Exemple #1
char *argdup(char *src, char *sep, int arg, int opt)
	char *dst;
	int l;
	l = arglen(src, sep, arg, opt);
	if(l < 0) return(NULL);
	dst = malloc(++l);
	if(!dst) return(NULL);
	argncpy(dst, l, src, sep, arg, opt);
Exemple #2
gdImage *fx_flip(gdImage *src, char *options)
	int i;
	char d[32];
	i = 0;
	while(!argncpy(d, 32, options, ", \t", i++, 0))
		if(*d == 'v')
			int y, h;
			gdImage *line;
			MSG("Flipping image vertically.");
			line = gdImageCreateTrueColor(gdImageSX(src), 1);
			h = gdImageSY(src) / 2;
			for(y = 0; y < h; y++)
				/* Copy bottom line into buffer. */
				gdImageCopy(line, src,
				   0, 0,
				   0, gdImageSY(src) - y - 1,
				   gdImageSX(src), 1);
				/* Copy the top line onto the bottom. */
				gdImageCopy(src, src,
				   0, gdImageSY(src) - y - 1,
				   0, y,
				   gdImageSX(src), 1);
				/* Copy the buffer into the top. */
				gdImageCopy(src, line,
				   0, y,
				   0, 0,
				   gdImageSX(src), 1);
		else if(*d == 'h')
			int x, w;
			gdImage *line;
			MSG("Flipping image horizontally.");
			line = gdImageCreateTrueColor(1, gdImageSY(src));
			w = gdImageSX(src) / 2;
			for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
				/* Copy right line into buffer. */
				gdImageCopy(line, src,
				   0, 0,
				   gdImageSX(src) - x - 1, 0,
				   1, gdImageSY(src));
				/* Copy the left line onto the right. */
				gdImageCopy(src, src,
				   gdImageSX(src) - x - 1, 0,
				   x, 0,
				   1, gdImageSY(src));
				/* Copy the buffer into the left. */
				gdImageCopy(src, line,
				   x, 0,
				   0, 0,
				   1, gdImageSY(src));
		else WARN("Unknown flip direction: %s", d);
Exemple #3
gdImage *fx_crop(gdImage *src, char *options)
	char arg[32];
	int w, h, x, y;
	gdImage *im;
	if(argncpy(arg, 32, options, ", \t", 0, 0))
		WARN("Invalid area to crop: %s", arg);
	w = argtol(arg, "x ", 0, 0, 10);
	h = argtol(arg, "x ", 1, 0, 10);
	if(w < 0 || h < 0)
		WARN("Invalid area to crop: %s", arg);
	/* Make sure crop area resolution is smaller than the source image. */
	if(w > gdImageSX(src) ||
	   h > gdImageSY(src))
		WARN("Crop area is larger than the image!");
	/* Get the offset. */
	x = -1;
	y = -1;
	if(!argncpy(arg, 32, options, ", \t", 1, 0))
		x = argtol(arg, "x ", 0, 0, 10);
		y = argtol(arg, "x ", 1, 0, 10);
	if(x < 0 || y < 0)
		/* By default crop the center of the image. */
		x = (gdImageSX(src) - w) / 2;
		y = (gdImageSY(src) - h) / 2;
	MSG("Cropping image from %ix%i [offset: %ix%i] -> %ix%i.",
	    gdImageSX(src), gdImageSY(src), x, y, w, h);
	im = gdImageCreateTrueColor(w, h);
		WARN("Out of memory.");
	gdImageCopy(im, src, 0, 0, x, y, w, h);