Exemple #1
 * \brief Cholesky factorization
 * Compute the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric positive definite N-by-N matrix A.
 * \param[in,out] A     
 *     On entry, the symmetric matrix A. If *ARMAS_UPPER* is set the upper triangular part
 *     of A contains the upper triangular part of the matrix A, and strictly
 *     lower part A is not referenced. If *ARMAS_LOWER* is set the lower triangular part
 *     of a contains the lower triangular part of the matrix A. Likewise, the
 *     strictly upper part of A is not referenced. On exit, factor U or L from the
 *     Cholesky factorization \f$ A = U^T U \f$ or \f$ A = L L^T \f$
 * \param[in] W
 *     Workspace for pivoting factorization.
 * \param[out] P
 *     Optional pivot array. If non null then pivoting factorization is computed. 
 * \param[in] flags 
 *      The matrix structure indicator, *ARMAS_UPPER* for upper tridiagonal and 
 *      *ARMAS_LOWER* for lower tridiagonal matrix.
 * \param[in,out] conf 
 *     Optional blocking configuration. If not provided default blocking configuration
 *     will be used.
 * \retval  0 Success
 * \retval -1 Error, `conf.error` holds error code
 * Compatible with lapack.DPOTRF
 * \ingroup lapack
int armas_x_cholfactor(armas_x_dense_t *A,
                       armas_pivot_t *P,
                       int flags,
                       armas_conf_t *conf)
  int err = 0;
  armas_wbuf_t wb = ARMAS_WBNULL;
  if (!conf)
    conf = armas_conf_default();

  if (!A) {
    conf->error = ARMAS_EINVAL;
    return -1;
  if (P != ARMAS_NOPIVOT) {
    if (!armas_walloc(&wb, A->cols*sizeof(DTYPE))) {
      conf->error = ARMAS_EMEMORY;
      return -1;
    err = armas_x_cholfactor_w(A, P, flags, &wb, conf);
    return err;
  return armas_x_cholfactor_w(A, ARMAS_NOPIVOT, flags, ARMAS_NOWORK, conf); 
Exemple #2
void __trmvf(char *uplo, char *trans, char *diag, int *n, DTYPE *A,
             int *lda, DTYPE *X, int *incx)
    armas_conf_t *conf = armas_conf_default();
    armas_x_dense_t a, x;
    int flags = 0;

    switch (toupper(*uplo)) {
    case 'L':
        flags |= ARMAS_LOWER;
    case 'U':
        flags |= ARMAS_UPPER;
    if (toupper(*trans) == 'T') 
        flags |= ARMAS_TRANS;
    if (toupper(*diag) == 'U') 
        flags |= ARMAS_UNIT;
    armas_x_make(&a, *n, *n, *lda, A);
    if (*incx == 1) {
        armas_x_make(&x, *n, 1, *n, X);
    } else {
        armas_x_make(&x, 1, *n, *incx, X);
    armas_x_mvmult_trm(&x, __ONE, &a, flags, conf);
Exemple #3
void __cblas_symv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO uplo,  
                  int N, DTYPE alpha, DTYPE *A, int lda, 
                  DTYPE *X,  int incx, DTYPE beta, DTYPE *Y, int incy)
    armas_x_dense_t Aa, x, y;
    armas_conf_t conf = *armas_conf_default();
    int flags;

    switch (order) {
    case CblasRowMajor:
        flags = uplo == CblasUpper ? ARMAS_LOWER : ARMAS_UPPER;
    case CblasColMajor:
        flags = uplo == CblasUpper ? ARMAS_UPPER : ARMAS_LOWER;
    armas_x_make(&Aa, N, N, lda, A);
    if (incx == 1) {
        armas_x_make(&x, N, 1, N, X);
    } else {
        armas_x_make(&x, 1, N, incx, X);
    if (incy == 1) {
        armas_x_make(&y, N, 1, N, Y);
    } else {
        armas_x_make(&y, 1, N, incy, Y);
    armas_x_mvmult_sym(beta, &y, alpha, &Aa, &x, flags, &conf);
Exemple #4
void __cblas_ger(const enum CBLAS_ORDER order, const int M,  
                 const int N, const DTYPE alpha, DTYPE *X, const int incx, 
                 DTYPE *Y, const int incy, DTYPE *A, const int lda)
    armas_conf_t *conf = armas_conf_default();
    armas_x_dense_t y, a, x;

    if (incy == 1) {
        // column vector
        armas_x_make(&y, N, 1, N, Y);
    } else {
        // row vector
        armas_x_make(&y, 1, N, incy, Y);
    if (incx == 1) {
        armas_x_make(&x, M, 1, M, X);
    } else {
        armas_x_make(&x, 1, M, incx, X);

    if (order == CblasRowMajor) {
        armas_x_make(&a, N, M, lda, A);
        armas_x_mvupdate(&a, alpha, &y, &x, conf);
    } else {
        armas_x_make(&a, M, N, lda, A);
        armas_x_mvupdate(&a, alpha, &x, &y, conf);
Exemple #5
 * @brief Generate orthogonal matrix Q for tridiagonally reduced matrix.
 * @param A [in,out]
 *    On entry tridiagonal reduction as returned by trdreduce(). On exit
 *    the orthogonal matrix Q.
 * @param tau [in]
 *    Scalar coefficients of the elementary reflectors.
 * @param K  [in]
 *    Number of elementary reflector that define the Q matrix, n(A) > K > 0
 * @param flags [in]
 *    Flag bits, either upper tridiagonal (ARMAS_UPPER) or lower tridiagonal (ARMAS_LOWER)
 * @param conf [in]
 *    Optional blocking configuration
 * @return
 *    0 on success, -1 on failure and sets conf.error value.
int armas_x_trdbuild(armas_x_dense_t *A,
                     const armas_x_dense_t *tau,
                     int K,
                     int flags,
                     armas_conf_t *conf)
    if (!conf)
        conf = armas_conf_default();

    armas_wbuf_t *wbs, wb = ARMAS_WBNULL;
    if (armas_x_trdbuild_w(A, tau, K, flags, &wb, conf) < 0)
        return -1;
    wbs = &wb;
    if (wb.bytes > 0) {
        if (!armas_walloc(&wb, wb.bytes)) {
            conf->error = ARMAS_EMEMORY;
            return -1;
        wbs = ARMAS_NOWORK;
    int stat = armas_x_trdbuild_w(A, tau, K, flags, wbs, conf);
    return stat;
Exemple #6
 * \brief Compute RQ factorization of a M-by-N matrix A
 * \param[in,out] A
 *    On entry, the M-by-N matrix A, M <= N. On exit, upper triangular matrix R
 *    and the orthogonal matrix Q as product of elementary reflectors.
 * \param[out] tau  
 *    On exit, the scalar factors of the elemenentary reflectors.
 * \param[out]  W    
 *    Workspace, M-by-nb matrix used for work space in blocked invocations. 
 * \param[in,out] conf 
 *    The blocking configuration. If nil then default blocking configuration
 *    is used. Member conf.lb defines blocking size of blocked algorithms.
 *    If it is zero then unblocked algorithm is used.
 * \retval  0 Success
 * \retval -1 Error.
 * #### Additional information
 * Ortogonal matrix Q is product of elementary reflectors H(k)
 *   \f$ Q = H_0 H-1,...,H_{K-1} \f$ , where \f$ K = \min M N \f$
 * Elementary reflector H(k) is stored on first N-M+k elements of row k of A.
 * with implicit unit value on element N-M+k entry. The vector TAU holds scalar
 * factors of the elementary reflectors.
 * Contents of matrix A after factorization is as follow:
 *      ( v0 v0 r  r  r  r )  M=4, N=6
 *      ( v1 v1 v1 r  r  r )  r  is element of R
 *      ( v2 v2 v2 v2 r  r )  vk is element of H(k)
 *      ( v3 v3 v3 v3 v3 r )  
 * rqfactor() is compatible with lapack.DGERQF
int armas_x_rqfactor(armas_x_dense_t *A,
                     armas_x_dense_t *tau,
                     armas_conf_t *cf)
  if (!cf)
    cf = armas_conf_default();

  armas_wbuf_t *wbs, wb = ARMAS_WBNULL;
  if (armas_x_rqfactor_w(A, tau, &wb, cf) < 0)
    return -1;

  wbs = &wb;
  if (wb.bytes > 0) {
    if (!armas_walloc(&wb, wb.bytes)) {
      cf->error = ARMAS_EMEMORY;
      return -1;
    wbs = ARMAS_NOWORK;
  int stat = armas_x_rqfactor_w(A, tau, wbs, cf);
  return stat;
Exemple #7
 * @brief Compute QR factorization of a M-by-N matrix A = Q * R.
 * Arguments:
 *  A    On entry, the M-by-N matrix A, M >= N. On exit, upper triangular matrix R
 *       and the orthogonal matrix Q as product of elementary reflectors.
 *  T    On exit, block reflectors
 *  W    Workspace, N-by-lb matrix used for work space in blocked invocations. 
 *  conf The blocking configuration. If nil then default blocking configuration
 *       is used. Member conf.LB defines blocking size of blocked algorithms.
 *       If it is zero then unblocked algorithm is used.
 * @returns:
 *      0 if succesfull, -1 otherwise
 * Additional information
 *  Ortogonal matrix Q is product of elementary reflectors H(k)
 *    Q = H(0)H(1),...,H(K-1), where K = min(M,N)
 *  Elementary reflector H(k) is stored on column k of A below the diagonal with
 *  implicit unit value on diagonal entry. The matrix T holds Householder block
 *  reflectors.
 *  Contents of matrix A after factorization is as follow:
 *    ( r  r  r  r  )   for M=6, N=4
 *    ( v1 r  r  r  )
 *    ( v1 v2 r  r  )
 *    ( v1 v2 v3 r  )
 *    ( v1 v2 v3 v4 )
 *    ( v1 v2 v3 v4 )
 *  where r is element of R, vk is element of H(k).
 *  Compatible with lapack.xGEQRT
int armas_x_qrtfactor(armas_x_dense_t *A, armas_x_dense_t *T, armas_x_dense_t *W,
                      armas_conf_t *conf)
  armas_x_dense_t sT;
  int wsmin, lb;
  if (!conf)
    conf = armas_conf_default();

  // must have: M >= N
  if (A->rows < A->cols || T->cols < A->cols) {
    conf->error = ARMAS_ESIZE;
    return -1;
  // set blocking factor to number of rows in T
  lb = T->rows;
  wsmin = __ws_qrtfactor(A->rows, A->cols, lb);
  if (! W || armas_x_size(W) < wsmin) {
    conf->error = ARMAS_EWORK;
    return -1;

  if (lb == 0 || A->cols <= lb) {
    armas_x_submatrix(&sT, T, 0, 0, A->cols, A->cols);
    __unblk_qrtfactor(A, &sT, W, conf);
  } else {
    __blk_qrtfactor(A, T, W, lb, conf);
  return 0;
Exemple #8
void __cblas_trmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO uplo, 
                  const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans,  const enum CBLAS_DIAG diag, int N,
                  DTYPE alpha, DTYPE *A, int lda, DTYPE *X,  int incx)
    armas_conf_t *conf = armas_conf_default();
    armas_x_dense_t Aa, x;
    int flags = 0;

    switch (order) {
    case CblasRowMajor:
        flags |= uplo == CblasUpper ? ARMAS_LOWER : ARMAS_UPPER;
        if (trans == CblasNoTrans)
            flags |= ARMAS_TRANS;
        if (diag == CblasUnit)
            flags |= ARMAS_UNIT;
    case CblasColMajor:
        flags |= uplo == CblasUpper ? ARMAS_UPPER : ARMAS_LOWER;
        if (trans == CblasTrans)
            flags |= ARMAS_TRANS;
        if (diag == CblasUnit)
            flags |= ARMAS_UNIT;
    if (incx == 1) {
        armas_x_make(&x, N, 1, N, X);
    } else {
        armas_x_make(&x, 1, N, incx, X);
    armas_x_make(&Aa, N, N, lda, A);
    armas_x_mvmult_trm(&x, alpha, &Aa, flags, conf);
Exemple #9
void __cblas_syrk(const enum CBLAS_ORDER order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO uplo,
                  const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans, int N, int K, 
                  DTYPE alpha, DTYPE *A, int lda, DTYPE beta, DTYPE *C, int ldc)
    armas_conf_t conf = *armas_conf_default();
    armas_x_dense_t Ca, Aa;
    int flags = 0;

    switch (order) {
    case CblasRowMajor:
        flags |= uplo == CblasUpper ? ARMAS_LOWER : ARMAS_UPPER;
        if (trans == CblasNoTrans) {
            flags |= ARMAS_TRANS;
            armas_x_make(&Aa, K, N, lda, A);
        } else {
            armas_x_make(&Aa, N, K, lda, A);
    case CblasColMajor:
        flags |= uplo == CblasUpper ? ARMAS_UPPER : ARMAS_LOWER;
        if (trans == CblasTrans) {
            flags |= ARMAS_TRANS;
            armas_x_make(&Aa, K, N, lda, A);
        } else {
            armas_x_make(&Aa, N, K, lda, A);
    armas_x_make(&Ca, N, N, ldc, C);
    armas_x_update_sym(&Ca, &Aa, alpha, beta, flags, conf);
Exemple #10
void __trmmf(char *side, char *uplo, char *transa, char *diag,int *m, int *n,
             DTYPE *alpha, DTYPE *A, int *lda, DTYPE *B, int *ldb)
    armas_conf_t *conf = armas_conf_default();
    armas_x_dense_t a, b;
    int flags = 0;

    armas_x_make(&b, *m, *n, *ldb, B);

    switch (toupper(*side)) {
    case 'R':
        flags |= ARMAS_RIGHT;
        armas_x_make(&a, *n, *n, *lda, A);
    case 'L':
        flags |= ARMAS_LEFT;
        armas_x_make(&a, *m, *m, *lda, A);
    flags |= toupper(*uplo) == 'L' ? ARMAS_LOWER : ARMAS_UPPER;
    if (toupper(*transa) == 'T')
        flags |=  ARMAS_TRANS;
    if (toupper(*diag) == 'U')
        flags |=  ARMAS_UNIT;

    armas_x_mult_trm(&b, &a, *alpha, flags, conf);
Exemple #11
 * \brief Solve symmetric positive definite system of linear equations 
 * Solves a system of linear equations \f$ AX = B \f$ with symmetric positive
 * definite matrix A using the Cholesky factorization \f$ A = U^TU \f$ or \f$ A = LL^T \f$
 * computed by `cholfactor()`.
 *  \param[in,out] B
 *      On entry, the right hand side matrix B. On exit, the solution matrix X.
 *  \param[in] A 
 *      The triangular factor U or L from Cholesky factorization as computed by
 *      `cholfactor().`
 * \param[in] P
 *     Optional pivot array. If non null then A is pivoted cholesky factorization.
 *     Set to ARMAS_NOPIVOT if normal cholesky factorization used.
 *  \param[in] flags 
 *      Indicator of which factor is stored in A. If *ARMAS_UPPER* (*ARMAS_LOWER) then upper
 *      (lower) triangle of A is stored. 
 *  \param[in,out] conf
 *      Optional blocking configuration. 
 * \retval  0 Succes
 * \retval -1 Error, `conf.error` holds last error code
 * Compatible with lapack.DPOTRS.
 * \ingroup lapack
int armas_x_cholsolve(armas_x_dense_t *B,
                      const armas_x_dense_t *A, 
                      const armas_pivot_t *P,
                      int flags,
                      armas_conf_t *conf)
  int ok;
  if (!conf)
    conf = armas_conf_default();
  if (P != ARMAS_NOPIVOT) {
    return __cholsolve_pv(B, (armas_x_dense_t *)A, (armas_pivot_t *)P, flags, conf);
  ok = B->rows == A->cols && A->rows == A->cols;
  if (!ok) {
    conf->error = ARMAS_ESIZE;
    return -1;

  if (flags & ARMAS_LOWER) {
    // solve A*X = B; X = A.-1*B == (L*L.T).-1*B == L.-T*(L.-1*B)
    armas_x_solve_trm(B, __ONE, A, ARMAS_LEFT|ARMAS_LOWER, conf);
    armas_x_solve_trm(B, __ONE, A, ARMAS_LEFT|ARMAS_LOWER|ARMAS_TRANSA, conf);
  } else {
    // solve A*X = B;  X = A.-1*B == (U.T*U).-1*B == U.-1*(U.-T*B)
    armas_x_solve_trm(B, __ONE, A, ARMAS_LEFT|ARMAS_UPPER|ARMAS_TRANSA, conf);
    armas_x_solve_trm(B, __ONE, A, ARMAS_LEFT|ARMAS_UPPER, conf);
  return 0;
Exemple #12
void __symvf(char *uplo, int *n, DTYPE *alpha, DTYPE *A,
             int *lda, DTYPE *X, int *incx, DTYPE *beta, DTYPE *Y, int *incy)
    armas_conf_t *conf = armas_conf_default();
    armas_x_dense_t y, a, x;
    int flags = 0;

    switch (toupper(*uplo)) {
    case 'L':
        flags |= ARMAS_LOWER;
    case 'U':
        flags |= ARMAS_UPPER;
    armas_x_make(&a, *n, *n, *lda, A);
    if (*incy == 1) {
        // column vector
        armas_x_make(&y, *n, 1, *n, Y);
    } else {
        // row vector
        armas_x_make(&y, 1, *n, *incy, Y);
    if (*incx == 1) {
        armas_x_make(&x, *n, 1, *n, X);
    } else {
        armas_x_make(&x, 1, *n, *incx, X);
    armas_x_mvmult_sym(*beta, &y, *alpha, &a, &x, flags, conf);
Exemple #13
 * \brief Cholesky factorization
 * Compute the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric positive definite N-by-N matrix A.
 * \param[in,out] A     
 *     On entry, the symmetric matrix A. If *ARMAS_UPPER* is set the upper triangular part
 *     of A contains the upper triangular part of the matrix A, and strictly
 *     lower part A is not referenced. If *ARMAS_LOWER* is set the lower triangular part
 *     of a contains the lower triangular part of the matrix A. Likewise, the
 *     strictly upper part of A is not referenced. On exit, factor U or L from the
 *     Cholesky factorization \f$ A = U^T U \f$ or \f$ A = L L^T \f$
 * \param[out] P
 *     Optional pivot array. If non null then pivoting factorization is computed. 
 *     Set to ARMAS_NOPIVOT if normal cholesky factorization wanted.
 * \param[in] flags 
 *      The matrix structure indicator, *ARMAS_UPPER* for upper tridiagonal and 
 *      *ARMAS_LOWER* for lower tridiagonal matrix.
 * \param[in,out] wb
 *     Workspace for pivoting factorization. If wb.bytes is zero then work buffer size is
 *     returned in wb.bytes. 
 * \param[in,out] conf 
 *     Optional blocking configuration. If not provided default blocking configuration
 *     will be used.
 * \retval  0 Success; If pivoting factorized then result matrix is full rank.
 * \retval >0 Success with pivoting factorization, matrix rank returned.
 * \retval -1 Error, `conf.error` holds error code
 * Pivoting factorization is computed of P is not ARMAS_NOPIVOT. Pivoting factorization
 * needs workspace of size N elements for blocked version. If no workspace (ARMAS_NOWORK) is provided 
 * or it is too small then unblocked algorithm is used. 
 * Factorization stops when diagonal element goes small enough.
 * Default value for stopping criteria is \$ max |diag(A)|*N*epsilon \$
 * If value of absolute stopping criteria `conf.stop` is non-zero then it is used. Otherwise
 * if `conf.smult` (relative stopping criterion multiplier) is non-zero then stopping criteria 
 * is set to \$ max |diag(A)|*smult \$.
 * Pivoting factorization returns zero if result matrix is full rank. Return value greater than
 * zero is rank of result matrix. Negative values indicate error.
 * Compatible with lapack.DPOTRF
 * \ingroup lapack
int armas_x_cholfactor_w(armas_x_dense_t *A, 
                         armas_pivot_t *P,
                         int flags,
                         armas_wbuf_t *wb,
                         armas_conf_t *conf)
  armas_x_dense_t W;
  int err = 0;
  if (!conf)
    conf = armas_conf_default();

  if (!A) {
    conf->error = ARMAS_EINVAL;
    return -1;

  if (P != ARMAS_NOPIVOT) {
    if (wb && wb->bytes == 0) {
      wb->bytes = A->cols * sizeof(DTYPE);
      return 0;

    // working space is N elements for blocked factorization
    if (conf->lb > 0 && A->cols > conf->lb) {
      if (!wb || armas_wbytes(wb) < A->cols * sizeof(DTYPE))
        armas_x_make(&W, 0, 0, 0, (DTYPE *)0); // too small, force unblocked
        armas_x_make(&W, A->cols, 1, A->cols, (DTYPE *)armas_wptr(wb));
    } else {
      // force unblocked with zero sized workspace
      armas_x_make(&W, 0, 0, 0, (DTYPE *)0);
    return __cholfactor_pv(A, &W, P, flags, conf);
  if (A->rows != A->cols) {
    conf->error = ARMAS_ESIZE;
    return -1;

  if (conf->lb == 0 || A->cols <= conf->lb) {
    if (flags & ARMAS_LOWER) {
      err = __unblk_cholfactor_lower(A, conf);
    } else {
      err = __unblk_cholfactor_upper(A, conf);
  } else {
    if (flags & ARMAS_LOWER) {
      err = __blk_cholfactor_lower(A, conf->lb, conf);
    } else {
      err = __blk_cholfactor_upper(A, conf->lb, conf);
  return err;
Exemple #14
// compute ||A - Q*T*Q.T||
int test_mult_trd(int M, int N, int lb, int verbose, int flags)
  armas_x_dense_t A0, A1, tau0,  T0, T1, e1, e2, d1, d2;
  armas_conf_t conf = *armas_conf_default();
  int ok;
  DTYPE nrm;
  char *uplo = flags & ARMAS_UPPER ? "UPPER" : "LOWER";

  armas_x_init(&A0, N, N);
  armas_x_init(&A1, N, N);
  armas_x_init(&T0, N, N);
  armas_x_init(&T1, N, N);
  armas_x_init(&tau0, N, 1);

  // set source data
  armas_x_set_values(&A0, unitrand, flags);
  armas_x_mcopy(&A1, &A0);

  conf.lb = lb;
  armas_x_trdreduce(&A0, &tau0, flags, &conf);

  // make tridiagonal matrix T0
  armas_x_diag(&d1, &A0, 0);
  armas_x_diag(&d2, &T0, 0);
  armas_x_mcopy(&d2, &d1);
  if (flags & ARMAS_UPPER) {
    armas_x_diag(&e1, &A0, 1);
  } else {
    armas_x_diag(&e1, &A0, -1);
  // copy off-diagonals
  armas_x_diag(&e2, &T0, 1);
  armas_x_mcopy(&e2, &e1);
  armas_x_diag(&e2, &T0, -1);
  armas_x_mcopy(&e2, &e1);

  // compute Q*T*Q.T
  armas_x_trdmult(&T0, &A0, &tau0, flags|ARMAS_LEFT, &conf);
  armas_x_trdmult(&T0, &A0, &tau0, flags|ARMAS_RIGHT|ARMAS_TRANS, &conf);

  // make result triangular (original matrix)
  armas_x_make_trm(&T0, flags);
  nrm = rel_error((DTYPE *)0, &T0, &A1, ARMAS_NORM_ONE, ARMAS_NONE, &conf);
  ok = isFINE(nrm, N*__ERROR);
  printf("%s: [%s] Q*T*Q.T == A\n", PASS(ok), uplo);
  if (verbose > 0) {
    printf("  || rel error ||: %e [%d]\n", nrm, ndigits(nrm));
  return ok;
Exemple #15
int __cblas_iamax(int N, DTYPE *X, int incx)
    armas_conf_t *conf = armas_conf_default();
    armas_x_dense_t x;

    if (incx == 1) {
        armas_x_make(&x, N, 1, N, X);
    } else {
        armas_x_make(&x, 1, N, incx, X);
    return armas_x_iamax(&x, conf);
Exemple #16
int __iamaxf(int *n, DTYPE *X, int *incx)
    armas_conf_t *conf = armas_conf_default();
    armas_x_dense_t x;

    if (*incx == 1) {
        armas_x_make(&x, *n, 1, *n, X);
    } else {
        armas_x_make(&x, 1, *n, *incx, X);
    return armas_x_iamax(&x, conf);
Exemple #17
 * @brief General triangular/trapezoidial matrix rank update.
 * Computes 
 *    - \f$ A = A + alpha \times X Y^T \f$
 * where A is upper (lower) triangular or trapezoidial matrix as defined with
 * flag bits *ARMAS_UPPER* (*ARMAS_LOWER*).
 * If option *ARMAS_OEXTPREC* is set in *conf.optflags* then computations
 * are executed in extended precision.
 * @param[in,out]  A target matrix
 * @param[in]      alpha scalar multiplier
 * @param[in]      X source vector
 * @param[in]      Y source vector
 * @param[in]      flags flag bits
 * @param[in]      conf  configuration block
 * @retval  0  Success
 * @retval <0  Failed
 * @ingroup blas2
int armas_x_mvupdate_trm(armas_x_dense_t *A,
                         DTYPE alpha, const armas_x_dense_t *X,  const armas_x_dense_t *Y,  
                         int flags, armas_conf_t *conf)
  mvec_t x, y;
  mdata_t A0;
  int nx = armas_x_size(X);
  int ny = armas_x_size(Y);

  if (armas_x_size(A) == 0 || armas_x_size(X) == 0 || armas_x_size(Y) == 0)
    return 0;
  if (!conf)
    conf = armas_conf_default();

  if (X->rows != 1 && X->cols != 1) {
    conf->error = ARMAS_ENEED_VECTOR;
    return -1;
  if (Y->rows != 1 && Y->cols != 1) {
    conf->error = ARMAS_ENEED_VECTOR;
    return -1;
  if (A->cols != ny || A->rows != nx) {
    conf->error = ARMAS_ESIZE;
    return -1;

  x = (mvec_t){X->elems, (X->rows == 1 ? X->step : 1)};
  y = (mvec_t){Y->elems, (Y->rows == 1 ? Y->step : 1)};
  A0 = (mdata_t){A->elems, A->step};

  // if extended precision enabled and requested
  if (HAVE_EXT_PRECISION && (conf->optflags & ARMAS_OEXTPREC)) {
    __update_trmv_ext_unb(&A0, &x, &y, alpha, flags, ny, nx);
    return 0;

  // normal precision here
  switch (conf->optflags & (ARMAS_ONAIVE|ARMAS_ORECURSIVE)) {
    __update_trmv_recursive(&A0, &x, &y, alpha, flags, ny, nx);

    __update_trmv_unb(&A0, &x, &y, alpha, flags, ny, nx);
  return 0;
Exemple #18
 * @brief Maximum absolute value of vector.
ABSTYPE armas_x_amax(const armas_x_dense_t *x, armas_conf_t *conf)
  if (!conf)
    conf = armas_conf_default();

  int imax = armas_x_iamax(x, conf);
  if (imax != -1) {
    int r = x->rows == 0 ? 0    : imax;
    int c = x->rows == 0 ? imax : 0;
    return __ABS(armas_x_get(x, r, c));
  return __ZERO;
Exemple #19
 * Build block reflector from RQ factorized matrix.
 * Elementary reflector stored in matrix A rowwise as descriped below. Result
 * block reflector matrix is lower triangular with tau-vector on diagonal.
 *    ( v1 v1 v1 1  .  . )  ( t1 )    ( t1 .  .  )
 *    ( v2 v2 v2 v2 1  . )  ( t2 )    ( t  t2 .  )
 *    ( v3 v3 v3 v3 v3 1 )  ( t3 )    ( t  t  t3 )
int armas_x_rqreflector(armas_x_dense_t *T, armas_x_dense_t *A, armas_x_dense_t *tau,
                        armas_conf_t *conf)
  if (!conf)
    conf = armas_conf_default();

  if (T->cols < A->rows || T->rows < A->rows) {
    conf->error = ARMAS_ESIZE;
    return -1;
  __unblk_rq_reflector(T, A, tau, conf);
  return 0;
Exemple #20
 * \brief Cholesky factorization
 * Compute the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric positive definite N-by-N matrix A.
int armas_x_cholesky(armas_x_dense_t *A,
                     int flags,
                     armas_conf_t *conf)
  if (!conf)
    conf = armas_conf_default();

  if (!A) {
    conf->error = ARMAS_EINVAL;
    return -1;
  return armas_x_cholfactor_w(A, ARMAS_NOPIVOT, flags, ARMAS_NOWORK, conf); 
Exemple #21
 * @brief Index of \f$ \min_{k} |x| \f$
 * @param[in] x vector
 * @param[in,out] conf configuration block
 * @retval >= 0 index of minimum element
 * @retval -1  error, conf->error holds error code
 * @ingroup blas1
int armas_x_iamin(const armas_x_dense_t *x, armas_conf_t *conf)
  if (!conf)
    conf = armas_conf_default();
  // only for column or row vectors
  if (x->cols != 1 && x->rows != 1) {
    conf->error = ARMAS_ENEED_VECTOR;
    return -1;

  // assume column vector
  mvec_t X = {x->elems, (x->rows == 1 ? x->step : 1)};
  return __vec_iamin(&X, armas_x_size(x));
Exemple #22
void __cblas_gemm(int order, int transa,  int transb, int M, int N,
                  int K, DTYPE alpha, DTYPE *A, int lda, DTYPE *B,  int ldb,
                  DTYPE beta, DTYPE *C, int ldc)
    armas_conf_t conf = *armas_conf_default();
    armas_x_dense_t Ca, Aa, Ba;
    int flags = 0;
    switch (order) {
    case CblasColMajor:
        if (transa == CblasTrans) {
            flags |= ARMAS_TRANSA;
            // error: K > lda
            armas_x_make(&Aa, K, M, lda, A);
        } else {
            // error: M > lda
            armas_x_make(&Aa, M, K, lda, A);
        if (transb == CblasTrans) {
            flags |= ARMAS_TRANSB;
            armas_x_make(&Ba, N, K, ldb, B);
        } else {
            armas_x_make(&Ba, K, N, ldb, B);
        armas_x_make(&Ca, M, N, ldc, C);
    case CblasRowMajor:
        if (transa == CblasNoTrans) {
            flags |= ARMAS_TRANSA;
            // error: M > lda
            armas_x_make(&Aa, M, K, lda, A);
        } else {
            // error: K > lda
            armas_x_make(&Aa, K, M, lda, A);
        if (transb == CblasNoTrans) {
            flags |= ARMAS_TRANSB;
            armas_x_make(&Ba, K, N, ldb, B);
        } else {
            armas_x_make(&Ba, N, K, ldb, B);
        armas_x_make(&Ca, N, M, ldc, C);
    armas_x_mult(beta, &Ca, alpha, &Aa, &Ba, flags, &conf);
Exemple #23
void __cblas_trmm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE side,
                  const enum CBLAS_UPLO uplo, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE transa,
                  const enum CBLAS_DIAG diag, int M, int N,
                  DTYPE alpha, DTYPE *A, int lda, DTYPE *B,  int ldb)
    armas_conf_t conf = *armas_conf_default();
    armas_x_dense_t Aa, Ba;
    int flags = 0;
    switch (order) {
    case CblasColMajor:
        flags |= side == CblasRight ? ARMAS_RIGHT : ARMAS_LEFT;
        flags |= uplo == CblasUpper ? ARMAS_UPPER : ARMAS_LOWER;
        if (diag == CblasUnit)
            flags |= ARMAS_UNIT;
        if (transa == CblasTrans)
            flags |= ARMAS_TRANSA;
        // M > ldb --> error
        armas_x_make(&Ba, M, N, ldb, B);
        if (side == CblasRight) {
            // N > lda --> error
            armas_x_make(&Aa, N, N, lda, A);
        } else {
            // M > lda --> error
            armas_x_make(&Aa, M, M, lda, A);
    case CblasRowMajor:
        flags |= side == CblasRight ? ARMAS_LEFT : ARMAS_RIGHT;
        flags |= uplo == CblasUpper ? ARMAS_LOWER : ARMAS_UPPER;
        if (diag == CblasUnit)
            flags |= ARMAS_UNIT;
        if (transa == CblasNoTrans)
            flags |= ARMAS_TRANSA;
        // N > ldb --> error
        armas_x_make(&Ba, N, M, ldb, B);
        if (side == CblasRight) {
            // N > lda --> error
            armas_x_make(&Aa, M, M, lda, A);
        } else {
            // M > lda --> error
            armas_x_make(&Aa, N, N, lda, A);
    armas_x_mult_trm(&Ba, &Aa, alpha, flags, &conf);
Exemple #24
void __gemmf(char *transa, char *transb, int *m, int *n, int *k, DTYPE *alpha, DTYPE *A,
            int *lda, DTYPE *B, int *ldb, DTYPE *beta, DTYPE *C, int *ldc)
    armas_conf_t *conf = armas_conf_default();
    armas_x_dense_t c, a, b;
    int flags = 0;

    armas_x_make(&c, *m, *n, *ldc, C);
    armas_x_make(&a, *m, *k, *lda, A);
    armas_x_make(&b, *k, *n, *ldb, B);

    if (toupper(*transa) == 'T') 
        flags |= ARMAS_TRANSA;
    if (toupper(*transb) == 'T')
        flags |= ARMAS_TRANSB;

    armas_x_mult(*beta, &c, *alpha, &a, &b, flags, conf);
Exemple #25
 * \brief Compute singular values of bidiagonal matrix using the DQDS algorithm.
 * \param[in,out] D
 *      On entry, the diagonal elements. On exit singular values in descending order
 * \param[in,out] E
 *      On entry off-diagonal elements
 * \param[in]  conf
 *      Configuration block
int armas_x_dqds(armas_x_dense_t *D, armas_x_dense_t *E, armas_conf_t *conf)
    int err = 0;
    armas_wbuf_t *wbs, wb = ARMAS_WBNULL;
    if (!conf)
        conf = armas_conf_default();
    if (armas_x_dqds_w(D, E, &wb, conf) < 0)
        return -1;
    if (wb.bytes > 0 && wb.bytes <= ARMAS_MAX_ONSTACK_WSPACE) {
        armas_wbuf_t wbt = (armas_wbuf_t){
            .buf = b,
            .offset = 0,
            .bytes = ARMAS_MAX_ONSTACK_WSPACE
        err = armas_x_dqds_w(D, E, &wbt, conf);
    else {
Exemple #26
/*  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Test 6: Q(qr(A)).T * Q(qr(A)) == I 
 *    OK: ||I - Q.T*Q||_1 ~~ n*eps
int test_build_identity(int M, int N, int K, int lb, int verbose)
  char *blk = lb > 0 ? "  blk" : "unblk";
  char ct = M == K ? 'M' : 'K';
  armas_x_dense_t A0, C0, tau0, D;
  int ok;
  DTYPE n0;
  armas_conf_t conf = *armas_conf_default();

  armas_x_init(&A0, M, N);
  armas_x_init(&C0, M, M);
  armas_x_init(&tau0, imin(M, N), 1);

  // set source data
  armas_x_set_values(&A0, unitrand, ARMAS_ANY);

  // factorize
  conf.lb = lb;
  armas_x_rqfactor(&A0, &tau0, &conf);

  // compute Q = buildQ(rq(A)), K first columns
  conf.lb = lb;
  if (armas_x_rqbuild(&A0, &tau0, K, &conf) < 0)
    printf("build error: %d\n", conf.error);

  // C0 = Q.T*Q - I
  armas_x_mult(0.0, &C0, 1.0, &A0, &A0, ARMAS_TRANSB, &conf);
  armas_x_diag(&D, &C0, 0);
  armas_x_add(&D, -1.0, &conf);

  n0 = armas_x_mnorm(&C0, ARMAS_NORM_ONE, &conf);

  ok = isOK(n0, N);
  printf("%s: %s Q(rq(A),%c).T * Q(rq(A),%c) == I\n", PASS(ok), blk, ct, ct);
  if (verbose > 0) {
    printf("  || rel error ||_1: %e [%d]\n", n0, ndigits(n0));
  return ok;
Exemple #27
void __syrkf(char *uplo, char *trans, int *n, int *k, DTYPE *alpha, DTYPE *A,
             int *lda, DTYPE *beta, DTYPE *C, int *ldc)
    armas_conf_t *conf = armas_conf_default();
    armas_x_dense_t c, a;
    int flags = 0;

    flags |= toupper(*uplo) == 'L' ? ARMAS_LOWER : ARMAS_UPPER;
    if (toupper(*trans) == 'T') 
        flags |= ARMAS_TRANS;

    armas_x_make(&c, *n, *n, *ldc, C);
    if (flags & ARMAS_TRANS) {
        armas_x_make(&a, *k, *n, *lda, A);
    } else {
        armas_x_make(&a, *n, *k, *lda, A);

    armas_x_update_sym(&c, &a, *alpha, *beta, flags, conf);
Exemple #28
void __gerf(int *m, int *n, DTYPE *alpha, DTYPE *X,
            int *incx, DTYPE *Y, int *incy, DTYPE *A, int *lda)
    armas_conf_t *conf = armas_conf_default();
    armas_x_dense_t y, a, x;

    armas_x_make(&a, *m, *n, *lda, A);
    if (*incy == 1) {
        // column vector
        armas_x_make(&y, *n, 1, *n, Y);
    } else {
        // row vector
        armas_x_make(&y, 1, *n, *incy, Y);
    if (*incx == 1) {
        armas_x_make(&x, *m, 1, *m, X);
    } else {
        armas_x_make(&x, 1, *m, *incx, X);
    armas_x_mvupdate(&a, *alpha, &x, &y, conf);
Exemple #29
/*  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Test 5: unblk.Q(rq(A)) == blk.Q(rq(A))
 *    OK: ||unblk.Q(rq(A)) - blk.Q(rq(A))||_1 ~~ n*eps
int test_build(int M, int N, int K, int lb, int verbose)
  char ct = N == K ? 'N' : 'K';
  armas_x_dense_t A0, A1, tau0;
  int ok;
  DTYPE n0;
  armas_conf_t conf = *armas_conf_default();
  armas_x_init(&A0, M, N);
  armas_x_init(&A1, M, N);
  armas_x_init(&tau0, imin(M, N), 1);

  // set source data
  armas_x_set_values(&A0, unitrand, ARMAS_ANY);

  // factorize
  conf.lb = lb;
  armas_x_rqfactor(&A0, &tau0, &conf);
  armas_x_mcopy(&A1, &A0);
  // compute Q = buildQ(rq(A))
  conf.lb = 0;
  armas_x_rqbuild(&A0, &tau0, K, &conf);
  conf.lb = lb;
  armas_x_rqbuild(&A1, &tau0, K, &conf);

  // ||A1 - A0||/||A0||
  n0 = rel_error((DTYPE *)0, &A1, &A0, ARMAS_NORM_ONE, ARMAS_NONE, &conf);

  ok = isOK(n0, N);
  printf("%s: unblk.Q(rq(A),%c) == blk.Q(rq(A),%c)\n", PASS(ok), ct, ct);
  if (verbose > 0) {
    printf("  || rel_error ||_1: %e [%d]\n", n0, ndigits(n0));

  return ok;
Exemple #30
int test_build(int M, int N, int lb, int K, int verbose, int flags)
  armas_x_dense_t A0, tauq0, d0, QQt;
  armas_conf_t conf = *armas_conf_default();
  int ok;
  DTYPE nrm;
  int tN = M < N ? M : N;
  char *uplo = flags & ARMAS_UPPER ? "UPPER" : "LOWER";

  armas_x_init(&A0, N, N);
  armas_x_init(&tauq0, tN, 1);

  // set source data
  armas_x_set_values(&A0, unitrand, flags);
  // reduce to tridiagonal matrix
  conf.lb = lb;
  armas_x_trdreduce(&A0, &tauq0, flags, &conf);
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
  // Q-matrix
  armas_x_trdbuild(&A0, &tauq0, K, flags, &conf);
  armas_x_init(&QQt, N, N);
  armas_x_mult(0.0, &QQt, 1.0, &A0, &A0, ARMAS_TRANSB, &conf);
  armas_x_diag(&d0, &QQt, 0);
  armas_x_madd(&d0, -1.0, ARMAS_NONE);

  nrm = armas_x_mnorm(&QQt, ARMAS_NORM_ONE, &conf);
  ok = isFINE(nrm, N*__ERROR);
  printf("%s: [%s] I == Q*Q.T\n", PASS(ok), uplo);
  if (verbose > 0) {
    printf("  || rel error ||: %e [%d]\n", nrm, ndigits(nrm));
  return ok;