/* ** ** main function ** */ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { #ifdef AMIGA STRPTR version_string = "$VER: 0.6.3 hsc (30.8.1995)"; #endif BOOL ok = FALSE; /* set program information */ set_prginfo( "hsc", "Tommy-Saftwörx", 0, 6, 3, "HTML Sucks Completely", "This is FreeWare!" ); #ifdef UMEM_TRACKING /* display a memory tracking report */ /* at end of execution */ atexit( atexit_uglymemory ); #endif /* use cleanup() as additional exit func */ atexit( cleanup ); /* ** main procedure */ if ( args_ok( argc, argv ) ) { /* display programm-info if requested */ if ( verbose ) fprintf_prginfo( stderr ); if ( open_error() /* init error file */ && open_output() /* open output file */ && config_ok() ) /* read config */ { /* include file parsed in args */ ok = include_hsc( inpfilename, outfile, IH_PARSE_END ); } } /* TODO: set return value 0,5,10,20 */ /* ->define symbols like RC_FAIL, vars like any_warn */ if ( ok ) return( 0 ); /* successful */ else return( 20 ); }
/* ** ** main function ** */ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { BOOL ok = FALSE; /* set program information */ set_prginfo( "hsc", "Tommy-Saftwörx", 0, 9, 2, "HTML Sucks Completely", "This is FreeWare." ); #ifdef UMEM_TRACKING /* display a memory tracking report */ /* at end of execution */ atexit( atexit_uglymemory ); #endif /* use cleanup() as additional exit func */ atexit( cleanup ); /* ** main procedure */ if ( args_ok( argc, argv ) ) { /* display programm-info if requested */ if ( verbose ) fprintf_prginfo( stderr ); if ( open_error() /* init error file */ && open_output() /* open output file */ && config_ok() /* read config */ && include_ok() ) /* read include files */ { /* include file parsed in args */ ok = include_hsc_file( inpfilename, outfile, IH_PARSE_END ); } } return( return_code ); }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ { double tolerance; char errmsg[1023 + 1]; struct grdecl grdecl; struct processed_grid g; if (args_ok(nlhs, nrhs, prhs)) { mx_init_grdecl(&grdecl, prhs[0]); tolerance = define_tolerance(nrhs, prhs); process_grdecl(&grdecl, tolerance, &g); plhs[0] = allocate_grid(&g, mexFunctionName()); if (plhs[0] != NULL) { fill_grid(plhs[0], &g); } else { /* Failed to create grid structure. Return empty. */ plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(0, 0, mxREAL); } free_processed_grid(&g); } else { sprintf(errmsg, "Calling sequence is\n\t" "G = %s(grdecl)\t%%or\n\t" "G = %s(grdecl, tolerance)\n" "The 'grdecl' must be a valid structure with fields\n" "\t'cartDims', 'COORD', 'ZCORN'", mexFunctionName(), mexFunctionName()); mexErrMsgTxt(errmsg); } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { char const *doctype; char const **ptr; args_data = postqueue_data = message_data; message_construct(argv[0]); args_construct(argc, argv, "?x:l:", 0); hashmap_construct(&symtab); lines_construct(&global.d_toc); lines_construct(&global.d_section); lines_add(&global.d_section, ""); hashmap_constructText(&global.d_symbol, default_symbols); if (!args_ok() || args_nArgs() < 2) /* check arguments */ usage(); if (args_nArgs() == 2) /* file name specified */ { global.d_out = stdout; global.d_noext = 0; } else { global.d_noext = file_rmExtension(args_arg(2)); global.d_ext = file_extension(args_arg(2)); if (!global.d_ext) { global.d_ext = new_str(args_optarg('x')); if (!global.d_ext) global.d_ext = "ypp"; /* Yodl Post Processor */ } } string_construct(&global.d_outName, 0); postqueue_construct(task); if (global.d_noext) { string_format(&global.d_outName, "%s.%s", global.d_noext, global.d_ext); global.d_out = file_open(string_str(&global.d_outName), "w"); } doctypes[sizeofDocType - 1] = doctype = hashmap_textOf(&global.d_symbol, "documenttype"); for ( ptr = doctypes, global.d_doctype = 1; strcmp(doctype, *ptr); ptr++, global.d_doctype <<= 1 ) ; postqueue_process(); fclose(global.d_out); return 0; }