int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { double discountFactor = 0.9; FILE* initFileFd = NULL; FILE** combinedFd = NULL; FILE* optimalFd = NULL; optimistic_instance* optimistic = NULL; random_search_instance* random_search = NULL; uct_instance* uct = NULL; uniform_instance* uniform = NULL; unsigned int maxDepth = 0; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int n = 0; state** initialStates = NULL; unsigned int timestamp = time(NULL); double* optimalValues = NULL; int readFscanf = -1; struct arg_file* initFile = arg_file1(NULL, "init", "<file>", "File containing the inital state"); struct arg_int* d = arg_int1("d", NULL, "<n>", "Maximum depth of an uniform tree which the number of call per step"); struct arg_int* k = arg_int1("k", NULL, "<n>", "Branching factor of the problem"); struct arg_file* where = arg_file1(NULL, "where", "<file>", "Directory where we save the outputs"); struct arg_file* optimal = arg_file1(NULL, "optimal", "<file>", "File containing the optimal values"); struct arg_end* end = arg_end(6); void* argtable[6]; int nerrors = 0; argtable[0] = initFile; argtable[1] = where; argtable[2] = d; argtable[3] = k; argtable[4] = optimal; argtable[5] = end; if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("error: insufficient memory\n"); arg_freetable(argtable, 6); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); if(nerrors > 0) { printf("%s:", argv[0]); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]); arg_freetable(argtable, 6); return EXIT_FAILURE; } initGenerativeModelParameters(); K = k->ival[0]; initGenerativeModel(); optimalFd = fopen(optimal->filename[0], "r"); initFileFd = fopen(initFile->filename[0], "r"); readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%u\n", &n); initialStates = (state**)malloc(sizeof(state*) * n); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { char str[1024]; readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%s\n", str); initialStates[i] = makeState(str); } maxDepth = d->ival[0]; combinedFd = (FILE**)malloc(sizeof(FILE*) * maxDepth); for(i = 1; i <= maxDepth; i++) { char str[1024]; sprintf(str, "%s/%u_combined_%u_%u.csv", where->filename[0], timestamp, K, i); combinedFd[i - 1] = fopen(str, "w"); fprintf(combinedFd[i - 1], "n,optimistic,random search,uct,uniform\n"); } arg_freetable(argtable, 6); optimalValues = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * K); optimistic = optimistic_initInstance(initialStates[0], discountFactor); random_search = random_search_initInstance(initialStates[0], discountFactor); uct = uct_initInstance(initialStates[0], discountFactor); uniform = uniform_initInstance(initialStates[0], discountFactor); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { unsigned int j = 1; unsigned int maxNbIterations = K; unsigned int optimalAction = 0; char str[1024]; readFscanf = fscanf(optimalFd, "%s\n", str); optimalValues[0] = strtod(strtok(str, ","), NULL); printf("%.15f,",optimalValues[0]); for(; j < K; j++) { optimalValues[j] = strtod(strtok(NULL, ","), NULL); printf("%.15f,",optimalValues[j]); } optimalAction = atol(strtok(NULL, ",")); printf("%u\n",optimalAction); for(j = 1; j <= maxDepth; j++) { unsigned int crtOptimalAction = getActionId(optimistic_planning(optimistic, maxNbIterations)); fprintf(combinedFd[j - 1], "%u,", maxNbIterations); fprintf(combinedFd[j - 1], "%.15f,", crtOptimalAction == optimalAction ? 0.0 : optimalValues[optimalAction] - optimalValues[crtOptimalAction]); maxNbIterations += pow(K, j+1); } if(i < (n - 1)) optimistic_resetInstance(optimistic, initialStates[i+1]); printf("optimistic: %uth initial state processed\n", i+1); fflush(NULL); maxNbIterations = K; for(j = 1; j <= maxDepth; j++) { unsigned int crtOptimalAction = getActionId(random_search_planning(random_search, maxNbIterations)); fprintf(combinedFd[j - 1], "%.15f,", crtOptimalAction == optimalAction ? 0.0 : optimalValues[optimalAction] - optimalValues[crtOptimalAction]); maxNbIterations += pow(K, j+1); } if(i < (n - 1)) random_search_resetInstance(random_search, initialStates[i + 1]); printf("random_search: %uth initial state processed\n", i+1); fflush(NULL); maxNbIterations = K; for(j = 1; j <= maxDepth; j++) { unsigned int crtOptimalAction = getActionId(uct_planning(uct, maxNbIterations)); fprintf(combinedFd[j - 1], "%.15f,", crtOptimalAction == optimalAction ? 0.0 : optimalValues[optimalAction] - optimalValues[crtOptimalAction]); maxNbIterations += pow(K, j+1); } if(i < (n - 1)) uct_resetInstance(uct, initialStates[i + 1]); printf("uct: %uth initial state processed\n", i+1); fflush(NULL); maxNbIterations = K; for(j = 1; j <= maxDepth; j++) { unsigned int crtOptimalAction = getActionId(uniform_planning(uniform, maxNbIterations)); fprintf(combinedFd[j - 1], "%.15f\n", crtOptimalAction == optimalAction ? 0.0 : optimalValues[optimalAction] - optimalValues[crtOptimalAction]); maxNbIterations += pow(K, j+1); } if(i < (n - 1)) uniform_resetInstance(uniform, initialStates[i + 1]); printf("uniform: %uth initial state processed\n", i+1); printf("%uth initial state processed\n", i+1); fflush(NULL); } for(i = 0; i < maxDepth; i++) { fclose(combinedFd[i]); } for(i = 0; i < n; i++) freeState(initialStates[i]); free(initialStates); free(combinedFd); optimistic_uninitInstance(&optimistic); random_search_uninitInstance(&random_search); uct_uninitInstance(&uct); uniform_uninitInstance(&uniform); freeGenerativeModel(); freeGenerativeModelParameters(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int i, ret; int nerrors[NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENT_SYNTAXES + 1]; /* argtable setup */ /* SYNTAX 1: [--info] */ info1 = arg_lit1(NULL, "info", "Show information about the FLI filterwheel"); end1 = arg_end(20); void * argtable1[] = {info1, end1}; argtable[1] = argtable1; /* SYNTAX 2: [--set-filter] */ setfilter2 = arg_int1(NULL, "set-filter", "N", "Set the filter N"); end2 = arg_end(20); void * argtable2[] = {setfilter2, end2}; argtable[2] = argtable2; /* SYNTAX 3: [--home] */ home3 = arg_lit1(NULL, "home", "Homes the filterwheel"); end3 = arg_end(20); void * argtable3[] = {home3, end3}; argtable[3] = argtable3; /* SYNTAX 4: [--help]*/ help4 = arg_lit1(NULL, "help", "Print this help"); end4 = arg_end(20); void * argtable4[] = {help4, end4}; argtable[4] = argtable4; /* verify all argtable[] entries were allocated successfully */ for (i = 1; i <= NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENT_SYNTAXES; i++) { if (arg_nullcheck(argtable[i]) != 0) { printf("%s: insufficient memory\n", progname); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* parse all argument possibilities */ for (i = 1; i <= NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENT_SYNTAXES; i++) { nerrors[i] = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable[i]); } /* select the right command */ /* --info */ if (nerrors[1] == 0) { if (info1->count > 0) { ret = filter_info(); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } /* --set-filter */ } else if (nerrors[2] == 0) { if (setfilter2->count > 0) { ret = filter_set_filter(setfilter2->ival[0]); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } /* --home */ } else if (nerrors[3] == 0) { if (home3->count > 0) { ret = filter_home(1); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } /* --help */ } else if (nerrors[4] == 0) { if (help4) { ret = argtable_help(progname, NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENT_SYNTAXES, argtable); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } /* incorrect or partially incorrect argument syntaxes */ } else { if (setfilter2->count > 0) { arg_print_errors(stdout, end2, progname); printf("usage: %s ", progname); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable2, "\n"); } else { printf("%s: unable to parse arguments, see syntax below:\n", progname); ret = argtable_help(progname, NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENT_SYNTAXES, argtable); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* no command line options at all */ printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", progname); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #ifdef BALL double discountFactor = 0.9; #else #ifdef CART_POLE double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef DOUBLE_CART_POLE double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef MOUNTAIN_CAR double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef ACROBOT double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef BOAT double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef CART_POLE_BINARY double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef SWIMMER double discountFactor = 0.95; #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif FILE* initFileFd = NULL; state** initialStates = NULL; unsigned int maxDepth = 0; FILE* combinedFd = NULL; FILE* results = NULL; char str[1024]; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int minDepth = 1; unsigned int crtDepth = 0; unsigned int n = 0; unsigned int maxNbIterations = 0; unsigned int nbSteps = 0; unsigned int timestamp = time(NULL); int readFscanf = -1; optimistic_instance* optimistic = NULL; random_search_instance* random_search = NULL; uct_instance* uct = NULL; uniform_instance* uniform = NULL; struct arg_file* initFile = arg_file1(NULL, "init", "<file>", "File containing the inital state"); struct arg_int* d = arg_int1("d", NULL, "<n>", "Maximum depth of an uniform tree which the number of call per step"); struct arg_int* d2 = arg_int0(NULL, "min", "<n>", "Minimun depth to start from (min > 0)"); struct arg_int* s = arg_int1("s", NULL, "<n>", "Number of steps"); struct arg_int* k = arg_int1("k", NULL, "<n>", "Branching factor of the problem"); struct arg_file* where = arg_file1(NULL, "where", "<file>", "Directory where we save the outputs"); struct arg_end* end = arg_end(7); int nerrors = 0; void* argtable[7]; argtable[0] = initFile; argtable[1] = d2; argtable[2] = d; argtable[3] = s; argtable[4] = k; argtable[5] = where; argtable[6] = end; if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("error: insufficient memory\n"); arg_freetable(argtable, 7); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); if(nerrors > 0) { printf("%s:", argv[0]); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]); arg_freetable(argtable, 7); return EXIT_FAILURE; } initGenerativeModelParameters(); K = k->ival[0]; initGenerativeModel(); initFileFd = fopen(initFile->filename[0], "r"); readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%u\n", &n); initialStates = (state**)malloc(sizeof(state*) * n); for(; i < n; i++) { readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%s\n", str); initialStates[i] = makeState(str); } fclose(initFileFd); if(d2->count) minDepth = d2->ival[0]; maxDepth = d->ival[0]; maxNbIterations = K; nbSteps = s->ival[0]; optimistic = optimistic_initInstance(NULL, discountFactor); random_search = random_search_initInstance(NULL, discountFactor); uct = uct_initInstance(NULL, discountFactor); uniform = uniform_initInstance(NULL, discountFactor); sprintf(str, "%s/%u_results_%u_%u.csv", where->filename[0], timestamp, K, nbSteps); results = fopen(str, "w"); for(crtDepth = 1; crtDepth < minDepth; crtDepth++) maxNbIterations += pow(K, crtDepth+1); for(crtDepth = minDepth; crtDepth <= maxDepth; crtDepth++) { double averages[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; sprintf(str, "%s/%u_combined_%u_%u(%u)_%u.csv", where->filename[0], timestamp, K, crtDepth, maxNbIterations, nbSteps); combinedFd = fopen(str, "w"); fprintf(combinedFd, "nbIterations,optimistic,optimistic(discounted),optimistic depth,random search,random search(discounted),random search depth,uct,uct(discounted),uct depth,uniform,uniform(discounted),uniform depth\n"); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { unsigned int j = 0; double sumRewards = 0.0; double discountedSumRewards = 0.0; unsigned int sumDepths = 0; state* crt = copyState(initialStates[i]); optimistic_resetInstance(optimistic, crt); for(; j < nbSteps; j++) { char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; optimistic_keepSubtree(optimistic); action* optimalAction = optimistic_planning(optimistic, maxNbIterations); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward); freeState(crt); crt = nextState; sumRewards += reward; sumDepths += optimistic_getMaxDepth(optimistic); discountedSumRewards += optimistic->gammaPowers[j] * reward; if(isTerminal < 0) break; } optimistic_resetInstance(optimistic, crt); freeState(crt); fprintf(combinedFd, "%u,%.15f,%.15f,%.15f,",maxNbIterations, sumRewards, discountedSumRewards, sumDepths / (double)((j == nbSteps) ? nbSteps : (j + 1))); averages[0] += sumRewards; printf("Optimistic : %uth initial state processed\n", i + 1); sumRewards = 0.0; discountedSumRewards = 0.0; sumDepths = 0; crt = copyState(initialStates[i]); for(j = 0; j < nbSteps; j++) { char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; random_search_resetInstance(random_search, crt); action* optimalAction = random_search_planning(random_search, maxNbIterations); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward); freeState(crt); crt = nextState; sumRewards += reward; sumDepths += random_search_getMaxDepth(random_search); discountedSumRewards += random_search->gammaPowers[j] * reward; if(isTerminal < 0) break; } random_search_resetInstance(random_search, crt); freeState(crt); fprintf(combinedFd, "%.15f,%.15f,%.15f,", sumRewards, discountedSumRewards, sumDepths / (double)((j == nbSteps) ? nbSteps : (j + 1))); averages[1] += sumRewards; printf("Random search: %uth initial state processed\n", i + 1); sumRewards = 0.0; discountedSumRewards = 0.0; sumDepths = 0; crt = copyState(initialStates[i]); uct_resetInstance(uct, crt); for(j = 0; j < nbSteps; j++) { char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; uct_keepSubtree(uct); action* optimalAction = uct_planning(uct, maxNbIterations); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward); freeState(crt); crt = nextState; sumRewards += reward; sumDepths += uct_getMaxDepth(uct); discountedSumRewards += uct->gammaPowers[j] * reward; if(isTerminal < 0) break; } uct_resetInstance(uct, crt); freeState(crt); fprintf(combinedFd, "%.15f,%.15f,%.15f,", sumRewards, discountedSumRewards, sumDepths / (double)((j == nbSteps) ? nbSteps : (j + 1))); averages[2] += sumRewards; printf("Uct : %uth initial state processed\n", i + 1); sumRewards = 0.0; discountedSumRewards = 0.0; crt = copyState(initialStates[i]); uniform_resetInstance(uniform, crt); for(j = 0; j < nbSteps; j++) { char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; uniform_keepSubtree(uniform); action* optimalAction = uniform_planning(uniform, maxNbIterations); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward); freeState(crt); crt = nextState; sumRewards += reward; discountedSumRewards += uniform->gammaPowers[j] * reward; if(isTerminal < 0) break; } uniform_resetInstance(uniform, crt); freeState(crt); fprintf(combinedFd, "%.15f,%.15f,%u\n", sumRewards, discountedSumRewards, crtDepth -1); fflush(combinedFd); averages[3] += sumRewards; printf("Uniform : %uth initial state processed\n", i + 1); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> %uth initial state processed\n", i + 1); } fprintf(results, "%u,%.15f,%.15f,%.15f,%.15f\n", maxNbIterations, averages[0] / (double)n, averages[1] / (double)n, averages[2] / (double)n, averages[3] / (double)n); fflush(results); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> %u depth done\n\n", crtDepth); fclose(combinedFd); maxNbIterations += pow(K, crtDepth+1); } fclose(results); arg_freetable(argtable, 7); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) freeState(initialStates[i]); free(initialStates); optimistic_uninitInstance(&optimistic); random_search_uninitInstance(&random_search); uct_uninitInstance(&uct); uniform_uninitInstance(&uniform); freeGenerativeModel(); freeGenerativeModelParameters(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { double discountFactor = 0.9; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int n = 0; FILE* initFileFd = NULL; FILE* outputFileFd = NULL; unsigned int nbIterations = 0; int readFscanf = -1; optimistic_instance* optimistic = NULL; struct arg_file* initFile = arg_file1(NULL, "init", "<file>", "File containing the inital state"); struct arg_int* k = arg_int1("k", NULL, "<n>", "The branching factor of the problem"); struct arg_int* it = arg_int1("n", NULL, "<n>", "The number of iterations"); struct arg_file* outputFile = arg_file1("o", NULL, "<file>", "The output file"); struct arg_end* end = arg_end(5); void* argtable[5]; int nerrors = 0; argtable[0] = initFile; argtable[1] = it; argtable[2] = outputFile; argtable[3] = k; argtable[4] = end; if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("error: insufficient memory\n"); arg_freetable(argtable, 5); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); if(nerrors > 0) { printf("%s:", argv[0]); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]); arg_freetable(argtable, 5); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nbIterations = it->ival[0]; initGenerativeModelParameters(); K = k->ival[0]; initGenerativeModel(); outputFileFd = fopen(outputFile->filename[0], "w"); initFileFd = fopen(initFile->filename[0], "r"); readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%u\n", &n); arg_freetable(argtable, 5); optimistic = optimistic_initInstance(NULL, discountFactor); for(; i < n; i++) { char str[1024]; unsigned int j = 0; readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%s\n", str); state* initial = makeState(str); double crtOptimalValue = 0.0; unsigned int crtOptimalAction = 0; for(; j < K; j++) { state* nextState = NULL; double reward = 0.0; char isTerminal = 0; isTerminal = nextStateReward(initial, actions[j], &nextState, &reward); optimistic_resetInstance(optimistic, nextState); freeState(nextState); optimistic_planning(optimistic, nbIterations); if(optimistic->crtOptimalValue > crtOptimalValue) { crtOptimalValue = optimistic->crtOptimalValue; crtOptimalAction = j; } fprintf(outputFileFd, "%.15f,", optimistic->crtOptimalValue); printf("%uth action done\n", j+1); fflush(outputFileFd); } fprintf(outputFileFd, "%u\n", crtOptimalAction); freeState(initial); printf("%uth initial state processed\n", i+1); fflush(outputFileFd); } fclose(outputFileFd); fclose(initFileFd); optimistic_uninitInstance(&optimistic); freeGenerativeModel(); freeGenerativeModelParameters(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // commandline argument parser options struct arg_lit *help = arg_lit0("h", "help", "print this help and exit"); struct arg_lit *vers = arg_lit0("v", "version", "print version information and exit"); struct arg_file *file = arg_file1("f", "file", "<file>", "font file"); struct arg_int *fh = arg_int1("g", "height", "<value>", "font height in pixels (6 or 8)"); struct arg_str *text = arg_str1("t", "text", "<value>", "text to show"); struct arg_int *scale = arg_int0("s", "scale", "<value>", "scaling for the window"); struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20); void* argtable[] = {help,vers,file,fh,text,scale,end}; const char* progname = "fonttool"; // Make sure everything got allocated if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("%s: insufficient memory\n", progname); goto exit_0; } // Parse arguments int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); // Handle help if(help->count > 0) { printf("Usage: %s", progname); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); printf("\nArguments:\n"); arg_print_glossary(stdout, argtable, "%-25s %s\n"); goto exit_0; } // Handle version if(vers->count > 0) { printf("%s v0.1\n", progname); printf("Command line One Must Fall 2097 Font file editor.\n"); printf("Source code is available at under MIT license.\n"); printf("(C) 2013 Tuomas Virtanen\n"); goto exit_0; } // Handle errors if(nerrors > 0) { arg_print_errors(stdout, end, progname); printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", progname); goto exit_0; } // Init SDL SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); // Scale int _sc = 1; if(scale->count > 0) { _sc = scale->ival[0]; } if(_sc > 4) _sc = 4; if(_sc < 1) _sc = 1; // Font size int _fs = fh->ival[0]; if(_fs < 6 || _fs > 8 || _fs == 7) { printf("Only valid values for fontsize are 6 and 8.\n"); goto exit_1; } // Load fonts sd_font *font = sd_font_create(); if(sd_font_load(font, file->filename[0], _fs)) { printf("Couldn't load small font file!\n"); goto exit_2; } // Create surface for font rendering SDL_Surface *surface = 0; if((surface = render_text(font, text->sval[0], 320)) == 0) { printf("Failed to render text!\n"); goto exit_3; } // Init window SDL_Window *window = SDL_CreateWindow( "Fonttool v0.1", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, 320 * _sc, 200 * _sc, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN ); if (!window) { printf("Could not create window: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); goto exit_3; } // Rects SDL_Rect srcrect, dstrect; srcrect.x = 0; srcrect.y = 0; srcrect.w = surface->w; srcrect.h = surface->h; dstrect.x = 0; dstrect.y = 0; dstrect.w = surface->w * _sc; dstrect.h = surface->h * _sc; // Run until windows closed. SDL_Surface *window_surface = SDL_GetWindowSurface(window); Uint32 tcolor = SDL_MapRGBA(window_surface->format, 0, 0, 0, 0); SDL_Event e; int run = 1; while(run) { if(SDL_PollEvent(&e)) { if (e.type == SDL_QUIT) { run = 0; } } SDL_FillRect(window_surface, NULL, tcolor); if(_sc == 1) { SDL_BlitSurface(surface, &srcrect, window_surface, &dstrect); } else { SDL_SoftStretch(surface, &srcrect, window_surface, &dstrect); } SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(window); SDL_Delay(10); } // Quit SDL_DestroyWindow(window); exit_3: if(surface) SDL_FreeSurface(surface); exit_2: sd_font_delete(font); exit_1: SDL_Quit(); exit_0: arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable)/sizeof(argtable[0])); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #ifdef BALL double discountFactor = 0.9; #else #ifdef CART_POLE double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef DOUBLE_CART_POLE double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef MOUNTAIN_CAR double discountFactor = 0.99; #else #ifdef ACROBOT double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef BOAT double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef SWIMMER double discountFactor = 0.95; #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif FILE* initFileFd = NULL; state** initialStates = NULL; FILE* results = NULL; char str[1024]; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int* ns = NULL; unsigned int nbN = 0; unsigned int* hs = NULL; unsigned int nbH = 0; unsigned int n = 0; unsigned int nbSteps = 0; unsigned int nbIterations = 1; unsigned int timestamp = time(NULL); int readFscanf = -1; random_search_instance* random_search = NULL; struct arg_file* initFile = arg_file1(NULL, "init", "<file>", "File containing the inital state"); struct arg_str* r = arg_str1("n", NULL, "<s>", "List of maximum numbers of evaluations"); struct arg_str* d = arg_str1("h", NULL, "<s>", "List of depth"); struct arg_int* s = arg_int1("s", NULL, "<n>", "Number of steps"); struct arg_int* it = arg_int1("i", NULL, "<n>", "Number of iteration"); struct arg_file* where = arg_file1(NULL, "where", "<file>", "Directory where we save the outputs"); struct arg_end* end = arg_end(7); int nerrors = 0; void* argtable[7]; argtable[0] = initFile; argtable[1] = r; argtable[2] = d; argtable[3] = s; argtable[4] = it; argtable[5] = where; argtable[6] = end; if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("error: insufficient memory\n"); arg_freetable(argtable, 7); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); if(nerrors > 0) { printf("%s:", argv[0]); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]); arg_freetable(argtable, 7); return EXIT_FAILURE; } initGenerativeModelParameters(); initGenerativeModel(); initFileFd = fopen(initFile->filename[0], "r"); readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%u\n", &n); initialStates = (state**)malloc(sizeof(state*) * n); for(; i < n; i++) { readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%s\n", str); initialStates[i] = makeState(str); } fclose(initFileFd); nbSteps = s->ival[0]; nbIterations = it->ival[0]; ns = parseUnsignedIntList((char*)r->sval[0], &nbN); hs = parseUnsignedIntList((char*)d->sval[0], &nbH); random_search = random_search_initInstance(NULL, discountFactor); h_max = h_max_crt_depth; sprintf(str, "%s/%u_results_random_search_%s.csv", where->filename[0], timestamp,(char*)r->sval[0]); results = fopen(str, "w"); for(i = 0; i < nbIterations; i++) { unsigned int j = 0; for(;j < nbH; j++) { unsigned int k = 0; crtDepth = hs[j]; for(; k < nbN; k++) { unsigned int l = 0; double sumRewards = 0.0; for(; l < n; l++) { unsigned int m = 0; state* crt = copyState(initialStates[l]); for(; m < nbSteps; m++) { char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; double* optimalAction = NULL; random_search_resetInstance(random_search, crt); optimalAction = random_search_planning(random_search, ns[k]); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward) < 0 ? 1 : 0; freeState(crt); free(optimalAction); crt = nextState; sumRewards += reward; if(isTerminal) break; } random_search_resetInstance(random_search, crt); freeState(crt); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> %uth initial state processed with h=%u and n=%u of iteration %u\n", l + 1, hs[j], ns[k], i+1); fflush(NULL); } fprintf(results, "%u,%u,%.15f\n", hs[j],ns[k], sumRewards / (double)n); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> n = %u done\n\n", ns[k]); fflush(NULL); } printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> h = %u done \n\n", hs[j]); fflush(NULL); } fprintf(results,"\n"); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ITERATION %u DONE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n\n\n", i+1); fflush(NULL); } fclose(results); arg_freetable(argtable, 7); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) freeState(initialStates[i]); free(initialStates); random_search_uninitInstance(&random_search); freeGenerativeModel(); freeGenerativeModelParameters(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { double discountFactor = 0.9; FILE* initFileFd = NULL; double* setPoints = NULL; unsigned int nbSetPoints = 0; unsigned int maxDepth = 0; FILE* results = NULL; char str[1024]; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int minDepth = 1; unsigned int crtDepth = 0; unsigned int maxNbIterations = 0; unsigned int nbSteps = 0; unsigned int timestamp = time(NULL); int readFscanf = -1; optimistic_instance* optimistic = NULL; random_search_instance* random_search = NULL; uct_instance* uct = NULL; uniform_instance* uniform = NULL; struct arg_file* initFile = arg_file1(NULL, "init", "<file>", "File containing the set points"); struct arg_int* d2 = arg_int0(NULL, "min", "<n>", "Minimum depth to start from (min>0)"); struct arg_int* d = arg_int1("d", NULL, "<n>", "Maximum depth of an uniform tree which the number of call per step"); struct arg_int* s = arg_int1("s", NULL, "<n>", "Number of steps"); struct arg_int* k = arg_int1("k", NULL, "<n>", "Branching factor of the problem"); struct arg_file* where = arg_file1(NULL, "where", "<file>", "Directory where we save the outputs"); struct arg_end* end = arg_end(7); int nerrors = 0; void* argtable[7]; argtable[0] = initFile; argtable[1] = d2; argtable[2] = d; argtable[3] = s; argtable[4] = k; argtable[5] = where; argtable[6] = end; if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("error: insufficient memory\n"); arg_freetable(argtable, 7); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); if(nerrors > 0) { printf("%s:", argv[0]); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]); arg_freetable(argtable, 7); return EXIT_FAILURE; } initGenerativeModelParameters(); K = k->ival[0]; initGenerativeModel(); initFileFd = fopen(initFile->filename[0], "r"); readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%u\n", &nbSetPoints); setPoints = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * nbSetPoints); for(; i < nbSetPoints; i++) { readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%s\n", str); setPoints[i] = strtod(str, NULL); } fclose(initFileFd); if(d2->count) minDepth = d2->ival[0]; maxDepth = d->ival[0]; maxNbIterations = K; nbSteps = s->ival[0]; optimistic = optimistic_initInstance(NULL, discountFactor); random_search = random_search_initInstance(NULL, discountFactor); uct = uct_initInstance(NULL, discountFactor); uniform = uniform_initInstance(NULL, discountFactor); sprintf(str, "%s/%u_results_%u_%u.csv", where->filename[0], timestamp, K, nbSteps); results = fopen(str, "w"); for(crtDepth = 1; crtDepth < minDepth; crtDepth++) maxNbIterations += pow(K, crtDepth+1); for(crtDepth = minDepth; crtDepth <= maxDepth; crtDepth++) { double averages[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; state* crt1 = initState(); state* crt2 = copyState(crt1); state* crt3 = copyState(crt1); state* crt4 = copyState(crt1); optimistic_resetInstance(optimistic, crt1); uct_resetInstance(uct, crt3); uniform_resetInstance(uniform, crt4); for(i = 0; i < nbSetPoints; i++) { unsigned int j = 0; parameters[10] = setPoints[i]; for(; j < nbSteps; j++) { char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; optimistic_keepSubtree(optimistic); action* optimalAction = optimistic_planning(optimistic, maxNbIterations); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt1, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward); freeState(crt1); crt1 = nextState; averages[0] += reward; if(isTerminal < 0) break; } optimistic_resetInstance(optimistic, crt1); printf("Optimistic : %uth set point processed\n", i + 1); for(j = 0; j < nbSteps; j++) { char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; random_search_resetInstance(random_search, crt2); action* optimalAction = random_search_planning(random_search, maxNbIterations); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt2, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward); freeState(crt2); crt2 = nextState; averages[1] += reward; if(isTerminal < 0) break; } random_search_resetInstance(random_search, crt1); printf("Random search: %uth set point processed\n", i + 1); for(j = 0; j < nbSteps; j++) { char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; uct_keepSubtree(uct); action* optimalAction = uct_planning(uct, maxNbIterations); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt3, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward); freeState(crt3); crt3 = nextState; averages[2] += reward; if(isTerminal < 0) break; } uct_resetInstance(uct, crt3); printf("Uct : %uth set point processed\n", i + 1); for(j = 0; j < nbSteps; j++) { char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; uniform_keepSubtree(uniform); action* optimalAction = uniform_planning(uniform, maxNbIterations); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt4, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward); freeState(crt4); crt4 = nextState; averages[3] += reward; if(isTerminal < 0) break; } uniform_resetInstance(uniform, crt4); printf("Uniform : %uth set point processed\n", i + 1); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> %uth set point processed\n", i + 1); } fprintf(results, "%u,%.15f,%.15f,%.15f,%.15f\n", maxNbIterations, averages[0] / (double)nbSetPoints, averages[1] / (double)nbSetPoints, averages[2] / (double)nbSetPoints, averages[3] / (double)nbSetPoints); fflush(results); freeState(crt1); freeState(crt2); freeState(crt3); freeState(crt4); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> %u depth done\n\n", crtDepth); maxNbIterations += pow(K, crtDepth+1); } fclose(results); arg_freetable(argtable, 7); free(setPoints); optimistic_uninitInstance(&optimistic); random_search_uninitInstance(&random_search); uct_uninitInstance(&uct); uniform_uninitInstance(&uniform); freeGenerativeModel(); freeGenerativeModelParameters(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #ifdef BALL double discountFactor = 0.9; #else #ifdef CART_POLE double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef DOUBLE_CART_POLE double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef MOUNTAIN_CAR double discountFactor = 0.99; #else #ifdef ACROBOT double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef BOAT double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef CART_POLE_BINARY double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef SWIMMER double discountFactor = 0.95; #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif FILE* initFileFd = NULL; state** initialStates = NULL; FILE* results = NULL; char str[1024]; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int h = 0; unsigned int* ns = NULL; unsigned int nbN = 0; unsigned int n = 0; unsigned int nbSteps = 0; unsigned int timestamp = time(NULL); int readFscanf = -1; optimistic_instance* optimistic = NULL; struct arg_file* initFile = arg_file1(NULL, "init", "<file>", "File containing the inital state"); struct arg_str* r = arg_str1("n", NULL, "<s>", "List of maximum numbers of evaluations"); struct arg_int* s = arg_int1("s", NULL, "<n>", "Number of steps"); struct arg_int* k = arg_int1("k", NULL, "<n>", "Branching factor of the problem"); struct arg_file* where = arg_file1(NULL, "where", "<file>", "Directory where we save the outputs"); struct arg_end* end = arg_end(6); int nerrors = 0; void* argtable[6]; argtable[0] = initFile; argtable[1] = r; argtable[2] = s; argtable[3] = k; argtable[4] = where; argtable[5] = end; if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("error: insufficient memory\n"); arg_freetable(argtable, 6); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); if(nerrors > 0) { printf("%s:", argv[0]); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]); arg_freetable(argtable, 6); return EXIT_FAILURE; } initGenerativeModelParameters(); K = k->ival[0]; initGenerativeModel(); initFileFd = fopen(initFile->filename[0], "r"); readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%u\n", &n); initialStates = (state**)malloc(sizeof(state*) * n); for(; i < n; i++) { readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%s\n", str); initialStates[i] = makeState(str); } fclose(initFileFd); nbSteps = s->ival[0]; ns = parseUnsignedIntList((char*)r->sval[0], &nbN); optimistic = optimistic_initInstance(NULL, discountFactor); sprintf(str, "%s/%u_results_%u_%u.csv", where->filename[0], timestamp, K, nbSteps); results = fopen(str, "w"); for(h = 0; h < nbN; h++) { double sumRewards = 0.0; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { unsigned int j = 0; state* crt = copyState(initialStates[i]); optimistic_resetInstance(optimistic, crt); for(; j < nbSteps; j++) { char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; optimistic_keepSubtree(optimistic); action* optimalAction = optimistic_planning(optimistic, ns[h]); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward) < 0 ? 1 : 0; freeState(crt); crt = nextState; sumRewards += reward; if(isTerminal) break; } optimistic_resetInstance(optimistic, crt); freeState(crt); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> %uth initial state processed\n", i + 1); fflush(NULL); } fprintf(results, "%u,%.15f\n", ns[h], sumRewards / (double)n); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> n = %u done\n\n", ns[h]); fflush(NULL); } fclose(results); arg_freetable(argtable, 6); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) freeState(initialStates[i]); free(initialStates); optimistic_uninitInstance(&optimistic); freeGenerativeModel(); freeGenerativeModelParameters(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { double discountFactor = 0.9; FILE* initFileFd = NULL; double* setPoints = NULL; FILE* results = NULL; char str[1024]; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int nbSetPoints = 0; unsigned int* ns = NULL; unsigned int nbN = 0; unsigned int* hs = NULL; unsigned int nbH = 0; unsigned int nbSteps = 0; unsigned int timestamp = time(NULL); int readFscanf = -1; struct arg_file* initFile = arg_file1(NULL, "init", "<file>", "File containing the set points"); struct arg_int* s = arg_int1("s", NULL, "<n>", "Number of steps"); struct arg_str* r = arg_str1("n", NULL, "<s>", "List of ressources"); struct arg_str* z = arg_str1("h", NULL, "<s>", "List of length for the sequences"); struct arg_file* where = arg_file1(NULL, "where", "<file>", "Directory where we save the outputs"); struct arg_end* end = arg_end(6); int nerrors = 0; void* argtable[6]; argtable[0] = initFile; argtable[1] = r; argtable[2] = s; argtable[3] = z; argtable[4] = where; argtable[5] = end; if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("error: insufficient memory\n"); arg_freetable(argtable, 6); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); if(nerrors > 0) { printf("%s:", argv[0]); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]); arg_freetable(argtable, 6); return EXIT_FAILURE; } initGenerativeModelParameters(); initGenerativeModel(); initFileFd = fopen(initFile->filename[0], "r"); readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%u\n", &nbSetPoints); setPoints = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * nbSetPoints); for(; i < nbSetPoints; i++) { readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%s\n", str); setPoints[i] = strtod(str, NULL); } fclose(initFileFd); nbSteps = s->ival[0]; hs = parseUnsignedIntList((char*)z->sval[0], &nbH); ns = parseUnsignedIntList((char*)r->sval[0], &nbN); sprintf(str, "%s/%u_results_%s_%s.csv", where->filename[0], timestamp, z->sval[0], r->sval[0]); results = fopen(str, "w"); for(i = 0; i < nbN; i++) { /* Loop on the computational ressources */ printf("Starting with %u computational ressources\n", ns[i]); fprintf(results, "%u", ns[i]); fflush(NULL); unsigned int j = 0; for(; j < nbH; j++) { /* Loop on the length of the sequences */ unsigned int k = 0; state* crt1 = initState(); state* crt2 = copyState(crt1); double averages[2] = {0.0,0.0}; for(; k < nbSetPoints; k++) { /* Loop on the initial states */ unsigned int l = 0; parameters[10] = setPoints[k]; for(; l < nbSteps; l++) { /* Loop on the step */ char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; sequential_direct_instance* sequential_direct = sequential_direct_initInstance(crt1, discountFactor, hs[j],1); double* optimalAction = sequential_direct_planning(sequential_direct, ns[i]); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt1, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward) < 0 ? 1 : 0; freeState(crt1); crt1 = nextState; averages[0] += reward; sequential_direct_uninitInstance(&sequential_direct); if(isTerminal) break; } printf("direct: %u set point done for h=%u\n", k, hs[j]); fflush(NULL); for(l = 0; l < nbSteps; l++) { /* Loop on the step */ char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; sequential_soo_instance* sequential_soo = sequential_soo_initInstance(crt2, discountFactor, hs[j],1); double* optimalAction = sequential_soo_planning(sequential_soo, ns[i]); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt2, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward); freeState(crt2); crt2 = nextState; averages[1] += reward; sequential_soo_uninitInstance(&sequential_soo); if(isTerminal) break; } printf("soo: %u set point done for h=%u\n", k, hs[j]); fflush(NULL); } freeState(crt1); freeState(crt2); averages[0] = averages[0] /(double)nbSetPoints; averages[1] = averages[1] /(double)nbSetPoints; printf("Computation with h=%u and n=%u done\n", hs[j], ns[i]); fprintf(results, ",%.15f,%.15f", averages[0],averages[1]); fflush(NULL); } printf("Computation with %u computational ressources done\n\n", ns[i]); fprintf(results, "\n"); fflush(NULL); } fclose(results); arg_freetable(argtable, 6); free(setPoints); freeGenerativeModel(); freeGenerativeModelParameters(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // commandline argument parser options struct arg_lit *help = arg_lit0("h", "help", "print this help and exit"); struct arg_lit *vers = arg_lit0("v", "version", "print version information and exit"); struct arg_file *file = arg_file1("f", "file", "<file>", "font file"); struct arg_int *fh = arg_int1("g", "height", "<value>", "font height in pixels (6 or 8)"); struct arg_str *text = arg_str0("t", "text", "<value>", "text to show"); struct arg_int *scale = arg_int0("s", "scale", "<value>", "scaling for the window"); struct arg_file *export = arg_file0("e", "export", "<file>", "Export the full font to a PNG file"); struct arg_lit *split = arg_lit0(NULL, "split", "Split to separate PNG files (set path in -e)."); struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20); void* argtable[] = {help,vers,file,fh,text,scale,export,split,end}; const char* progname = "fonttool"; // Make sure everything got allocated if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("%s: insufficient memory\n", progname); goto exit_0; } // Parse arguments int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); // Handle help if(help->count > 0) { printf("Usage: %s", progname); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); printf("\nArguments:\n"); arg_print_glossary(stdout, argtable, "%-25s %s\n"); goto exit_0; } // Handle version if(vers->count > 0) { printf("%s v0.1\n", progname); printf("Command line One Must Fall 2097 Font file editor.\n"); printf("Source code is available at under MIT license.\n"); printf("(C) 2013 Tuomas Virtanen\n"); goto exit_0; } // Handle errors if(nerrors > 0) { arg_print_errors(stdout, end, progname); printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", progname); goto exit_0; } // Requite either export or text if(export->count <= 0 && text->count <= 0) { printf("Use either --export or --text arguments!\n"); goto exit_0; } // Font size int _fs = fh->ival[0]; if(_fs < 6 || _fs > 8 || _fs == 7) { printf("Only valid values for fontsize are 6 and 8.\n"); goto exit_0; } // Load fonts sd_font font; sd_font_create(&font); int ret = sd_font_load(&font, file->filename[0], _fs); if(ret != SD_SUCCESS) { printf("Couldn't load small font file! Error [%d] %s.\n", ret, sd_get_error(ret)); goto exit_1; } // Export or display if(export->count > 0) { export_to(&font, export->filename[0], (split->count > 0)); } else {
int main(int argc, char** argv) { int ret, i; int nerrors[NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENT_SYNTAXES + 1]; /* argtable setup */ /* SYNTAX 1: [--info] */ info1 = arg_lit1(NULL, "info", "Show information about the FLI camera"); end1 = arg_end(20); void * argtable1[] = {info1, end1}; argtable[1] = argtable1; /* SYNTAX 2: [--get-temperature] */ gettemp2 = arg_lit1(NULL, "get-temperature", "Print the temperature of the CCD, base and cooling power"); end2 = arg_end(20); void * argtable2[] = {gettemp2, end2}; argtable[2] = argtable2; /* SYNTAX 3: [--set-temperature] */ settemp3 = arg_int1(NULL, "set-temperature", "N", "Set the temperature of the CCD (in Celsius)"); end3 = arg_end(20); void * argtable3[] = {settemp3, end3}; argtable[3] = argtable3; /* SYNTAX 4: [--fan] */ fan4 = arg_str1(NULL, "fan", "(on|off)", "Turn on or off the fan"); end4 = arg_end(20); void * argtable4[] = {fan4, end4}; argtable[4] = argtable4; /* SYNTAX 5: [--shutter] */ shutter5 = arg_str1(NULL, "shutter", "(open|close)", "Open or close the shutter"); end5 = arg_end(20); void * argtable5[] = {shutter5, end5}; argtable[5] = argtable5; /* SYNTAX 6: --acquire <time/sec> --shutter {open|close} --output xyz.fits [--bin <bx>,<by>] [--offset <x0>,<y0>] [--size <sx>,<sy>] [--mode <mode>...] [--verbose] */ acquire6 = arg_str1(NULL, "acquire", "<time>", "Exposure time in sec"); shutter6 = arg_str1(NULL, "shutter", "(open|close)", "Whether to open or close the shutter"); output6 = arg_file1(NULL, "output", "xyz.fits", "Output filename for the FITS file"); bin6 = arg_str0(NULL, "bin", "<bx,by>", "Binning options in X,Y format"); offset6 = arg_str0(NULL, "offset", "<x0,y0>", "Offset options in X,Y format"); size6 = arg_str0(NULL, "size", "<sx,sy>", "Sizes in X,Y format"); mode6 = arg_str0(NULL, "mode", "(1mhz|8mhz)", "Download speed"); verbose6 = arg_lit0(NULL, "verbose", "Show verbose output"); end6 = arg_end(20); void * argtable6[] = {acquire6, shutter6, output6, bin6, offset6, size6, mode6, verbose6, end6}; argtable[6] = argtable6; /* SYNTAX 7: [--help]*/ help7 = arg_lit1(NULL, "help", "Print this help"); end7 = arg_end(20); void * argtable7[] = {help7, end7}; argtable[7] = argtable7; /* verify all argtable[] entries were allocated successfully */ for (i = 1; i <= NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENT_SYNTAXES; i++) { if (arg_nullcheck(argtable[i]) != 0) { printf("%s: insufficient memory\n", progname); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } /* set defaults for the optional arguments */ bin6->sval[0] = "1,1"; offset6->sval[0] = "0,0"; size6->sval[0] = "4096,4096"; mode6->sval[0] = "8mhz"; /* parse all argument possibilities */ for (i = 1; i <= NUMBER_OF_DIFFERENT_SYNTAXES; i++) { nerrors[i] = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable[i]); } /* select the right command */ /* --info */ if (nerrors[1] == 0) { if (info1->count > 0) { ret = camera_info(); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } /* --get-temperature */ } else if (nerrors[2] == 0) { if (gettemp2->count > 0) { ret = camera_get_temp(); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } /* --set-temperature */ } else if (nerrors[3] == 0) { if (settemp3->count > 0) { ret = camera_set_temp(settemp3->ival[0]); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } /* --fan */ } else if (nerrors[4] == 0) { int fan; if (strcmp("on", fan4->sval[0]) == 0) { fan = 1; } else if (strcmp("off", fan4->sval[0]) == 0) { fan = 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot parse the option for --fan, see --help.\n"); return -1; } ret = camera_set_fan(fan); if (ret) return ret; return 0; /* --shutter */ } else if (nerrors[5] == 0) { int open_shutter; if (strcmp("open", shutter5->sval[0]) == 0) { open_shutter = 1; } else if (strcmp("close", shutter5->sval[0]) == 0) { open_shutter = 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot parse the option for --shutter, see --help.\n"); return -1; } ret = camera_control_shutter(open_shutter); if (ret) return ret; return 0; /* --acquire */ } else if (nerrors[6] == 0) { if (acquire6->count > 0) { /* local variables to store the arguments */ float exposure_time; int is_dark; char * output_filename; char * bin_options; char * offset_options; char * size_options; int bx, by; int x0, y0; int sx, sy; int one_mhz_speed; int is_verbose = 0; /* copy const char arrays to char arrays to suppress warnings */ output_filename = (char*) malloc((strlen(output6->filename[0])) * sizeof (char)); bin_options = (char*) malloc((strlen(bin6->sval[0])) * sizeof (char)); offset_options = (char*) malloc((strlen(offset6->sval[0])) * sizeof (char)); size_options = (char*) malloc((strlen(size6->sval[0])) * sizeof (char)); strcpy(output_filename, output6->filename[0]); strcpy(bin_options, bin6->sval[0]); strcpy(offset_options, offset6->sval[0]); strcpy(size_options, size6->sval[0]); /* process arguments */ /* exposure time */ exposure_time = atof(acquire6->sval[0]); if (exposure_time < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Exposure time cannot be below zero (given %f).\n", exposure_time); return -1; } /* shutter */ if (strcmp("open", shutter6->sval[0]) == 0) { is_dark = 0; } else if (strcmp("close", shutter6->sval[0]) == 0) { is_dark = 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot parse the option for --shutter, see --help.\n"); return -1; } /* bin, size and offset */ ret = parse_comma_separated_values(bin_options, &bx, &by, "bin"); if (ret) return ret; ret = parse_comma_separated_values(offset_options, &x0, &y0, "offset"); if (ret) return ret; ret = parse_comma_separated_values(size_options, &sx, &sy, "size"); if (ret) return ret; /* mode */ if (strcmp("1mhz", mode6->sval[0]) == 0) { one_mhz_speed = 1; } else if (strcmp("8mhz", mode6->sval[0]) == 0) { one_mhz_speed = 0; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot parse the option for --mode, see --help.\n"); return -1; } /* verbose */ if (verbose6->count > 0) is_verbose = 1; ret = camera_acquire(exposure_time, is_dark, output_filename, bx, by, x0, y0, sx, sy, one_mhz_speed, is_verbose); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } /* --help */ } else if (nerrors[7] == 0) { if (help7) { ret = camera_help(); if (ret) return ret; return 0; } /* incorrect or partially incorrect argument syntaxes */ } else { if (settemp3->count > 0) { arg_print_errors(stdout, end3, progname); printf("usage: %s ", progname); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable3, "\n"); } else if (fan4->count > 0) { arg_print_errors(stdout, end4, progname); printf("usage: %s ", progname); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable4, "\n"); } else if (acquire6->count > 0) { arg_print_errors(stdout, end5, progname); printf("usage: %s ", progname); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable5, "\n"); } else { printf("%s: unable to parse arguments, see syntax below:\n", progname); ret = 0; ret = camera_help(); return ret; } return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* no command line options at all */ printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", progname); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int nbIntervals = 0; double* intervals = NULL; FILE* outputFileFd = NULL; gsl_rng* rng = NULL; unsigned int nbStates = 0; struct arg_file* outputFile = arg_file1("o", NULL, "<file>", "The output file for the generated initial state"); struct arg_int* n = arg_int1("n", NULL, "<n>", "The number of initial states to generate"); struct arg_str* s = arg_str1(NULL, "intervals", "<s>", "The intervals for the initial states generation"); struct arg_end* end = arg_end(4); void* argtable[4]; int nerrors = 0; argtable[0] = outputFile; argtable[1] = n; argtable[2] = s; argtable[3] = end; if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("error: insufficient memory\n"); arg_freetable(argtable, 4); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); if(nerrors > 0) { printf("%s:", argv[0]); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]); arg_freetable(argtable, 4); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nbStates = n->ival[0]; intervals = parseIntervals(s->sval[0], &nbIntervals); rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937); gsl_rng_set(rng, time(NULL)); outputFileFd = fopen(outputFile->filename[0], "w"); fprintf(outputFileFd, "%u\n", n->ival[0]); for(; i < nbStates; i++) { unsigned int j = 0; for(; j < (nbIntervals - 1); j++) fprintf(outputFileFd, "%.15f,", (fabs(intervals[(j * 2) + 1] - intervals[j * 2]) * gsl_rng_uniform(rng)) + intervals[j * 2]); fprintf(outputFileFd, "%.15f\n", (fabs(intervals[(j * 2) + 1] - intervals[j * 2]) * gsl_rng_uniform(rng)) + intervals[j * 2]); } fclose(outputFileFd); gsl_rng_free(rng); free(intervals); arg_freetable(argtable, 4); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { double discountFactor = 0.9; FILE* initFileFd = NULL; double* setPoints = NULL; FILE* results = NULL; char str[1024]; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int nbSetPoints = 0; unsigned int* ns = NULL; unsigned int nbN = 0; unsigned int* hs = NULL; unsigned int nbH = 0; unsigned int nbSteps = 0; unsigned int nbIterations = 0; unsigned int timestamp = time(NULL); int readFscanf = -1; random_search_instance* random_search = NULL; struct arg_file* initFile = arg_file1(NULL, "init", "<file>", "File containing the set points"); struct arg_int* s = arg_int1("s", NULL, "<n>", "Number of steps"); struct arg_int* it = arg_int1("i", NULL, "<n>", "Number of iterations"); struct arg_str* r = arg_str1("n", NULL, "<s>", "List of ressources"); struct arg_str* d = arg_str1("h", NULL, "<s>", "List of depth"); struct arg_file* where = arg_file1(NULL, "where", "<file>", "Directory where we save the outputs"); struct arg_end* end = arg_end(7); int nerrors = 0; void* argtable[7]; argtable[0] = initFile; argtable[1] = r; argtable[2] = d; argtable[3] = s; argtable[4] = it; argtable[5] = where; argtable[6] = end; if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("error: insufficient memory\n"); arg_freetable(argtable, 7); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); if(nerrors > 0) { printf("%s:", argv[0]); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]); arg_freetable(argtable, 7); return EXIT_FAILURE; } initGenerativeModelParameters(); initGenerativeModel(); initFileFd = fopen(initFile->filename[0], "r"); readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%u\n", &nbSetPoints); setPoints = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * nbSetPoints); for(; i < nbSetPoints; i++) { readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%s\n", str); setPoints[i] = strtod(str, NULL); } fclose(initFileFd); nbSteps = s->ival[0]; nbIterations = it->ival[0]; ns = parseUnsignedIntList((char*)r->sval[0], &nbN); hs = parseUnsignedIntList((char*)d->sval[0], &nbH); sprintf(str, "%s/%u_results_random_search_%s.csv", where->filename[0], timestamp, r->sval[0]); results = fopen(str, "w"); random_search = random_search_initInstance(NULL, discountFactor); h_max = h_max_crt_depth; for(i = 0; i < nbIterations; i++) { unsigned int j = 0; for(;j < nbH; j++) { unsigned int k = 0; crtDepth = hs[j]; for(; k < nbN; k++) { /* Loop on the computational ressources */ state* crt = initState(); double average = 0.0; unsigned int l = 0; printf("Starting with %u computational ressources\n", ns[k]); fprintf(results, "%u,%u", hs[j], ns[k]); fflush(NULL); for(; l < nbSetPoints; l++) { /* Loop on the initial states */ unsigned int m = 0; parameters[10] = setPoints[l]; for(; m < nbSteps; m++) { /* Loop on the step */ char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; random_search_resetInstance(random_search, crt); double* optimalAction = random_search_planning(random_search, ns[k]); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward) < 0 ? 1 : 0; freeState(crt); crt = nextState; average += reward; if(isTerminal) break; } random_search_resetInstance(random_search, crt); printf("random search: %u set point done\n", l); fflush(NULL); } freeState(crt); average = average /(double)nbSetPoints; printf("Computation with %u computational ressources done\n\n", ns[k]); fprintf(results, ",%.15f\n", average); fflush(NULL); } printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Depth %u done\n", hs[j]); fflush(NULL); } printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ITERATION %u DONE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n",i+1); fprintf(results,"\n"); fflush(NULL); } fclose(results); arg_freetable(argtable, 7); free(setPoints); freeGenerativeModel(); freeGenerativeModelParameters(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // commandline argument parser options struct arg_lit *help = arg_lit0("h", "help", "print this help and exit"); struct arg_lit *vers = arg_lit0("v", "version", "print version information and exit"); struct arg_file *file = arg_file1("f", "file", "<file>", "Input altpals file"); struct arg_int *pal = arg_int1("p", "palette", "<number>", "Select a palette"); struct arg_file *export = arg_file0("e", "export", "<file>", "Export selected palette to GPL file"); struct arg_file *import = arg_file0("i", "import", "<file>", "Import selected palette from GPL file"); struct arg_file *output = arg_file0("o", "output", "<file>", "Output altpals file"); struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20); void* argtable[] = {help,vers,file,pal,output,import,export,end}; const char* progname = "altpaltool"; // Make sure everything got allocated if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("%s: insufficient memory\n", progname); goto exit_0; } // Parse arguments int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); // Handle help if(help->count > 0) { printf("Usage: %s", progname); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); printf("\nArguments:\n"); arg_print_glossary(stdout, argtable, "%-25s %s\n"); goto exit_0; } // Handle version if(vers->count > 0) { printf("%s v0.1\n", progname); printf("Command line One Must Fall 2097 Altpals file editor.\n"); printf("Source code is available at under MIT license.\n"); printf("(C) 2014 Tuomas Virtanen\n"); goto exit_0; } // Handle errors if(nerrors > 0) { arg_print_errors(stdout, end, progname); printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", progname); goto exit_0; } // Need import or export ... if(pal->count > 0 && import->count == 0 && export->count == 0) { printf("Define either --import or --export with --palette!\n"); goto exit_0; } // Make sure output is set if(import->count > 0 && output->count <= 0) { printf("Define --output with --import.\n"); goto exit_0; } // Load file sd_altpal_file alt; sd_altpal_create(&alt); int ret = sd_altpals_load(&alt, file->filename[0]); if(ret != SD_SUCCESS) { printf("Unable to load altpals file %s: %s.\n", file->filename[0], sd_get_error(ret)); goto exit_1; } // Check ID int pal_id = pal->ival[0]; if(pal_id < 0 || pal_id > SD_ALTPALS_PALETTES) { printf("Palette index %d does not exist!\n", pal_id); goto exit_1; } // Check what to do if(export->count > 0) { ret = sd_palette_to_gimp_palette(&alt.palettes[pal_id], export->filename[0]); if(ret == SD_SUCCESS) { printf("Palette %d exported to file %s succesfully.\n", pal_id, export->filename[0]); } else {
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // commandline argument parser options struct arg_lit *help = arg_lit0("h", "help", "print this help and exit"); struct arg_lit *vers = arg_lit0("v", "version", "print version information and exit"); struct arg_file *file = arg_file1("f", "file", "<file>", "language file"); struct arg_int *str = arg_int1("s", "string", "<value>", "print language string # (-1 for all)."); struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20); void* argtable[] = {help,vers,file,str,end}; const char* progname = "languagetool"; // Make sure everything got allocated if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("%s: insufficient memory\n", progname); goto exit_0; } // Parse arguments int nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); // Handle help if(help->count > 0) { printf("Usage: %s", progname); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); printf("\nArguments:\n"); arg_print_glossary(stdout, argtable, "%-25s %s\n"); goto exit_0; } // Handle version if(vers->count > 0) { printf("%s v0.1\n", progname); printf("Command line One Must Fall 2097 Language file editor.\n"); printf("Source code is available at under MIT license.\n"); printf("(C) 2013 Tuomas Virtanen\n"); goto exit_0; } // Handle errors if(nerrors > 0) { arg_print_errors(stdout, end, progname); printf("Try '%s --help' for more information.\n", progname); goto exit_0; } // Get strings sd_language *language = sd_language_create(); if(sd_language_load(language, file->filename[0])) { printf("Language file could not be loaded!\n"); goto exit_0; } // Print int id = str->ival[0]; if(id < 0) { for(int i = 0; i < language->count; i++) { printf("Title: %s\n", language->strings[i].description); printf("Data: %s\n", language->strings[i].data); } } else if(id >= 0 && id < language->count) { printf("Title: %s\n", language->strings[id].description); printf("Data: %s\n", language->strings[id].data); } else { printf("String not found!\n"); } sd_language_delete(language); exit_0: arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable)/sizeof(argtable[0])); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { double discountFactor; unsigned int maxNbEvaluations; char isTerminal = 0; char keepingTree = 0; int nbTimestep = -1; unsigned int branchingFactor = 0; #ifdef USE_SDL char isDisplayed = 1; char isFullscreen = 1; char verbose = 0; char resolution[255] = "640x480"; #else char verbose = 1; #endif uniform_instance* instance = NULL; state* crtState = NULL; state* nextState = NULL; double reward = 0.0; action* optimalAction = NULL; struct arg_dbl* g = arg_dbl1("g", "discountFactor", "<d>", "The discount factor for the problem"); struct arg_int* n = arg_int1("n", "nbEvaluations", "<n>", "The number of evaluations"); struct arg_int* s = arg_int0("s", "nbtimestep", "<n>", "The number of timestep"); struct arg_int* b = arg_int0("b", "branchingFactor", "<n>", "The branching factor of the problem"); struct arg_lit* k = arg_lit0("k", NULL, "Keep the subtree"); struct arg_str* i = arg_str0(NULL, "state", "<s>", "The initial state to use"); #ifdef USE_SDL struct arg_lit* d = arg_lit0("d", NULL, "Display the viewer"); struct arg_lit* f = arg_lit0("f", NULL, "Fullscreen"); struct arg_lit* v = arg_lit0("v", NULL, "Verbose"); struct arg_str* r = arg_str0(NULL, "resolution", "<s>", "The resolution of the display window"); void* argtable[11]; int nbArgs = 10; #else void* argtable[7]; int nbArgs = 6; #endif struct arg_end* end = arg_end(nbArgs+1); int nerrors = 0; s->ival[0] = -1; b->ival[0] = 0; argtable[0] = g; argtable[1] = n; argtable[2] = s; argtable[3] = k; argtable[4] = b; argtable[5] = i; #ifdef USE_SDL argtable[6] = d; argtable[7] = f; argtable[8] = v; argtable[9] = r; #endif argtable[nbArgs] = end; if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("error: insufficient memory\n"); arg_freetable(argtable, nbArgs+1); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); if(nerrors > 0) { printf("%s:", argv[0]); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]); arg_freetable(argtable, nbArgs+1); return EXIT_FAILURE; } discountFactor = g->dval[0]; maxNbEvaluations = n->ival[0]; branchingFactor = b->ival[0]; initGenerativeModelParameters(); if(branchingFactor) K = branchingFactor; initGenerativeModel(); if(i->count) crtState = makeState(i->sval[0]); else crtState = initState(); #if USE_SDL isDisplayed = d->count; isFullscreen = f->count; verbose = v->count; if(r->count) strcpy(resolution, r->sval[0]); #endif nbTimestep = s->ival[0]; keepingTree = k->count; arg_freetable(argtable, nbArgs+1); instance = uniform_initInstance(crtState, discountFactor); #ifdef USE_SDL if(isDisplayed) { if(initViewer(resolution, uniform_drawingProcedure, isFullscreen) == -1) return EXIT_FAILURE; viewer(crtState, NULL, 0.0, instance); } #endif do { if(keepingTree) uniform_keepSubtree(instance); else uniform_resetInstance(instance, crtState); optimalAction = uniform_planning(instance, maxNbEvaluations); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crtState, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward); freeState(crtState); crtState = nextState; if(verbose) { printState(crtState); printAction(optimalAction); printf("reward: %f depth: %u\n", reward, uniform_getMaxDepth(instance)); } #ifdef USE_SDL } while(!isTerminal && (nbTimestep < 0 || --nbTimestep) && !viewer(crtState, optimalAction, reward, instance)); #else } while(!isTerminal && (nbTimestep < 0 || --nbTimestep));
/** Processes command line arguments using argtable library <p>To add a smafeopt class backed command line argument, perform the following steps: <ol> <li>Add public member in smafeopt.h (smafe) <li>Assign default value in smafeopt.cpp (smafe) <li>Define a new struct (arg_lit, arg_int etc) in this method (processCommandLineArguments()) and add details (shortopts, longopts) according to appropriate constructor <li>Add this struct to void* argtable[] array <li>Transfer the value from the struct to the smafeopt instance (<i>if (nerrors == 0)</i> block) </ol> * @param argc number of command line arguments (from main()) * @param argv array of c-strings (from main()) * @param so initialized, empty smafeopt instance that is to be filled */ void processCommandLineArguments(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* Define the allowable command line options, collecting them in argtable[] */ /* Syntax 1: command line arguments and file or dir */ // daemon options struct arg_str *arg_daemonID = arg_str0( NULL, "id", "IDENTIFIER", "Identifier for daemon instance. IDENTIFIER must not contain whitespace or special chars."); struct arg_int *arg_interval = arg_int0(NULL, "interval", "MINUTES", "Polling interval in minutes. Default is 10"); struct arg_lit *arg_no_daemon = arg_lit0(NULL, "no-daemon", "Runs program as normal forground process (no forking). No logfile allowed"); struct arg_str *arg_log = arg_str0(NULL, "log", "FILENAME", "Name of logfile. If not specified, a random name is chosen."); struct arg_lit *arg_stats = arg_lit0(NULL, "stats", "Print number of open tasks and exit"); //struct arg_str *arg_passphrase = arg_str0("p", "passphrase", "PASSPHRASE", "Passphrase for database encryption (max 63 characters)"); struct arg_int *arg_verbose = arg_int0( "v", "verbosity", "0-6", "Set verbosity level (=log level). The lower the value the more verbose the program behaves. Default is 3"); struct arg_int *arg_lFvtId = arg_int1("f", "featurevectorype_id", "FEATUREVECTORTYPE_ID", "Featurevectortype_id to use. Must be contained in the database."); struct arg_str *arg_dbconf = arg_str0(NULL, "dbconf", "DATABASE-CONFIGURATION-FILE", "Specify file that contains database connection details"); struct arg_lit *help = arg_lit0(NULL, "help", "print this help and exit"); struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20); void* argtable[] = { arg_daemonID, arg_lFvtId, arg_no_daemon, arg_interval, arg_dbconf, arg_verbose, arg_log, arg_stats, help, end }; int nerrors; /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */ if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */ std::cerr << PROGNAME << ": insufficient memory" << std::endl; exit(2); } // if no parameter is given: show help if (argc > 1) { // Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); } else { // no argument given help->count = 1; } /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */ if (help->count > 0) { std::cout << "Usage: " << PROGNAME; arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); std::cout << std::endl; arg_print_glossary(stdout, argtable, " %-27s %s\n"); std::cout << "" << std::endl; #if defined(SMAFEDISTD_REAL_DAEMON) std::cout << "This program works as a daemon, i.e., it is executed in the background and not attached to a shell." << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Currently, the preferred way to stop a running daemon is sending a SIGTERM signal to it. Then, the program will exit after finishing the current job (if any)." << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "How to send a SIGTERM signal to a running instance:" << std::endl; std::cout << " 1) ps aux | grep " << PROGNAME << " (this gives you the <PID>)" << std::endl; std::cout << " 2) kill <PID>" << std::endl; #else std::cout << "This program works NOT as a daemon because this platform does not support forking (or, there has been a problem at compiling the application)." << std::endl; #endif exit(1); } if (nerrors == 0) { // verbosity level // must be on top if (arg_verbose->count > 0) { loglevel_requested = arg_verbose->ival[0]; // change loglevel SmafeLogger::smlog->setLoglevel(loglevel_requested); } else loglevel_requested = SmafeLogger::DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL; // identifier if (arg_daemonID->count > 0) { daemonId = std::string(arg_daemonID->sval[0]); if (daemonId == SmafeStoreDB::STATUSOK || (0 == daemonId.find(SmafeStoreDB::STATUSFAILED))) { SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_FATAL, "Identifier " + daemonId + " is illegal. It must not be '"+SmafeStoreDB::STATUSOK+"' and must not start with '"+SmafeStoreDB::STATUSFAILED+"'"); exit(2); } } else { if (arg_stats->count == 0) { // is actually mandatory, only for --stats and --list it is not. SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_FATAL, "Please specify an identifier for this daemon (--id)."); exit(2); } } // logfile // uses daemonId if (arg_log->count > 0) { sLogfilename = std::string(arg_log->sval[0]); } else { sLogfilename = std::string(PROGNAME) + "." + stringify(my_getpid()) + ".log"; } // no-daemon if (arg_no_daemon->count > 0) { #if defined(SMAFEDISTD_REAL_DAEMON) if (arg_log->count > 0) { SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_FATAL, "--no-daemon and --log cannot be combined. If program runs as forground process output is written to stdout and stderr."); exit(1); } else { // no daemon SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_INFO, "Running in 'normal mode' (ie, not as daemon)"); bNoDaemon = true; } #else SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_INFO, "Parameter --no-daemon is implied since this executable is compiled without daemon mode support."); #endif } // stats if (arg_stats->count > 0) { bPrintStatsOnly = true; #if defined(SMAFEDISTD_REAL_DAEMON) SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_INFO, "Stats mode, so running in 'normal mode' (ie, not as daemon)"); bNoDaemon = true; #endif } else bPrintStatsOnly = false; // polling interval if (arg_interval->count > 0) pollInterval = arg_interval->ival[0]; if (pollInterval == 0) { SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_WARNING, "Polling interval set to 0 which means that the daemon will perform busy waiting."); } if (pollInterval < 0) { SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_INFO, "Daemon will stop after last finished task (since pollInterval < 0)"); } else { SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_INFO, "polling interval=" + stringify(pollInterval)); } // fvtid if (arg_lFvtId->count > 0) lFvtId = arg_lFvtId->ival[0]; else { SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_FATAL, "Specify fvtype_id"); exit(2); } if (lFvtId < 0) { SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_FATAL, "Featurevectortype_id cannot be < 0"); exit(2); } // ---- db stuff // db options file if (arg_dbconf->count > 0) { SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_DEBUG, "Parsing db configuration file"); so->parseDbOpts(std::string(arg_dbconf->sval[0])); } /* // Passphrase if (arg_passphrase->count > 0) { if (strlen(arg_passphrase->sval[0]) <= 63) { strcpy(verysecretpassphrase, arg_passphrase->sval[0]); SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_INFO, "Data encryption / decryption is enabled."); } else { SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_FATAL, "Passphrase too long. Max 63 characters."); exit(2); } } else { SMAFELOG_FUNC(SMAFELOG_INFO, "Data encryption / decryption is DISABLED!"); } */ // switch to logfile was here } else { arg_print_errors(stdout, end, PROGNAME); std::cout << "--help gives usage information" << std::endl; exit(1); } arg_freetable(argtable, sizeof(argtable) / sizeof(argtable[0])); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #ifdef BALL double discountFactor = 0.9; #else #ifdef CART_POLE double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef DOUBLE_CART_POLE double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef MOUNTAIN_CAR double discountFactor = 0.99; #else #ifdef ACROBOT double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef BOAT double discountFactor = 0.95; #else #ifdef SWIMMER double discountFactor = 0.95; #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif #endif FILE* initFileFd = NULL; state** initialStates = NULL; FILE* results = NULL; char str[1024]; unsigned int i = 0; unsigned int nbInitialStates = 0; unsigned int* ns = NULL; unsigned int nbN = 0; double* Ls = NULL; unsigned int nbL = 0; unsigned int nbSteps = 0; unsigned int timestamp = time(NULL); int readFscanf = -1; lipschitzian_instance* lipschitzian = NULL; struct arg_file* initFile = arg_file1(NULL, "init", "<file>", "File containing the inital state"); struct arg_int* s = arg_int1("s", NULL, "<n>", "Number of steps"); struct arg_str* r = arg_str1("n", NULL, "<s>", "List of ressources"); struct arg_str* z = arg_str1("L", NULL, "<s>", "List of Lipschitz coefficients to try"); struct arg_file* where = arg_file1(NULL, "where", "<file>", "Directory where we save the outputs"); struct arg_end* end = arg_end(6); int nerrors = 0; void* argtable[6]; argtable[0] = initFile; argtable[1] = r; argtable[2] = s; argtable[3] = z; argtable[4] = where; argtable[5] = end; if(arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { printf("error: insufficient memory\n"); arg_freetable(argtable, 6); return EXIT_FAILURE; } nerrors = arg_parse(argc, argv, argtable); if(nerrors > 0) { printf("%s:", argv[0]); arg_print_syntax(stdout, argtable, "\n"); arg_print_errors(stdout, end, argv[0]); arg_freetable(argtable, 6); return EXIT_FAILURE; } initGenerativeModelParameters(); initGenerativeModel(); initFileFd = fopen(initFile->filename[0], "r"); readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%u\n", &nbInitialStates); initialStates = (state**)malloc(sizeof(state*) * nbInitialStates); for(; i < nbInitialStates; i++) { readFscanf = fscanf(initFileFd, "%s\n", str); initialStates[i] = makeState(str); } fclose(initFileFd); nbSteps = s->ival[0]; Ls = parseDoubleList((char*)z->sval[0], &nbL); ns = parseUnsignedIntList((char*)r->sval[0], &nbN); sprintf(str, "%s/%u_results_%s_%s.csv", where->filename[0], timestamp, z->sval[0], r->sval[0]); results = fopen(str, "w"); lipschitzian = lipschitzian_initInstance(NULL, discountFactor, 0.0); for(i = 0; i < nbN; i++) { /* Loop on the computational ressources */ fprintf(results, "%u", ns[i]); printf("Starting with %u computational ressources\n", ns[i]); fflush(NULL); unsigned int j = 0; for(; j < nbL; j++) { /* Loop on the Lispchitz constant */ unsigned int k = 0; double average = 0.0; lipschitzian->L = Ls[j]; for(; k < nbInitialStates; k++) { /* Loop on the initial states */ unsigned int l = 0; double sumRewards = 0.0; state* crt = copyState(initialStates[k]); lipschitzian_resetInstance(lipschitzian, crt); for(; l < nbSteps; l++) { /* Loop on the step */ char isTerminal = 0; double reward = 0.0; state* nextState = NULL; double* optimalAction = lipschitzian_planning(lipschitzian, ns[i]); isTerminal = nextStateReward(crt, optimalAction, &nextState, &reward) < 0 ? 1 : 0; free(optimalAction); freeState(crt); crt = nextState; sumRewards += reward; lipschitzian_resetInstance(lipschitzian,crt); if(isTerminal) break; } average += sumRewards; freeState(crt); printf("Computation of the %u initial state done with L=%f\n", k, Ls[j]); fflush(NULL); } average = average /(double)nbInitialStates; fprintf(results, ",%.15f", average); printf("Computation with L=%f and n=%u done\n", Ls[j], ns[i]); fflush(NULL); } fprintf(results,"\n"); printf("Computation with %u computational ressources done\n\n", ns[i]); fflush(NULL); } fclose(results); arg_freetable(argtable, 6); for(i = 0; i < nbInitialStates; i++) freeState(initialStates[i]); free(initialStates); lipschitzian_uninitInstance(&lipschitzian); free(ns); free(Ls); freeGenerativeModel(); freeGenerativeModelParameters(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct arg_int *a = arg_int1(NULL,NULL,"a","a is <int>"); struct arg_int *b = arg_int0(NULL,NULL,"b","b is <int>"); struct arg_int *c = arg_int0(NULL,NULL,"c","c is <int>"); struct arg_int *d = arg_intn("dD","delta","<int>",0,3,"d can occur 0..3 times"); struct arg_int *e = arg_int0(NULL,"eps,eqn","<int>","eps is optional"); struct arg_int *f = arg_intn("fF","filler","<int>",0,3,"f can occur 0..3 times"); struct arg_lit *help = arg_lit0(NULL,"help","print this help and exit"); struct arg_end *end = arg_end(20); void* argtable[] = {a,b,c,d,e,f,help,end}; int nerrors; int exitcode=0; int i; long sum=0; /* printf("a=%p\n",a); printf("b=%p\n",b); printf("c=%p\n",c); printf("d=%p\n",d); printf("e=%p\n",e); printf("f=%p\n",f); printf("help=%p\n",help); printf("end=%p\n",end); printf("argtable=%p\n",argtable); */ /* print the command line */ for (i=0; i<argc; i++) printf("%s ",argv[i]); printf("\n"); /* verify the argtable[] entries were allocated sucessfully */ if (arg_nullcheck(argtable) != 0) { /* NULL entries were detected, some allocations must have failed */ printf("%s: insufficient memory\n",argv[0]); exitcode=1; goto exit; } /* allow missing argument values for the f argument, and set defaults to -1 */ f->hdr.flag |= ARG_HASOPTVALUE; for (i=0; i<f->hdr.maxcount; i++) f->ival[i] = -1; /* Parse the command line as defined by argtable[] */ nerrors = arg_parse(argc,argv,argtable); /* special case: '--help' takes precedence over error reporting */ if (help->count > 0) { printf("Usage: %s ", argv[0]); arg_print_syntax(stdout,argtable,"\n"); arg_print_glossary(stdout,argtable," %-25s %s\n"); exitcode=0; goto exit; } /* If the parser returned any errors then display them and exit */ if (nerrors > 0) { /* Display the error details contained in the arg_end struct.*/ arg_print_errors(stdout,end,argv[0]); exitcode=1; goto exit; } /* parsing complete, verify all args sum to zero */ for (i=0; i<a->count; i++) { printf("a[%d]=%d\n",i,a->ival[i]); sum += a->ival[i]; } for (i=0; i<b->count; i++) { printf("b[%d]=%d\n",i,b->ival[i]); sum += b->ival[i]; } for (i=0; i<c->count; i++) { printf("c[%d]=%d\n",i,c->ival[i]); sum += c->ival[i]; } for (i=0; i<d->count; i++) { printf("d[%d]=%d\n",i,d->ival[i]); sum += d->ival[i]; } for (i=0; i<e->count; i++) { printf("e[%d]=%d\n",i,e->ival[i]); sum += e->ival[i]; } for (i=0; i<f->count; i++) { printf("f[%d]=%d\n",i,f->ival[i]); sum += f->ival[i]; } printf("sum=%ld\n",sum); if (sum!=0) { printf("%s: error - sum=%ld is non-zero\n",argv[0],sum); exitcode=1; goto exit; } exit: /* deallocate each non-null entry in argtable[] */ arg_freetable(argtable,sizeof(argtable)/sizeof(argtable[0])); printf("%s: exitcode=%d\n\n",argv[0],exitcode); /* close stdin and stdout to stop memcheck whining about their memory not being freed */ fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout); return exitcode; }