static ReturnValueType getPropertyValue(InspectorObject* object, const String& name, bool* valueFound, InspectorArray* protocolErrors, DefaultValueType defaultValue, bool (*asMethod)(InspectorValue*, ValueType*), const char* typeName)

    ValueType value = defaultValue;
    if (valueFound)
        *valueFound = false;

    if (!object) {
        if (!valueFound)
            protocolErrors->pushString(String::format("'params' object must contain required parameter '%s' with type '%s'.", name.utf8().data(), typeName));
        return value;

    InspectorObject::const_iterator end = object->end();
    InspectorObject::const_iterator valueIterator = object->find(name);
    if (valueIterator == end) {
        if (!valueFound)
            protocolErrors->pushString(String::format("Parameter '%s' with type '%s' was not found.", name.utf8().data(), typeName));
        return value;

    if (!asMethod(valueIterator->value.get(), &value)) {
        protocolErrors->pushString(String::format("Parameter '%s' has wrong type. It must be '%s'.", name.utf8().data(), typeName));
        return value;

    if (valueFound)
        *valueFound = true;

    return value;
static ReturnValueType getPropertyValue(InspectorObject* object, const String& name, bool* out_optionalValueFound, Inspector::Protocol::Array<String>& protocolErrors, DefaultValueType defaultValue, bool (*asMethod)(InspectorValue&, ValueType&), const char* typeName)
    ValueType result = defaultValue;
    // out_optionalValueFound signals to the caller whether an optional property was found.
    // if out_optionalValueFound == nullptr, then this is a required property.
    if (out_optionalValueFound)
        *out_optionalValueFound = false;

    if (!object) {
        if (!out_optionalValueFound)
            protocolErrors.addItem(String::format("'params' object must contain required parameter '%s' with type '%s'.", name.utf8().data(), typeName));
        return result;

    auto findResult = object->find(name);
    if (findResult == object->end()) {
        if (!out_optionalValueFound)
            protocolErrors.addItem(String::format("Parameter '%s' with type '%s' was not found.", name.utf8().data(), typeName));
        return result;

    if (!asMethod(*findResult->value, result)) {
        protocolErrors.addItem(String::format("Parameter '%s' has wrong type. It must be '%s'.", name.utf8().data(), typeName));
        return result;

    if (out_optionalValueFound)
        *out_optionalValueFound = true;

    return result;