Exemple #1
arp_insert_reply(struct arprarp *ea)
    extern int arptable_add(u_char *ip, u_char *eth, u_int status);


Exemple #2
void got_arp_packet (u_char                   *args, 
		     const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, // statistics about the packet (see 'struct pcap_pkthdr')
		     const u_char             *packet)             // the bytestring sniffed  
	const struct struct_ethernet *ethernet;
	const struct struct_arp      *arp;
	int                          size_ethernet = sizeof(struct struct_ethernet);
	struct device_struct         *dev          = (struct device_struct*) args;

		da[6],   // eth da
		sa[6],   // eth sa
		smac[6],  // source hw address
		sip[4],  // source protocol address
		tmac[6],  // target hw address
		tip[4];  // target protocol address
	u_int16_t op;    // operation
	u_int32_t sec, nsec;
	u_int8_t *x;
	// These are the most important lines here:
	ethernet = (struct struct_ethernet*)(packet);
	arp      = (struct struct_arp*)(packet+size_ethernet);
	sec      = (u_int32_t) header->ts.tv_sec;
	nsec     = (u_int32_t) ((header->ts.tv_usec) * 1000);
	op = arp->arp_op; // note that we don't have network byte order anymore!
	                  // tmact is: 
                          //          100 instead of 00:01 (request)
	                  //          200 instead of 00:02 (response)

	memcpy((void*) da, (void*) ethernet->eth_da, 6);
	memcpy((void*) sa, (void*) ethernet->eth_sa, 6);
	memcpy((void*) smac, (void*) arp->arp_smac, 6);
	memcpy((void*) sip, (void*) arp->arp_sip, 4);
	memcpy((void*) tmac, (void*) arp->arp_tmac, 6);
	memcpy((void*) tip, (void*) arp->arp_tip, 4);
	// Only handle the packet if it is really an ARP response!
	////AND if it is not sent by THIS host! (not possible, we only scan inbound!)
	x = (u_int8_t*) & op;
	if  (*(x+1) == 0x02) { 
		// ARP RESPONSE: Update ARP table
		arptable_add(dev, sa, da, smac, sip, sec, nsec);
	} else if  (*(x+1) == 0x01) {
		// ARP REQUEST: Detect poisoning attacks
		arpwatch(dev, sa, da, smac, sip, tmac, tip, sec, nsec);

	// ARP binding consists of: sip (IP) - smac (MAC)
	// User alert, 2 possibilities:
	//   1. Learned new binding: does smac belong to sip? 
	//   2. Alert: Mismatch of stored versus announced sip-to-smac binding
	// In both cases user action: [Learn] [Ignore] [Attack] [Amok Attack]
	// Countermeasures: Mausezahn him!
	// ALSO correct ARP tables of other hosts, especially on the default gateway
	// that is, send arp replies with true binding
	// Finally: Create logging message
