, 0, 0 );
    print_string( string1 );

int arsInitCparam( ARSParam *sparam )
    arImXsize = sparam->xsize;
    arImYsize = sparam->ysize;
    arsParam = *sparam;

    arUtilMatInv( arsParam.matL2R, arsMatR2L );

Exemple #3
// カメラの位置の取得
void cARTK::getCameraPos( Vector3 *pvec3CamPos )
	double		dInvPattTransMat[3][4];

	arUtilMatInv( m_dPattTransMat, dInvPattTransMat );

	pvec3CamPos->x = (float)dInvPattTransMat[0][3];
	pvec3CamPos->y = (float)dInvPattTransMat[1][3];
	pvec3CamPos->z = (float)dInvPattTransMat[2][3];
	Vector3Transform( pvec3CamPos, pvec3CamPos, m_matRotX );

	pvec3CamPos->x *= (float)m_dViewScaleFactor;
	pvec3CamPos->y *= (float)m_dViewScaleFactor;
	pvec3CamPos->z *= (float)m_dViewScaleFactor;
Exemple #4
// Baseを原点とした場合のTargetの相対位置を取得
void cARTK::getMarkerPos( Vector3 *pvec3MarkerPos, int iPattIndexBase, int iPattIndexTarget )
	double		dInvBaseTransMat[3][4];
	double		dTargetTransMat[3][4];

	arUtilMatInv( m_sMarkerInfo[iPattIndexBase].dTransMat, dInvBaseTransMat );
	arUtilMatMul( dInvBaseTransMat, m_sMarkerInfo[iPattIndexTarget].dTransMat, dTargetTransMat );

	pvec3MarkerPos->x = (float)dTargetTransMat[0][3];
	pvec3MarkerPos->y = (float)dTargetTransMat[1][3];
	pvec3MarkerPos->z = (float)dTargetTransMat[2][3];
	Vector3Transform( pvec3MarkerPos, pvec3MarkerPos, m_matRotX );

	pvec3MarkerPos->x *= (float)m_dViewScaleFactor;
	pvec3MarkerPos->y *= (float)m_dViewScaleFactor;
	pvec3MarkerPos->z *= (float)m_dViewScaleFactor;
osg::MatrixTransform* Worker::mt2mtCoordinates(osg::MatrixTransform* mtA, osg::MatrixTransform* mtB)
	double matrix1[3][4]; double matrix2[3][4];	// Auxiliar double matrix to calculate distances between OSG objects(matrixTransforms).
	double matrixA[3][4]; double matrixB[3][4]; 	// mtA and mtB in double matrix format.
	osg::MatrixTransform* mtAfromB;
	mtAfromB = new osg::MatrixTransform();
// 	if (osgArt->getMarker1()->valid() || osgArt->getMarker2()->valid())
// 	{
	  arUtilMatInv(matrixA, matrix1);// Now matrix1 is the inverse of matrixA
	  arUtilMatMul(matrix1, matrixB, matrix2);
	  matrixDouble2matrixTransform(matrix2, mtAfromB);
	  return mtAfromB;
// 	}
// 	else
// 	{
// 	  std::cout<<"The ARToolKit marks are out of camera vision. Please show the 2 marks to the camera."<<std::endl;
// 	  distance2mole1=9999;
// 	}
Exemple #6
static void getResultRaw( ARMarkerInfo *marker_info )
    double      target_trans[3][4];
    double      cam_trans[3][4];
    char        string[256];

    if( arGetTransMat(marker_info, target_center, target_width, target_trans) < 0 ) return;
    if( arUtilMatInv(target_trans, cam_trans) < 0 ) return;

    sprintf(string," RAW: Cam Pos x: %3.1f  y: %3.1f  z: %3.1f",
            cam_trans[0][3], cam_trans[1][3], cam_trans[2][3]);

    if( disp_mode ) {
        draw( "target", target_trans, 0, 0 );
        draw_exview( a, b, r, target_trans, 1, 1 );
    else {
        draw( "target", target_trans, 1, 1 );
        draw_exview( a, b, r, target_trans, 0, 0 );
    print_string( string );

Exemple #7
static void calib(void)
    ICPHandleT *icpHandleL;
    ICPHandleT *icpHandleR;
    ICPDataT    icpData;
    ARdouble    initMatXw2Xc[3][4];
    ARdouble    initTransL2R[3][4], matL[3][4], matR[3][4], invMatL[3][4];
    ARdouble    transL2R[3][4];
    ARdouble    err;
    int         i;

    if( (icpHandleL = icpCreateHandle(paramL.mat)) == NULL ) {
        ARLOG("Error!! icpCreateHandle\n");
    icpSetBreakLoopErrorThresh( icpHandleL, 0.00001 );
    if( (icpHandleR = icpCreateHandle(paramR.mat)) == NULL ) {
        ARLOG("Error!! icpCreateHandle\n");
    icpSetBreakLoopErrorThresh( icpHandleR, 0.00001 );

    for( i = 0; i < calibImageNum; i++ ) {
        if( icpGetInitXw2Xc_from_PlanarData(paramL.mat, calibData[i].screenCoordL, calibData[i].worldCoordL, calibData[i].numL, calibData[i].initMatXw2Xcl) < 0 ) {
            ARLOG("Error!! icpGetInitXw2Xc_from_PlanarData\n");
        icpData.screenCoord = calibData[i].screenCoordL;
        icpData.worldCoord  = calibData[i].worldCoordL;
        icpData.num = calibData[i].numL;

    if( icpGetInitXw2Xc_from_PlanarData(paramL.mat, calibData[0].screenCoordL, calibData[0].worldCoordL, calibData[0].numL, initMatXw2Xc) < 0 ) {
        ARLOG("Error!! icpGetInitXw2Xc_from_PlanarData\n");
    icpData.screenCoord = calibData[0].screenCoordL;
    icpData.worldCoord  = calibData[0].worldCoordL;
    icpData.num = calibData[0].numL;
    if( icpPoint(icpHandleL, &icpData, initMatXw2Xc, matL, &err) < 0 ) {
        ARLOG("Error!! icpPoint\n");
    if( icpGetInitXw2Xc_from_PlanarData(paramR.mat, calibData[0].screenCoordR, calibData[0].worldCoordR, calibData[0].numR, matR) < 0 ) {
        ARLOG("Error!! icpGetInitXw2Xc_from_PlanarData\n");
    icpData.screenCoord = calibData[0].screenCoordR;
    icpData.worldCoord  = calibData[0].worldCoordR;
    icpData.num = calibData[0].numR;
    if( icpPoint(icpHandleR, &icpData, initMatXw2Xc, matR, &err) < 0 ) {
        ARLOG("Error!! icpPoint\n");
    arUtilMatInv( matL, invMatL );
    arUtilMatMul( matR, invMatL, initTransL2R );

    if( icpCalibStereo(calibData, calibImageNum, paramL.mat, paramR.mat, initTransL2R, transL2R, &err) < 0 ) {
        ARLOG("Calibration error!!\n");
    ARLOG("Estimated transformation matrix from Left to Right.\n");
    arParamDispExt( transL2R );

    saveParam( transL2R );
Exemple #8
/* main loop */
static void mainLoop(void)
    ARUint8         *dataPtr;
    ARMarkerInfo    *marker_info;
    int             marker_num;
    int             j, k;
	int				i;

    /* grab a vide frame */
    if( (dataPtr = (ARUint8 *)arVideoGetImage()) == NULL ) {
    if( count == 0 ) arUtilTimerReset();

    argDispImage( dataPtr, 0,0 );

    /* detect the markers in the video frame */
    if( arDetectMarker(dataPtr, thresh, &marker_info, &marker_num) < 0 ) {


    /* check for object visibility */
   	for( i = 0; i < PTT_NUM; i++){
		k = -1;
	    for( j = 0; j < marker_num; j++ ) {
	        if( object[i].patt_id == marker_info[j].id ) {
	            if( k == -1 ) k = j;
	            else if( marker_info[k].cf < marker_info[j].cf ) k = j;
		if( k == -1 ) { /* not find marker */
			object[i].visible = 0;
			isFirst[i] = 1;
			/* get the transformation between the marker and the real camera */
			if( isFirst[i]){
				arGetTransMat(&marker_info[k], object[i].patt_center, object[i].patt_width, object[i].patt_trans);
				arGetTransMatCont(&marker_info[k], object[i].patt_trans, object[i].patt_center, object[i].patt_width, object[i].patt_trans);
			object[i].visible = 1;
			isFirst[i] = 0;
			/* 追加 */
			if(i == PTT2_MARK_ID){
				arUtilMatInv( object[PTT2_MARK_ID].patt_trans, itrans2); // 逆行列の計算

	//Initialize(); // fix me

ARMultiMarkerInfoT *arMultiReadConfigFile( const char *filename, ARPattHandle *pattHandle )
    FILE                   *fp;
    ARMultiEachMarkerInfoT *marker;
    ARMultiMarkerInfoT     *marker_info;
    ARdouble               wpos3d[4][2];
    char                   buf[256], pattPath[2048], dummy;
    int                    num;
    int                    patt_type = 0;
    int                    i, j;

    if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
        ARLOGe("Error: unable to open multimarker config file '%s'.\n", filename);
        return NULL;

    get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
    if( sscanf(buf, "%d", &num) != 1 ) {
        ARLOGe("Error processing multimarker config file '%s': First line must be number of marker configs to read.\n", filename);
        return NULL;
    ARLOGd("Reading %d markers from multimarker file '%s'\n", num, filename);

    arMalloc(marker, ARMultiEachMarkerInfoT, num);

    for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
        get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
        if (sscanf(buf, 
#if defined(__LP64__) && !defined(__APPLE__)
                         &(marker[i].globalID), &dummy) != 1) { // Try first as matrix code.
            if (!pattHandle) {
                ARLOGe("Error processing multimarker config file '%s': pattern '%s' specified in multimarker configuration while in barcode-only mode.\n", filename, buf);
                goto bail;
            if (!arUtilGetDirectoryNameFromPath(pattPath, filename, sizeof(pattPath), 1)) { // Get directory prefix.
                ARLOGe("Error processing multimarker config file '%s': Unable to determine directory name.\n", filename);
                goto bail;
            strncat(pattPath, buf, sizeof(pattPath) - strlen(pattPath) - 1); // Add name of file to open.
            if ((marker[i].patt_id = arPattLoad(pattHandle, pattPath)) < 0) {
                ARLOGe("Error processing multimarker config file '%s': Unable to load pattern '%s'.\n", filename, pattPath);
                goto bail;
            marker[i].patt_type = AR_MULTI_PATTERN_TYPE_TEMPLATE;
            patt_type |= 0x01;
        } else {
            if ((marker[i].globalID & 0xffff8000ULL) == 0ULL) marker[i].patt_id = (int)(marker[i].globalID & 0x00007fffULL); // If upper 33 bits are zero, use lower 31 bits as regular matrix code.
            else marker[i].patt_id = 0;
            ARLOGd("Marker %3d is matrix code %llu.\n", i + 1, marker[i].globalID);
            marker[i].patt_type = AR_MULTI_PATTERN_TYPE_MATRIX;
            patt_type |= 0x02;

        get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
        if( sscanf(buf,
                   &marker[i].width) != 1 ) {
            ARLOGe("Error processing multimarker config file '%s', marker definition %3d: First line must be pattern width.\n", filename, i + 1);
            goto bail;
        j = 0;
        get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
        if( sscanf(buf,
                   "%f %f %f %f",
                   "%lf %lf %lf %lf",
                   &marker[i].trans[j][3]) != 4 ) {
            // Perhaps this is an old ARToolKit v2.x multimarker file?
            // If so, then the next line is two values (center) and should be skipped.
            float t1, t2;
            if( sscanf(buf,
                       "%f %f",
                       &t1, &t2) != 2 ) {
                ARLOGe("Error processing multimarker config file '%s', marker definition %3d: Lines 2 - 4 must be marker transform.\n", filename, i + 1);
                goto bail;
        } else j++;
        do {
            get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
            if( sscanf(buf, 
                       "%f %f %f %f",
                       "%lf %lf %lf %lf",
                       &marker[i].trans[j][3]) != 4 ) {
                ARLOGe("Error processing multimarker config file '%s', marker definition %3d: Lines 2 - 4 must be marker transform.\n", filename, i + 1);
                goto bail;
        } while (j < 3);
        arUtilMatInv( (const ARdouble (*)[4])marker[i].trans, marker[i].itrans );

        wpos3d[0][0] =  -marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[0][1] =   marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[1][0] =   marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[1][1] =   marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[2][0] =   marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[2][1] =  -marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[3][0] =  -marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[3][1] =  -marker[i].width/2.0;
        for( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
            marker[i].pos3d[j][0] = marker[i].trans[0][0] * wpos3d[j][0]
                                  + marker[i].trans[0][1] * wpos3d[j][1]
                                  + marker[i].trans[0][3];
            marker[i].pos3d[j][1] = marker[i].trans[1][0] * wpos3d[j][0]
                                  + marker[i].trans[1][1] * wpos3d[j][1]
                                  + marker[i].trans[1][3];
            marker[i].pos3d[j][2] = marker[i].trans[2][0] * wpos3d[j][0]
                                  + marker[i].trans[2][1] * wpos3d[j][1]
                                  + marker[i].trans[2][3];


    arMalloc(marker_info, ARMultiMarkerInfoT, 1);
    marker_info->marker     = marker;
    marker_info->marker_num = num;
    marker_info->prevF      = 0;
    if( (patt_type & 0x03) == 0x03 ) marker_info->patt_type = AR_MULTI_PATTERN_DETECTION_MODE_TEMPLATE_AND_MATRIX;
    else if( patt_type & 0x01 )    marker_info->patt_type = AR_MULTI_PATTERN_DETECTION_MODE_TEMPLATE;
    else                           marker_info->patt_type = AR_MULTI_PATTERN_DETECTION_MODE_MATRIX;
    marker_info->cfMatrixCutoff = AR_MULTI_CONFIDENCE_MATRIX_CUTOFF_DEFAULT;

    return marker_info;
    return NULL;
AR_DLL_API ARMultiMarkerInfoT *arMultiReadConfigFile( const char *filename )
    FILE *fp=fopen(filename,"r");
    if(fp == NULL){
        return NULL;

    char buf[256];
    get_buff(buf, 256, fp);

    int num;
    if( sscanf(buf, "%d", &num) != 1 ) {
        fclose(fp); return NULL;

    ARMultiEachMarkerInfoT *marker;
    ARMultiMarkerInfoT     *marker_info;

    std::string dir=getdir(filename);

    for(int i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
        get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
        char buf1[256];
        if( sscanf(buf, "%s", buf1) != 1 ) {
            fclose(fp); free(marker); return NULL;
        if( (marker[i].patt_id = arLoadPatt((dir+"/"+buf1).c_str())) < 0 ) {
            fclose(fp); free(marker); return NULL;

        get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
        if( sscanf(buf, "%lf", &marker[i].width) != 1 ) {
            fclose(fp); free(marker); return NULL;

        get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
        if( sscanf(buf, "%lf %lf", &marker[i].center[0], &marker[i].center[1]) != 2 ) {
            fclose(fp); free(marker); return NULL;

        for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
            get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
            if( sscanf(buf, "%lf %lf %lf %lf", &marker[i].trans[j][0],
                       &marker[i].trans[j][1], &marker[i].trans[j][2],
                       &marker[i].trans[j][3]) != 4 ) {
                fclose(fp); free(marker); return NULL;
        arUtilMatInv( marker[i].trans, marker[i].itrans );

        double wpos3d[4][2];
        wpos3d[0][0] = marker[i].center[0] - marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[0][1] = marker[i].center[1] + marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[1][0] = marker[i].center[0] + marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[1][1] = marker[i].center[1] + marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[2][0] = marker[i].center[0] + marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[2][1] = marker[i].center[1] - marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[3][0] = marker[i].center[0] - marker[i].width/2.0;
        wpos3d[3][1] = marker[i].center[1] - marker[i].width/2.0;
        for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) {
            marker[i].pos3d[j][0] = marker[i].trans[0][0] * wpos3d[j][0]
                                  + marker[i].trans[0][1] * wpos3d[j][1]
                                  + marker[i].trans[0][3];
            marker[i].pos3d[j][1] = marker[i].trans[1][0] * wpos3d[j][0]
                                  + marker[i].trans[1][1] * wpos3d[j][1]
                                  + marker[i].trans[1][3];
            marker[i].pos3d[j][2] = marker[i].trans[2][0] * wpos3d[j][0]
                                  + marker[i].trans[2][1] * wpos3d[j][1]
                                  + marker[i].trans[2][3];


    marker_info = (ARMultiMarkerInfoT *)malloc( sizeof(ARMultiMarkerInfoT) );
    if( marker_info == NULL ) {free(marker); return NULL;}
    marker_info->marker     = marker;
    marker_info->marker_num = num;
    marker_info->prevF      = 0;

    return marker_info;
/* main loop */
static void mainLoop(void)
    ARUint8         *dataPtr;
    ARMarkerInfo    *marker_info;
    int             marker_num;
    int             i, j, k;

    /* grab a vide frame */
    if( (dataPtr = (ARUint8 *)arVideoGetImage()) == NULL ) {
    if( count == 0 ) arUtilTimerReset();

    argDispImage( dataPtr, 0,0 );

    /* detect the markers in the video frame */
    if( arDetectMarker(dataPtr, thresh, &marker_info, &marker_num) < 0 ) {

    argDraw3dCamera( 0, 0 );
    glClearDepth( 1.0 );

    /* check for object visibility */
    for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
        k = -1;
        for( j = 0; j < marker_num; j++ ) {
            if( object[i].patt_id == marker_info[j].id ) {
                if( k == -1 ) k = j;
                else if( marker_info[k].cf < marker_info[j].cf ) k = j;
        object[i].visible = k;

        if( k >= 0 ) {
                          object[i].center, object[i].width,
            draw( object[i].model_id, object[i].trans );

    if( object[0].visible >= 0
     && object[1].visible >= 0 ) {
        double  wmat1[3][4], wmat2[3][4];

        arUtilMatInv(object[0].trans, wmat1);
        arUtilMatMul(wmat1, object[1].trans, wmat2);

        for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
            for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) printf("%8.4f ", wmat2[j][i]);
Exemple #12
	return marker_num;

 * Class:     net_towerdefender_image_ARToolkit
 * Method:    arUtilMatInv
 * Signature: ([D[D)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_net_towerdefender_image_ARToolkit_arUtilMatInv(
		JNIEnv *env, jclass this, jdoubleArray mat1, jdoubleArray mat2) {
	double *mat1Ptr;
	double *mat2Ptr;
	int retval;
	mat1Ptr = (*env)->GetDoubleArrayElements(env, mat1, JNI_FALSE);
	mat2Ptr = (*env)->GetDoubleArrayElements(env, mat2, JNI_FALSE);
	retval = arUtilMatInv(mat1Ptr, mat2Ptr);
	(*env)->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(env, mat1, mat1Ptr, 0);
	(*env)->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(env, mat2, mat2Ptr, 0);
	return retval;

 * Class:     net_towerdefender_image_ARToolkit
 * Method:    arUtilMatMul
 * Signature: ([D[D[D)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_net_towerdefender_image_ARToolkit_arUtilMatMul(
		JNIEnv *env, jclass this, jdoubleArray mat1, jdoubleArray mat2,
		jdoubleArray result) {
	double *mat1Ptr;
	double *mat2Ptr;
ARdouble arGetTransMatSquareStereo( AR3DStereoHandle *handle, 
                                  ARMarkerInfo *marker_infoL, ARMarkerInfo *marker_infoR,
                                  ARdouble width, ARdouble conv[3][4] )
    ICPStereoDataT     data;
    ICP2DCoordT        screenCoordL[4];
    ICP2DCoordT        screenCoordR[4];
    ICP3DCoordT        worldCoord[4];
    ARdouble             matXc2C[3][4];
    ARdouble             matXw2C[3][4];
    ARdouble             matXw2Xc[3][4];
    ARdouble             err;
    int                dir;
    int                i, j;

    worldCoord[0].x = -width/2.0;
    worldCoord[0].y =  width/2.0;
    worldCoord[0].z =  0.0;
    worldCoord[1].x =  width/2.0;
    worldCoord[1].y =  width/2.0;
    worldCoord[1].z =  0.0;
    worldCoord[2].x =  width/2.0;
    worldCoord[2].y = -width/2.0;
    worldCoord[2].z =  0.0;
    worldCoord[3].x = -width/2.0;
    worldCoord[3].y = -width/2.0;
    worldCoord[3].z =  0.0;
    if( marker_infoL != NULL ) {
        dir = marker_infoL->dir;
        screenCoordL[0].x = marker_infoL->vertex[(4-dir)%4][0];
        screenCoordL[0].y = marker_infoL->vertex[(4-dir)%4][1];
        screenCoordL[1].x = marker_infoL->vertex[(5-dir)%4][0];
        screenCoordL[1].y = marker_infoL->vertex[(5-dir)%4][1];
        screenCoordL[2].x = marker_infoL->vertex[(6-dir)%4][0];
        screenCoordL[2].y = marker_infoL->vertex[(6-dir)%4][1];
        screenCoordL[3].x = marker_infoL->vertex[(7-dir)%4][0];
        screenCoordL[3].y = marker_infoL->vertex[(7-dir)%4][1];
        data.numL         = 4;
        data.screenCoordL = screenCoordL;
        data.worldCoordL  = worldCoord;
    else {
        data.numL         = 0;
        data.screenCoordL = NULL;
        data.worldCoordL  = NULL;
    if( marker_infoR != NULL ) {
        dir = marker_infoR->dir;
        screenCoordR[0].x = marker_infoR->vertex[(4-dir)%4][0];
        screenCoordR[0].y = marker_infoR->vertex[(4-dir)%4][1];
        screenCoordR[1].x = marker_infoR->vertex[(5-dir)%4][0];
        screenCoordR[1].y = marker_infoR->vertex[(5-dir)%4][1];
        screenCoordR[2].x = marker_infoR->vertex[(6-dir)%4][0];
        screenCoordR[2].y = marker_infoR->vertex[(6-dir)%4][1];
        screenCoordR[3].x = marker_infoR->vertex[(7-dir)%4][0];
        screenCoordR[3].y = marker_infoR->vertex[(7-dir)%4][1];
        data.numR         = 4;
        data.screenCoordR = screenCoordR;
        data.worldCoordR  = worldCoord;
    else {
        data.numR         = 0;
        data.screenCoordR = NULL;
        data.worldCoordR  = NULL;

    if( marker_infoL != NULL
     && icpGetInitXw2Xc_from_PlanarData(handle->icpStereoHandle->matXcl2Ul, screenCoordL, worldCoord, 4, matXw2Xc) == 0 ) {
        arUtilMatInv( handle->icpStereoHandle->matC2L, matXc2C );
        for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
            for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
                matXw2C[j][i] = matXc2C[j][0]*matXw2Xc[0][i]
                              + matXc2C[j][1]*matXw2Xc[1][i]
                              + matXc2C[j][2]*matXw2Xc[2][i];
            matXw2C[j][3] += matXc2C[j][3];
    else if( marker_infoR != NULL
     && icpGetInitXw2Xc_from_PlanarData(handle->icpStereoHandle->matXcr2Ur, screenCoordR, worldCoord, 4, matXw2Xc) == 0 ) {
        arUtilMatInv( handle->icpStereoHandle->matC2R, matXc2C );
        for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
            for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
                matXw2C[j][i] = matXc2C[j][0]*matXw2Xc[0][i]
                              + matXc2C[j][1]*matXw2Xc[1][i]
                              + matXc2C[j][2]*matXw2Xc[2][i];
            matXw2C[j][3] += matXc2C[j][3];
    else return 100000000.0;

    if( icpStereoPoint(handle->icpStereoHandle, &data, matXw2C, conv, &err) < 0 ) return 100000000.0;

    return err;
Tracker::arMultiReadConfigFile(const char *filename) {
    FILE *fp;
    ARMultiEachMarkerInfoT *marker;
    ARMultiMarkerInfoT *marker_info;
    ARFloat wpos3d[4][2];
    char buf[256], buf1[256];
    int num;
    int i, j;

    setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");

    if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
        return NULL;

    get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
    if (sscanf(buf, "%d", &num) != 1) {
        return NULL;

    arMalloc(marker, ARMultiEachMarkerInfoT, num);

    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
        if (sscanf(buf, "%s", buf1) != 1) {
            return NULL;
        // Added by Daniel: if the markername is an integer number
        // we directly interprete this as the marker id (used for
        // id-based markers)
        if (isNumber(buf1))
            marker[i].patt_id = atoi(buf1);
        else if ((marker[i].patt_id = arLoadPatt(buf1)) < 0) {
            return NULL;

        get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
#ifdef _USE_DOUBLE_
        if( sscanf(buf, "%lf", &marker[i].width) != 1 ) {
        if (sscanf(buf, "%f", &marker[i].width) != 1) {
            return NULL;

        get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
#ifdef _USE_DOUBLE_
        if( sscanf(buf, "%lf %lf", &marker[i].center[0], &marker[i].center[1]) != 2 ) {
        if (sscanf(buf, "%f %f", &marker[i].center[0], &marker[i].center[1]) != 2) {
            return NULL;

        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
            get_buff(buf, 256, fp);
            if (sscanf(buf,
#ifdef _USE_DOUBLE_
                       "%lf %lf %lf %lf",
                       "%f %f %f %f",
                       &marker[i].trans[j][0], &marker[i].trans[j][1], &marker[i].trans[j][2], &marker[i].trans[j][3])
                    != 4) {
                return NULL;
        arUtilMatInv(marker[i].trans, marker[i].itrans);

        wpos3d[0][0] = marker[i].center[0] - marker[i].width * 0.5f;
        wpos3d[0][1] = marker[i].center[1] + marker[i].width * 0.5f;
        wpos3d[1][0] = marker[i].center[0] + marker[i].width * 0.5f;
        wpos3d[1][1] = marker[i].center[1] + marker[i].width * 0.5f;
        wpos3d[2][0] = marker[i].center[0] + marker[i].width * 0.5f;
        wpos3d[2][1] = marker[i].center[1] - marker[i].width * 0.5f;
        wpos3d[3][0] = marker[i].center[0] - marker[i].width * 0.5f;
        wpos3d[3][1] = marker[i].center[1] - marker[i].width * 0.5f;
        for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
            marker[i].pos3d[j][0] = marker[i].trans[0][0] * wpos3d[j][0] + marker[i].trans[0][1] * wpos3d[j][1]
                                    + marker[i].trans[0][3];
            marker[i].pos3d[j][1] = marker[i].trans[1][0] * wpos3d[j][0] + marker[i].trans[1][1] * wpos3d[j][1]
                                    + marker[i].trans[1][3];
            marker[i].pos3d[j][2] = marker[i].trans[2][0] * wpos3d[j][0] + marker[i].trans[2][1] * wpos3d[j][1]
                                    + marker[i].trans[2][3];

    setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");

    marker_info = (ARMultiMarkerInfoT *) malloc(sizeof(ARMultiMarkerInfoT));
    if (marker_info == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    marker_info->marker = marker;
    marker_info->marker_num = num;
    marker_info->prevF = 0;

    return marker_info;

}  // namespace ARToolKitPlus